Living Life

Harry laughed brightly as he shook his head, kissing the other gently as he smiled at the other. “i really am.” he admitted nodding as he led the other to the Ice Cream Shoppe down on the main alley, ordering himself a chocolate fudge sundae and waiting for Gabe to make his decision as he loaded his sundae with all the candy fixings, leaving out only the licorice and the Nerds. By the time he was done his sundae looked more like a rainbow hidden in a cloud of whipped cream with a dozen candied cherries on top. Harry was binging on his food again, stressed out from the court day as he started eating his coma inducing sugar filled ice-cream sundae. “oh my god this is delicious.” harry moaned happily after a few bites, smiling happily.
Gabe rolled his eyes ordering a simple chocolate sundae shaking his head as he sat down with HArry."You're going to go into a coma."He said eying the sundae warily. That, that was so much sugar. Smiling a little as he ate, looking worried himself over harry. Wondering if going ot court was such a good idea. Maybe he should take harry back to germany and lock him up. Protect him from everything.
Harry smirked a little as he shook his head. “no I won't.” he stated happily as he shoveled more ice cream into his mouth licking his lips. “and I know what your thinking Gabriel Black and it won't work!” he teased smirking a little. “i won't let you lock me away.” he teased smiling a little. “Hermione would smack you FOR me.” he teased smirking a little. “so what's your editor like?”
Gbe frowned a little, blushing."I wasn't thinking that!And hermione likes me. She wouldn't smack me."She said pouting a little tilting his head a little."She' draco really. High strung, flirty,'ll like her.'ll like flirting with her.Everyone does."He said resisting the urge to fidget. Because he wasn't about to admit his editor made him nervous. As good as she was, the only reason she'd kept her job after she'd stole his last boyfriend, was that she did a amazing job at promoting books and editing.
Harry smirked a little. “you where too thinking that.” he teased snickering a little. “and Hermione would too smack you.” he teased chuckling a little before frowning a little. “if she's like Draco I'm probably going to hate her extensively for almost seventeen years before finally accepting her only because she's, married to one of my friends.” he stated simply with a shrug. “besides I don't really like flirting all that much, it's awkward and I never know what to say.” he admitted smirking a little. “i like it more how we do it, we're a little more blunt so I get it.” he teased snickering a little. “and it ALWAYS leads to sex.” he teased snickering a little his spoon hitting empty bowl, making him pout. “damn... I ate it all already.” he grumbled sighing a little as he shoved his bowl away, not nearly satisfied, but he'd promised to keep an eye on his binging and he knew if he ate any more he'd be sick.
Gabe smiled a little, kissing him lightly before finishing his own sundae."Ah, well as long as you enjoy the non blunt flirting, its okay."He smiled wrapping his arms around his lover kissing his head as he stood. "Come on, les go see the she-devil."He said amused, wanting to get harry away fro mthe temptation, because he knew the other wanted more, so he wanted to get him away from the ice cream."And Cynder is like draco...just female.Arrogance and temper wrapped up in a pretty frame.."He said smirking a little as he headed for the street, not wanting to put it off. He liked her as a editor,but as a person, cynder left a lot to be desired.
Harry sighed as he was pulled away from the ice-cream shaking his head a little. “so in other words I already hate her.” he decided chuckling a little as he snuggled into his lover, kissing the others neck smiling a little. “as long as she does good work for you I guess I can be nice.” he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head. “lead the way love.” he ordered with a smile, the craving for ice-cream fading now that he was out of the shop.
Gabe grinned as he led the way, smiling as he walked into cynder's office, tilting his head slightly at her secretary before walking in, wincing a little. Talking to her was never that pleasant. "Gabe!What-You brought someone else!Why?"He asked smiling as she moved out from behind her desk walking over. Looking over the brunette, her jaw dropping a little."I had heard you were living with him,but I never thought the rumors would be true."She said studying him.She'd never seen gabe with someone since she'd met her husband-his at the time his boyfriend- so this must mean something to him.
Harry smirked a little as he watched her. “he brought me because I'm dashingly handsome and the entire world should see my beauty.” Harry stated, smirking at Gabe before looking at her his head tilted. “so the rumors have finally spread, it's about damn time.” he grumbled. “i knew an editor would know all the hot juicy news! What are they saying about Dumbledore's lawsuit against me?” he asked smirking as he watched the woman, more than willing to pump her for information.
Cynder smiled,"Oh not much yet. No one is really sure what to believe, considering you have both lucius and gabe here standing for you. They can't decide if it's ust one of their publcily stunts, or if it really is true that he did all those things."Cynder said slipping a arm through harry's, leading him to a chair.Gabe rolled his eyes at her,she was so obvious in her wants,despite being married.Sitting down in the seat next to harry he sighed, knowing they'd eventually get to his book.
Harry smirked and then winced when she took his arm, sliding it out of her grip. “i'm sorry... I... don't like being touched.” he explained sheepishly. “and their not publicity stunts you can be sure of that. A lot of information, a lot of proof is about to become publicly available and I myself am going to write letters to all the newspapers declaring myself independent of Dumbledore.” he admitted sitting down. “but enough gossip, Gabe has a present for you!” he chirped happily giggling a little. “it's his best book EVER! I CRIED at the end!” he admitted smirking a little.
"Oh really?"Cynder smiled a little as she took the offered book from gabriel, flipping through it."And I wonder why." "Stop poking into my private life. You wont like what you find."Gabe said rolling his eyes, standing before looking at harry."We should go. We're having dinner with draco and hermione.And we wont want to be late. Draco gets antsy if someone's late."He said teasing, though he knew his cousin's reasons for being like that were justified.
