Living Life

Harry smirked a little. "you humping me into orgasmic oblivion." he explained hoping to ease the others confusion. "i'd rather have a shower." he admitted slowly sitting up and yawning as he stretched out his sore muscles, slowly getting to his feet and running his hand through his hair blinking at Gabriel. "then i want to go outside." he admitted tossing him a smirk as he headed out of the room in search of a shower, completely uncaring, leaving the shower room door open, and the shower curtain unclosed as he washed all the cum and grime off of his body, revealing extensive scars all over his person. most of them looked like knife wounds, like someone had cut him several times with a butchers knife. there where a few patches where it looked like he had been set on fire, and there where several belt marks across his ass and back. harry was also thin, very thin, sickly thin as he washed his body, he frail when he was naked, need of protection and affection, even as he smiled into the water as he washed his hair, he looked sad and lost and alone.
Gabriel laid ther efor a few minutes before he decided that it was perfectly fine to join him in the shower. After all the man'd just gave him a blow job."You do realize it's unkind to not invite someone to join the shower if your going to leave the door open?"He said absnelty getting in, feeling fiercely protective of the boy standing in front of him. And he knew, whatever came, he'd stand as sword and shield to this boy. that whatever came at him, was going to have to go through him first. And though most of the world scorned him for being the belladonna's son, he was vicious. And he'd had a friend as him once how the hell he did it. Because he'd walked off a battlefield free of gore and blood, pristine as the moment he'd stepped on it. Which was terrifying in itself. To see what he'd done to a body, and still look clean....yea there were predators in the world, and he was at the top of the food chain.

Every protective instinct in his body screamed at him to take care of this man ,and he was going to do it...even if he had to leave a world with nothing but corpses in his wake.
Harry smirked a little. "the open door was an invitation." he stated simply as he scrubbed under his armpits with a washcloth, glancing at the other and then looking down at himself and all the scars. "i know." he stated softly. "i'm pretty hideous." he admitted looking amused. "but i fuck real good, so most people ignore them." he admitted handing the other the washcloth. "wash my back for me? i can't reach."
"Yes, oh great one."Gabriel said snickering as he took the cloth, washing the others back as he looked him over."So, are you ever going to tell me what happened?"He asked needing to know.."I'm not from here, so I don't understand this obession everyone has with you.So...tell me what happened to lead to you staying with me."
Harry's smiled a little as he was washed, that small smile vanishing as soon as Gabriel asked what happened. he sighed a little and closed his eyes. "when i was a baby, there was a huge war going on." he started softly. "there was a man, he'd gone mad and was slaughtering people by the thousands, anyone that wasn't a pure blooded wizard was on his hit list... my parents where fighting against day a prophecy came out...about me, and him... it said that i would kill him someday...he came to my house, i was only a year old..killed my parents...tried to kill me...Evada mothers love, formed a protective spell around me, and the Killing curse backfired." Harry admitted softly. "i was the only person ever known to have survived the curse...but part of his soul...became trapped inside me. i was sent to live with my aunt and uncle, they hated magic and everything to do with it, so they tried to repress my magic...when it didn't work, they started to beat and starve me." he admitted shrugging a it didn't really matter.

Dumbledore...he started from year one, trying to kill me right along side Voldemort." he admitted. "only i didn't realize it... my very first year at hogwarts, i almost died several times... my second year i killed a basilisk that Dumbledore had woken, thanks to Lucius Malfoy he even had a means to control the serpent, well that all backfired of course and i ended up killing the basilisk and destroying a horcrux. third year i found my godfather, he'd been framed for killing my parents, Dumbledore set the Dementors after me." he shuddered violently. "they almost got my soul." fourth year.." he took a deep shaky breath.

"fourth year...Dumbledore used a spy from Voldemort to put me int he TriWizard Tournament...i almost died like, a hundred times." he admitted shaking his head a little. "i started dating someone in that year, a boy named Cedric, Dumbledore didn't approve, he tried to have Cedric killed several times as well... the Cup was a Portkey...we touched the cup at the same time...we.." he shuddered violently. "there was a grave yard... Cedric died... i fought Voldemort...escaped again." he closed his eyes, tears trickling down his face. "fith year... dementors again... fat woman named umbrige was at the school... i was having my head." he couldn't stand anymore, he slid down the wall, sitting on the cool tile floor. "i must not tell lies.." he shuddered violently. "went to the ministry,." he sobbed again. "Sirius...was killed...i fought Voldemort...Dumbledore rescued me... he was using me then, using me as a weapon...what a good little weapon i was... sixth year... "

