Living Life

Gabriel snickered as he stood, summoning a house elf to take food upstairs to the bedroom for him, laughing as he kissed the other's head."Yes whatever you want master."he said snickering, teasing him because harry seemed to like ordering him get things for him.
Harry smirked a little. "aws long as you know your place." harry teased again, sighing softly as he slowly stood up and headed for the house pausing before flashing Gabriel a smirk. "and while your at it, could you get those papers for me? the ones that where under my loose floorboard? if your not going to let me die i might as well do something useful with my time."
Gabriel nodded as he put him in bed before getting up to get the papers,setting them in the bed with him, sitting down next to him, looking curious."So what are they?"He asked, settling back on the bed, looking amused and wondering what the other was planning.
Harry smiled as he looked over the papers. "their many things." he admitted. "some are legal scripts that i stole from Dumbledore's office, proving that he's laundering money from the war, all the families that Voldemort has slaughtered, their bank accounts always end up in Dumbledore's possession through forged wills. there are other letters here, that proves that Dumbledore has even gone so far as to finish off any survivors from Voldemort's slaughters." Harry admitted. "there is the Riddle Diary as well, Voldemort's school days, explaining how Dumbledore taught him the dark arts... and how they drove him mad." he admitted. "it was actually Dumbledore, who first taught Voldemort how to split his soul. other things are my own diary, telling about all the crimes Dumbledore has done against me." it was a lot of information. "Dumbledore doesn't know i have it."
Gabriel looked thoughtful. Shivering a little, because there were only a certain number of dark magics that could drive a person insane if they were taught wrong, but..."He meant to get rid of riddle."He said slowly, his own background in magic making what harry might have missed obvious."Dark magic doesn't drive one insane, unless it's taught to you wrong.You can still use it, but it'll warp you."He shuddered, remembering the manic look in his mother's eyes, and the bone deep realization that he was going to have to kill her if he wanted to survive."What are we going to do?"
Harry snorted a little. "no, he meant to USE riddle, and he is, even now Tom is nothing more than a pawn in Dumbledore's sick games." harry admitted shaking his head a little. "i already knew that." Harry admitted. "i was BORN from dark magic." he admitted handing something over to the other. "i was supposed to be the perfect weapon." he admitted. "a Dark spell conceived me, and a Dark witch gave birth to me." he shrugged. "there is no saving Tom if that's what your asking, he's too gone into the madness. as for Dumbledore, i intent to ruin him forever, death is too merciful for him."
Gabriel nodded thoughtfully, biting his lip."Death is to merciful."He swallowed hard, his heart aching because he couldn't save tom. Couldn't save another pawn, biting his lip a little rubbing his eyes."Death would be merciful for tom though. If...he's locked in a spell induced madness. He knows what he's doing...even if he can't stop it."Pain in the words, remembering, getting up and pacing, needing the motion."You are the perfect weapon, but you have to be careful. You can still be warped by it.You just have a higher tolerance for it."He said his stomach tightening ,rolling in fear.
Harry nodded. "i've been trying to find ways to save him, he used to be such a sweet little boy." he admitted sighing a little. "but... i haven't found anything in the few dark arts books i've been able to get." he admitted laying his head on the others chest. "and you don't have to worry, i don't play with the dark arts. i only know the few spells that i do because someone very skilled taught them to me. i know the risks of what will happen if i get cocky. and i would rather let Dumbledore kill me, than be driven mad by magic."
Gabriel nodded slightly, stroking his hair as he held him close. Letting the other ground him, needing the comfort before he thought over his memories. Because what he was going to offer next was going to hurt like a wicked bitch...but he wanted to help."My mother's library still exists. The house in no longer used, but I do use the library once in awhile. if you want to look..."
Harry paused looking at Gabriel, hesitating a moment. "i'm not sure." he admitted biting his lips a little. "Dark magic can be addictive." Harry was practically vibrating with eagerness to get into that Library, but that was why he was hesitating. "being born of it i'm more susceptible to becoming addicted...i we go you have to promise to keep a close eye on me."
Gabriel nodded, looking thoughtful. He could break the addiction, but it would be painful for them both to do it."i'll keep a eye on you."He said smiling a little."And I promise we'll leave if it becomes to much."He sai because he understood, his own addictions made it hard to be in the library, but they needed research.
Harry relaxed at the promise and started to eat his lunch, nibbling at a piece of fruit, sighing a little, looking happier again. "thank you." he murmured softly, closing his eyes. "i hope we can save him." he admitted softly, biting his lip hard. "i hope we can save me..." he admitted softly, looking slightly upset. "i can feel him you know, inside of me..."
Gabriel shuddered."That's disturbing. I have enough problems being in my own head, don't need to think about how bad it woudl be to be able to feel someone else."He shuddered kissing the other."we'll save you. I promise."
