Living Life

Gabriel looked shocked, before paling as his temper snapped out, forcing it to turn aside from hurting the man next to him, turning his driveway into a fine powder that had once been gravel. Swallowing hard he sat on the bed tugging the blanket down, gently stroking the other's hair even as he channeled his anger somewhere else. Because that was gabriel's secret, that his connection to the land, could change the things around him. What he was feeling, changed, shifted whatever was around him. He wasn't a wizard in the traditional sense, but he was powerful in his connectio nto the land.

"It's okay. It's fine."He swallowed wincing as he saw the storm forming outside. Having not realized he'd given his rage to air and water, realizing this was going to be a vicious kind of storm. Even as he gently touched the other, looked calm, the tormoil of anger was threatening t otear him apart.
Harry trembled as the other stroked his hair, silently crying. "i'm sorry... it wasn't was wasn't i just..." he curled up. "i'm so tired...i'm always so tired, all the time...and He's always in there, moving in my head..LAUGHING at me." he whispered softly, trembling again closing his eyes. "i just want to die...why won't you just let me die!? i'm useless and i can't do anything right..." he shuddered again and covered his ears, curling up on the bed. "i just want to die." he was so tired of living and suffering and fitting a specific role that he hated. he was just tired of everything.
"I wont let you die, because they wouldn't let me die. And I think if someone helps you, you can survive this. And..."Gabriel bit his lip, feeling the call deep in his bones,"because you need me."He said, not understanding the words before he'd said them, but they rang true. He wanted to help this man, needed to do it to stop himself from becoming the man his family had alwys feared he'd be
Harry turned and looked at Gabriel with tear filled eyes. "but i don't want to have to survive anymore...i've been surviving since i was a year old...i've been struggling to survive, since the day i was dropped off at those fuckers house." he turned away. "i'm tired of trying to survive." he admitted closing his eyes before rolling over and laying his head on the others lap, simply laying there, resting.
"Ah, well I'm tired to."He sighed softly, looking down at him, gently stroking the other's hair."Do you want to hear a story?My life wasn't as hard as yours, but in some ways worse, because I knew what my parents were, and the crimes they committed. And that despite loving me, my adopted mother despises me for carrying that bloodline."He looked at the cieling. "She despises me because she was made to watch me, because I was one step from being a dark wizard. And I'd never had a chance."He sighed turning over the memories, hoping to distract harry for the moment.
Harry blinked a little and glanced up at the other his head tilted a little. "i like stories." he decided closing his eyes, interested in hearing about how the other was supposed to be a dark wizard...this person was no dark wizard, Harry knew dark wizards. they had no kindness in them, Gabriel had dark tendencies, but he was no dark wizard. "tell me." Harry ordered softly. because he and Gabriel had something in common, both their lives had been decided for them.
"My father is-was Sebastien Black, and my mother was Glorianna Belladonna."He shuddered a little, after voldermort, the two were the darkest wizard and witch he'd ever had the pleasure of meeting. Resting his head back against the headboard he sighed."They were...dark. They enjoyed pain, everything that came from the death of hope. And I grew up in their house. I never knew anything different. Until..."He swllowed hard."At 12 they tried to make me commit human sacerifice, to gain the power that was mine to gain and split my become immortal. Or so thy thought. I stared into the eyes of a girl that I loved, it was a childish crush, but I loved her as much as I could, she was girl fom the town I lived in. Instead....I lashed out, and killed them.Because their guard was down."He shuddered harder."And wizengmort past judgement, that I was a dark wizard because I had killed with magic, and was warped from a young age...yet the senior member couldn't stand the idea of giving a child to the dementors. So..she took me in."He sighed softly."I recently found out that she only took me in, so that if I should go bad, she could execute me herself. Because it woul have been a merciful death instead of a dementor's kiss."
