Living Life

In a few hours Gabe yawned, lowering the blanket to look at him, smiling softly as he rubbed his eyes. Studying the wards before glaring half heartedly."You were supposed to wait for me."He whined, but giving up. Because it was to late, he knew harry wouldn't change it, even if phedre was going to be pissed when she couldn't come in. Not remembering what harry had said before he'd past out. Still feeling guilty about not being able to say he loved harry, not realizing harry already knew
Harry had crawled into bed with Gabe once he had finished weaving the wards, leaving enough room in-between Harry's magics for Gabe to add his. Phedre, Dumbledore, not even Voldemort would be able to break the wards with the two's combined magic. he groaned a little and looked up at Gabe, blinking a little before yawning loudly and laying his head back down, smirking a little. "you talk in your sleep." Harry looked very smug about that, had Gabe said something? or was Harry just screwing with his lovers head? it was hard to tell with Harry.
Gabe looked startled before frowning a little, tilting his head."...what did I say?"He muttered studying him. Wondering what he'd inadvertantly admitted. There was so many things that he could have many bad things."Harry what did I say?"He muttered waking up more.
Harry snickered a little and shook his head. "something about me wearing a Tutu." he teased grinning a little. "is there something that you want to tell me?" he teased lifting an eyebrow. "because i'll totally wear a Tutu if you wear a kitten cat outfit. you have to wear the Butt plug Tail and the fuzzy Cock ring and the fake ears." he smirked a little and then snuggled into the other. "i left room for you in the wards." he admitted yawning a little. "with both of our Magic no one is going to be able to break, or pull them down again."
Gabe nodded a little, yawning again."Hmm I'll fix that. IN the morning.Still not awake enough."He muttered snuggling against him tightly,"Why'd I want to be a kitty cat?And you'd look good in a tutu."He muttered.
Harry snorted a little and rolled his eyes. "i was JOKING." he teased smirking a little. "and there's no way in hell i would wear a Tutu." he stated simply as he snuggled into the other, gently trailing his fingers through the others hair. "just go back to sleep love." he murmured softly. "when you wake up in the morning i'll make you some breakfast and then you can worry about the wards." he grinned a little as he watched the other for a moment, enjoying watching Gabriel in sleepy contention.
"Good."Gabriel smiled a sleepy little smile at him before going bak to sleep.

In the morning gab frowned as he sat up slowly, tilting his head as he looked at the sleepy brunette watching him."My head hurts."He said rubbing his face. Frowning as he tried to remember what they had talked about. He remembered talking to the other....but hecouldnt remember what
Harry was smiling as he watched Gabe. "morning." he murmured softly, kissing the others forehead. "i'll get you a headache potion." he promised slowly sliding out of bed and then returning with vial in hand, offering it to Gabe, making sure he drank every drop. "better? how are you feeling? is your energy back?" he asked, hovering, worried about his lover. "it was so dangerous what that bitch did, she could have killed you!" he growled, his eyes flashing with rage. "i should go and kill her, i'd get away with it! i'm the bloody boy-who-can-do-no-wrong you know! she has no idea who the fuck she's messing with when she does shit like that!" now that he wasn't tired or trying to comfort Gabe he was angry at Phedre and what she had done.
gabe snickered a little, brightening at the idea of someone getting outraged on his behalf."Hmm I feel fine. My head still throbs, but fine."He tilted his head slowly getting up,starting to get dressed."And I'm sure that was her intent, phedre would never go out of her way to make sure I died, but if if its a side affect....don't kill her."Pain showed on his face for a moment. Even after 10 years of going for each other's throats, he couldn't deny phedre. After all, she'd been the one to raise him, and it hurt to have her hate him, even if he thought he deserved it.
Harry scowled a little and shook his head. "i know it was her intent the fucking bitch." he growled before glaring at Gabe. "what are you doing out of bed!? your not well enough to be walking around yet, lay down and i'll go make you some breakfast. then, if your feeling better, i might let you out of bed." he shook his finger at Gabe and offered him a smirk. "i mean it mister. don't make me fuck you into submission."
Gabe glared at him, standing slowly, leaning gainst the bed frame as he continued getting dressed."I'm perfecltcpable of getting out of bed.I can even dress myself see?"
