Of Darkness and Pain

Harry was nowhere to be seen when Kerrigan walked in, but the table was completely covered in vines, creating almost a cage like thing, where you could see Harry huddled underneath, he looked completely terrified of the dogs, sitting as far away from them as he could get, the bucket of water laying abandoned on the corner, having been spilled when Harry had caught sight of the dogs and lost control of his emotions. the boy turned and peered at Kerrigan through the vine covered table, looking sheepish. "...help?" he was still terrified of the dogs, the whore reason Kerrigan's house now looked like a damn forest of vines and moss, but he was a great deal less afraid now that Kerrigan was there. it also made Harry realize that he was trapped under the table...
"Luc,selene, don't terrify the child. He's mine."He growled the order, pressing a hand hard into their backs before sending them out of the room, calling in fire to burn away the forest that used to be his house."They wont hurt you.They wanted to play."He said smiling a little.
Harry crawled out from under the table giving the dogs frightened looks. "their not going to attack me are they?" Lucius's dogs where viscous, sometimes when Lucius was feeling particularly mean he would unhook the dogs and let them chase Harry all over the yard, it left harry with an intense terror of any dog, even the little ones. the boy inched around the dogs, keeping a very close eye on them as he took shelter behind Kerrigan, trembling violently, ready to start running at a moments notice, no dogs had gotten him yet, and he wasn't about to let them!
"No.They're protectors. And they know you're frightened.They want to make friends.They didn't mean to scare you."He said smiling slightly as selene whimpered, stretching her neck out and sticking her head out under harry's head, wanting scratches and cuddles.
Harry watched them closely and flinched violently when he found a dog head under his hand, waiting for the pain and pausing when he realized she'd whimpered. "why are they red?" he finally managed ti ask, inching around tot he other side of Kerrigan, keeping the older Fae in-between him and the hounds, swallowing thickly as he hesitantly ran his fingers along Selene's ear, relaxing a little as she didn't growl or snap or glare at him. "they don't look like normal dogs..." of course he'd only ever seen the Doberman that Lucius kept, but even Harry knew that dogs where not supposed to be red. he slowly started to scratch the dog behind the ear, becoming less afraid the longer that the dog didn't do anything remotely frightening.
"They're hellhounds.They're the sidhe's hunting dogs. And they're good at being protectors.They'll stay with you if I can't be here."he said snickering a little as selene sat on the floor pressing against his legs and nearly pushing in over in the effort to get closer to harry without crowding him.Though with the weight of both dogs pressing close as they shifted and fought over who got to get scracthed, kerrigan sighed a little, spreading his feet a little,bracing himself so he wouldn't be pushed over.Yea....the last thing he needed to was get pushed around by his dogs and look like a idiot. He was just glad lily wasn't around to witness this.
Harry winced as the dogs pressed closer but hesitantly scratched them both behind the ears, a slow smile spreading across his lips. "their really warm." he muttered softly. "they feel more like the horses." Harry liked horses, they where gentle, and would kick the dogs if they chased harry into the barn, and when it was cold out, harry could go and curl up with them, and they would keep him warm. the hell hounds had the same 'feeling' that the horses did, a gentle ferocity that helped harry lose the rest of his fear over the dog shaped beings that where fighting for his attention.
"When I was a kid I rode them around like they were."He said before distangling himself from the mess he found himself in."Okay. Outside.We're going to have a magic lesson, and the dogs are going to help."He said laughing as they both perked up at the words, racing for the backdoor to be let out.
Harry blinked a little and gave each dog a calculating look, clearly trying to decide if he could get away with riding them like a pony...no, even with his stunted growth there was no way he would be able to ride them. "Magic lesson?" harry asked incredulously. "i just coated your house in moss and vines." he pointed out. "i think i should rest." but he got to his feet anyway and followed the dogs to the back door, watching Kerrigan closely. "i'm sorry...about before...i..didn't know..." Harry simply assumed that Kerrigan wasn't gay, yes...that certainly saved Harry's pride.
