Living Life

Harry had to laugh at the others dramatics as he caught the other and stroked his hair, smirking a little. “tell you what, if you can GUESS what my hobby is, I'll tell you if your right or wrong.” he teased snickering a little. “but you'll never guess.” he teased smirking a little as he kissed the others forehead before draining the last of his chocolate milk and reaching for Gabe's playfully.
"Noooo!Mine!"Gabe howled as he pounced on the cup, holding it close, sipping it. Smiling a little as he looked at the boy, sipping his coco before smiling slightly, smirking as he studied him."Are you filming porn?"He said eying the other."I think you need help with that. I can be help with that."He stated waggling his eyebrows.
Harry laughed at the others horror of having his cocoa stolen, smirking a little. “no I am NOT filming porn!” Harry roared looking horrified. “tha'ts GROSS.” he teased winking at him. “unless it's with you, and no one ever see's it but us.. I MIGHT consider it.” he teased kissing the others forehead. “but no making porn is not my hobby.” he teased snickering as he stood up and stretched heading for the bathroom. “i think I might take a bath before I get started on my new project room.”
Gabe giggled following after him like a loyal puppy, amused at the other's reaction to porn.Looking thoughtful as he undressed, having every intention of joining him in a bath."Hmmm...well are you secretly a romance writer, and writing sex scenes that you have to jack off to?"He said smirking a little. Being riddiclous just to be riddiclous
Harry laughed and shook his head. “no, I don't write porn either.” he teased smirking a little. “besides why would I need to jack off when I have you to do it for me?” he demanded stripping bare and running his hand down his body. “besides it's hard to write the perfect man when your already so perfect.” he teased winking at Gabe as he bent down and filled the tub with warm water, giving Gabe the perfect view of his ass.
Gabe snorted shaking his head as he looked at the other's ass before climbing in the tub, smiling slightly."Ah, you're just angling to get laid aren't you."He said laughing a little as he sighed, settling in the water with a smile."Now. Potter, just tell me."He said pouting, looking adorable and cute with his hair messy, and bubbles surrounding his face.
Harry laughed a little as he nodded. “i'm ALWAYS fixing to get laid.” he teased shaking his head a little as he examined his lover then. “no, you haven't even tried guessing.” he teased kissing Gabe. “and don't think you looking completely adorable and sexy is going to change my mind!”
Gabe pouted harder kissing him back before sighing."But I look sexy!You should want to tell me."He whined dramatically before grinning."Are you building bird houses?Cause that would be cool. Ohhhh what about candle making.Or...or something else equally odd and embarassing. I wanna be odd and embarassing with you!"He whined.
Harry laughed a little and shook his head. “no no and no.” he teased smiling. “just what kind of freak do you think I am love? Jeeze.” he teased chuckling a little as he snuggled into the other, sighing softly. “tell you what, if you haven't guessed by the time I finished my first project, I'll let you see it, how's that sound?”
Gabe pouted, nuzzling him, whining quietly as he ran his hands over the other's body."Nooo...I wanna help with the sewing project. Sewing is cool. You could make my outfits."He nodded wisely, as if that was really what harry was going to be doing. Glad that his dramatics and insanity had distracted the man from how distressing the day had started out as.
Harry laughed loudly at the others guess and shook his head, moaning at the hands on his body.”mmm nope, I'm not sewing.” he teased laughing a little as he squirmed against the other, panting softly. “you aren't even close.” he teased smirking a little. “keep trying.” he muttered chuckling a little. “you will never guess.”
Gabe whined kissing him slowly, running his fingers through the other's hair as he thought."Are you writing a movie?Doing a real life biography of Dumbledore?That would be great. I'd make a great dumbledore. I look sooo good on screen."he said rambling, niling him, pouting because not only harry wouldn't tell, but because he couldnt guess.
Harry had to laugh at the others guess. “why in the HELL would I want to do that?” he teased smirking as he took Gabe's hands and moved them lower, to his crotch. “mmm come on love, you can guess and fuck me at the same time.” he teased smirking a little, grinding his hard cock into his lovers hands. “i know you can.” he teased nibbling and licking at the others neck, panting softly. “mmm I want your rock hard dick deep inside of me.”
