The New Digi-Destiny

he blinked at this and sighed and made a little note and sighed rubbing his muzzel lightly. 'dont worry about it.... it's not your fault... althou this master of this must have known he was coming.... do you think he's human like us?" he asked and looked at her. 'that guriaden did say he might not be from this world." he said softly andfd looked at his note's lightly of witch he stacked into a neet row.
seiko nods" i think they said sdomething about being human but im not sure" shi sighs" im gona go out for a walk and explore the city
Yuki looked at her lightly and made a few note's. 'are you shure about that?" he asked her softly and stood up scratching his side.
seiko nods" yea im sure, i want to go find some nice cloths and maby some good hair ties maby meet some other cool digimon
Yuki nodded softly to her. "ok then waile i was out i got a good look around the city.... there's all sort's of digimon... some no one's ever seen before... well... made in card's anyways." he said remembering something that looked close to a hentai tentacle monster and shuddered at the thought. "anyway's... were you want to go first?"
/me shi blinks" your coming with me" shi asked blushing deeply " w..well i dont care take me anywhere you wish to uyuki
That was a bad idea on her part cuz he automaticly wanted to go to the red light district. getting up he walked over to her and took her hand and lead her out the house leading/pulling her with his as they headed to the north side of town. "you know..... you should get a job waile we are here. " he hinted softly.
seiko meeps and is dragged along" hey yuki stop taht hruts" shi whiens softly and also says" digi destine shouldnt need jobs at all
/me he let her hand go and smiled turning around to face her but still walking backward's. "ya well we need the cash.... also i might be a good way to teach you and for your to learn some skill's you never could as a stuck up princess." he said being a little blunt.
seiko snorts and walks with you" im not going to be a slut for you" shi stated as if anticipating what you had in mind for hir" and i dont need to know any skills
he smiled at her lightly. "im not asking you to be a slut.... here's what im thinking... you are a didgidestant... i haer meny digimon wished to have seen them... and some lust for them... if you strip dance fore like a few day's we be rolling and be able to leave faster."
seiko sighs" do you want it to seem like all digidestine are slutty and will do anything for money?
Yuki chuckled and shook his head and smiled at her. "no... i just want to see you on a pole..." he said grinning a bit as they entered the red light area. but then was nocked back by a huge exslosin.

The exsplotion came from a large digimon busting thou the ground leaving a large hole the digimon looked to have drill's on his'a hand's and nose and looked to be made of pure gold.
looks at the digimon and squeaks hiding behind yuki" holly shit is tat common out hre?" shi asked staring at the digimon and close to digivolving
Yuki growled at the digimon as he stood up. "no.... i dont hink so." he said then went wide eyed as the digimon turned around a dark mark on if's forhead. "deffinly not." he said lightly. "time to fight." he then ran at the digimon and kicked it right in thew face sending it back into the hole.
seiko takes out hir digivice and digivolvs flying after you and looking down the hole as shi hovers above it" i should fly him out of the city first and you can follow right?
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