"I uh...me to."Kerrigan said flushing as he walked outside, looking decidedly awkward.Oh yea, having harry around was going to play hell on his pride."I haven't...hell.I..I'm sorry I reacted badly. I'm just not used to anyne but draco coming onto me."He said shaking his head."And its not a magic lesson so much as its goign to be a control lesson."
Harry blinked at him, looking confused his head tilted a little. "you confuse me." harry complained scowling at Kerrigan, unsure how to react to that, harry had never been apologized to before, of course he'd never been rejected before later, he'd been told 'not now' but never 'no'. it just wasn't done! "control over what?" harry asked looking down at his hands. "control over my magic?" made sense to harry, though that still seamed like a magic lesson to him, hell, so long as he could stop getting caught up in his own vines, he was perfectly content to learn whatever the hell Kerrigan wanted to teach him.
Kerrigan nodded.Sitting down on the ground and making harry sit across from him, smiling a little as the dogs nearly climbed into harry's lap. Poor kid he'd found himself two new playmates."Yes, but it wont be perfect. I've never taught anyone to control anything but fire."He said summoning a small lick of fire, holding it in front of him."First...you have to clear you mind of everything."
Harry blinked a little and settled onto the ground, giggling when the Dogs used him as a jungle gym, shoving them off of him, now that he had decided they where horses, and not dogs, he was perfectly content to let them come near him and do as they pleased, god he was a strange kid. he stared at Kerrigan and then. "is that possible? i don;t think my mind has ever been empty, not even when i'm sleeping!"
Kerrigan smiled slightly."Okay. Not empty...just still.To control magi, the only thing you have to be concerned about, is what the magic is going to do with it.Growing things...giving life, is a thing of stillness, and can go seriously wrong if your not careful.It means being in control, instead of letting your emotions control it."Kerrigan said. It was a lesson all sidhe learned at some time, and he'd learned it the hardest. He'd been truly bitterly taught the lesson.Shuddering at the reminder of how he'd been taught, and how mab had instilled the lesson he smlined a little at the other man."Calm.Luc, selene, lay down."He growled smiling a little when the dogs laid down, their heads laying in harry's lap.
Harry bit his lip and closed his eyes, trying to still his mind, he sat there for a long moment then. "i keep thinking things!" he whined pathetically. "how do i make my mind still!?" he demanded sulking at Kerrigan, he really wanted to learn how to control his magic, but how could he when he couldn't even control his own mind!? he took a deep breath and closed his eyes again, trying to force his mind to shut up, it clearly wasn't going well when he decided to take a nap instead, curling up in-between the two dogs and sighing softly, looking about as innocent as a sleeping puppy.
Kerrigan shook his head, smiling a little as he watched the child go to sleep. Deciding to just let him sleep, with the dogs as guards.

A day later he smiled watching harry and the dogs play, glad that he'd adopted the dogs, even though he hadn't been sure about them when he'd picked them up. But alas, they were good to have around. Turning his head a lttle he looked over his shoulder at lily,"You could have just asked to meet the boy instead of ambushing me."He said smiling slightly. Though he really did want to see draco, he didn't want to leave the child alone. Not in fae land.
Harry was laughing as he chased the dogs around, leaping onto them and rubbing their bellies before taking off and letting them chase him until they tickled him and licked him all over, like some weird game of Tag, it was amusing to watch, Harry hadn't noticed Lily yet, or he would have hidden, Lucius's training settled in so deep that he would hide at even the hint of a stranger. he laughed again as he was tackled and slobbered all over Lilly chuckling a little.

"well, if i'd asked to meet him you might have hidden him." she teased smirking a little at him as she watched the boy play. "he looks almost like James." she admitted looking sad, but she had long ago assumed that her baby was dead, even if she hoped, "i can see your attachment to the boy, even though he's been through so much, he still has an air of innocence about him...it's almost contagious, that happy laugh of his."
