Of Darkness and Pain

Draco groaned a little and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "my father is not going to like this one bit." he groaned sighing a little as he scowled at Harry. "still it does make sense now that i think about it." he admitted, Draco didn't know who harry was, Draco didn't realize that Lucius wasn't supposed to have harry, Draco was clueless, probably the only think that would save the petite blond later. "Potter stop that!" he ordered scowling at the brunette who continued to ignore Draco, simply nuzzling Kerrigan making the blond roll his eyes. "i don't see anyway around this, i think you better take Harry with you, if he's a Sidhe then he needs to be with his own kind." oh how pissed Lucius would be if Kerrigan agreed. Harry was already starting to calm down, his power fading as the plants wilted back down thanks to Kerrigan's flames, Harry letting off a small purr, enjoying the petting that the Lord of Fire was offering him.
Kerrigan nodded, still petting the boy under his hand, tilting his head as he looked at draco."You should come stay with me to."He said smiling a little, letting fire dance over harry's skin. because it would further calm the man,"YOu're father's not going to be happy, and there is no chance he's getting into my home.Come with me."He said, worried about leaving the other there. Torn between taking care of harry, and protecting draco.Somedays it just sucked to be a good guy.
Harry let off another small purr as he felt the fire rolling across him Draco hesitating a little. "i can't go with you..." he muttered nervously. "i don't belong in your world..." plus, his father needed him, sure Lucius was going to be utterly pissed when he realized that Draco had given up Harry, Lucius didn't like Kerrigan in the first place. Harry was still ignoring everything that wasn't Kerrigan. "he won't punish me too severely, Harry is only a slave, even if he is fathers, watch his mouth." he warned Kerrigan, Harry inching higher along the others leg. "he tends to bite before he starts molesting you." he admitted smirking a little. "Part of why my father likes him so much." but he had a feeling Kerrigan wouldn't like being bitten in the balls very much.
Kerrigan looked at draco, nodding a little. Disliking the idea of leaving draco there."You know how to get to Dragon's haven if you need to?"He said tightening his hand in harry's hair."No biting."He said, power rumbling in the words.Showing who was dominate. If harry'd been younger, he'd been kinder, but already he was a fae child coming into his own, and even kerrigan, who was a lord in his own right, would have to be careful.
Draco nodded. "yes, i know how." he promised hessitating a moment biting his lip. "i'm going to tell Father that you 'kidnapped' him, so it would probably be better if you don't come around while he's here." he admitted fidgeting nervously, hoping Kerrigan was alright with that. "i'll explain that Harry's a Fae of course but he's never really liked you." he admitted with a sheepish grimace. "i'm going to head to my own personal house as soon as father stops yelling at me, so that's where i'll be if you want to come visit." he promised, he wasn't sure why he had such a bad feeling about letting Kerrigan take harry, but he was never one to ignore his own bad feelings. it was best to get out of his fathers way for a while, that was why Draco had bought himself a small beach house, for when Lucius got into one of his 'moods'.

Harry himself groaned softly at the tight grip in his hair, emerald eyes flicking up to Kerrigan's, as if trying to figure out if Kerrigan meant what he said, or was simply playing a game, deciding that Kerrigan was sirious he instead gave the others balls a small nuzzle, not sure what was happening, not caring. he just wanted to taste Kerrigan, feel him, have him inside, thrusting and owning. Harry had been a slave al of his life, sex, cleaning, and punishment was all he knew, he didn't know any better, he didn't even know who he was, what he was...hell, he didn't even know what Kerrigan was, all Harry kjnew was that Kerrigan was gentle, and that Harry wanted him.
Kerrigan nodded, "I'll come to the beach if I need you.And if you need me, set fire to something."He said smirking a little, before apparating himself and harry to his mansion, moving away from the fae boy nuzzling him.Feeling mildly disturbed and not knowing why."Do you want food?"Kerrigan said, raising a hand, letting the fire go and lighting the candles, and stove as he looked around.Wondering what to feed the other. Looking at harry he sighed a little."Welcome to dragon's haven."He said, smirking a little.Even though it'd been a wizard's home orginally, and was built on the ruins of a witch's cottage, a witch long gone, kerrigan's mansion bore the stamp of a sidhe's home, the slow throb of power, the touh that could burn as well as comfort.
Draco chuckled and nodded watching the two vanishing, Harry nearly freaking out, landing hard on the floor and scrambling away from him to hide under the table, he certainly had NOT liked THAT! he scowled at Kerrigan, letting the man know that harry did NOT like having his Navel jerked out from the inside and glanced around, looking immensely panicked now. "no, i..i have to go back. Master Lucius will be greatly displeased with me!" he protested crawling out from under the table looking horrified. "i still have to mop the floor! and cook dinner! i'll be beaten again if i don't make the special dessert!" because Lucius was having guests over and Harry had to do the chores and make everything clean and pretty for the guests before hiding in the room with the rest of the servants.

