Living Life

Harry yelped when he found himself tied to the bed and he sulked at Gabe, his lower lip shoved out up until the point that the tongue hit his skin, moaning as he arched against his restraints, moaning softly his eyes fluttering as Gabe exploited a very sensitive patch of skin. "ah...fucking....cheating...not fair." Harry whined softly, squirming as the chilly pieces of fruit coated his body.
"you did it to me."he said biting down on his nipple slightly, holding the other's hips firmly against the bed, sighing softly in pleasure as he ate the fruit. Moving up to hold a strawberry in his teeth for the other, before kissing him slowly."Ah love, you feel wonderful."He muttered running his hands over the other.
Harry moaned, arching against his lover at the biting, panting softly. "mm fuck, good..." he whimpered, accepting the strawberry and kissing Gabe back, thrusting his tongue into the others mouth, as if trying to take control, trying to dominate even covered in fruit and bound. silly wizard, there was no way he was in control at that moment. still, it made the sex interesting and harry had never been one to just roll over and take it, he enjoyed the struggle almost as much as he did the orgasm.
Gabegrowled at the play, enjoying it to even as he bit down on the other's lip. Sighing as he slid his fingers into the other, stretching him quickly."oh you think you're in charge?"He said stealing another kiss. Amused that even tied and bound harry tried to keep control
Harry moaned eagerly at the bite, a smirk flitting across his face as he arched into the other, pressing down, wanting them deeper. "mmm yeah, i'm ALWAYS in charge, now fuck me." he ordered panting eagerly spreading his legs as he arched his back, showing everything he had to offer, clenching his ass and then releasing so that it looked like his ass was winking at him.
Gabe sighed as he moaned smirking as he stole a kiss, absently grinding against him as he kissed him harder."I think not."He said closing a hand on the other's cock, kissing him slwoyl.Not willing to take least not till he was truly desperate to be buried in him
Harry whimpered and shook his head, bucking into the hand, opening his mouth to Gabriel panting hard as he tried, and failed to tangle their tongues, whimpering meekly as the pleasure began to override his thinking capabilities, arching and thrusting and whining pathetically as he squirmed. "Gaaaabe!" Harry whined, tossing his head back and breaking the kiss. "pleeeease."
Gabe laughed softly moving to cover him, pullging his fingers out before thrusting hard into the other man,stealing a kiss as he wrapped his arms around him."You beg so prettily."He teased nuzzling his neck.
Harry whined loudly as he arched into the other. “i do not!” he whined panting hard. “please, fuck me, Gabe please.” he whined swallowing thickly as he trembled against his lover crying out in pleasure as he was finally entered, panting hard, his head tipped back and his mouth open in a silent moan. “yes... yes please, fuck me hard... oh god yes take me...” he groaned arching as he clenched tightly around Gabe, panting hard. “oh yess, yes. Mm fuck it's been so long since I enjoyed this.” he groaned trying to tug his hands free. “please.. I want to hold you.” he pleaded panting hard. “oh please Gabe.”
Gabe laughed quietly thrusting into him slowly, taking his time as he looked down at the boy under him. Smirking as he lowered his head, kissing him hard again as he reached up and undid his bonds, gently running his hands over the other's body."You want to hold me?"He said, lookign slightly amazed, in awe. Because it wasn't often that he found someone that wanted to bed him for pure lust and not ulterior motivations.
Harry moaned as he was unbound, wrapping his arms tightly around Gabe, holding him close, using him for leverage to increase the thrusts, panting softly. “yess, yes oh yes.” he moaned kissing Gabe hard, too lost in his own pleasure to answer any questions, groaning as he arched against the other, trembling and shivering as he arched, so close to his own orgasm. “please, please harder, Gabe please fuck me harder...” he pleaded trying to thrust his hips faster. “oh please Gabe I'm so close, I'm so close I need more, please, fuck me harder, fuck me more...”
Gabe moaned, groaning as he thrust harder into him, whimperig softly as he came, burying his face against the other's neck,biting down as he did. Hands gripping the other's hips tightly as he shuddered. Nearly collapsing with the overwelmingness of his orgasm having been caught by surprise by it.
Harry groaned loudly, arching hard as he was thrust into, spilling his seed across Gabe's belly, panting loudly. “mm fuuck yesss.” she hissed softly, licking her lips a little with a small grin, snuggling into him. “mmm fuck that was wonderful.” he moaned kissing Gabe's neck, smiling a little. “stay inside me?” he asked hopefully. “fall asleep with me just like this?”
Gabe laughed tiredly smiling as he shifted a little t get comfortable, before rolling them over so the man was settling on his chest, resting harry's head on his chest as he closed his eyes."I'd love to do that."He purred quietly, nuzzling him with a yawn. Sighing quietly as he closed his eyes, starting ito fall asleep.
Harry sighed happily and fell asleep under Gabe, feeling safe and happy and content. But in the morning when Gabe woke up Harry was in the corner, a letter in his hands crying, a white owl laying at his feet, dead. Hedwig, he was stroking her feathers gently, sobbing into his knee's and struggling to be quiet so that he wouldn't wake up Gabriel, not wanting to bother him with something so silly as a dead bird and a threat letter.
