Living Life

Gabe moaned softly, shivering as the other rubbed it against him, resting his cheek against the wall,glancing over his shoulder at him."yes please."he said with a soft whimper.The other had switched his submissive switch, oh he was such a lovely submissive if given the right provacation.
Harry smirked and offered him a harder smack, and then harder, and harder until Gabe called out that it was too much, gently stroking the red ass cheeks with a small snicker. "and are you feeling properly punished or shall i find something else to do to make you feel like a naughty little boy?" he demanded smirking as he gripped Gabe's hair tightly, forcing the others head back. "and you are a naughty boy aren't you? such a dirty little boy."
Gabe whimered leaning into the touch, real tears falling down his face, even if the shower water hid them.As a submissive he let out that child that really thought everything that had gone so wrong in his life was his fault, that if he hadn't been a naughty little boy his parents would be alive, would love him."Y-yes.I am...else...more..."He said almost incoherently as he looked at him. Like hrry with food, gabe had no off switch when it came to pain, he'd just let him keep abusing him. He'd almost did it once till he'd been killed, only his best friend's moment of interfering had brought the dark wizard back.
Harry panted softly, looking rather startled at Gabe, a look of worry flashing across his face as he tilted his head at the other, looking almost puzzled. "Gabe...are you alright?" he asked hesitantly, unsticking the others hands, not liking the way that the other sounded, he sounded as if he was drunk. "Gabe..." he bit his lip and gently stroked the others cheek. "Gabe come back to me..." he swallowed hard, looking horrified, scared that he had done something to his lover.
Gabe smiled a little leaning into the other, nearly collasping once his bonds were gone.Stumbling into the other he leaned into him, resting his head on his shoulder." 'mmm fine..enjoying myself..."He muttered sounding just as drunk, struggling to think clearly. Not realizing he was making harry feel worried or guily.
Harry bit his lip hard and shook his head. "come on, let's go to bed." he decided, he would carefully bring Gabriel off, and then he would make the man sleep. that was the plan anyway, and we all know the first plan never works, never. he carefully laid the other out on the bead, his fingers gripping the others hard cock, stroking slowly, gently. "Gabe...come back to me." he uttered softly, he knew the look in the others eyes, harry wasn't sure when the other had had time to snuff some drugs, or inject or whatever the hell he had, but it was the look of a man on drugs, getting high, he'd seen it countless times in the halls of hogwarts...he'd pretended not to notice, but he did. and now Gabe had that look, and harry was determined to find the drugs, he didn't realize....that there where no drugs.
Gabe whimpered a little shifting against the other's hand. Wanting more.Needing more."I'm here..."He muttered, sounding a little clearer, blinking as he focused on the other's face. Purring softly, blinking slowly. his next words about to betray the one secret he held closer then any other."More...punish me more...please..."He said running his fingers through the others hair, needing more.
Harry hesitated and then nodded. "alright." he agreed sighing a little. "but if i think you've had enough, i'm going to stop." he stated simply. Harry had impeccable judgment when it came to peoples snapping points, he was good at this. Gabe wasn't the first person Harry had to punish, Dumbledore...could be just as sick and twisted as Tom. the only difference, was that Dumbledore would modify the memories of those he had made harry torture. he grabbed the other, and pulled him onto the bed tying his hands tightly to the top of the bed, and pulling away, summoning a flogger to his hand, sometimes known as a Cat-Oh-Nine-Tails, only this one wouldn't draw too much blood, it was gentler than a real whip. "you want to be punished you naughty little bitch!?" he demanded, feeling the usual rush of power, the usual glee and sadistic lust with those words, cock swelling in his pants. "Beg for it then, like a good little slut."
Gabe purred a little, sagging into the bonds ,blinking slowly as he closed his eyes. Shivering as the cat of nine tails snapped against his back, relaxing and tensing all at once."I do. Please, oh please I want to be punished.I've been wrong I need to atone for all I've done..."He muttered,begging softly.
Harry licked his lips eagerly, his eyes taking a red sheen to them as he snapped those stinging flaps of leather against the other again. "that's right, you've been such a naughty boy." he growled, the snap hitting the others ribs now, then the other ribs. "beg for more! tell me what you want me to do to you, little slut!" he ordered, eager, panting as he left long red welts across the others back. "do you want me to draw your blood!? do you want my to burn you? cut you? break you!?" the thought left harry shivering eagerly, wanting, pleased.
"Anything you want master, anything you want to hurt me with.Please. More."He begged, his voice breaking a little, tears sliding down his face. Looking beautiful and damaged. Not that he ever consciously knew about htis part of himself, he'd blank out, he never remembered all of what happened when he submitted, only waking up, remembering that his body hurt. He'd let harry do whatever he wanted...hopefully harry realized he had to stay in control soon enough to not do serious damage
Harry growled darkly and snapped the cat whip against the other until tiny beads of blood began to well up, he dropped the leather instrument and ran his hot tongue against the bleeding parts, gathering the taste on his tongue, panting eagerly as he aggravated the wounds. "yesss, i think i will make you bleed." he hissed, flipping the other onto his back, pressing the stinging, then burning marks into the rough bedding as he summoned one of the kitchen knives into his hand. "now don't move." he ordered, a dark little grin on his lips. "i have to mark you, make you mine." he licked his lips eagerly, dragging the knife along the others body, but not cutting, not yet. "where should i place my claim upon your body!? somewhere you will see, always see." he glanced along the others body. "choose, before i choose for you."
