Living Life

"You're being riddiculous love.Slytherin colors are perfectly acceptable. Draco has a whole wing of the manor done in them."He said smiling slightly with a sniff of disdain as he picked out the vases the man had wanted before choosing a few green vases to.
Harry's eyes narrowed as he picked up red and gold vases as well, smirking a little to himself as he bought some red and gold carpets from the furniture store, intending on decking out the entire house in Gryffindor red and gold, and slytherin green and silver, just to be a pain in everyone's side.
Gabriel grinned happily as they paid for everything, smirking a little as he looked at the other."Now. Let's go get dinner before we decide to go home and do out the rooms."He said already thinking about which rooms were getting slytherin green, and how far he could banish the gold and red into a corner. And already thinking about writing draco to get his opinion. Draco might be annoying sometimes, and a ass most of the time, but damn the man he was good at decorating things.
Harry chuckled a little as he shook his head a little. “don't even think about it.” he growled smirking a little as he examined his lover. “we are decorating the Manor the way I want to!” he growled smirking at the other. “you are NOT hiding all my red and Gold in a corner!” he growled laughing a little. “now, lets go eat, I'm starving.”
"I would never!I'm not draco to be ashamed I'm dating a gryffindor.I appericiate their fashion sense."Gabe grinned, sirking a little at the idea. Amused.Because he was pretty sure no one but a few select people knew Draco was dating Harry's best friend hermione. After all, who'd think that the son of a pominate death eater would ever fall head over heels for a mudblood? Grinning, he smiled as he followed Harry into the resturant smiling as they were seated. Looking over the menu with a snicker."Can we limit the red and gold to the bedroom?"he teased.
Harry laughed a little and smirked at his lover. “your a liar!” he teased before he gaped at the other. “your shitting me!? Who!?” he demanded, wondering what the hell kind of Gryffindor could actually put up with that blond headed bitch. “he's gay right?” no, he acted it, but he wasn't. “and no we cannot limit the red to the bed....” “well well, so the rumors are true, you've escaped your cage.” the sneering, viscous voice of Ronald Weasley made Harry wince as he looked over at the red head. “so you got yourself another fag have you? Don't forget what happened to your LAST little lover.” “shut your fat face Weasley before I black your eye again!” Harry snarled his eyes narrowed viciously. “you wish you could Potter! Ever since you got shoved out of the picture I'm Dumbledore's new little favorite! You can't touch me!” “wanna bet? How many times did I almost DIE when I was Dumbledore's favorite Ron? He's just using you and your too much of a fuckin Prig, and a Bigot to care! Get the hell out of my face!” Harry snarled, red head and brunette inches away from each other, trembling in rage as they waited for each other to take the first swing.
Gabriel smirked, raising a eyebrow as he walked between the two, looking deadly serious as he considered the red head in front of him."Ah, I see you what you mean potter. Such a tiny little dick for such a big man."He said wisely his smirk widing as he looked the man over, tilting his head slightly before he considered the man's words."Harry, am I allowed to smack him?HE looks like he deserves it. And since he can't even screw the woman he wants, he so deserves it.She had to go to a slytherin to really know what sex was about, since he was to small and unattractive to keep her interested."He said looking the man over, letting the thoughts of what he wanted to do to the red head for trying to force hermione into his bed show on his face. Every evil and dark thought that had ever crossed his mind, showing on gabriel's face in that moment. Hermione was very much beloved between draco and gabriel, because after she'd forgotten about how much a prick draco'd been at school, they'd all become really good friends because she didn't judge gabe or him on who their parents were."I wanna hurt him.He called me a fag. I am so much better then a normal person.I deserve words like gay and homosexual. Not fag."He whined quietly.
Ron was turning purple with rage and Harry smirked, leaning away from Ron. “no, don't hit him, we need to set a good example after all. Besides if he's Dumbledore's new favorite he'll b dead soon enough. The only reason why I never died was because, according to that bullshit prophecy only Voldemort can kill me.” Ron looked shocked at that information before he snarled at Harry. “your just a pathetic little Fag! You don't know shit!” “better be careful what you say Ron, us 'Fag's' don't much like being called that, and it would appear that there are quite a few in town today.” they had gathered a large crowd, and they where all glaring at Ron for insulting Gays. Nearly everyone in the wizarding world had a friend or family member who was gay, if they themselves weren't, so Ron was making a great deal of enemies right now. “your all freaks!” Ron spat hatefully smirking darkly at Harry. “we'll see each other again real soon Harry, Dumbledore's pissed at you, he's going to be seeing you in court.” harry laughed. “he wouldn't DARE! Not with all my evidence against him! He has no case and he'd be locked up in Azkaban for LIFE for what he did to me!” Ron snarled and vanished with a Crack, the crowd grumbling at the lack of Ron's blood on the street as they dispersed, Harry shaking his head. “that was annoying...”