Harry listened to the story, playing with the blankets. "that sounds painful." harry admitted closing his eyes. "at least, for a while you had someone to love you." he admitted, gently stroking the others knee. "she took care of you, even if she didn't have to, she showed you a kindness...that's rare in this life." he admitted looking up at the other and smiling a little. "i bet, even though she only did it for that reason, she's still very proud of you...your a very good guy." he closed his eyes. "i still wish you'd been ten minutes late in finding me." he admitted, cracking a small joke. "but out of all the people who could have kidnapped me, i'm glad it was you."
Gabriel laughed, kissing harry's head as he held him."Well I'm gla I wasn't later, and I didn't kidnap you, I just...burrowed you from where you were staying."He snickered."Phedre is....phedre. She tells me to go die most days when I see her."He shrugged a little. Bu she was still the bedrock that had given him his code of life, had cared for him as a child, it was only the adult she couldn't stand. So...he loved her, even as he hated her.
Harry smiled a little and nodded. "ahuh, kidnapping is kidnapping." he stated simply, closing his eyes, his head resting on the others lap, simply enjoying the physical connection...enjoying talking to someone who wasn't using him, well, that Harry was aware of anyway. "i wish i'd met you, before all of this." he admitted softly. then, maybe he never would have ruined his own life, by denying Dumbledore. now, it was all Harry could do, not to go insane with guilt, grief, and fury, he wasn't even going to mention the depression. "i'm hungry." Harry finally complained.
garbeil snickered a little,"Oh yes lord and master, let me get right on cooking. I can make toast.Maybe."He said looking thoughtful before summoning a house elf, sending it after food, smiling as it reappeared with a tray of everything, setting it n harry's lap."Is this good enough oh gret one?"He teased thinking it over.He hadn't spent enough time in england, he knew about the war against voldermort, and the boy who lived, but he was in the dark about anything that was currently going on. Harry really was lucky that he was in england insead of his normal home in kremlin.
Harry smirked a little. "so long as you know your place." he teased. "i would make the food myself but i can't get down the stairs." he admitted sighing a little looking stunned at the amount of food suddenly in his lap. "i...i can't eat this much." he admitted. honestly, harry hadn't gotten more than a piece of toast and a can of ravioli's a day for almost two months. he's get sick if he tried to eat all that...he'd probably get sick anyway. he picked up the toast and nibbled on it, glancing at Gabriel and then looking down. " long are you going to keep me here then?" he asked simply. "people are going to look for me you's dangerous to be around me..." everyone always ended up dead.
"Well, it's dangerous to be around me to."Gabriel sighed eating himself. Having seen the other's look at the sight of all the food....and well he was more then willing to help eat it."And for how long your staying, till I convince you life's worth it, or when your out of danger."his smirk grew. His arrogance knew no bounds."If they want to take on the Belladonna's son, they're welcome to try. If they can actually find this place, I'll be amazed though."He said thoughtful."This was my mother's hideaway.... though if they cant find anything, they might come here. I'm always suspected when things go pear shaped."
Harry snorted a little biting his toast, "you don't kill everyone who you care about." he muttered darkly, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore as he set his toast down and turned away, rubbing his eyes a little. "i'm tired." he stated softly laying back down, curling around Gabriel, enjoying the warmth of his body. "i don't want to talk anymore."
Gabriel sighed a little, kissing his head."Fine by me.I'll see you when you get up."He said making himself comfortable, going to sleep,holding hi. letting him know silently someone was there for him.

in the morning gabriel yawned, nuzzling the hair in his face, brushing his lips over the other's ear,nibbling a little. Rolling him over, nuzzling the other's neck. Not even realizing what he was doing, unconsciously going through the motions of early morning sex, aroused by the man in his arms, and wanting to wake up in a good mood.