Gabe looked at him stupidly, shivering to much under the touh of the knife ,eyes wide and lust filled, "...arms...arms."He muttered sounding drunk again. And he was, he was drunk on his own pain, on being punished for what he thought ws his crimes, even if nothing that had happened to him had been his own fault/
Harry smirked as he grabbed the others arm, and began to carve. simple lines at first, along the inner arm, being careful to miss the veins and the tendons, drawing a flying Raven, a snake clutched in it's Talons, blood smearing the arm, and the sheets before Harry half healed it, so that it would still sting and burn, but wouldn't bleed all over the place, his hand jerking the others head back, setting his cock to the others lips. "open." he growled darkly, waiting for obedience before thrusting in, fucking Gabe's mouth with eager moans and groans, shoving himself in as deep as he could get, not caring for the others comfort at all.
Somewhere in the middle of it, gabe passed out. Not a loud or dramtic passing from waking to out, but a sublte quiet warning that he'd past his limit, but wouldn't say stop. Eyes fluttering ever so softly as he swallowed around the other's cock, choking a little as he slumped back into the pillows. his body demanding that he give it up before his mind decided yes it'd had had enough punishment.
Harry pulled away from the other, tears in his eyes now. "have you had enough yet bitch!?" he demanded, still gripping Gabe's hair tightly, feeling hateful. not at Gabe, but at himself as he slid down the others body, suddenly very gentle as he ran his tongue along the others cock, the pleasure a sharp contrast tot he pain that Gabe had only moments before. "yes, i think that's enough." harry admitted, the madness leaving his eyes as he focused on pleasuring his lover, instead of injuring him. the boy almost seamed to have two personalities. one good, kind, caring...Harry, the other cruel, sadistic, eager to harm, eager to maim...Tom. the war, Voldemort, Dumbledore, had really done a number on poor harry. but nowhere near as to what Harry had just done to Gabe...and himself.
Gabe sighed softly in pleasure, hips shifting a little at the touch, starting to come around."Harry..."He muttered blinking stupidly before passing out again.his tolerance surrpassed, and the man was reeling as he struggled to feel his body....his heart was slowly beating, his erection fading as his body realized he'd lost to much blood,and was in to much pain to keep it going. while he liked the occasional painful touch, it wasn't what he truly enjoyed.But it was his way of punishing himself, letting his lover use him in a way he usually wouldn't allow, it was a punishment.
Harry nuzzled the failing erection, as if that would keep it alive, but realizing it was a lost cause the mostly half mad harry simply wandered up to the other and snuggled against him, his length rubbing against the others inner thigh, but it too was starting to go limp. he closed his eyes and dozed, waiting for Gabe to wake up. maybe they could continue later, without the punishment, hopefully Gabe wouldn't get too pissed when he saw the coiled snake, and the raven, etched into his skin with blade and magic, the scars as black as ink, and slowly starting to color in. a technique that harry had gotten from the Dark Lord himself. though Harry's wasn't for control, it was for....something else. a fail safe, so he could always be sure that Gabe was safe among other things.
A few hurs later the dark haired man muttered softly, rubbing his eyes as he raised a hand."You gave me a tattoo.Why?"He muttered rubbing his eyes. Sitting up slowly. Trying to see how much his body hated him for being punished again.yea...his body wasn't happy.
Harry shifted a little, blinking slowly, trying to remember what had happened. "it's, sort of like the Dark Mark, only in a good way." he admitted sluggishly. "it will let me know if your ever in danger, and then i can hone in on it and find you whenever you should need me." he admitted looking sheepish. "i...i got carried away last night.. i'm so sorry! i can remove it if you want..." he bit his lip, looking worried, looking frightened...looking guilty, so very guilty.
Gabe shook his head sitting up, leaning bck against the headboard."No.It's fine."He said leaning over to kiss him softly, shifting, nuzzling into him, resting his head on harry's chest. Bracing himself to prepare for what he knew was comng.Surely harry wouldnt want him with what a freak he was with having no limit, no will to sy no once he gave in.
Harry sighed a little, relaxing as he nuzzled the other. "i'm sorry, i should have stopped sooner but.." he shuddered. "i lost control of myself... i'm really sorry Gabe..." no, harry wasn't going to leave him, in fact Harry was making it all his fault, like he always did! stupid idiot. "i'll be more careful next time, i promise..." if there was a next time, Harry doubted it, Harry was scared of himself when he got like that.
Gabe relaxed poking his side."No...I should have warned surprised me, so I didn't think..."He sighed softly, wrapping his arms around him,"I...I don't have a limit to pain. To being submissive when I give in....I'll bottom, but I can't be hurt to badly otherwise I wont say stop, its to much."He said biting his lip."I nearly killed myself last time....I just...didn't say stop."
Harry blinked up at the other, looking surprised. "i thought you where drugged." he admitted softly, gently kissing his cheek, nuzzling him gently. "alright, i'll help you keep a lid on your problem, if you help me keep a lid on mine." because while Gabe had been sleeping, Harry had cut three deliciously painful lines on his inner thigh. he didn't even really remember doing it, but it was a terrible addiction that he couldn't seam to shake, even worse than his binging habits.
"I can do that."He smiled raising his head to kiss him soflty, frowning when he noticed the marks, but not saying anything about them.After all, harry already knew what he thought about the cutting...and he didnt want to start a fight."Good.I'm sorry I make sex difficult..."He said blushing a little, stealing another kiss.
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