"Ah but it was amusing to think about."He frowned thinking it over, looking at the other man,"We need to go to malfoy manor."he said running his fingers through his hair, needing to talk to lucius. If anyone would know exactly what dumbledore was up to, it would be the elder malfoy. He seemed to know all kinds of things that he wasn't supposed to. Sneering slightly as he thought about ron he sighed, shaking his head as he smirked, knowing he should warn harry who was going to be waiting for them when they showed up at the manor."It's hermione.He married her last summer."He said tilting his head a little, amused. Having been shocked at the 17 year old's wedding, but after he thought about it, it made sense. Draco had always loved deeply, and acted rashly when those feelings were threatened.Last he'd heard lucius was slowly accepting his daughter in law.
Harry wrinkled his nose at the thought of going to Malfoy Manor. “hell no! You go, I never want to see their bastard faces again.” he grumbled before choking on air and gaping at him when he was informed that Draco and Hermione where a couple. “your SHITTING me! This I HAVE to see!” he admitted shaking his head as he wrapped his arms around Gabe's waist, smirking a little. “come to think of it how do you know Draco and Lucius?” he asked wondering, since Gabe had been living far away and had known nothing about Dumbledore and Voldemort when Harry first met him, it seamed impossible that he could know the Malfoys.
"Narcissa's my cousin.She's a black you know."He said snickering a little. "I haven't seen any of them since I was younger, but I do get the most interesting letters all the time."He smiled a little. While he didn't care to know anything about voldemort or even dumbledore, he did like hearing from his cousin.Because his cousin knew what it was like to be judged by a parent's misdeeds.
Harry paused and then blinked. “i forgot.” he admitted with a wrinkle of his nose. “alright, lets go visit your cousins then.” he purred smirking. “i can't wait to see their faces when they find out who's been fucking you into the dirt.” he teased laughing a little. “they probably already know we've been seen together and that I've denounced Dumbledore, they'll be eager to try and get me to join Voldemort's side... I won't, but I'll let them try.”
"Lucius might. Draco walked away with the promise of causing bodily harm to anyone who tried to make him go."he snickered amused before apparating them both to the manor, wrinkling his nose a little as he watched a peacock strut across the lawn in front of them."At least five years since I've been here, and damned it all if he doesn't still have the peacocks."He said."Overcompensating."He said wisely walking up the last few steps of the stairs, being polite, and knocking. Knowing they were going to shock the hell of out everyone because all the malfoys knew he usually didn't leave germany unless given no other choice.
Harry snickered a little and shook his head as the door opened and Draco looked out, about ready to bitch at whoever it was before he froze, gaping at Harry and Gabriel, too stunned to do or say anything, Harry snickering a little. “peacocks Draco? Really?” Harry asked lifting an eyebrow, Draco scowling. “mothers idea.” he grumbled. “and father likes them.” he admitted rolling his eyes. “why him Gabe? Of ALL people why HIM!? And what are you doing in England anyway, did something happen in Germany?”

can you play Lucius and hermione?)
"Yes.Potter happened to it."Gabe said seriously. Looking around as he stepped around Draco,looking amused as he walked into the manor. "Dray who i-Harry!"Hermione's strangled gasp came from the study door as she stepped out to see who had interrupted their quiet dinner. "Harry!"She gasped walking over wrapping him in a hug, ignoring the taller man at his side. Figuring draco'd take care of whoever it was.

(yea I got it ^^)
Harry flinched when she hugged him, and stepped away before he even realized that it was her, smiling at her. “h...hey Hermione.” Harry muttered rather Nervously. “sorry I'm not, used to contact...” he admitted nervously stepping away from her. “so..Draco Hermione, really? This asshole?” he complained trying to lighten the mood, Draco glaring at him. “i am not! Be nice this is MY house damn you! And YOU!” he complained punching Asher in the arm. “you never respond to my letters! What the hell I never even know if your alive or not!”
