The New Digi-Destiny

shi moans loud at the sudden ahrd thrust then merfs as that renamons members forced into hir mouth, now shi was scared that it was a cursed renamon and began thrashing about crying in fear of being cursed with the sex mark
the Iceleomon smirked softly and kept hold of her as he she trashed trusting harder and faster into her. 'dont worry... this wont take long littlle one... after all... you will be fucking for all time.." he said gasping as he trusted harder and faster into her

The renamon moaned and grabed her head and began to skull fuck her focing her to deep thought his foxlike cock. "good job iceleomon. she will make a good prize for the king.
seiko cried out and in a last ditch effort shi started twirling using hir tempist twist to try and spin around and force both of the digimon out of hir before the came
The Iceleomon cryed out as did the renamon as they both pulled out of her and jumped back, at the same time this happened a large explosion issued from outside as did more boom's the train lurched a bit and started to speed up. the ice leomon grinned at her stuffing his cocks back into his pant's and grinned at her. 'yoou bitch... you would have loved what we gave you... you would have made a nice prize to the king of darkness... i bet he's beenin need for another like himself."

The renamon smirked. 'he fualt... should we kill her?"
seiko pants and lays there holding hir hands up as small tornados form on hir finger tips shi lashes them out at both the digimon before falling unconscious shi hit hir ehad fairly hard on the ground from teh explosions and was exausted from teh struggle
The iceleomon blocked the attack and was sent flying out the window but the Renamon dodged the attack quickly grinning he tumbled as the trank lurched and got to his feet to see the girl passed out on the ground, he walked over to her and grinded putting her onto her back and spread her leg's. "dont worry ill just give you a new mark the king has been working on and completed..." he said and positioned himself outside her slit before raming back into her and began to trust once more.
shi was helpless to the spreading hir legs getting spread and beign ramed into hir rather open slit hir body moaning in hir unconscious state there was nothing for hir to do
the renamon kept fucking the poor uncontous girl trusting harder and faster into her as the train lurched all the more the boom's becoming louder the train spead up going faster as well and as the last boom sounded from outside the renamon came inside her filling her with his seed, a dark marik in that shape iof a black rose now rested between her breasts. it was the mark of the king, with the mark she would be lead along her jorny to the king himself, and unlike the other mark's it would not make her a sex crazed animal or a fighting maniac... althou it would make her a bit hornier and mor fertal and prone to have kid's....
shi is left laying there filled with the renamons seed still unconscious shi would stay taht way for a wile untill slowly coming to
The train slowed to a sstop about a mile from the nexzt town as Yuki came running back in and growled as he saw her laying on the floor running over to her he staired wide eyed at the dark rose make between her breasts as well as the seed flowing out her slit. 'danm it..." he said lightly before kneeling beside her and lightly slaping her cheek. 'wake up.... wake up danm it."
shi groans and slowly sits up" w..what happened?" shi asked curiously? as shi loked all around
he smirked a bit sadly at her and took out his knife polished blade was like a warrior as he angled it so she could see the dark rose between her breasts. "look like you got the mark... someone must had raped you... or you fucked one with the mark." he said and put his knife up. "but it dont look like eather of the mark's ive seen... do you feel ok?"
seiko blushes and nods lightrly" y..yea i..i feel fine.... i..i must be mmune because im human o..or somthing" shi says optomisticly smiling at you
Yuki nodded his wolfish head softly and stood up. "i couldn't save the train i removed the part were the mark was but it was like it was possessed, the train had a fighting mark i guess..." he said softly and looked back at the mark between her breasts. 'go back to being human and check if it stay's."
seiko nods and de digivols sighing softly as shi feels small and normal" is it there?" shi asked curiosuly standing naked before you
yuki Blushed softly and looked between her breastys softly and sighed noddeing. "it is...." he said softly and looked off to the other digimon on the train. "do you know who did this?"
seiko blushes" i..t was iceleomon a..and a renamon the one from before i think" shi says softly very embarressed that it got the best of hir" l..lets just get out of here as fast as we can ok?
Yukinodded softly and picked her up in his arm's as if she was a princess and him a prince and jumped out the train outside alot of crater's could bee seen lining the track's as well as half the train was missing. "ok... i think if we keep heading that way we will hit the next town." he said softly. he began running with her in his arm's in the direction the train was heading following the track's.
seiko blushed deeply and snuggled into your big furry chest enjoying being carrieD" mm i can defiantly get used to this so please take your time" shi says in a soft loving tone
Yuki blushed at this and coffed almost triping over his own feet. "shut up..." is all he said as he kept running not looking down at her naked form. 'forst thing when we get there is get you some new clothes."
seiko blushes mroe and says softly" but, i like being naked with you" ehi snuggls clsoer to your muscled form and passed out in your arms shi was exausted now more than ever
Yuki looked confused at this but said nothing after a hour of running they ending up at the city but there was a giant wall guarding it. at the gate were 2 piximon. he walked up to them and smiled. "let us in please... we need a place to stay tonight."

the piximon looked at the girl and shook there head's. "we dont think so... she has a dark mark... no infected mon's aloud."

Yuki snorted. "this ant a dark mark it's a tattoo.."
seiko stays sleepign in your arms untill we arrive, once the talking starts shi yawns and looks at the mon infront of teh gate" we arrived hun?
he looked down and nodded at her then looked to the piximon's. "this girl is a human... a digidestant... in there word they get tattoo's like this all the time... does it look like any dark mark you've seen?"

The piximon biooth went wide eyed at this and began to float around her looking over every nook and cranny of her nude form then then grouped together and talked to each other for a fem minet's trying to deside.
/me blinks s bit and looks at the pixiemon blushing at the thoughts in hir head" its a little wird being looked over and discussed liek this" shi wispers softly
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