Gabe blinked sleepily, raising his head as he frowned, the scowl deepening at the sight of his lover, wondering why he hadn't been awken at the first signs of distress."What's wrong?Harry?"He said as he got up walking naked across the room and crouching down in front of him, sharp eyes studying him, looking for some kind of injury that could tell him what was wrong.
Harry flinched away from Gabe when the other walked over, fearful of being struck for crying, shaking violently as he slid the letter over to the other, turning away from him as he struggled to stem his tears. The letter was written in Dumbledore's elegant handwriting. 'Harry, I am very disappointed that you would run away. I really hadn't wanted to do this but consider your Owl a lesson. Return to Hogwarts now, or you will lose everything you care for. Don't think I don't know where you have hidden your friends and yourself Mister Potter, I will find you, and your friends, and see you all punished for your disobedience. return now and I will let your friends live. Albus Dumbledore.' “i c..can't go back...” he whispered rubbing his eyes. “he'll kill everyone because I'm too much of a coward to f..f..fucking f..face...” he shook his head and buried ihis face into his hands. “he k..killed my l..last friend just to p...punish me....”
Gabe snarled as the window rattled in answer to his rage, looking at his lover, gently running his fingers through the boys hair."He sounds like Phedrea."He mused before smirking, knowing exactly how to deal with someone like that. After all, he and phedrea had reached a cold war until reccently, so he had a idea on how to deal with dumbledore."I can deal with him."he said gently wrapping his arms around the other."harry, you can stay here.I'll go and tell him where to shove it."
Harry clung to Gabe, shaking his head. “no! No you can't go he'll kill you! He'll kill you!” he protested, trying to get Gabe to stay and understand. “as soon as he finds out your hiding me he'll kill you just so he can get to me! He wants to break me Gab and killing you would do that! It would break me!” he loved the other too much to live without him, he needed Gabe, he would kill himself without Gabe. In fact it was only because of Gabe that Harry didn't try to kill himself after he had discovered Hedwig's body. “please don't go.” Harry pleaded, clinging to Gabe desperately. He wouldn't live an hour after Gabe left, he was so fragile, he was afraid if Gabe left, and ended up dead or came back alive, Harry wouldn't be able to stop himself.
Gabe nodded a little studying him, gently tucking his hair out of his face, gently trying to coax him into calming down,clinging to him a little."Shh shh I wont go. I promise. No love."he muttered stroking his back, "He's not getting to you anymore. I promise.I wont go anywhere."He said clinging just as tightly to the other.AFraid that he'd broken his lover with just the suggestion.
Harry sniffled, relaxing lightly when Gabe promised not to leave him, closing his eyes as he rested against Gabriel's chest, trembling violently. “c..can we bury her?” he asked hopefully. “she was my best friend for years...” he admitted softly biting his lip a little. “you promise me that he can't get me here? You won't let him get me?” he asked softly, holding the other even more tightly. “you won't let him get you either?”
"We can.Come on."He said standing up, helping him to his feet before gently picking up the owl."I promise he cant come here. The only one who can think about getting here, is phedrea.And she wont want to mess with you again."He said snickering sadly at the idea of his once mother."And I promise I wont let him get me.Now lets get dressed, and we'll go bury her."He said gently.
he nodded as he stood up, wiping his eyes as he looked a little hesitant at the mention of Phedre. “will she tell someone that I'm here?” he asked softly as he slowly got dressed, too tired and too emotionally disturbed to do anything fast, carefully lifting Hedwig from his lovers hands once he was dressed and cradling her tight to his chest, as if she had been a favored child instead of a pet. “you must think me totally insane...reacting like this over a silly old owl...” he muttered softly, stroking white feathers, more tears flowing from his cheeks. “but she was the first real good thing I ever had... she... she was my very first friend...”
"I cried over my pet dragon."He said smiling sadly at the thought.Though it hadn't been a real dragon, just a shapeshifting kitten who liked being a dragon. But...when phedre had feared him using her to create death magic and creature magic, she had killed the small kitten."And no.Phedre might play her games...but her game with me is personal and she wont let anyone else interfer with it.She'll play with us both,but she wont tell dumbledore."He said opening the back door walking outside, "Where do you want to bury her?"He asked looking at him worried. Worried for his lover.
Harry looked startled. “you had a pet dragon!? Those are dangerous!” he stated sternly offering the other a small scowl. “where in the world did you even GET a dragon!?” he demanded his head tilted before he shook his head and continued out into the back yard. “near that big tree.” he decided, stroking Hedwig's feathers, tears forgotten because of his horror at someone actually having one of those viscous beasts as a pet. “Phedre had better learn quickly not to play games with me.” Harry stated, his voice suddenly having a strange edge to it, a strange...fury. “i'm tired of playing games.” he stated his eyes narrowed as he settled down next to a large tree, Hedwig would have loved sitting in it. He carefully dug a deep hole, using his hands, refusing to let his lover help and gently kissed Hedwig's forehead before laying her gently into the hole, and covering her with dirt, sighing as he closed his eyes and sat there, speaking silently to his lost friend. “...i won't let Dumbledore get away with this anymore...”
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