Hermione laughed, shaking her head, looking worried for him as she stepped back, looking at him.Frowning worriedly."Its okay.And draco's nice. Sometimes.With extreme prejudice." Gabriel snickered whining as draco punched him on the arm, rubbing the spot as he scowled at draco."I've been busy. Having sex, redecorating, harassing dumbledore... the normal things.Well.Some normal things. Dumbledore's new...but I have to think of him like phedre, and I know exactly how to deal with him..."Gabriel stopped, realizing he was over explaining when he didnt have to.
Harry laughed a little and nodded. “sometimes, and at least he's not a prude like Ron is, ran into him back into town, he's turned into a real charmer.” Harry admitted with a small snicker, relaxed now that she wasn't trying to touch him. “i hear Lucius is even starting to be nice to you... are you happy here?” Harry asked softly, wanting to make sure Hermione was alright living with these people, even of he knew she wouldn't stay if she was unhappy he had to make sure. Draco was staring ay Gabe with his eye twitching, annoyed by the half assed answer, his eyes narrowed as he examined the other, head tilted. “well come in then, we where just having dinner.” “great! I'm starved.” Harry chirped, smirking a little. “thanks for inviting us!” “Potter why are you so uncouth?” “i dunno, why are you such a piss ant?”
Hermione smiled,"I am happy here."She said answering Harry's question before Gabriel slipped her arm through hers, smiling up at the older man. "Ah, are you sure you wont join me in germany,lovely?I am sure I am better company then my cousin.I don't divulge myself into teenaged pissing contests."He said wisely as the two walked into the dining room. Hermione giggled, immediately finding Gabriel as charming as she found Draco,only more. That accent was devastatingly nice."Oh I dunno. I do enjoy his company." "Ah, but you'd enjoy me so much more."
Harry and Draco both scowled as they watched the two flirting and Harry actually snarled as he pinched Gabe's ass hard, making sure to leave a mark as Draco wrapped his arms possessively around Hermione's belly, kissing her neck. “mine.” he growled softly glaring at Gabe Harry huffing as he crossed his arms at Gabe, lifting an eyebrow. “do I have to punish you Love? Because I will.”
Gabe raised a eyebrow, looking amused."Harry, you were flirting with draco." Hermione laughed leaning back into her husband, pressing a kiss to his cheek."If you call that flirting." "I do. Cats have a similar mating ritiual." " have the oddest things to say gabriel."hermione giggled a little amused at the man's antics. And he was the only one she knew of that draco talked freely to, about everything.
Harry glared at the other. “i was NOT flirting with Draco you bastard! He's UGLY!” Draco gasped, setting a hand to his heart. “no! said I was... was... Hermione PUNISH him!” he pleaded, sounding horrified at being insulted so, Harry snickering a little. “i feel better now.” he admitted laughing a little as he held Gabe's hand tightly. “and your MINE.” he growled glaring at Gabe. “and I'll fuck you on the Malfoy Table if that's what it takes to prove it so BEHAVE!”
"I ALWAYS BEHAVE!"Gabe growled back, snickering as he sat down at the dining table, smiling happily when he saw the elves had already sat out food for them. Hermione giggled a little, pressing a kiss to draco's cheek as she sat down."Draco, behave yourself. Gabriel left germany to visit you, I'm sure he's here for a reason, besides just indulging your name calling."She said looking at the other two.
Harry snickered as Draco rolled his eyes. “Gabe you NEVER behave.” he pointed out smiling as Narcissa chuckled. “it's a pleasure so see you again Gabriel...with...” she paused. “Harry Potter... of all people.” she stated examining the Boy Who Lived, who was helping himself to some potatoes. “what brings you to London? Not in trouble are you?” “Gabe's not.” Harry stated calmly. “at least not yet, I'm the one that's in trouble, he's just helping.” he teased flashing his lover a smirk, Narcissa lifting an eyebrow as Draco chuckled. “still can't stay out of trouble eh potter?” “course not, where's the fun in that?”
"Ah well then, you must been having the time of your life. It is good to see you again Gabriel."Lucius said as he walked in, looking as arrogant and amused as always, sitting down next to his wife. Gabriel smiled, if a little amused."Ah, well you're not going to like what I need." "About the potter holdings?Oh you tied Dumbledore's knickers in a twist with that. Good job potter."HE praised laughing lightly at his nephew's stunned look.
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