Of Darkness and Pain

Kerrigan sighed.Of course lucius had kept him completely ignorant."I am a sidhe. A fae. Someone who is both human and other. Like but not like."He shuddered a little, keeping a tight control on his attraction. It was natural to be drawn ato another of the fae even a young one. "You are sidhe."
Harry blinked a little and wrinkled his nose. "i'm a Fairy?" he snorted a little. "what a load of shit, does it look like i have wings to you?" he demanded pointing to his back which where, in fact, wingless. not that the Sidhe where supposed to have wings. "your making this shit up to get me in trouble!" harry bitched, sulking a little. "this is all a big test isn't it!? Lucius sent me away to see what i would do! well screw you i'm going HOME!" he growled turning on his heal and stalking towards the door, thinking that Kerrigan was messing with him. Then he paused without warning, frowning a little as he looked back at Kerrigan. "that...fire thing you do..." he muttered softly, realizing that wizards couldn't do that. "and the thing where i make seeds into living plants...that's not wizard magic is it?" Harry was ignorant, but he wasn't stupid, no matter how Lucius had tried.
Kerrigan smiled, willing to let him throw a tantrum...to a extent anyways."No it isn't. It's sidhe. We command the elements. The wild things, wizards control the tame things."He smirked a little, letting a ring of fire encircle harry's feet."I'm the lord of fire, the most powerful sidhe gifted with the ability to control it."
Harry blinked as he watched the fire circling around him as he reached out with his hand, bright green moss sprouting from Kerrigan's floor, a small smirk on Harry's lips as long leafy vines crawled up his legs. "is that why i can do this?" he asked his head tilted as his fingers became entangled in small ferns that sprouted from the ground, making harry blush as he realized that he had just gotten himself trapped. "ah damn..." because while harry could make things grow, he couldn't control them, which was why he always got caught when he did it, or so he thought anyway, really he was just that unlucky.
Kerrigan laughed softly."Yes it is."He said waving a hand, letting the fire take the vines, and freeing the trapped man."Would you be alright staying by yourself for the evening?i would like to talk to one of the elders about teaching you."He said rubbing his eyes, because like it or not, he was a lord of death, he could burn things, he wasn't good at giving life.And to oteach someone with harry's talents...he was afraid of injuring him.Of course that left only to people he trusted to ask for help. Lily, who'd want something personal from him in return for her help, or queen mab-yes like in the shakespeare play-who would make sure he padi in blood for the help.
Harry blinked and then frowned a little shying away from the idea of someone else teaching him. "i don't want to." he stated simply as the plants fell away from him, harry shaking his head. "i'll just learn on my own." he decided. "i can't be a slave forever! Master can't keep me after i turn Of Age." he paused. "...it might help if i knew how old i was though..." he admitted with a small mutter shaking his head a little as he turned and stalked back up the stairs. "anyway i would rather no one else i'm here... they'll tell Master..." and then master would work on breaking every bone in Harry's body.
"No one else will know you're here."Kerrigan growled, disliking the idea of any of the sidhe knowing that he had a student. He was the unseelie knight, he'd be able to keep this secret...even if he had to sacerfice something else to keep it that way.A secret to lily....yes that was probably the best idea. After all, she only asked the things that he needed to talk abuot....most of the time anyways."I'll get them to teach me, then I'll teach you.It'll just be me and you, I give you my word."He said following the other upstairs, gently brushing a hand through his hair soothingly.
Harry looked up at Kerrigan, relaxing as he was promised that no one else would know, sighing softly as he stopped and laid his head on the others shoulder. "i don't have to go back...right?" he asked softly, sounding worried. "Master will beat me for leaving, even if you did kidnap me...he'll break all my fingers again, it hurts." he admitted looking up at the other with a new kind of fear in those emerald green eyes. when faced with a new kindness, Lucius didn't seem all that important anymore. Kerrigan didn't beat him, Kerrigan didn't yell at him, Kerrigan didn't starve harry, or make harry keep his magic locked away, or punish harry for things he couldn't help, like when he sneezed and made the soup blow up. it had only been a half a day though, Harry was sure Kerrigan would do something bad to him, but if it was really bad, harry could just leave and find someone else to take him in....right?
"Nope.YOu're staying right where here."kerrigan said smiling at him tilting his head. Trying to tone down the badass sidhe that his normal mood. BEcause well, he didn't want to scare of other. But he was to much of it to totally wipe out the fact that he was dangerous."You can eat what you want, do anything you want. Just don't burn anything down."he said considering what the others would say if he lost his house in a fire. He'd never hear the end of it...and never had a long time to it when someone lived centuries.
he blinked a little and smiled at him a little looking relieved that he wouldn't have to go back, leaning over into the other and giving him a gentle nuzzle grinning a little. "anything i want? anything at all?" he asked a wicked gleam in his eyes, as if he was planning something before he looked insulted. "i would never burn something!" he stated sternly scowling at him. "i haven't EVER burned ANYTHING!" he stated sulking at him as he crossed his arms, taking the comment to his own personal insult. Harry NEVER burned things, not EVER! he was a PERFECT cook! that was why Lucius made harry cook the more difficult desserts.
Kerrigan laughed softly."I meant the house not the food."He said pressing a kiss to the ther's hair, stepping back and looking at the other tapping his fingers against the crossed arms."Whatever you want to do. go ahead and do it."
Harry scoffed a little and examined Kerrigan's face for a long moment, as if trying to decide if the man truly meant anything, then reached down and grabbed the others pants, pulling them out of the way before the man could even protest, settling to his knees in the same motion, his intentions to suck the other off very clear. Harry felt an intense need to thank Kerrigan, and the only way Harry knew to do that was to do sexual favors for him. "I want to pleasure you." well wasn't he a bold little shit?
Kerrigan hissed, stumbling back a step, letting fire roar up between them."Don't touch me."He growled. He'd been celibate for to long to be casually touched, by one of the fae. His nerves screaming in protest he was mentally stumbling to get his bearings."I'll be back in a hour or two."He said moving away, letting the fire calm before he left. Appearing in the meeting hall of the unseelie court he shuddered, so out of sorts that he didn't notice he'd just interrupted his queen and princess's dinner.

