The New Digi-Destiny

he wasnt listening as he filled all of her womb with his seed panting like a true wolf as he filled her. he looked down at her and licked her cheek stuck inside her for the moment.
he sighed coming back to himself the knot dissapearing and he pulled out finaly, and smiled at her. "that felt good." he said softly looking at her.
shi blushed and quikly got dressed again" y..yea.. about we go try and get those supplies forcefully?
yuki chuckled and shook his head. "it's getting late as well as we are sapost to save the world.... not make more trouble...." he said simply putting hi pant's back on and walked out the hut grabbing the the large leaf holding the fish and handed her one. "here... iv already had my share."
shi smiles and takes the leave" thank you" shi says softly as shi dedigivolves and pulls out hir lunchbox witch had gold fork a plate in it, shi began eating like that
Yuki nodded and dedigivolved back into his human form and watched her eat, smiling softly to himself, he had got to fuck such a cutie, maybe he should take on his digmon form more. he sat opposite side of the camp fire and looked up at her. "what we need now is to figure out what to do... now that we got the spirit's... were do we go and how do we save the digimon.... there are so meny question's and so little answer's."
seiko happily munches on hir fish and remains silent wile she does, once she is all done she sighs happily" well, i think i saw some train tracks going through the renamon's town, we could try and catch a train see where it takes us or well anything realy
Yuki looked up at her and nodded softly. "good idea...." he said after the brief silence of her eating hearing her suggestion, "sound's like a plan... but do they have train's here?" he asked softly looking up to the sky thinking.
Yuki nodded and stood up. "alright then." he agreed softly. "althou i dought the train is a normal one seeing nothing in this world is normal." he joked softly and kicked some dirt onto the fire putting it out. "ready to go?" he asked softly.
seiko nods and digivolve's again " i will fly us there alright?" shi asjked curiously as shi started to hover over the ground
He chuckled and nodded lightly and walked over to her ready. "ill transform into my digimon form later..... for now... im good." he said softly.
shi smiles and flys to you wrapping hir arms around your chest shi stasrts to lift you off the ground and fly us to the renamon village
he almost eeped at this but kept his cool as they flew, he smiled flying felt so awesome and she must have been having the time of her life doing it. he looked up and watched her till they got to the renamon village, almost every renamon was on the ground fucking male's with male's female's with female's and even the mmale's and female's going at it... it was almost like a village wide orgy.. "holy shit..."
seiko watches from the sky and blushes lightly" y..yea this is pretty much what it was liek before" shi looks all around" where shall i set you down im afraid of being pounced honestly
he nodded lightly watching them he couldn't help but get boned at the sight of this. "ummm let's look for them traint rack's before im ttempted to join." he said softly and smirked up at her
seiko blushes even deepre and flys both of us over to the tracks and station shi saw before, shi landed on the platform and sighs" l..lets hiope theres trains, and they get here fast
Yuki smirked and looked over the station and walked over to the ticket box and looked inside to see a male renamon, "ummmm hello there... when's the next train?"

The renamon smirked at him lightly. "one hour... sorry..... would you like to get a ticket? they cost 35 digi-cred a ticket..."

Yuki blinked and looked back to his freind. "ummmm... look's like we are boned.... they have a diffrent credit and munny system then earth."
seiko blushes and walks upto the renamon unstrapping hir top to show hir breast that shi presses agisnt the glass and says softly" cant we get two on the house, pretty please?
The renamon blushed at this and looked away. "no... but you could pay for them in another way." he said softly blushing harder.

Yuki chuckled and smirked at her. "do what ever.... i wont stop you." he thwen walked over to one of the bench's and sat down.
seiko pouted" but if you dont give me those tickets i wont be able to go see my grandma, and i cant see her if i lose my virginity to some random stranger, please just help me some crazy digimon took our money said it was a welcome to the world tax even after that nice angel digimon ggave us so much
The renamon thought for a moment and looked back at her breasts. "your not the only one that's a virgin... maybe just a blow?" he asked softly.
/me seiko pouted and looked back at hir companion a light tear in her eyes" i guss we wont get to save this world and we wont ever get home, ill never see my family, my boyfreind, my poor puppy" shi drops to hir knees and sobs softly totally putting on a great fake sow
Yuki smirked and played along. "ya it is so sad and to think i was to be married tomorrow." he said softly and looked down the trake's.

the Renamon blinked and sighed. "fine ill give you both ticket's... he said and pushed the two ticket's out thou the slot. "now hurry up... the train wiont be here for a long bit." he said lightly and looked off tord the village. "maybe i should just go.... might get that mark thou." he then shook hisa head and fell into deep thought.
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