Kerrigan gave her a look, rolling his eyes."He is innocent of our ways. And I have no desire to laugh."He said smiling though as he herded the woman inside not wanting to interrupt harry's game. Shaking his head as he shut the door behind them before looking at his friend again."HE does some look like james.Maybe that explains why I want to help him."He said guilt and sadness in the look. Because he was ashamed that he hadn't been able to save his friend, hadn't been able to stop the killing. Avoiding looking at lily he smiled slightly."My dogs like him well enough."\
she chuckled a little and shook her head shaking her finger at him. "you can't fool me Kerrigan." she teased chuckling a little and shaking her head. "you want to help him, because out of everyone you have ever met, he is probably the only one who actually deserves it." she stated simply heading into the kitchen to make herself some tea, ignoring the fact that it was his house, they'd known each other ever since James had found her, it only made sense that she be perfectly at home, bothering Kerrigan. "and really you must stop blaming yourself. i have." she teased offering him a playful smile, of course, she had never blamed him...only herself. "and your dogs like anyone who will give them pets." she teased smiling a little. "in any case, i was wondering if you wanted me to babysit the boy, i know you must be worried about Draco taking the blame for the missing child."
Kerrigan smiled, looking relieved that he wouldnt have to figure out a way to ask her."I am.I'll go now. He's scared of seeing people, so don't go out and see him until I get back.The dogs will be perfect babysitters.I'd just rather have someone be here in case..."He shrugged smling a little. Wondering if he needed to go tell harry that he was leaving and that lily was here.
she chuckled a little and nodded. "i'll make sure not to scare him." she promised smiling a little. "i bet if you where to introduce me to him he wouldn't be scared." she teased smirking a little. "i knew it, you want to keep him all to yourself!" she taunted giggling a little as she watched Harry take a flying leap into the air, landing in the small pond that Kerrigan had. "oh yes...he's certainly a boy..." she muttered sounding amused as Harry laughed again. "this must be the first fun he's ever had..."
Kerrigan nodde a little as he led the woman outside."I do not want to keep him all to myself!"He protested, "Harry.Come here."He called smiling as the dogs bounded out of the pond, running to greet the two elder sidhe, wincing as they pressed against lily's dress, waving them away before they got her to wet.
Harry paused when he caught sight of Lily, his green eyes terrified as he looked at her, glancing from Kerrigan to Lily then down tot he dogs who seamed excited to see her, hesitating when the woman chuckled and bent down, gently patting each dog on the head before settling onto her knees and looking at Harry. "it's alright little one." she murmured softy, holding her hand out to harry. "i won't hurt you." she promised, Harry inching out of the pond, his eyes fixed on lily, but walking around her as he headed for Kerrigan, keeping as much of a distance from her as he could manage. the dogs liked her, so she wasn't a threat, but something about that woman scared the hell out of Harry.
Kerrigan smiled a little as he wrapped a arm around the child's shoulders, holding him close."She's promised to not hurt you.Remember we can't break our word, otherwsie we unmake ourselves."He said soothingly."I have to go out for a bit and lily said she'd stay with you.And she knows earth magic. Like your magic.She'd be able to help you clear your head."He said, having gotten frustrated because of the way of his magic, it fed on the chaos instead of stillness. It was hard to teach someone else.
Harry scowled a little. "i heard no 'promise'." he grumbled. "she said she wouldn't hurt me, she didn't PROMISE she wouldn't hurt me." "my he's a clever boy! but we can't really lie either." she admitted chuckling a little. "i'm here to protect you, and teach you." Lily stated simply Harry looking her over. "what is 'unmaking' oneself even mean?" he demanded Lily snickering a little. "VERY clever boy." she stated simply. "i promise, not to hurt you Harry, and to protect you." harry looked her over, but seamed satisfied with the answer as he looked her over again. "your very pretty." he admitted simply Lilly smirking. "i LIKE this boy! if only he wasn't gay." she stated with a small sigh shaking her head a little. "come sit, i'll teach you something fun, and then we'll do the boring lesson." "...fun?" Harry asked sitting down in front of her, now completely ignoring Kerrigan in favor of learning something fun, Lily offering Kerrigan a saucy wink.
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