Harry glared at him suddenly, his eyes narrowed. "you've been taking care of me all this time, giving me a reason to live and letting me see good things in life again. you WILL sit down on that bed and let me take care of you as well. we can't have a relationship if you don't let me work out my Hero complex on you once and a while. now Sit!" he ordered, shoving Gabe back into bed and tucking him back under the blankets before fixing him with a stern look that would have rivaled Madam Pomfry's. "now STAY!" he ordered. "or i WILL tie you to that bed."
Gabe pouted, but didnt try to get up. Not intimidated, but warmed at the ide that hrry wanted to continue a long term relationship with him,even if he couldnt admit to being in love with him."You'd enjoy that to much for my own good."He pointed out, smirking at his lover.
Harry smirked at the other, pleased that his orders where being followed. "yes, i really would enjoy that more than i should." he laughed a little. "i would have fed you." he teased winking at the other. "and then i would have molested you, made you beg all pretty, and then, only then, would i have fucked you." he teased laughing as he skipped away to gather up breakfast.
Gabe whined, yelping a little."HARRY!Thats not fair!Get back here!"He demanded, wanting the teasing now, instead of food. DAmit the boy was to much of a tease for gabes own good. "Get back in here!NOW!"
Harry laughed wickedly as he vanished, well aware that Gabe really was too week to follow him. he was gone no more than ten minutes and then he returned with a bowl full of berries and finely sliced fruits as he bounded back in, smirking at Gabe as he climbed into the bed and plucked a strawberry out of the bowl and held it to the others lips. "you have to eat to regain your strength. and no biting!" he ordered sternly.
Gabe gave him a look, before leaning forward and biting down on the strawberry, absently licking the other's fingers, sucking one into his mouth, giving it a swirl."No biting."He said as he leaned back amused.
Harry purred softly, licking his lips as he watched Gabe suck the strawberry from his fingers, offering the other another slice, smirking a little. "mmm this is going to be fun. i won't even have to tie you up. your already so obedient." he teased leaning down and licking up a long trail of red that had leaked out of Gabe's mouth.
Gabe purred softly turning his head to nip at the other's fingers before eating another bit, "I'm obienant to no one."He muttered smiling slightly though he did eat a little more. Smirking a little as he stole a kiss.
Harry smirked a little his eyes narrowing as he tapped Gabe on the nose. "you will be obedient to me." he teased smirking. "or you'll never get to top my ass again." he teased chuckling as he gently kissed the other before pushing him back onto the bed. "now hush and let me feed you." he ordered with a grin. "it's so erotic." he teased kissing the others neck. "getting to feed you all of these pretty colored fruits." he murmured. "i wonder how much i could make you squirm if i tied you up, and ate them off your body?"
Gabe squirmed a little at the idea, looking at the other as he licked fruit juice off his chin, smrking slowly as he drew the other into a kiss."Hmm love, I'd let you do anything you want to me."He said running his hand over the other as he stole another piece of fruit.
Harry snickered a little as he kissed Gabe back, gently flicking his wand at the other, biting Gabe's lip as ropes tied themselves around the others wrists, yanking them over his head as Harry chuckled. "mmm mine." Harry growled smirking as he nipped and licked at the others neck before he banished the others clothes and placed two very thin slices of strawberry over the others nipples, the cold red slices chilling the sensitive nubs as he smirked at Gabe, lining other chunks of fruit down his body. "mm my very own buffet." he purred smirking a little.
Gabe whimpered as the cold fruit touche dhis overly sensitive and warm skin. Whimpering as he looked at harry."Harry.I want to eat off you."He whined squirming as he looked at the other, struggling against his bonds, wanting to louch his lover.
Harry snickered a little as he licked up the others chest, slurping up the small pieces of Fruit, lingering over the flesh and taking his time, wrapping his mouth around a juice stained nipple and sucking it clean mercilessly before moving to the other, snickering lightly. "yeah? you want to eat off me?" Harry asked smirking at his lover, kissing him intently. "mmm i don't think so." he teased, seemingly unaware that Gabe's bonds had loosened with the mans last hard tug. "your my little victim." he teased, winking at him as he turned away to get more fruit, giving Gabe the perfect opportunity to gain the advantage and tie harry down.
Gabe smirked as he pulled his hand free tugging his momentarily distracted lover back onto the bed, pinning him there as he tied him up."Now who's the victim?"He teased lowering his head to lap it around his bellybutton as he laid fruit over the others body. Really, this was going to be amusing.
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