Living Life

Gabe laughed at the other's reaction, wrapping a arm around his shoulders as he sat down next to him."Ah well it wasnt really a dragon... more a experiment that my father had tried, and he accidently gave shapeshifting ablities to our house cat. She just preferred being a small dragon."He said calmly, as if it wasn't totally weird to be dabbling in dark magic enough to change something's basic nature.
Harry stared at him for a moment, patting the earth down where Hedwig was buried and then gently muttering a spell and drawing his hands up away from the grave, large flowers springing up out of the ground, large white lilies springing up everywhere. “there... Lilies where her favorite.” she admitted with a small smile. “it's amazing, I didn't think that Alchemy was at a stage where people could actually change the molecular structure of an animal.” he admitted pondering that before he stood up and rubbed his eyes a little. “come on... I have a letter to write.” he admitted grinning viciously. “i don't know if I'll send it, but it will make me feel better...”
Gabe grinned just as vicious. "Send it. We'll give it to my eagle owl. Damned things like a dragon, no one will follow him back here."He said wrapping a arm around his waist as they headed inside."Oh well...for most of the world it isn't. My father was truly unqiue in his dabblings, and wouldn't share."He said shaking his head as he stepped into the kitchen, going about getting the man some paper and a pen.
Harry chuckled and nodded a little as he leaned into the hug, sighing a little. “it's probably a good thing the secrete died with him, alchemy is very dangerous.” he admitted shaking his head. “it doesn't work like magic does, there are very strict rules, and breaking them has life or death consequences.” he stated simply. “i used to study it, I never practiced it but I did study it.” he admitted settling into a chair and accepting the pen and paper, setting about writing the letter.

Dear Dumbledore,

I must say I was very displeased in getting a letter from you, and even more displeased about the content. You think that you can break me, but I will tell you now that you cannot. I am stronger than ever, stronger than you could ever hope to combat or break. I warn you now you old fool, leave my friends alone, or you will suffer my personal wrath. You will pay, and suffer greatly for the blood, and anguish you have put me and my friends through, and I warn you now that getting in my way, or playing games with me will only get you killed old man. Take the smart path, and leave me alone, before far worse happens to you.

I have dirt Dumbledore, information on you, and your dirty dealings involving the diseased and their back accounts, and I can prove it, as can every last goblin in the bank. Don't even think that you can wipe out all of the goblins, their just as untouchable as I am. Oh, and in the matters regarding The Order, I have had the Secrete Keeper status transferred to me, and I have changed the name of said location. Have you and your people moved out by the end of the week, or you will be spit out like the filth you are. As I am now living on my own and am old enough to inherit, this is in fact legal, and there is nothing that you can do about it. Nor can you do anything about the bank vaults that are no longer under your control, the Goblins will send you a Bill regarding the stolen items and money that you have taken from the vault. Pay up or be arrested.

I'm sure there will be other surprises in store for you in the near future, but as long as you leave me, and the people I care about, you won't have to worry about me getting in your way.


Harry Potter.

