The New Digi-Destiny

seiko huffed a bit and walked off with you at least shi didn't have hir heels just hir tall pink boots" whatever see you later dream men" and she entered the temple rather quickly without fear still convinced its a dream
Yuki nodded to Seraphimon and followed the woman as the angel disappeared into the forest that would be the last they saw of him for a long time, as they entered the temple they would walk down a long hallway into a vast large room two pillar's of light showed each one showing what looked like armor but infront of them both stood a round like thing, it then turned around and looked a t them both. "oh great now what?" yuki said lightly watching it.

/Mamemon looked at them both lightly watching them a dark dragon looked to be tattooed across it's head. "speak your name's! who are the and why have you come here?"
seiko blinks " im seiko and um im here for a digispirit thingy... now move aside" shi tried to step around the creature and head tword's the pillar of lights still convinced this is a dream shi can easily escape
Yuki went wide eyexd and called out to Seiko. "no run! he has the dark mark!" he cryed out taking out his knife but was to late as he saw the digmon attack.

Mamemon growled and jumped up pointing both his glove's at her and shouted "I dont think so slut! Smiley Bomb!" both his glove's popped off him and shot like rocket's at her with deadly aim and speed both the glove's looked like they were smiling as they hit the floor beside her and exploded like true bomb's. as the digimon fell back to the ground two new glove's appeared on him.
shi hears yuki and bllinks" as the digimon jumped and attacked, with a shirl;l scream shi darted back to yuki getting the tail end of the explosion that sends hir flying for yuki's feet and passing out as hir head hits the floor shi really wasn't a fighter at all
he growled as she hit the floor in-front of him. "shit.... this ant good..." he said lightly and looked down at her this girl was sapost to help him save the world? "give me a break damn it." he then looked up too the digimon and took out his digivice pointing it at both pillar's he cried out. "Digiscan!" and the red light pillar then changed coarse as if being sucked into the digivice. as the mamemon watched in awe, as soon as the digivice absorbed the pillar of lightly he leaned down picking the girl up in his arm's. 'guess we will come back for the other one. Danm it..." he then ran, but it seemed the digimon wasn't going to follow as itf it was guarding the pillar of light. he carried her out of the temple and into the forest, as soon as he saw it safe he layed her down and looked her over for open's wound's.
seiko just helplessly laid there before being carreid away to safty by yuki shi realy was helpless
he looked her over and saw a open gash on her arm and shook his head. "fucking princess..... you need to learn to get over yourself...." he then took off his jack and then took off his shirt, after re putting on his school jacket he ripped a large piece out of his shirt and started to wrap it around the wound making shure to add presser to so that the blood would be soaked into the new rag. after tieing it off he got up and striped her backpack off of her and began to look thou it for some first aid of any kind but just his luck there wasnt any. "danm it.... look's like im gunna have to stitch her up..." he shook his head at the thought.
shi groaned softly as shi was patched up, and woke up just in time to see you going through hir bag" h..hey who said you could go trhough my bag" shi looked a bit woozey but shi still stood up on hir shakey legs
Yuki shook his head and got up. "i was checking your bag for first aid... but there isnt non." he then pushed her down but not to hard to hurt her even more and looked over her bandage. "looking good so far..... your gunna need stitches...." he said lightly and looked at her. "tthis is what you get for thinking this is all a dream...'
seiko whines softly" stitches this is supposed to be a dream!!" shi just sighs finally accepting it" theres a sewing kit in my bag and please be carefull there's a carton of smokes in there and a lighter and i will want those to last as long as they can
he nodded softly. "i dont need thou's... " he then took out his knife and poped it open bringing out a fishing hook and i line of fishing wire, after methering it he cut the wire with the knife and put the rest away. "this will work much better..." he then looked at her. "you are very stubborn you know that?" he asked unwrapping the torn shirt cloth from her arm.
seiko winces and loks away whinig softly" i know that its my best quality ill enver give up, now lets go back in and get that damn digispirity thingy and get outa here ok
he nodded softly and sf=tarted to stitch her up making she the wound closed properly. "ok..... that's good." he ripped another wrap cloth off his old shirt and wrapped it around the now stitched up wound. "now... let's go... ill distract him wile you get your spirit." he said lightly taking out his digivice. and called out "Digivalotion!" all the sudden he was wrapped in what looked like a glowing code of number's that surrounded him like a egg, he felt himself change into something more wolf like, at the glowing code egg disappeared what he was now a digimon. he looked like a biker wolf. "hmmm.... what the fuck? im a weregarurumon .
seiko blinked then blinked agian blushing deep deep red as shi stared at yo" y..yea lets go" shi said almost coughing as shi let you lead the way staring at your ass the entire time
he nodded softly his voice deeper and more gruff. "ok let's go." he then lead the way he walked upright on to leg's as he looked over his own body, he was ton's of furry as he say it, behind him is tail swayed from side to side and if there was a cat near by it definably be attacked. he sighed as they got to the temple. "ok..... i got a plan...." he said looking back at her.
seiko blinsk and shakes hir ehad a bit" huh plan yea.. wahts the plan.. oh and what do i have to say again" shi blushed ahving forgotten the words since shi hadent realy cared at the time
he facepawed softly and turned around to look at hir crossing his arm's. 'to get this spirit it's digiscan, to become the digimon it's digivalution, to transform back it's dedigivalution." he said plainly. "also my plan is simple. "the room is a large square shape from what i could tell.... basically we run in, me ahead of you and i straight up attack the digimon in there.... wile you run around the side of the room and get to your spirit." he said lightly looking at hir.
seiko noda" alright sounds good.. shallw e get going then" shi started playing with hir digivice wonderig how it even worked
he nodded then turned around running into the temple leading her into it, as soon as they got into the room he jumped into the air and at the mamemon. "Wolf claw!" he cried out and his claw's grew out and started to glow and struck the mamemon head on sending it to the ground.