Gabe moaned as he shifted the boy into his lap, smiling as he kissed him slowly, stroking his hand over his cock even as he slid fingers into him slowly."hmm I could."He said amused as he kissed him again."I think you're...uhhh..playing those stupid muggle vid-game thingies."
he moaned as Gabe ran his hand along his cock, arching lightly into him. “mmm nope, no video games.” he breathed panting against his neck, moaning softly as he shuddered, kissing him again, rocking his hips into the others hand, panting softly as his hand wrapped around Gabe's giving him firm strokes, a smirk on his lips. “yes, mmm your so good to me.” he teased panting softly as he reached for the body wash, slicking his fingers with it and leaning forward so that Gabe could see, slipping his fingers deep into himself, groaning loudly. “oh yes... yes Gabe... mmm.”
Gabe growled softly pulling the man's fingers away, smirking as a thought occurred to him, pulling the man against him, settling him on his cock with a sigh as he slid into him, nibbling at his neck as hard hands closed on his hips, holding harry still."Now.tell me what your hobby is."He said with a sadistic little smirk.
Harry moaned as he let Gabe pull his fingers out of the way, arching as he felt the nice, hot cock slipping deep inside of him, trembling a little. “ooh yess.” he moaned, laying his head on the others shoulder. “fuck yess.” he whined before gasping when he felt himself being held still. “no.. oh god Gabe that's cheating!” he whined, trying to squirm or move, whimpering when he failed. “p..painting! I...i ah.. I paint! Now please! Do something! Fuck me, please Gabe fuck me!”
"Oh no, cheating would have been stopping completely."He snickered kissing him slowly, rocking his hips into the others,fucking him hard but slowly as he lowered his head to kiss him, half wondering if he could convince harry to do a picture of them like this. After all he needed a painting for his study. What better kind of picture then a sex one to stare at?
Harry whined at the other and then moaned as he was fucked properly tossing his head back. “mmm yes,, oh god fuck me, please yes.” he groaned smirking as he kissed him hard. “come on Gabe quit teasing.” he pleaded, trying to make the other go faster, panting hard. “it's.... want more.” Harry pleaded biting and nibbling at the others neck.
Gabe smirked looking at him."You'll get more in good time."He teased, holding the man against him."And you're going to paint my a picture aren't you?"He growled before giving into his own lust, fucking the man as hard as he wanted it, water sloushing in the tub, for once glad for the drain in the middle of the room, since they were getting water everywhere.
Harry whimpered and whined as he was denied, trembling agaisnt the other as he panted hard, clenching tightly around Gabe. “no, more.. please.” he pleaded, panting hard. “yes, yes I'll paint anything you want just PLEASE more!” he pleaded, moaning happily as Gabe finally fucked him properly, trembling against him. “ye.eessss thank you, oh Gabe yes it's so big and good inside of me!”
Gabe snickered as he kissed the other hard, hands wandering his body as he enjoyed fucking his lover and listening to the begging. Shuddering as he came, clinging to him tightly, never wanting to let him go. He was never going to never let anything happen to the man in his arms.
he moaned as he shuddered violently, cumming hard into the bath and moaning as he smiled, relaxing against the other panting softly. “you don't think it's stupid? Me painting?” he asked softly once he had caught his breath, looking up at the other almost timidly, waiting for scorn or laughter snuggling into the other with a small sigh as he closed his eyes. “i love you...”
Gabe moaned slightly, draining the tub and refillng it with clean water as he let his lover cuddle into him, pressing a kiss to his head."Love you to."He muttered smiling wider."no, its not stupid.I so need a new painting for my office anyways.I was thinking, you in slutty outfits would be perfect."he said sounding perfectly serious and reasonable.
he smiled as he felt the warm, clean water washing over him, sighing softly as he heard Gabe admit to loving him back, smiling happily. He snorted a little and shook his head. “i am NOT painting myself in slutty outfits.” he growled smirking a little. “you can get a painting of a cute little bunny in a flower field hows that?” he teased snickering a little.
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