Harry smirked as he looked it over and handed it to Gabe. “there, that should put a knot in the man's knickers.”
Gabriel snorted as he tied the letter to the leg of his eagle owl, shaking his head as he set her off, before looking at his lover. Smirking a little."If you wanted him to wet himself, you should have told him who you've become friends with. I might have been raised by Phedre, but to many people think I am my mother's son. And she so enjoyed her death magic, as much as my father enjoyed his alchemy."he said calmly, as if it wasn't totally odd. But for him, it wasn't.he'd been raised on it, cut his teeth on death and dark magic, nothing could ever be considered light about this son of the house of black.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head, rolling his eyes a little. “no because then he knows where to find me and I'm not all that ready for that yet.” he admitted smirking a little. “i do need to go to the bank though and make my threats legal.” he admitted. “i just have to go and lay my claim on my things, which will lock Dumbledore out as my guardian and make me my own guardian.” he admitted with a strange fire burning in his eyes. “and then we need to look up horcrux books, see if we can't save Tom.”
Gabriel whined slightly, heading for his bathroom."WEll then, we better get ready to go.Better to go before he gets your letter."He said dressing, the snug clothes resembling a death eater's garb,at least what would be under the damned robe. He looked deadly and ready to go. Smiling a little as he looke at harry, sighing quietly."Florish and botts is sure to have something...or down knockturn alley."He said sounding thoughtful."We've already gone through my library. We need something new."
Harry nodded as he got himself ready, chuckling a little as he dressed himself in tight black pants made of leather, tugging on a silk shirt with a small, happy sigh, always enjoying wearing clothes that actually fit, smirking a little as he shook his head, glancing around before nodding a little. “i doubt we'll find anything in Diagon alley, we'll look in Knockturn Alley.” he decided. “and start spreading the word in both places that I no longer support Dumbledore.” he decided smirking a little as he pondered what the old fraud would do when he found out the wizarding world was turning on him, following Harry's lead.
Gabriel nodded, wrapping his arms around him."that would be wise. Dumbledore's going to be so pissed."He said laughing a little as he apparated, shuddering a little at suddenly finding himself back in england, stepping back from the man as he looked around diagon alley. Wrinkling his nose a little as he looked around."It looks as dreary as ever."He said looking at harry, then at grighotts."Ready?"
Harry smirked as he led the way into Gringotts, asking to speak to the Head Elf about the control of some Bank Vaults, the Elves where more than happy to help him out, transferring all control of Harry's vaults, properties, and collections to Harry. Then Harry walked outside, gathered a crowd around him, and informed them all that he was no longer supporting Dumbledore, and that no he was not switching to Voldemort's side, that he was going to take his own side in the war because the other two sides SUCKED. Word spread quickly that Harry was starting a third side in the world and he spent a half an hour spreading rumors even as he looked for books, shaking his head and leaving to Knockturn alley when Flourish and Blotts proved to be useless. “right, here's where my knowledge of places die...” Harry admitted looking around. “i think I might get myself a snake too.” he decided. “something rare, and magical.” he decided smirking a little as he pondered. “i wonder if they still sell Chimera down here?”
Gabriel snorted a little,"Well its a good thing I'm here. I practically grew up down here."He said looking amused as he led the way, looking around as they walked."And of course the chimera is here, no one else is insane enough to buy it."he said laughing a little as he ducked into the bookstore."Ahhh Gabriel Black, I thought I told you to NEVER darken my door again. It took me forever to get the blood off the floor." Gabriel laughed softly as he looked at the small woman who barely came up to his shoulder, kissing her cheek."Lady Mab, it is always good to see you. I promise. no faries this time."He said looking serious. "You bad boy, whatever do I help you with?"He asked looking at the two, looking curious."Oh, did you bring me a present gabriel?"
Harry smirked as he watched the little lady. “oh I LIKE her.” Harry admitted grinning a little before scowling at her. “no I am not a present!” he complained. “i've heard rumors you have a chimera here... or is this the place that might sell a book on horcrux?” he asked blinking at Gabe his head tilted a little before he chuckled a little hearing the hissing speech of a snake chimera turning towards the sound his head titled. “never mind, I hear it.” he stated, abandoning his lover and the old woman and heading for the hissing noises, gasping in amazement when he saw the creature, his eyes widening in amazement. It was massive, all long slender red body marked with long black markings, feathers running down it's spine and fanning out into long tail feathers where the tip of the tail should have been. It had a snake's head, hissing viciously when it spotted Harry, baring long fangs, dripping with poison. It had been blindfolded, blocking off it's ability to turn people to stone. It had four long stick like legs, tipped with viscous, wicked claws, feathered with long red feathers. It tried to spread bright red wings, but the cage was too small to allow such movement, swiping at Harry through the bars of the cage.