"Sir knight, whatever have we done to summon you?"Mab said smiling slightly. As much as she tortured him, she really did like the man.

"I believe in me. And I believe that I have business with the summer lady."

Mab laughed softly, her silvery blond hair settling about her shoulders."Merlin."She laughed softly, shaking her head. Kerrigan had a nasty but amusing habit of finding qoutes about queen mab in mortal refrences, and took great care to work them into almost any conversation he had with her.
Harry hissed, flinching away from the fire, cringing away as he shielded himself, waiting for the pain, but when all he got was an order not to touch him and a sudden feeling of intense rejection as Kerrigan vanished, tears welling up in his emerald green eyes as he realized that even his rescuer didn't want him. he started cleaning again, almost frantically as he started scrubbing the floors furiously, determined to at least be useful, even if he was undesirable.

"Kerrigan, you seem troubled." Lily stated looking him over. "Come, we may speak in my Solar." she stated turning to her Dinner guests and offering them an apologetic curtsy. "i beg pardon ladies, please enjoy the meal, i will return shortly." she promised turning to Kerrigan. "please, Sir Knight, follow." she stated heading out of the dining room and into her personal chambers. "has something happened?" that was Lily, she was all too ready to torment him, but when he truly needed council or help, she would drop everything in order to help one of her closest freinds, and she had none closer than Kerrigan.
Kerrigan sighed as he collapsed onto his bed. Knowing he had been abrupt with harry, and worried he'd hurt the other man's feelings, but hell. He didn't get propositioned from anyone usually, so it was odd to have the man try.And he didn't know how to handle it."When I was visiting Draco yesterday there was a changeling child working as... the closest I can figure is lucius's personal slave, if his reactions to me is anything."He sighed, knowing that she would be hurt by the idea that even a part fae child was being enslaved.Because he assumed that harry was part human to, not realizing he was the lost prince."I brought him back here, hoping to train him. Because he shows a affinity for magic... just not my kind. I was going to come talk to you anyways, but he tried...uh...you know.Doing as he was trained."Kerrigan squirmed, looking decidedly uncomfortable.
she looked horrified at that, a hand on her lips. "that monster had a Fae child!?" she demanded her eyes wide. "if he is anything as i recall in the mortal realms, that man is as much of a monster as any revenge laden Fae!" she admitted shaking her head a hand on her heart. "the agony that poor child must have suffered." she muttered shaking her head. "the poor thing must not even know what he is!" she stated shaking her head. "an affinity for magic? well at least his Fa half is strong." even Lily assumed that Harry was part human. "i think i will ask you to keep care of him, your the gentlest Sidhe that i could leave him with, and i don't want him to think that our kind are as brutish as that horrid mortal he was with." she admitted shaking her head. "the poor thing must be terrified, plucked out of the only world he's ever known, and knowing you without any warning or explanation. does he know what he is yet?" she paused watching him closely. "and what type of magic?" she had to know to decide how best to go about helping Kerrigan teach harry.