Harry moaned softly and then groaned. "don't you have someone else to rape?" he complained, thinking Gabriel was someone else, still half asleep as he leaned into the ear nibbling. "mmm." he mumbled leaning his head to the side. "this is new." he mumbled looking a little confused as he looked around the room, focusing on the asleep Gabriel with a small snort. "no wonder i'm not in pain." he mumbled laying back down, relaxing, enjoying the attention. "yeah, mmm that's it." he purred softly grinning a little. "little more." he suggested. "nibble my neck a little." he had no qualms in taking advantage of a sleeping person. the way he figured, if Gabriel kidnapped him, then he had to take responsibility for Harry, and that included Harry's horny morning wood.
"So many orders.."Gabriel whined sleepily, but doing as he was told, hips shifting into harry's, sighing softly as their morning wood pushed toegheter, mumbling pleased. Yes, he was still all the way asleep. And yes, he would do as he was ordered until he was awake. He'd once had sex completely asleep, only to wake pu when he orgasmed. Yea...he was a odd one."warm..."He muttered nuzzling the other's ear.
Harry moaned as they rubbed their crotches together, panting softly gripping the others hair and pulling him closer so that Harry could bite and nibble at the others neck, panting softly. "yeah, warm." harry moaned softly arching into the other, rubbing harder. he wouldn't actually fuck, Harry wasn't sure he was ready for that, but this was very nice, felt very good. "mm you feel so nice." he groaned smirking a little as he bit the others ear, gently nibbling along the flesh. "that's it, little faster." harry gasped, gripping the other close. "i'm close, gonna cum." he whined arching as he rubbed himself into the other a little harder, it had been so long since he'd had a gentle touch, that it was almost bringing him to completion before they'd even started. "make me cum, and i'll give you a nice blowjob."
Gabriel growled at him, pressing more firmly into the other, sighing at the touch, shivering as harry bit his ear. It felt so nice. And he wanted more."Blowjobs are good."He muttered, nuzzling harry's ear. It felt so good to be with someone, even if he wasn't aware of what he was doing. Though he was starting to wake up.
Harry moaned arching into the other, gasping hard and letting out a long low moan as he came, gripping Gabriel's back tightly as he messed his underwear and pants without care, panting hard. "good, so good.' he moaned smirking a little. "lay on your back, and i'll give you a blow job." he hissed breathlessly, still grinding into the other to ride out his orgasm. "mmm so good."
Gabriel whined a little as he rolled to his back, sighing softly as he settled back.Running his fingers through harry's hair, gently shoving him lover.Almost prring as he blinked sleepily."Morning...?"He muttered frowning. Trying to figure out what was going on.
Harry smirked a little as he looked up at the other, licking his lips a little as he opened the others pants pulling out the thick cock, running his tongue along the head and shaft, sighing softly. "mmm," he had so missed this, touching, being touched, being willing and not being held down and choked. it felt so good to be able to tease and touch as he pleased. he sucked from balls to tip, slipping the length into his mouth and swirling his tongue around the head, enjoying the feeling of holding something to hot in his mouth, enjoying the taste of the salty flesh. uncaring that Gabriel had woken up, uncaring that the other was confused, harry wanted it, and what harry wanted, harry got.
"Oh hell."Gabriel cursed sleepily as he spilled into the other's mouth, his hands fisted in harry's hair as he thrust up a little, sighing as he closed his eyes. Yawning as he woke up more."Good morning."He said huskily, basking in the afterglow as he rubbed his eyes. Looking confused and content at the man sucking on his cock.
Harry swallowed it down, smirking a little as he looked up at Gabriel. "morning." he chirped looking much happier that morning as he slid back up to lay next to Gabriel sighing softly. "mmm that was nice." he mumbled happily. "i'm going to need to borrow some pants." he admitted simply, relaxing next to Gabriel. "you made a mess of them." there was a pause. "that was nice too."
Gabriel raised a eyebrow as he looked at the other, curious."What was nice?"He asked as he got up, going to the dresser and getting him a pair of pants, tossing them to harry as he smiled."And do you want to go outside today?It's going to be nice."
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