Living Life

"I don't want bunnies!well.Unless you're going to dress up as a playboy bunny."He said looking amused, whining as he got out of the bed, drying off. Looking amused, and showing that despite everything he claimed to not like about the muggle world, he HAD watched something or paused long enough to look at some of their magazines.
Harry snickered a little and shook his head. “no.” he stated calmly smirking a little as he slipped out of the tub and groaned a little as he dried off. “mmm gotta love it when you make my ass hurt just from a good fucking.” he teased smirking a little as he kissed the others cheek sighing softly. “i'll see if I can't get you some pictures of me being naughty, but I am NOT going to give you a full sized painting of me doing naughty.” he teased chuckling a little.
Gabe pouted, fllowing the other to their bedrom,sulking."Why not?It'd be the perfect thing for my office. The room is to boring."He declared leaning down to kiss the other before smiling slightly, wrapping his arms arud him."Feeling better?"He asked softly, looking at his lover worriedly.
Harry snorted. “because other people might go in there, and besides it would distract you from your work.” he stated calmly, smirking because he knew very well that he was going to paint something for his lover, it just wouldn't be hung in his office. “and yes, I am feeling better.” he admitted smiling as he kissed the other. “lets hope Dumbledore headed my warning.” he purred smirking. “because the Order just spat everyone, and all of their things out onto the street.” laughing a little as he snuggled into the other sighing a little. “i feel pleased.” he admitted snickering a little. “i can go and see if my books are still there.”
Gabe smiled wrapping his arms around the other as he laid down on the bed, resting his head on the other's chest."Hmm we'll go tomorow.and maybe then the world will know how Dumbledore reacted to your warning."He said having a feeling that Dumbledore was going to have a very violent and loud reaction to it.
he snickered a little. “hell he'll probably be standing in the street trying to get back in.” he teased laughing a little as he snuggled into the other. “i hope he attacks me where there are witnesses, then the world can see how stupid and viscous he really is.” he muttered starting to slip off to sleep. “mmm we're gonna... be the best.” he muttered before he fell asleep.

In the morning he was up again before Gabe was, the heavy smell of something very good cooking filled the air, this time Harry was making breakfast doughnuts with cream filling and frosting, and he looked very happy while he did it as he licked his fingers free of cream and frosting, as he finished filling the last doughnut. “morning!” he chirped beaming at Gabe. “sleep well?”
Gabe smiled as he grabbed on of the boy's hands, licking the rest of the icing free before nodding."Of course. You were with me."He said with a dashing smile, wrapping his arms around the boy, pressing a kiss to his head."Now, why are we having breakfast?I thought we'd go out for breakfast."He said nuzzling his lover.
Harry chuckled as he felt the others tongue on his fingers, licking his lips. “sorry I didn't realize we where going out, I'll put the doughnuts in the fridge and we can have them for a snack later or for breakfast in the morning.” he decided smiling a little shaking his head. “where are we going to go eat? Somewhere in Diagon alley? Shall we take Sersin?”
Gabe smirked a little."Of course. where else to go to hear the best gossip?"He said snickering, swirling his tongue around the other's finger."And if we must. Take the infernal beast. She'll bring about more gossip.Everyone will be talking about her, and not realizing we're listening in."he nodded smiling as he stole a kiss."We're eating at...hmm where to go to get the best gossip...I think the leaky cauldron."He nodded, knowing most hogwarts teachers went there."And you're getting a disguise. We're going to be around people who know you love."
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. “your forgetting Lover, I WANT them to see me.” he pointed out. “i need to let people see me, Voldemort hides and only comes out to kill, Dumbledore hides and only comes out when he wants someone from someone. I'll go out, to ask how their kids are, interact with them, I'll go out to be an average ordinary person. If anyone needs a disguise it's you, but only if you want one. I will let the world know that my Lover is Gabriel Black, and I will be proud of it.” he admitted smiling at him, kissing his lovers cheek.
Gabriel snorted laughing, stealing a kiss."you do realize you being with me, will make people wonder if your going dark."he teased before putting the donuts in the fridge, before apparating to diagon alley, looking amused."Now. Lets go get breakfast, and we'll see what everyone says."he said knowing this was going to be interesting.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. “they won't worry about me going Dark, they'll wonder if your going Light.” he teased chuckling a little. “i'm harry fucking Potter Lord of the light!” he crowed chuckling a little as he set a hand to Sersin's head. “now don't you turn ANYONE to stone and don't bite anyone or claw anyone either!” Harry ordered. “i don't need the department of magical creatures trying to kill you because you didn't behave.” he teased the Chimera which huffed as Harry grinned, following Gabe into the Leaky Cauldron, Sersin wrapping around the table that Harry chose and took a nap while everyone gaped at Harry and Gabe and the chimera.
Gabe grinned,giving a cheery wave at the audience before making his way to a table, tossing himself into the seat and ordering a order of eggs and bacon. Smirking at harry and the chimera."Though sin, if you see my mother, I DO give you permission to turn her to stone. She'd make a good statue. All fallen goddess and all that."he said snickering at the idea of phedrea frozen, ignoring the looks they were getting from around the bar.