The mamemon gave a large punch sending yuki's digimon form off him and jumped up to his feet. "smilie bomb!" it cried out as it gloves poped off it and shot like rocket's tord yuki hitting him head on sending him flying back into the wall creating a large dent in the stone.
Seiko did as shi was suppsoed to quickly running around the fight to hir digi spirit shi pointed the digivice at the collum of light and aid" digiscan" the small digispirit was sucked into hir digivice and shi blinked looking at it before saying" digivolution" hir transformation was a bit different there was a bar code of computer programing over hir digivice witch shi wraped around hir hand and watched as it slowly traveled along hir body encasing hir within the body of the digimon kazemon
taking advantage of hir knew form shi yells out" hurricane wave!!" and long torandoes erupt from hir fingertips encasing the small digimon in a tornado and dealing him damage
the mamamon was thrown into the wall after the tornado disrupted and it grunted getting out the wall it begun to change. "i have failed..... must destroy thief's..... must destroy...." it then changed for as if digivoling and became /MetalMamemon, jit then looked at them both as Yuki got out of his own hole to join seiko still in his digimon form. "you both will die here!" he then pointed his gun like arm to the ceiling. "Metal Smirk Bomb" he cried out seing a large ball of fire at it.

Yuki went wide eyed at this. "shit! he's gunna bring the temple down! let's get out of here!" he said lightly and began to run tord the entrance.
seiko now kazemon flapepd hir little fair wigns as fast as shi could and absolutly darted out of the area shi reached down and grabed your arms and flew out with you taking off into the sky above the forest" WOOHOOO!!" shi yelled having the tiem of hir life flying
he went wide eyd at his and yelped as he was t6aken airborn. he looked behind them to see the temple crumble into a large stone heep. "well at least we got out of there alive." he then looked up at her and blush seeing how little covering was on her. "let's land somewhere and make camp."
shi nods and smiles, finding a nice lake to land by and sets you down" well, that was fun, i think ill go flying agian soon" shi said as shi sat by the water and looked into it
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