The New Digi-Destiny

seiko just keeps sleeping shi really was exausted from the long hard travel and two sex sessions on the way here so it owuld take allot to wake hir
The piximon blushed and floated down and grabed the human girl's member and began to stroke it softly checking to see if it was real. "wow... she realy gone... i guess what happened at the train was true..."
seiko makes a soft noise in hir sleep hir emmber starting to harden in the piximon's hands and slowely getting larger
the piximon blushed and let go with a meep and floated back. 'yep it's real.... but i dont want to do this with her asleep so ill wait." she then floated over to one of the chair and sat int it waiting till the human woke up to try and continue.
seiko would sleep for a good long wile untill someone woke hir up if noone wakes hir well shi was so tired shi would sleep untill the enxt day midday easily
The piximon after a hour floated up and went over to the human girl and shook her. "wake up lady digidestant... anuff sleeping." she said softly trying to wake her gently.
seiko was realy out but hir eyes fluttered open lightly anuff to say" ten moe minuits mommy my pussy realy hurts" and closing hir eeys again shi was defionatly tired
The piximon smiled and kissed the human lightly on the cheek smiling softly at her and left thout house, a few hours later Yuki came back in with abag full of clothes and tossed the bag onto her. "wake up and smell the new clothes... wont tell you what i had to do to get them."
seiko groans and sits up giving a wide and tired yawn" but but i dont wana wake up
he grined and walked over to her and smiled down at her as he reached down and begun to rub her slit lightly his thum entering her told's and fingering her lightly. "if you down wake up il rape you."
seiko shivers and whines" stop it dammit we dont kn ow if im contagious what if i give you the mark too?" shi asked as shi wiggled away from your finger
Yuki chuckled softly and spread her leg's as he opened his jipper letting his hardened and unsheathed wolf cock out and rubed it against her slit. "then let's test this..." he said softly before starting to push into her grunting even after all this she was still tight as hell.
/me squeals and digivolvs just so shi can sue hir gale winds on you to push you back" DAMMIT i said no" shi growls very much like a pmsing woman
?me he grunted as he was trown off and looked at her lightly and stood up and put his member into his pant's and growled at her. "what other way is there then to test to see? im trying to help you danm it." he said and shook his head. "fine be that way but your on your own now..." he then walked to the door and almost riped the door off as he pulled it open.
he growled softly and and closed the door a bit moody afgter working so much just to get a few clothes to were. "fine..." he said lightly and snorted. "im heading to bed..." he said and walked upstair's heading tord one of the bedroom's.
/seiko sighs and heads to the bathroom shi turned on the water and prepared a bath for hirself
Yuki layed down in one of the 4 bedroom's and ighed a bit satill in his wolf form, he looked to the side and out the window watching the city, he then got up and began to loom around the room for5 anything usefull.
seiko sighs and gets out of the bathtub drying off with a towl shi starts to do her hair managing to find some hair bands held up in here, once shiw as done shi put her cloths on and started roaming the halls untill shi found your room and entered without knocking
as she came to his room he was sitting at the desk paper's around him full od info as well as the two darm mark drawling's.. he was still in his wolf digimon form, but he hadnt noticed her yet. "hmmmmm ...... so this... but.... what if..." he started to wright again trying to figuer something out.
seiko blinks a bit and says" um yuki..... what are you doing?" shi was curious as to the pappers
Yuki looked back at her then looked back to the paper's and started to put them in order. "im putting together all the info i have on these mark's......" he said softly. "althou... why they show up and who running it is the one thing i dont know."
seiko nods lightly" i think we should leave after a few day's, i think we should head out of the city and follow the train tracks it seems like thats the right way
Yuki looked back at her. "not so fast... we need to plan first and get some munny for the road...." he said looking back at her. "and anyway's... we need to gather as much info as we can.... what did thou's iceleomon and renamon tell you?"
seiko thinks" just taht.. my mark was something special from their master" shi looks down" im sorry
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