The New Digi-Destiny

Yuki chuckled softly. 'well... we lost your backpack so it's a bit hard to put you in something..." he said to her as the piximon nodded to them and opened the gate's for both of them letting them both in. he walked her in and jumped up onto the walk way and amost imedeatly they could see how busy the city was, digmon could be seen for mile's and none with and sort of dark mark. the gate closed and one of the piximon foated up to them and smiled at the human girl.

"welcome to our gloryous city Lady digidestant!" she said excitedly. "it has been million's of year's since a digivice bearer walked this world..... this city is dark mark free and all the digimon you see are here to escape the outside world.... ill lead you and your partner to were you will be staying if you so wish it."
seiko smiles at the pixiemon and cling to yuki" please do i am so tired it has been a long trip already and i need to rest and think on what to do about these cursed marks
The piximon nodded and started to float off leading the human and who she thought was the girl's digimon partner into the les busy side of the city speaking to them both. "the city is divided up into 5 section's... center, south, west, east, and north... each district has it's own placement of thing's... the center is the living area... that is were all the main places to live are and were most make there home.... the north is the red light sector... for odviase reason's it's watch for dark mark's but there you can have sex in the street's or mate go to club's or do what ever you feel like... but only there... now the south side is the market area were food. clothes. tool's. and weapon's can be bought..... the east side is the military and training gound's area... you can also find meny a guild there..... now the west side is the castle... the only one's aloud to be there is nobal's and royalty..... but i bet you will be called there soon any lady digidestant..."

Yuki listened top her softly thinking for a moment. "sound's complicated... do you know were one can get a job?"

The piximon giggled softly and nodded. "the place looking for job's mosty is the market and red light section."
seiko listens intently and watches the pixie mon float blushing deeply again he was rather cute , shi sighed thoe and snuggled into yuki more" piximon can we please get to my place so i garurumon here can go get me some cloths?
The piximon nodded it be another 30 minet's until they reached the house as they got there the pink digmon smiled and opened the door inside it looked like a 2 floor house the first floor had the living room and kitchen as well as picture's and drawing's of all the digidestant that came to the digital world as well a fake moddel digivices. 'this house is for the digidesttant's this house is over million';s of year's old and law say's no one may live her other then the digidestant's." she said softly.

Yuki let her down out his arm and looked agound stairing at a few picture's "i see..."
seiko sits and looks around smling" its nice, i am honored you elt me stay in this home
The piximon bowed and let them closing the door behind her. 'anything for you lady digidestant... im must spread the news."

Yuki chuckled. 'ahh... lady digidesnet your pussy i do want." he luaghed joking a bit.
seiko blushed deeply and gave piximon a smile" it is a digidestin's duty to help the digimon in any way possible isnt it piximon" shi said in a soft lusty voice before finding a nearby blanket and pulling it over hirself
she chuckled the piximon smiled and blushed softly at her word's. 'i gues it is.... but im female my lady." she said softly looking to the side.

tuki chuckled softly. "that dont matter i bet."
seiko smirks a bit" it dosent realy i am .. equiped to help everyone after all" shi says with a soft smile and a bat of he eyelashes at the piximon
The piximon blushed and twiddeled her thum's softly and looked around the room blushing her pink little head off. "well i guess so.' she said shyly.

Yuki smirked. "if you want i can leave you both to have your fun."
seiko smirks a bit and lounges back" no i cant do it right this moment i am so tired, little piximon come back later tonight ok? and i will show you jsut how we do it in my world" shi giggls softly
The piximon blushed a deeper shade or red and nodded and quickly left the building.

Yuki luaghed a bit. "good going princess..... scared her off.... she will be back thou."
seiko smirks" i need some cloths besides what if my dark mark transfers i need you to find me some condoms and cloths if you can...." shi asked with a soft smile as shi lounged abck rady for a nap
he chuckled. "i dont think it can and keep your voice down.... also i dought they work in condom's around here.." he said softly and smirked at her once more. "and i dought you need a bra ms. flat chest."
seiko loks down and hmffs covering hirself up" fien im remembering taht next time your horny
he grined softly and walked up to her and ran a hand down the side od one of her small breasts. "i dought that hun." he said jokingly and stood up. "but for now ill see what i can do with no cash..." he said softly.
seko tries to bite your hand as you touch hir breast" i said no you caleld me flat chested now you can jsut fuck your paw, and please get going i feel weird beign naked like this
he frowned at her. "ok priness... but it might take all night the way your talking to me... i do need to serch for clothes..... and stealing them is bad...." he said and turned to the door. "just dont fuck any more iceleomon's or renamon's waile im out."
he rolled his eyes. 'you should be glad your flat cheasts... some see it as a huge turn on." he was speacking mostly to and about himself but he hope she got the point as he left the house and closed the door heading out.
Yuki wouldnt be home for hour's as he was working to get some munny to get her clothes.

The door opened and a piximon floated in and looked around. "lady digidestant?"
seiko was asleep right where they elft hir not seeming to ahve moved at all
The piximon blushed and floated over to her softly as the door closed sthe piximon smiled and started to float all around the girl getting a good look at her then blushed seeing her member. "wow... she is equipt to haddle both gender's..." she said blushing.
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