It was beautiful in a way, flames flickering at the edges of the feathers, Harry's eyes wide as he examined it, hissing softly to it in parseltongue, the creature pausing, it's head cocked to the side before it hissed back cautiously. Harry grinning as he hissed again, conversing with the creature that was stuffed in a cage in the back of the room, reaching out and carefully removing the blindfold, ignoring the warnings of, well everyone in the store as he revealed the creatures bird like eyes, the coloring golden, but slitted slightly, more like a cats than a birds or a snakes. They where mesmerizing, and Harry grinned, realizing the creature could actually CONTROL who, and what it turned to stone. “i want it.” Harry ordered. “how much!?”
"take hiim child."Mab said laughing quietly as she watched gabe rub his chest as if something was truly painful to him."It is not often one sees Gabriel Black in pain over some reckless stunt someone does. Chimera likes you. He will be well taken care of."she said, just to watch Gabe have a heart attack. Really, giving the man painful times was what she lived for. Gabe whined quietly, a small distressed noise in his throat before smiling a little."Does this mean we're going to go visit Dumbledore?"He asked wisely wondering if he could just go turn dumbledore into stone."He'd make a good lawn decoration I know it."He stated, the shock translating into a twisted sense of humor.
Harry smirked as he broke the lock keeping the Chimera in , letting the creature out, the long slender body sliding out before standing up on the four legs, flicking it's tongue out at the world, tasting as Harry chuckled, slipping up onto the creature's shoulders, grinning. “this baby could carry both of us!” Harry stated beaming at Gabe. “and no, unfortunately Basilisk don't actually turn people to stone.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “it just petrifies them and being that he's only half Basilisk he can't actually kill people with his gaze.” he admitted shaking his head as he slid off the Chimera. “no, this baby is a status symbol.” Harry admitted smirking. “of unity, I mean come on, Baslilisks and Pheonix's are natural enemies yet here they are in one creature! It means that Purebloods and Muggle borns can also get along, with certain rules and guidelines in place for both we can make the wizarding world a nice peaceful place.” he stated with a bright grin. “right Sersin?” he asked the Chimera, the creature nodding lightly before it set about grooming it's long feathers with a beak that had not been there before.
Gabe rolled his eyes."You are so weird."he stated with a laugh, smiling a little as he headed towards the back of the shop, starting to look through books."Hey, do you want anything else while we're not?"He asked, more then a little amused at the aquistion of the chimera now that he wasn't having a heart attack of harry wanting it. Now that he thought about it, it was true, it was a symbol, and he just chalked it up to another weird thing he'd have to deal with.
Harry laughed a little as he followed his lover, Sersin simply sitting where Harry had left him, content to simply groom himself now that he was loose from his very restricting cage. “yeah, lets see how many books on personality disorders, various types of madness, and horcrux we can find in here.” he ordered looking around the books and pulling one off the shelf looking it over with his head tilted a little before shaking his head putting it back and trying for another. By the time Harry had looked through all of the books he held only three in his hands, two on mental disorders and one on horcruxes, that was very certainly illegal.
Mab tutted as she looked at the books, letting Gabriel pay for them befoe she looked at him curious."Black, have you finally become what you were meant to be?" "No.I never will be."Gabriel said picking the books up, handing them to harry before shuddering as he looked at the chimera, shaking his head a little as he ran his fingers through his hair."We better get home."He asked, worried despite his friendship wtih the bookshop owner, that someone would have seen them, and told dumbledore. The need to leave pounding his head, making him want to go.
Harry smirked as he looked back at Mab. “no, Gabriel isn't turning dark.” he stated simply, his eyes blazing with a life that no one had seen in harry before. “he's just helping me save someone that needs saving.” he explained offering her a wink. “oh, and by the way.” he flicked a couple of Galleon's onto the table. “that's for forgetting you saw us.” he teased, laughing as he exited the shop as he wrapped his fingers in Gabriel's hand, setting his free hand on Sersin's shoulder, apparating them both back to Gabriel's house, sighing in relief. “that was fun and all, but I feel a lot better being at home.” he admitted, not even realizing that he had called his once prison home.
Gabe looked startled at the words, turning to look at harry his mouth falling open a little."...harry..."he trailed off, not sure how to ask if he really meant it. A almost shy timid look crossing his face before he hid it. To proud to ask if the man really meant it about this being home instead of prison.While he'd known harry's feelings for him had changed, he hadn't realized that the man had thought of this as home instead of his prison.
Harry turned and blinked at the other, his head tilted. “Gabe? You alright?” he asked worried at him as he reaching out and touched the others arm. “are you alright? Come on, we'll go inside and I'll make us some nice hot chocolate, my own special recipe.” he promised grinning at him tugging him inside as he rushed around the kitchen and gathered all the supplies before he started tossing chocolate and milk and sugar and vanilla and other various things into a pan and heating it up, pouring the rather thick hot chocolate into two mugs and handing one to Gabe, beaming at him. “try it!” it was very chocolaty, but it wasn't enough that the chocolate was overwhelming. “i was wondering.” Harry admitted watching the other hesitantly. “could I turn the spare bedroom into a project room?” Harry had a hobby, but he was a little ashamed of it, and he was hoping he could turn the spare bedroom into his own personal little room to do his hobby in. sure cooking was nice and flying was fun, but this was what he was GOOD at and had no bad memories attached.
Gabriel smiled a little."i'm fine."He said sipping his hot chocolate, nearly moaning at the taste."You just...called this home."He said sounding a little choked up before clearing his throat. He wasn't some girl about to break down and cry because his lover wanted to live with him.No. He was stronger then that."A...a project room?"He asked studying the man wih curiousity, wondering what kind of project could make harry so nervous about wanting to ask him.
Harry paused then. “oh... I'm sorry it's just..” he looked into his hot chocolate.”this is the only place where I can be me.” he admitted. “where I'm safe and no expected to do certain things. I'm just... I really like it here.. it's home to me.” he admitted smiling at the other his head tilted a little. “is... is that ok?” he asked nervously before smiling a little. “yes, a project room, but you can't look.” he admitted fidgeting a little. “it's... kind of embarrassing...”
Gabe nodded slightly, smiling a little shyly."Of course its okay."He said leaning over to steal a kiss before pouting as he looked at his lover."But but harrrrryyy!That's not fair.I want to know what you're doing. You're going to abandon me for the project. I wanna know what it is."He said pouting as he studied the man.More amused then actually upset.
Harry smiled as he was kissed and his grin turned into a wicked little smirk as he shook his head. “nope, I am NOT telling.” he teased. “and I'll be spelling the room so you can't get in!” he teased laughing a little. He wouldn't actually, he just liked teasing Gabe. Really he was horrified at the idea of someone seeing his hobby, not that he got to do it often, but somehow he knew Gabe wouldn't tease him like his family or his so called friends. And if the man did, well Harry could always kick his ass and ban him from the room AND from sex. “besides I'm not abandoning you for a hobby.” he teased smirking a little. “you do have to do your own things once and a while, work or something, I'll work on it then if your so worried about it.” he teased snickering a little.
Gabe pouted even more, knowing he was being riddiculous, but he was enjoying it. "But-but you ARE abandoning me!You wont tell me whats so important about this hobby.I'm being abandoned."he wailed helplessly, flinging himself at the other man, though he was shaking with silent laughter as he clung to him. Though he did have his own things to do, so it really wouldnt be that big of a deal, but he was going to have fun with teasing the man about his hobby. Really wanting to know now.
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