he sobbed again. "sixth year my last family...Lupin..Remus lupin...died, oh god it was horrid, i couldn't get to him...he was ripped to pieces, Dumbledore was laughing, letting it happen." he shuddered, wrapping his arms around his knees, hiding his face in them. "i started to scream, Dumbledore tried to put me under the didn't work, i'm he started...started letting my family.." he shuddered violently. "school was canceled early... attack on the school so i was home...sixth months before you found me and i..i just...let them do it because it was hurt less when i didn't struggle..." he shuddered again, rocking back and forth. "Ron..Ron died...Hermione was killed....Neville was slaughtered...Luna...i like to think she's still alive somewhere...and that...that leaves me alone...with Dumbledore...controlling me to kill a madman just so that Dumbledore can do the exact same thing..." then he fell silent, completely silent, letting himself cry, the water erasing all evidence as Harry simply sat in the bottom of the shower and let all the raw wounds hurt deep inside of him.
Gabriel snarled, the sound filling the shower as he picked up the man,cuddling him even as he shook with rage. Staring into space he thought about what he wanted to do to dumbledore. And...he was going to do it. He was going to destroy the wizard, if for no other crime then hurting this boy. He figured there were other crimes, but this... this was the worst. growling a little he snarled, power coiling around him, closing his eyes as he fought to not rise to the killing edge, that headframe where the world existed in moments between heartbeats, where the world was shown in crystal clear clarity, where there was nothing but bloodshed and vengence.