Harry smiled a little. "he helps sometimes." he admitted shrugging a little. "i try to stay out of his head but sometimes it can't be helped. if he's sane when we end up in each others heads, he'll teach me about Dark Spells." he admitted. "i never use them, since their the reason he's crazy, but i do look them up later in case i ever need to know how to counter them." he admitted yawning a little, setting down his half finished fruit and curled up on Gabriel, prepared to take a nap. "i'm not so sure i can be saved anymore."
Gabriel growled softly, shifting, getting comfortable to go to sleep himself."You will be."He said,determined to save him. "Sleep."He ordered softly, closing his eyes and drifting to sleep. Knowing that life was going to get very complicated,fast.
Harry was asleep almost on command. in the morning harry was gone from the bed, the space next to Gabriel was cold, but the smell of food was filtering though the house. harry was cooking, and from the smells he had been for a while. when Gabriel went downstairs he would see a large pile of eggs, several breakfast pastries, a large pile of sausage links and bacon strips, and harry was already whipping up something else, a smear of flour on his cheek a look of calm contentment on his face. it wasn't the same sort of joy he had when he was flying, but it was clear that cooking calmed him, made him feel safe and secure. "morning." harry chirped once he finally noticed Gabriel, offering him a sheepish grin. "sorry.. i, just...needed to cook something." he looked back down at the bowl in his hand, still stirring, nightmares always drove him to cook, he could only be glad that his nightmares hadn't woken Gabriel.
Gabriel frowned a little looking at the other, tilting his head. Rubbing his eyes tiredly."You could have woken me up if you couldn't sleep."He said having a feeling what it had woken the other up. nightmares could drive anyone out of bed, and could be the only thing that would drive someone to cook at 6 in the morning.
Harry paused then. "i didn't want to worry you.' Harry lied his head tilted a little. "what are you doing up?" he asked pouring the batter into a pan, it looked like Harry was making a cake. "it's really early you know, you should go back to sleep." like harry hadn't already been up for two hours making breakfast for no reason. "or you could eat something." harry offered indicating the table full of food. "help yourself." of course, it was Gabriel's food...
Gabriel sleepily followed the offer, sitting down at the table and starting to nibble on the food before looking at him."You weren't in bed.I got worried."He said, having been worried that the other was going to hurt himself.Having gotten up to make sure he wasn't bleeding out somewhere in the house
Harry paused at the others statement and before he could stop himself his eyes glanced over to the knife that he had left laying out on the counter. nothing he had cooked had required a flaying knife, but there was no blood on it, and harry wasn't bleeding then. "i...was going to." harry admitted leaning against the counter, a hand over his eyes. "i had it there, pressed against my skin and then i...i saw you...and you where so angry and i just...i couldn't do it." Gabriel had gotten into Harry's heart, and that terrified the brunette, but it had stopped him from killing himself, because he hadn't wanted Gabriel to suffer for it. "i'm sorry...i was just...everything's so..." but he hadn't done it, harry had stopped himself...Gabriel's plan was working.
Gabriel growled grumpily, to sleepy to really understand what him not doing it meant, only registering that he had almost."Put it away. We have things to do today, and we eed to have our minds in it, and not get distracted."
harry grimaced a little as he put the knife away, it had been sitting out for hours, taunting felt good to put it away. "what are we doing today?" harry asked looking puzzled before he remembered. "we don't have to, if it upsets you..." he muttered softly, gently moving over to Gabriel, gently kissing his forehead. "i'm sure there are other ways to save"
Gabriel shook his head, wrapping a arm around the other, resting his head against his stomach." mother's librabry is one of the most extensive libraries in existance, after the malfoy's. If there's a will be there."He sighed, the mention of the malfoys jogging his memory. Wondering if he could convince narcissa to lend him a few books, because the woman had loved his mother well. Might be inclined to give her son some help if he needed it.
Harry nodded a little. "i know there is a way, Dumbledore thinks he knows everything, but he doesn't know shit." Harry admitted tensing violently at the mention of the Malfoy's. "don't tell them i'm here." he pleaded softly, looking up at the other, fear in his eyes. "Lucius is out to kill me." he admitted looking amused despite his terror. "i may have pissed him off a few too many times."
Gabriel looked startled before he smirked."I wont. Though everyone pisses off lucius at one time or another. Hell me and draco accidently caught his house on fire once."He said wrinkling his nose, packing up food to take with them to the house. Amused by the memory, they'd been about four or five, just learning to control the magic in them and they'd accidently on purpose caught lucius's ugly ass furniture on fire. it was really priceless to see the elder malfoy roar over it. Snickering he looked at him."You ready?"
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