The New Digi-Destiny

/me seiko squeaks loud and starts flapping hir wings trying to take flight" um thank you i think ill jsut go back to camp.... and let your world die because im not properly rested in a sleeping bag" shi states rather coldly trying to get away from the renamon;s grip
The renamon growled softly and shook his head. "like i give a danm." he then turned around and walked to his hut a black heart on his back.

Yuki was in the hut stroking his member now out it's sheath gasping softly.
seiko sighs and fly's back to the hut smiling as shi see's it shi walks in and says" hey yuk....." shi cut off and blushed deeply turning around quickly"" you cold see hir wet leg and the tip of hir cock sticking out of the side of hir cloths and down the side of hir pants
me he went wide eyed and put his wolf cock back into his pant's and blushed. 'ummmm sorry... i was bored so i... well.... and seeing you naked didnt help.'
seiko blushes deeply" well um theirs a renamon village nearby and they have supplies but wouldn't give them to me unless i had sex with them, they all seem to be infected
he nodded softly standing up and looked at her seeing the buldge. 'i see.... and your a herm? wow... well ummm... guess that mean's you dont like guy's." he said a bit wimpering as if downed.
shi blushes even more" i have always been a herm you just didnt notice " shi blushes even more" im uh.. gona go now see if tehres more people that arent infected maby" now shi was jsut trying to get away
he shook his head and grabed her hand. 'dont go... there's no need to." he said and pulled her into the hut. "i need you." he said softly a desprate look to him he was so close to cuming when she appeared he needed to cum. "please...." he said softly.
shi blushes deeply" i..ill jsut leave you for an hour.. m..maby bring back a infected renamon for you to play with.. h..hows that sound?
he shook his head and pulled her into the bed of leave's with him and started to rub hercock softly over the pant's. 'why do that? your in need as well... i can smell it... just this once...,. and it will help us get to know each other."
shi shivers and wimeprs softly" b..but i realy dont want to.. i can ignore it or dela with it myself a..after all w..we only just met r..right?" shi shivered
he smiled. 'that dont mean nothing." he said and pulled down her pant's and began to stroke her member's bear and hardened fleash smiling softly at her as her pulled his hardened wolf cock out his pant's and pressed her hand too it.
shi blushes and tres to pll away wimpering lightly" w..wait not yet please" shi couldn't help but stroke that member tho it was so big and so very hot
Yuki smiled and leaned over and kissed her ashis paw stroked her member fasterbut then it let go to rub her fem slit toying with it lightly as his finger's danced across it noting her wetness. "your so wet... to think you have a cock and pussy.
shi blushes deeply and wimpers" m..maybe j..just this once i..i can help you..b.but then we have to get supplies from those renamon" shi moans softly and pressed into you in need
he nodded smiling watching her and pulled off his pants looking at her. 'thank you." he said softly to her and repositioned himself between her leg's and pulled her hand off positioning himself right outside her fem slit ready to ttake her.
seiko shivers and blushes leanign into you as shi moved hir hips to tease your member before finaly sliding down onto it slowly so the head was parting hir tips" h..have fun b..but be w..we need to get supplies" shi said in a lusty need
Yuki schuckl;ed and trust fully into her spreading her cunny open and taking her for his own as he bottomed out in her he moaned softly and began to slowly trust his large wolf cock in and out of her gasping softlyv she was tight. "so tight... so good..."
shi gasps and cries out hir legs shaking and practically cumming right there, blood trickles down your shaft as you take hir virginity"" n..nyaa god its so big" shi says panting shi was a fairy digimon and much smaller and tighter than most
Yuki moaned softly growling as he trusted faster and harder into her wanting nothing else but to mate with her right now as he ramed in and out of her now opened slit. "i gues." he said softly as his large member bumped into her crevix with each trusthe reached up and grabed the covering over her breasts and pulled them off her.
shi blushes more and moans pressing hir tits twords your large paw as hir hips rolled with your thrust" o..oh geeze its.. its so good" shi moans out as hir climax draws dangerously near
Yuki gasped trusting harder and faster as his knot started to form he was getting close as well, thee large knot start to ram against the outside of her slit. "im gunna cum soon."
shi maons and gasps out as well hir abck arching as shi cries out" I AM CUMMING" hir cunt squirts all voer your knot allwoing yhou to slide in as hir cock fires strait up onto your chest hir body shivering around your member as shi pants heavily
he gasped as his knot sliped into her locking them together as it bulging he gave one finakl trust and howled unleashing a toren of cum into her womb. "ahhhh! me too.... tasake it all!'
shi lays agasint you and gasps as you flood hir womb full of seed" w..wait d.d.ont get me pregnat!!" shi blushes deeply and groans it felt oh so good to be so full
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