Hearing the thunder clap outside the house, loud enough it made the windows shake he whimpered. He knew better then to loose control that much. But the wizarding world had been right about something. Given the right provacation, Gabriel Belladonna Black was his mother's son, and vicious in his cruelty."Where is he?"he asked voice gentle, gentle hands stroking harry's skin, even as he struggled to clear the rage out of his body.
Harry snuggled into Gabriel, enjoying the comfort, simply crying into the others chest, not saying anything else, but it was clear...harry felt responsible for getting everyone he loved killed, he felt responsible for the deaths of innocents...he even felt as though he deserved the punishments that the Dursley's had given him, even the rape that happened far too often, of course Harry hadn't mentioned that. "i don't know..." harry admitted with a dim whisper. "he just dropped me off and left me there." he admitted closing his eyes. "i want to go outside..." needed to, he needed to feel the sun on his long had it been since he'd sat outside? even just to do chores?...not since Hogwarts...not since hermione and Ron had died. he shuddered at the crack of thunder, feeling helplessness welling up inside. "i guess we won't be going outside..."
Gabriel swallowed hard, forcing his body to relax, and soothing his temper, and the storm gathering outside."No. We're going outside. Just give me a few minutes."He swallowed lifting his head, listening to the soft rain for a few minutes before it died, leaving a soft spring sun waiting for them."It's wet out, but not raining anymore. come on."He said dragging the other out of the shower, drying them both off, and getting dressed."We'll have a day in the sun."
Harry blinked a little as the thunder, and then the rain stopped, looking amazed. "did you do that?" he asked, looking up at Gabriel with amazed eyes. "i didn't know that wizards could control the weather, will you teach me?" he asked hopefully, pain forgotten in favor of the sunshine and the prospect of learning a new trick away from Dumbledore's prying eyes. "not all day." harry corrected. "i burn easily." he admitted, remembering how he would always burn red when he had to mow the lawn or trim the bushes or weed the garden. he sighed a little, he didn't have to do that here, but he half wished he had a trowel and some gloves.
"Me to. I get really mother used to tell me I was adorable when I burned."He said wrinkling his nose heading outside with him, looking at the sky."Its...dark magic to learn to control the weather, and years of patience. My parents taught me young,because it ws to their advantage to be able to spook someone with having a child able to control weather. But if you want to try, yes I'll teach you."
Harry chuckled a little. "cute my ass that shit hurts." he admitted sighing a little and shaking his head. "i don't give a shit about black magic." he admitted. "it's just another way that Dumbledore is trying to control the wizarding world... in fact most dark spells where originally considered common use spells...even Crucio and Impirio, even Evada Kedavra, they where medical spells." he admitted sounding amused. "i want to learn."
"True. But I still got my ass handed to me for using them as a kid."Gabriel sighed, not really trying to think about his childhood. Because harry's seemed so much wore, even with his adopted mother trying to actively kill him, he didn't want to complain to this hurt man."I'll teach you.Later. When your stronger, it requires to much concentration to try to learn half assed. You're liable to get yourself struck by lightening if you do that."
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "i used to get my ass handed to me for talking about magic." he admitted sounding amused. "we have a lot in common don't we?" he asked softly. "we both had bad childhoods. were both unloved." he sighed a little. "i wish i was more like you." he admitted softly. "your so much stronger than i willing to keep going and help others, even though you where forced to do such horrible things..." harry looked guilty. "i can't even protect the people i care about...i bet you'd never stand by and let someone rip Phedre apart..." like he had for most of his friends, that wasn't actually what happened, but that was how Harry felt.
Gabriel gave him a look, before sighing. He understood the need to blame oneself, even if it wasn't harry's fault. IT was the one who chose to do the bad thing. "Phedre killed my best friend when I was 18, because he refused to tell her that I was sleeping upstairs."He said, willing to share what he'd never told anyone startled to be doing so."He wouldn't let her attack a unarmed man, and he couldn't warn me first. So...she slaughter him and came after me anyways."He said watching the bruette."It wasn't your fault the people around you did what they did, just like its not my fault phedre killed Edward, or that edward stood in her wy."
Harry looked a little confused. "i thought Phedre raised you?" he asked, looking baffled his head tilted. "i don't understand." he admitted, wondering how someone who was supposed to be good, could kill a young man, and attack an unarmed person. he sighed a little and shook his head. "in any case, he CHOSE to defend you." he stated simply. "...most of the people i cared about, simply died because i cared about them. if it wasn't Voldemort trying to kill me through loss, it was Dumbledore trying to drive me mad with grief." he paused and then grinned viciously. "i suppose if it hadn't been for you they would have succeeded." he paused then. "i don't want to talk about this anymore, let's talk about something else."
"She did. But she only didn't try to kill me while I was young because she didn't think it was fair to fight a child."He sighed leaning back on his hands as he looked up at teh sky."So what do you wnt to do?You're not a prisioner. WEll not much. Only a prisoner who cant commit suicide."He said laying back in the grass, closing his eyes. Content to pass the day away.
Harry paused for a moment then. "i...don't know." he admitted pausing for a moment then. "i want to fly." he finally decided. "i love to fly." he admitted smiling a little as he looked up at the nice blue sky. "or swim, i like to swim too." he admitted pausing for a moment. "or i could suck you off again." he teased smirking a little as he licked his lips. "that's always fun."
Gabriel let out a startled laugh, snickering."Maybe later."HE grinned looking at him,shaking his head."And well, we can swim or fly. Which one do you want to do today?"He asked, while he owned a broom he didn't have a pool which would mean going to the public pool,but that was okay. Being in public might do them both good.
Harry paused, then. "i'd rather fly." he admitted smiling. "i don't have the patience to go anywhere." he paused. "unless you have a pool here?" he paused again then. "where ARE we anyway?" he demanded after a moment scratching his head. "no one will find me here right?" he was suddenly terrified that Voldemort, or worse, Dumbledore would find him, harry wouldn't be able to do anything if they did, his magic was too busy trying to piece his weak body back together.
"Southern germany, well austria really.I don't know, they change the border lines so much its hard to know which countries which. I figured you wouldn't want to be in england for the moment."He looked slightly amused as he summoned his broom, handing it to the other, tilting his head."And no, well okay my mother's family can find me, but they usually leave me alone these days."He shrugged a little.
Harry relaxed as he heard that he wasn't in England, sighing softly as he rubbed his eyes a little. "yes,.. i mean no..i'd be right." he admitted getting to his feet and grinning as he accepted his broom, stretching his disused muscles, cracking his neck and then his knuckles. "as long as no one knows i'm here." he stated simply, taking off into a run and then diving into the air with a joyful whoop, whisking through the air gracefully, laughing as a look of joy etched across Harry's face. flying always made Harry feel better, and now was no different.
Gabriel smiled relaxed as he sat back in a lawn chair, watching the other fly around.Finding it extremely relaxing to watch the boy enjoy something that much.Smiling to himself, realizing he was just going to have to find more things that harry liked to do,cause well he wanted him to keep smiling like that.
Harry did loops and spins and Ariel Maneuvers, laughing several times, a strangely carefree sound that didn't belong to someone who had suffered so much, and was wanted dead or completely under control by two, possibly three men. then he was on the ground, jogging over to Gabriel with a smile on his face. "thank you, for's been a long time since i was able to fly just for fun." he crawled into Gabriel's lap before the other could protest and snuggled in with a sigh, content and happy for the first time in years.
GAbriel looked statled as the other got in his lap, kissing his head as he wrapped his arms around him."You are very welcome.And while I'd like to know if your flying, just so I don't worry, you can use it whenever you waant to."He said running his fingers through the brunette's arm. Relaxed and happy, glad that harry had enjoyed it so muh.
Harry smiled a little. "i'll let you know." he promised closing his eyes. "but i'm really tired now." he had probably over worked himself pulling all those Ariel stunts, it was a wonder he'd even been able to walk over to Gabriel. "can we go inside and have lunch? i'm starving." he probably wouldn't eat much but at least he was going to be able to eat whenever he was hungry, get his muscle tone back, look human again... honestly, it was the first time, in a long time that Harry had even felt human. he hated to admit it, but Gabriel was good for him.
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