Of Darkness and Pain

Kerrigan was practically stomping in place like a child throwing a tantrum.That wasn't fair!Harry wasn't supposed to be comf-okay, he was stopping that thought."I'll be back."He growled stomping off to the house, smirking a little as one of selene's small pups followed after him, the 6 week old pup was barely large enough to walk, much less go anywhere.But then again, kerrigan was feeling deprieved...and draco deserved a present. And protection.Smiling happily at the conclusion he picked up the pup, cuddling it to his chest as he apparated to the beach house."Draco?"he called looking around.
Lilly snickered a little and started teaching Harry, the boy wary of her movements. he didn't really trust her, but his want to learn magic over ruled everything else... Kerrigan was in for a hell of a treat when he came home though.

the door opened and a house elf poked his head out. "Master Draco is in the bath Sir, we is being informed to let you in upon your arrival. Master Draco is feeling very grumpy today, so Master Kerrigan is should be very careful about what he is saying." the elf warned leading Kerrigan into the house and up to the bathroom where Draco was laying in the tub, the left side of his face was a mess of bruises, a 'gift' from his father. "i do not want to be disturbed!" Draco growled when the door opened,. not bothering to open his eyes the elf squeaking in terror and vanishing with a small POP. leaving Kerrigan with an overly grouchy Draco.
Kerrigan rolled his eyes as he walked further into the bathroom, pretending to be a elf-and well, if you thought about it he could technically be called one- picking up a bar of soap and soaping up his hands before trailing a hand down draco's cheest, washing his skin."But master draco, I do not wish to not disturb you."He said wincing as he gently touched the bruises. Dammit he wished he could heal them.
Draco growled darkly but didn't snap again as he relaxed in the bath, he was too tired to argue with his over bearing house elf, sighing a little, scowling when he realized that the voice was not an elf's voice, yelping and flinching when fingers brushed his cheek, his silver eyes snapping open, ablaze with utter fury before he paused, blinking at Kerrigan. "...you just about got smacked." he admitted relaxing into the tub again sighing softly as he tugged gently on Kerrigan's hair. "join me?"
"Well I could.I guess I should, since it's my fault you look a mess."He said stripping down, sliding into the tub, shifting and tugging the blond into his lap,absently checking him over for more injuries."You'd smack me?I feel unloved."He teased, nuzzling the others neck.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "you didn't cause this, i did." he admitted shaking his head. "he was only a little angry when you took harry, he told me i had to go get him back...i told him no and he slapped me." he snorted a little.. "i guess Harry was a gift to father from Lord Voldemort, whose going to be angry when he finds out Lucius lost the slave." Draco yawned a little and leaned back into Kerrigan. "i was only going to slap you because i thought you where that bloody house elf." he grumbled. "things been bothering me all damn day." he seamed perfectly content to simply sit there in Kerrigan's lap, feeling safe and pleased.
Kerrigan smiled a little, kissing his head."Well, I could always go deal with your father. Lily gave me the most brilliant idea for dealing with him..."He smirked darkly, sighing a little glad that the man wasn't hurt more."And I AM a elf, just not a house one."He teased, nibbling on draco's neck."I could help you relax.And you could come back to faerie with me."
Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "Father has no idea who he's dealing with, he'll be coming after you all on his own soon enough, you can do what you want with him then." he decided smirking a little as he looked up at Kerrigan, looking delighted. "i can go back to the Fae realms with you? i'd love to visit." he admitted grinning a little. "i've decided that i'm going to travel the world, i think i'll go to Stonehenge first, then tot he pyramids, maybe visit some of the temples of china." Draco was clearly planning on enjoying his new found freedom from his father.
Kerrigan nodded."aFter we finish our bath, we'll go back to faerie."He saidturning the other's face to kiss hi slowly."Now. Fae realms live alongside the human one....I'll get you a token, that'll let you travel through them.Not only will you get to see new places, travel through fae realms is somewhat faster then the human one."He said glad that the other was so glad to be free. And that lucius would be coming for him soon enough.
Draco grinned a little and kissed him back, a small grin on his lips. "a Token?" he asked looking a little puzzled. "will it let me eat in the Faery realm?" he asked looking hopeful. "or just travel back and forth?" he looked greatly eager to be able to visit the Fae realms, able to eat or not. he grinned up at the other, his fingers trailing along the others inner thigh, his eyes narrowed a little. "you know, really it's all thanks to you that i am free of that house, i should really thank you properly."
"You can eat.Though I'd suggest not to.Not all the fae have a sense of honor...or are bound by the rules that govern the sidhe."He said shuddering as draco touched him.while the sidhe were by far the most powerfuland the rulers, the other fae were the small creatures, and the hte magical creatures.Smirking a little he raised a eyebrow."And how were you thinking to repay me?"
Draco lifted an eyebrow. "so, if i eat and one of the other Sidhe catch me, they'll make me stay?" he asked to clarify before shrugging a little. "i guess i just won't eat, it's simpler that way." he decided smirking a little before he flipped over, offering Kerrigan a smirk. "well, i was thinking a great many things." he admitted snickering a little. "oh yes, a great MANY things." he purred smirking a little. "but i was thinking of starting with a blow job and working from there." he teased snickering a bit, "how does that sound?"