Harry smacked Gabe's shoulder. “don't tell him that! He can't tell that your joking! Sin don't turn anyone to stone!” he ordered glaring at Gabe before chuckling a little and ordering himself a stack of pancakes and some sausage. “besides if anyone's going to take down the wicked witch of the west it's gonna be me because she pissed me off again.” he stated calmly as their food arrived. “how pissed off do you think Dumbledore is?” Harry asked curiously his head tilted. “i mean, he's got to have realized by now that he can't use my money anymore.”
Gabe whined rubbing his arm where he got smacked,"Phedrea pisses everyone off."He snickered before sipping the OJ glass he'd been giving, smiling slightly as he looked around the bar, studying the people."He should have responded by now. But yes, I'm pretty sure that he's upset. Not only at losing the money, but at losing the house to."
Harry chuckled a little as he drank his milk. “well he should have thought of the repercussions when he killed my last friend, and when he held me hostage in a house full of abusives.” he stated a scowl on his face. “he's jerked me around for too long and now he can't. He's going to be pissed for sure, and I have no doubt that he's going to try and come after me, but...hey! Sersin you rotten snake!” he complained, glaring at his empty plate before scowling at Sersin. “you ate all my pancakes!” he complained, the Chimera only giving a small belch before laying back down, completely uncaring that Harry now had no breakfast.
GAbe swallowed his laughter, biting the inside of his lip to keeping out loud at the outraged look on harry's face. Pushing his plate towards the middle of the table he smirked slightly."Eat some of mine or order more."he said before sighing, watching the crowd."They're quiet.Besides reacting to our presence, they're really not having a opinion.I thought if someone knew how dumbledore reacted by now, that we'd at least get yelled at."he said smiling a little as sersin ignored harry.
he chuckled a little and shook his head a little. “their all in shock, when we leave I'm sure their all going to be abuzz with rumors when we leave.” he shrugged as he drank the last of his milk and stood up. “come on, let's go make sure everyone is out of my house, I can make Kreacher make me something to eat.” he purred winking at the other as he left the money on the table for their meal and headed for the door, already hearing the whispers of shock and awe starting. Mostly about how Dumbledore had kept Harry captive, wondering if it was true.
GAbriel whined quietly, as he finished off his milk."But!I was enjoying watching them stare."He whined giving a helpful wave at everyone before apparating with harry, looking around the house, wrinkling his nose."I thnk we should burn this. This...this is pathetic and in no way fit to bear the name of the house of black.No no this wont do."He said laughing a little as he looked around at the disaster that dumbledore had left behind
Harry nodded a little. “i'm going to hire a couple dozen house elves to come in here and fix it up. The Order tried to clean it but they didn't get very far.” he admitted shaking his head. “come on in, be quiet when you walk in though or you'll wake Mrs. Black and she's a horrid bitch.” he admitted before pausing. “well, she might like you.” he admitted snickering a little as he opened the door and walked in, glancing around and sneering at all the paper, garbage and stuff laying around. “god did they throw a fucking party in here? Christ.”
Gabe's eye twitchedd a little as he looked around him, sneering at the paper."for this alone, I vote we kill them all."he stated before moving over to the picture, pulling the sheet out of the way, snickering as she started to screech before stopping."Hello aunty. I've finally come home."He said straightening his clothes, despite his light coloring, gabe resembled his mother and her proud and arrogant black features."Whatever happened here?"He asked gesturing to the room.
The woman paused, blinking at Gabe before she immediately gushed over how proud she was to finally have someone proper in charge of her home, explaining that the people who had been living there had been vile disgusting people, all of whom had suddenly been swept up and spat out by the house wards themselves! Harry snickering a little. “looks like Dumbledore didn't think I could do it, they where all here when the wards spat them out, this shit must have been what they left behind.” he stated looking around, realizing that all of their personal affects where there too. “humph, I'll pack up all their shit and send it to Hogwarts, just to prove I'm better than they are. Then we can set about restoring this place to what it should be, get it cleaned out and cleaned up.” he decided glancing at his lover. “what should we do with all of the dark things we find? Put it in a bank vault?”
"What?No.They're going home with me.Then I'm going to put a ad in the paper, stating that I'm returning to England to take up my parents place."He grinned at the idea. While he enjoyed living in germany, England was home.Always would be."So many people will be worried about what you're doing, no one will realize I'm working with you."He snickered, oh he loved the idea of screwing with people. And knowing by taking residence in his mother's home, would signal to some people that the belladonna's son might be open to dark arts teaching. Even if he wasn't, but if he pretended, he might find some good allies against dumbledore.
he chuckled a little and nodded. “a good plan.” he agreed shaking his head a little. “i think people will suspect after they saw us eating breakfast together love, Sersin you get AWAY from that hanging! There are doxies in there.” Harry ordered glancing over at the Chimera who had been about to bite one of the curtains, finding the color distasteful. But he pulled his head back at Harry's order, Harry smirking as he pondered. “i'll hire some house elves to help us out as soon as I can get some parchment. How many should I order?”
"Oh damn."He smiled slightly,"but like you said they'll think I'm being turned good."He snickered at the idea. That was disturbing. A truly good black.Laughing at the chimera biting the curtains, rolling his eyes a little, heartly approving of destorying the things."Lots. Some of this dust is like painted in."He sneered a little poking at the wall, whining quietly at the dark smudges that weren't going anywhere.
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