"and before i forget...why do you seam so upset that the child propositioned you?" she asked her head tilted at him, wondering why Kerrigan seamed so reluctant to be with anyone of his own kind. "it was probably a comfort to the poor child, he was only doing what he knows, why are you so upset Kerrigan?" she demanded frowning at him. "why do you feel such a need to keep this gap between yourself and your own kind? it's unhealthy, if your not careful you will start to behave like the mortals that you spend so much time with, and you will Unmake yourself!" perhaps this Fae child would be good for Kerrigan, he needed goodness in his life.
"I tried to explain what he was. And he's fascinated with the fact that I can summon fire.And...I am not gentle."He growled raising his head to look at her, the merciless fae lord looking out of kerrigan's fire eyes for mment before it faded, and he was once again his awkwardly, demanding self."He has a affinity for earth magic. Strong enough I had to summon hellfire to burn it."He said shuddering a little. There was fire, then there was hellfire. Hellfire would burn until he commanded it to stop, even when he summoned normal fire, it could be put out. Hellfire...was the weapon of a firelord riding to battle.

Wincing as she asked him about it, rubbing his eyes. Sometimes he forgot that she wasn't old, wasn't as old as the fae lord she'd given her heart to. James wouldn't have asked him about this. "If I unmake myself, it will be at my own choosing."He said mildly, working around to telling her. Avoiding her eyes, knowing she just asked because she cared about him."Last time I became involved with one of the sidhe the spainsh inquisition destroyed a good woman for nothing more than jealously when the affair ended."He said, leaving off what every fae child learned. That when the witch had died, there'd been a cleansing like the world had never seen. That the fact that both sidhe and mortals had both seen the fire lord ride to battle...and leave nothing but a burning world in his wake....would have destroyed everything in his quest to get to lady titiana if james hadn't done something so foolishly arrogant, that even centuries later and faced with his widow it made him smile. He'd threatened a lord of fire, with fire. Smacked kerrigan out of the blood rage, enough to knock him back...and the result had been a man consumed with a rage, that would never submit to another sidhe.
she smiled a little and shook her head. "your gentler than Tamwin." she pointed out, "or Senrin, or Fali. those are the only three who would be ABLE to take in a Fae child right now. and they have no patience for ignorance...actually they had no tolerance for anything that wasn't completely pure blooded, they would probably treat Harry like he was a dog she wasn't kidding, Kerrigan was the gentlest that Harry could be left with." she admitted sighing a little. "the others are all busy with their own children, i swear everyone decided to find a Changling or pop out their own little babies all at the same damn time! i don't have enough Tutors for all of them!" she admitted shaking her head a little before freezing. "you had to summon HELL fire to burn out the earth that he summoned!?" she demanded looking astonished. "goodness, he might find his way onto the high court, halfblooded or not at that rate." she admitted looking amused. "a little human blood on the councils might be a good thing anyway."

she listened to his story but only looked confused, Lily had not learned the Sidhe history as well as she should have, and besides she was only forty years old or so, very young for a Sidhe. "i'm afraid i don't understand." she admitted shaking her head a little. "but it's not my place to question you." she admitted gently patting his hand. "but don't deny the child too harshly, we don't want to break him or frighten him off." she admitted looking amused. "i'm sure that he will be able to help you, you might not think it, but you need healing just as much as he does. for now, we have to find a way to teach him, watch him closley for the next few days, see how in control he is. if he has a margin for control already, then teaching him will be much easier, and it will help us find a good way to teach him. for now, focus on helping him reach into himself and finding calm, he is most likely filled with a deep rage, he might not even be aware of it yet, when it finally unleashes, he's going to need to be able to find his Calm."
"Yes, I had to summon hellfire."He sighed a little shaking his head. Looking slightly amused. Because it would probably do them good to get some human blood into the race. Before sighing. Knowing she was right, that she didn't understand, but she deserved a answer, at least one that would explain his reluctantance. Because he had loved her husband as muh as he'd been able...so he'd take care of her."We'll see about the child. And I'll see to his training for now."He sighed working around before looking up at the fae woman.Sitting up on his elbows.