Harry snickered a little as he shook his head. “we should stay! I love annoying Draco.” he admitted with a smirk. “the Blondie really needs to stop being so Anal.” he admitted with a roll of his eyes as he got up and stretched smiling at Gabe as he led the way out the door, leaning into him a little. “i was sure she'd be more annoying.” he admitted with a small chuckle. “but she wasn't too bad.” he admitted nuzzling the other. “i should work on those letters tomorrow, don't let me forget.”
"I wont."Gabe said smilign slightly as they walked out, grinding his teeth a little as he looked at the other man."Cyn was perfectly annoying enough without going over the line. Her husband would through a fit if she flirted to badly with you."He said amused before apparating them home, glancing around."think we should clean ebfore we go get the other two?"he asked biting his lip. Nervous about having someone else in the newly cleaned house.
Harry chuckled and kissed his lovers forehead smiling a little. “she's married?!” he asked startled before he laughed brightly and shook his head. “figures.” he stated looking amused before he shook his head. “no we don't need to clean, the elves already placed all the furniture and cleaned everything.” he stated simply chuckling a little as Dobby appeared informing them that the snacks and tea was finished and that everything was cleaned spotless. “see? It's all taken care of.” Harry teased smirking a little. “now, you go get changed into your girl outfit and I'll go get Draco and Hermione.” he teased snickering a little.
Gabe pouted a little."Yes master, as you wish master."He said snickering as he disappeared downstairs. By the time the others got back, he walked downstairs, looking somewhat like himself, but with that soft deadly beauty that his mother was famous for. Curly black hair settled around his shoulders as he smiled at Draco and Hermione."Hello.Its good to meet you."he said, even his voice, was a eerie echo of his mother's. Hermione gaped a little looking at harry."H-harry!When you said she was goign to be here, I didn't really think you meant it!I thought you were teasign!"
Harry laughed a little as he smiled at Bella. “i'm sorry to have left you waiting. We have tea and snacks waiting in the dining room.” he admitted Draco wrinkling his nose as he examined the woman. “where's Gabe?” “he had to go out, something about a secrete meeting.” he lied shaking his head. “Phedre needed him for something and he's hiding and sulking.” Harry explained when Draco didn't look convinced, Draco nodding. “that's ok, I hide from Phedre too, she's a scary” he glanced at 'Belladonna' and coughed a little, looking very amused. “so 'Belladonna', you write?” so Draco knew the truth too, it was probably the name that had given Gabe away.
"Of course I do.You have read my books haven't you?I would assume gabriel's cousin would do so."The 'woman' smiled as she sat down at the table, giving draco a sidelong look when hermione wasn't looking. hermioen shuddered nodding,"I met her once, and never want to do so again."She said before looking at belladonna, then at the two slightly laughing men."Okay. Whats so funny?"
Draco smirked a little. “i've read them, but only because Hermione made me so she could talk about the books.” he admitted with a smirk, Harry snickering a little as he shook his head. “never mind Hermione, you'll find out in a moment, in any case Phedre is afraid of me so she won't be showing up.... Hermione did you bring those books for Bella to sign? We should do that before we eat so we don't get food on your books.”
Belladonna smiled as she took the books from hermione,signing them as he made a face at draco."I see how it is.Only reading because you had to. And gabe said you were nice."She said pouting a little.After she finished signing she looked at harry smiling as hermione jumped onto her to give her a hug."Should I tell her now?" "What, tell me what?"
Harry snickered a little as he shook his head Draco laughing a little. “yeah, tell her.” Harry agreed smirking a little as he and Draco watched Hermione's reaction. “and no we're not just being jackasses.” Harry promised once Gabriel's appearance changed back. “he really is the author, I nearly crapped myself when I found out.” Harry admitted Draco snickering. “i knew from the first book, Father too.” the blond admitted, no doubt getting on Hermione's shit list.
hermione glared at them all, smackign her husband in the shoulder."How could you not TELL ME!"She growled glaring at all three. Gabriel snickered a little before looking at draco, raising a eyebrow. Before paling."oh hell.How did you know?I knew I shouldn't have put lucius in the pages...though he is a favorite, in everyone hates him kind of way."
Draco smirked a little. “it was your letters actually.” he admitted smirking. “you use the same writing style to send us letters as you do to write your book.” he snickered a little. “and the name too, Belladonna? Really? How stupid can you be?” he teased smirking a little as he shook his head. “and that hurt Herm.” he whined rubbing his shoulder. “i didn't tell you because I knew you'd go all insane, you loved how she was such a great author I didn't want to ruin your image of her being a nice person too.” Harry burst into laughter at that, realizing that Draco had just insulted Gabe.
"Heyyy!"Gabe whined pouting as his cousin. "He is a nice person!"Hermione said smiling as he looked at the other, tilting his head a little."And no one else figured it out. Hell, harry didn't know until I told him."He said pouting as he shook his head, leaning over to smack draco in the arm."Please, tell me lucius enjoys being captain."
Harry snorted a little looking amused. “yeah but Draco and Lucius are the only ones that have known you since birth so that's not fair.” he complained smirking a little as he shook his head Draco wincing as he rubbed his arm where Marvos had smacked him. “dammit!? Is it beat on Draco day!?” the blond complained before snickering. “Father adores the thought of being your boss.” he teased snickering a little. “by the way Harry, four people have stepped up and told their own stories, including Tom Riddle!” “WHAT!?” Harry asked, astonished, Draco nodding. “i know right? As soon as he told his story father and he went to saint Mungos and father checked him in, turns out he has a spell induced schizophrenia. He's getting fixed even now.” Harry was stunned. “that's.... wow...”
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