Kerrigan snickered a little, running his fingers through the oters hair as he pulled him down for a kiss."Love, you can't hold your breath that long."He said looking down at the water smirking a little as he kissed him again.Amused that the man was so caring about him that he'd do this even if it was kerrigan's fault that he'd gotten hurt, even if it was a good thing for the blond in the long run.
Draco smirked a little. "hey, i'm a Wizard remember?" he teased smirking as he used a charm to create an air bubble around his nose. he sunk under the water, breathing through his nose as he started licking and kissing along the others cock, teasing the flesh with his tongue and lips his eyes closed a little as he slowly pushed himself down onto the others length, smirking a little. because he knew that he was just about the only person who got to touch Kerrigan, it made him feel special, that was for certain.
Kerrigan moaned, tangling his fingers in the other's hair, trembling ever so slightly as draco touched him. It felt amazing, and unqiue, because draco really was the only one who got to do this.Sighing as he relaxed, enjoying himself as draco touched him, after a few long minutes he trembled, pressing the other harder down onto his cock, emptying himself into the other's mouth.
Draco smirked a little as he swallowed down the others Cum and resurfaced, licking his lips. "you always taste so good." he teased snickering a little as he leaned into Kerrigan, sighing softly, feeling content.Draco just enjoyed touching people, even if he didn't get his own satisfaction out of it, a good thing for those nights when Kerrigan was too tired to actually have sex. "so hows harry doing? pissing you off yet?"
"Not really. He's doing...okay. He seems to fit in. He's made friends with my dog.Which reminds me, I brought you a present."He said snickering a little as he heard the pup whimpering from the other side of the door."I thought you could use some company out there by yourself."He said, "And he'll make a good travel companion."He said laughing as he waved a hand, opening the door snickering as the pup scampered in, going up on it's hind legs to look into the tub.
Draco snorted a little looking amused. "Harry always did get along better with the animals." he admitted. "though he's usually terrified of dogs, not that i can blame him, Father used to send harry running through the yard with our hunting dogs after him." draco shuddered and shook his head. "i might have beat harry once or twice for disobeying, but Father tortured him for no reason at all..." he paused when the door open and the puppy waddled in, Draco's eyes widening a gasp falling from his mouth as he picked up the little puppy. "oh Kerrigan it's so cute!" he whispered, looking like a kid on Christmas who had gotten an unexpected baby animal, sort of unsure what to do with it. "i can't take this! i have no idea how to take care of it, or train it!"
Kerrigan snickered whistling softly, smirking as the puppy stopped, looking up at him. As if waiting to see what he wanted."He's already trained love, you must remember he's a fae hound, he's smarter then any of your regular beasts. He can understand regular talk, so if you want him to do something just tell him.And he's already house broken."He smiled, kissing draco slowly."You're taking him. Because he'll be the perfect guard dog while your traveling. He'll keep anyone from sneaking up on you."
Draco blinked a little and grinned and picked the little thing up, examining it closley before grinning. "i like him." Draco admitted, settling the puppy on his belly, away from the water but able to get in if it so wanted. "mmm thank you Ker." he murmured smiling as he kissed the others neck, a grin on his lips. "you always know how to make me feel better." he teased smiling a little. "what does he eat?" he asked watching the puppy, stroking it's head calmly. "what should i name you little fella?"
The puppy growled happily, splashing water as he slapped his paw into the bath water, splashing them. "Oh he eats normal things.Hell I once gave him a carrot. He likes anything that you'll eat."He snickered a little, "And I've been calling him romeo cause he's unnaturally attached to my leg when I walk in the room."He said kissing draco's neck, sitting up."Come on though.I'm getting wrinkly."He said stepping out of the tub.
Draco chuckled a little and grinned at the puppy. "kinky." he teased smirking at Kerrigan licking his lips as he tickled the puppy's neck grinning a little as he obediently got up out of the tub, nuzzling Romeo's nose chuckling a little as he set it on the floor and grabbed his robe, stretching a little. "mmm so are we going to the Fae realms now?" he asked grinning a little his head tilted. "i've always wanted to see it, is it very pretty?"
"Yes. After we get dressed."He said drying off, and starting to dress. Smirking slightly as he laughed, mildly offended that draco would think that he'd live somewhere unpretty. "Of course it's pretty. We are the sidhe."He said giving him a look, kissing him softly wincing as romeo bounded over, attaching himself to his leg,using his pants as a chew toy.
Draco snickered a little at the insulted look on the others face, rolling his eyes a little. "your such a Drama queen Ker." he teased smirking a little as he started pulling on a pair of dragon hide pants and snatched up a silk shirt along with Dragon hide jacket. he had to look his best after all. "Come on Romeo!" he teased grinning. "remind me to get him some chew toys."
Kerrigan nodded a little wrapping his arms around draco, picking up the pup as it bounded over."Otherwise he might be chewing on your jacket next."He grinned laughing as he took the step between draco's house and faerie, blinking as the appeared on the backporch. Tilting his head a little as he tried to figure out whewre harry and lily were."I'll give you some of selene's chew toys until you get a chance to buy some."
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