"I'd been...seeing Lady Titiana for centuries, but I grew bored, and found a amusing mortal. A witch.I thought...I thought it'd just be a amusement. It wasn't. I fell for her....and Titiana told the spainish iquisition that she was a witch....and they killed her. And the babe she was carrying."Kerrigan winced a little. Maybe harry would be good for the afe lord."When...when me and james found her....I burned the world in my quest to get to titiana. In the end...James threatened me with fire, and surprised me enough to stop my rampage."he said looking down, because shame showed in his eyes. Shame because he'd lost so much of his control...even if it was deserved, he'd been totally out of control.
she looked amused at the thought of some small little Fae child being strong enough to make Kerrigan summon Hell Fire just to take out a few plants that had gotten out of control. "i'll loan you a few books to help, usually Earth magic is controlled through emotions, like you Fire is, so in a way your actually a good match to train him." she admitted pausing a little as he sat up on his elbows, looking amazed as he started to explain, her hands on her lips in horror before she slid out of her chair and gently hugged him.

"i know how much you loved my once husband." she murmured softly. "i know you must miss him, and your witch terribly." she murmured softly, offering him a motherly kiss on the forehead. "even i loose control once and a while." she admitted smiling a little. that was no secrete though, it had taken almost thirteen Sidhe to uncover the castle that Lily claimed as her home. "i'm also working on a way for Mortals to safely come into this realm." she admitted smiling a little. "so that they don't become trapped if they eat our food, or drink out drink. it's not going well but when i figure it out, your Draco Malfoy should be one of the first to come here, he is well deserving of it." she smiled at him. "please be gentle with the Waif you found, he's probably terrified...you didn't leave him alone did you? he might wander off..."
Kerrigan leaned into her before he pulled away, shaking his head."No. The dogs were going to watch him."He said before smiling a little."Draco would love to come to a place where he's treated like a prince."He smiled before pulling away. Glad that she understood how much he missed james."And I set the wards so no one can wander in or out."He said rubbing his eyes. Eyeing him, amused that she thought it was funny he had to summon hellfire."Just think what he'll be able to do in a couple years, if he's already making me summon hellfire."
she relaxed a little and smiled, "he would be treated like a KING!" she corrected smirking a little. "anyone who can catch YOUR eye must TRULY be a gem among mortals." she teased chuckling a little patting his knee. "here." she stated standing up and heading over to her bookshelf, pulling out two old fashioned books, the paper fragile, the cover made of wrinkled hide. "these should help him, if the poor dear can even read. it will help him find the Path inside of himself, to properly connect to his powers if he hasn't already, some Fae children who are abused find their powers before they even realize they've done so! it's very amusing, many of them think themselves mad until they realize what they are." she paused. "oh, and don't forget you already promised to come to my party." she ordered wagging her finger at him. "don't think you'll get off of it just because you have a young boy at home who wants to pleasure you." she teased chuckling a little, finding his predicament all too amusing, even James would have had trouble not laughing at poor Kerrigan at that point.
Kerrigan pouted looking up at her as he held the book. For all the world looking like he was a child, a pouting whiny one."But you told me not to leave him alone!I can't bring him to the party."He said smiling a little. Hah!he wouldn't be going to the party.Giggling a little. Glad for it. Really things he didn't need was to eb surrounded by the thugs of the fae."I kept catching my mother's flowers on fire when I was young."He said, a indulgent smile for his long gone mother.
she glared at him. "you can leave him alone once he gets settled in, it shouldn't take a MONTH to get him used to things." she stated sternly. "in fact, you could even bring him with if you train him properly, now your coming! even if i have to go down to your house and get you, and drag you there myself!" she warned before chuckling a little at the thought of him setting everything on fire. "i can beleive that." she admitted smiling a little. "i wouldn't be surprised if you go home to a house full of moss. it's a lot harder to contain powers inside of the Fae realms than it is in the mortal, he might sneeze, or get upset and then his powers are going to spill all over the place."
Kerrigan stared at her. Having not considered that before."I need to go. My dogs are in the house.They're probably getting hugged by plants."He said looking truly disturbed as he left, walking into the house. Pausing startled in the doorway at the sight of his hellhounds, the dogs were the size of a small tiger, and colored the color of flame. Staring at the sight of the dogs happily playing with the moss and plants that were trying to attach themselves to them. "I thought you two were old, and now here you are acting like puppies again?"he said smiling a little as selene and lucian turned away from their game to bound over him, and press close wanting cuddles and pets.
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