The New Digi-Destiny

he nodded softly at her word's. "i guess..." he then looked around and walked over to a tree ripping a large wooden branch off it and took out his knife which suprized even him seeing it didn't dissapear like everything else did and began to clean the excess branches off. "waile your doing that ill see what i can do about food and shelter....." he said lightly.
seiko smiles" food i can take care of" shi says before yelling" hurricane wind" those tornados sprout again and shi sends them into the water, very suddenly it starts to rain fish the water getting sent far away and the fish being shot out onto the ground" haha!!
he frowned at this and shook his head. "oy.... what am i ggunna do with her?" he said lightly and began to toss some of the fish back into the water leaving about 8 for them. after finding some more firewood her nodded lightly. "ok firewood is ready... come over here princess and ill show you how to start a fire..... bring your lighter too."
seiko nods and says" dedigivolve" turning back to nir normals self, shi pulls off hir backpack finding it respawned on hir back and pulls out hir lighter blushing deeply as shi gets clsoe to your fairly naked and hot body" here" shi says softly
Yuki smirked not changing back just yet. he began to show her the key point's of making a camp fire and how to position the stick's as well as were to light, he then lit the fire in 6 different part's of the camp fire around it and watched it spring to life. "there we go..." he then began to clean the fish and impaling them on stick's. after doing that he set them up near the fire to sok. "and there we go princess."
shi smiles" looks good" shi said watching them before sighing" im sorry yuki it was.. jsut so sudden.. and i was so scared.. im sorry for how i was acting
he looked at her and gave a slight grin. "i know... it's hard but we arent home anymore..... and time's change..." he looked back at the fish and got a idea and tpulled his pant's out a bit and looked into them to see if his cock changed as well and went a bit wide eyed seeing it did. 'wow.... alot of thing's change alright."
shi blusheds and loks away coughing a bit" right tahts abit tmi.. w..why dont you change back.." shi asked hopefully as shi looked out on the lake and away from you
he blushed and chuckled at her putting his pant's back to were they were. "i kinda like this form.... ill stay in it a bit more." he then smelled the air smelling everything around him.
shi nods" a..alright, im going to go for a fly" shi digivolved again and started hovering" maby theres a village nearby or some more humans that got transported here, im sure we cant be the only two right?
he nodded softly. "go ahead... waile your gone ill build a place to sleep in... just come back around dark and be careful." he said lightly waliking over to one of the tree's and used wolf claw to make it fall down.
seiko nods and flys away, shi soars high into the sky and looks around fluttering around and enjoying hriself boy did shi love this form this weas the ebst thing ever
as she left he quickly made a small hut outt of the fallen tree's wood in a hour, seeing she hadent come back yet he made them both a bed out of leave's and layed down in his sighing the fish were done and now covered in a large leafe to kep them hot, he sighed.

a village was not to far away made of staw hut's and yellow fox looking digimon walked around it busying themself's
kazemon spots the village and flys down to it" hey there" shi says in a very friendly voice" my aren't you cute littel digimon what are you called?" shi would ask curiously wishing shi could take one home as a pet
the renamon she aproched looked at her lightly. "im renamon...... and who are you?" he asked lightly he was one of the few male renamon around walie the other's had breasts a new change over the year's of evelution in the digital world this one was flat chested showing it was male.
seiko blinks" well im seiko but um i think im kazemon" shi had no idea how shi knew this but shi did" so is this your village then are you all renamon?" shi was really bad at this shi wasent sure what to ask
he nodded softly. 'yes we all are....also seeing you dont right know who you are that must mean your one of the human's that digimon said had finaly come." he then looked to the side a raised a brow to two digimon mating in plane view of everyone.
seiko blushed deeply as she saw it too and coughed" yes i am.. c..can you tell me anything o..or provide me with any help on our mission" hir blush was very obvious as shi tried not to stare at the digimon mating
the renamon nodded and pointed to the two digimon mating like crazzy. 'yes... first of it seem's there are two kind's of dark mark's... one's ment for fighting and destrution... thwe other... well.. they been at it for 4 day's now." he said softly pointing at the mudding ground around them. "that ant water mud."
seiko blushes even deeper" i um.. ill take your word for that.. w..what else?" shi asked now just wanting to get out of there as soon as possibe
\he smirked softly at her. "yes.... well the dark mark for sex is that." he pointed to each of them a dark heat wat on each of there back's , "other then that not much im sorry."
seiko nods quikly' alright t..thank you.. what about supplies is there anything you can spare?" shi looked over at the two amting and blusehd hir tight cloths starting to bulge a bit as hir member grows hard even as a fairy digimon shi was still a herm
chuckles seeing this and walk's up to her and started to rub he buldge appearibng there. "i have some food and sleeping bag's... but they cost."
kari blushed deeply and coughed" i..i dont have any of your money but.. dont you think helping your world is payment enough?" shi backed away slightly from the renamon
he he chuckled. "well i know a way you could pay." he said and got closer to her and grabed her member once more.
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