"i need to go back, take me back NOW!" he had completely forgotten his attraction to Kerrigan, and instead was worried about how furious Lucius was going to be with him. Lucius's punishments where four times worse than what Draco ever dished out, Lucius broke bones. and even Harry had trouble not making noises when the sick and twisted man broke his fingers one digit at a time. "Take me back this instant!" Harry ordered, a wild panic in his eyes as he looked at the other, not sure what to expect.
"No."Kerrigan said calmly, looking at the panicked boy. Wrapping magic around him, struggling for a moment to not wrap him in flames. Not wanting to panic him more. Shaking his head as he started to cook his own food, ignoring the panicked demands."And to get yo back, Lucius'd have to get through me.And nothing short of a thermonuclear device is breaking my defenses."He said, yes he had a weird sense of humor. And a quirky habit of watching and reading human books. Pausing as he thought about it."Hell, I dont even know if that'd work. Bombs burn, I might be able to stop it."He said looking thoughtful. Truly considering it. Almost wanting to test it out now. Really, Kerrigan needed mental help most days.
Harry whimpered at the feeling of the magic sliding along him, panting softly as he bit his lip. "i..i need to go back." but the magic was calming him, even if he didn't want it to. "i.. need to make dinner...clean the floors... the walkway, is still full of dirt. Master will be angry." he whimpered his stomach growling loudly making him blush hard. "and i'm NOT hungry!" he wasn't allowed to eat until AFTER Lucius had, and Harry was only to get the leftovers. he groaned a little and sat in one of the kitchen chairs laying his head on the table, the sudden introduction to his own magic and the sudden use of it had left him more exhausted than he wanted to be. "i have to...Master..." and then he was out, sleeping on Kerrigan's table.
"Master can go suck on-"Kerrigan quipped, turning to look at the other, before stopping. Smiling slightly as he looked at the man laying on his table. HE should have known it'd leave him tired. Whistling softly as he carried the other upstairs, he tucked him into his bed, the huge....well there was no actual size of bed, though james'd often called it orgy sized, because well...he was sidhe. And sidhe did nothing that didn't include pleasure of some kind. Smiling as he looked at the boy sleeping in his huge, soft bed he gently shut the door, wincing as he felt the wards trip.Dammit. The last thing he wanted to do today was talk to his princess...but alas he must. Because she liked hearing from the outside world, and for some reason, actually liked bothering him.

Don't get him wrong, he loved lily potter-also known as lily the summer lady, but he was tired. After 6 centuries her barely 28 years on earth made him feel old and worn out. Shaking his head he headed downstairs to check on her. Because she always somehow knew when he returned from draco's, so he knew she was looking to see if anything interesting had happened.And dammit, no for this moment, the sidhe child was his. At least till he figured out what the hell was going on.

"Lady Summer, what can I do for you?"He said tilting his head, addressing her by title, which always annoyed her, but he felt odd not doing it...at least until he got permission to not do it.

(can you play lily?)
Harry didn't stir as he was picked up, gently breathing against Kerrigan, whimpering a little as he was settled onto the bed, snuggling int* the softness, rolling onto his belly and spreading his legs, a well trained habit that Lucius enjoyed. Harry was to be available at all times when placed on a bed, asleep or not, but he did look innocent and peaceful laying there, dwarfed by the enormous bed. "master." he breathed softly, waiting to be touched, because as angry as harry was, as pain filled as his existence was...harry really did enjoy the sex.

Lily smiled at him as she skipped into his house offering him a stern glare. "don't call me that." she ordered sternly before settling onto his chair, the same one that harry had settled in. "how is the mortal realm?" she asked sounding amused. "did you have fun with that pretty little blond that your always going to go see?" she teased, she loved nothing more than to antagonize Kerrigan about dating a mortal. "i s also wondering if you will be attending the Dance next month? we want to have a guest list set up before we start the perpetration." Lily took her parties VERY seriously, even more than most sidhe did anyway.
Kerrigan cringed a little at the idea of the party, before nodding.He really had no choice to attend. Not only was he the lord of fire, he was the queen's knight, and he had to attend things with her.As much as he disliked her."Of course I'm attending lily."He smiled a little as he sat down next to her, looking over at him.He really didn't understand why she liked to harass him about dating a mortal.He actually prefered dating mortals, they tended not to kill him for no reason like the sidhe."Draco's fine. He's...he amused himself by figuring out just how sidhe have sex.Everywhere. With anything we do."He said, knowing if he left out details, she'd annoy him until he provided them
she grinned, pleased that he'd agreed to come, looking far to amused, she knew he hated parties, and she LOVED telling all the ladies in course that he was eligible, she had a nasty streak to her that no one seamed to notice. it was harmless fun but she could get very annoying very fast, though no one said anything because her amusing herself in such ways, kept her from remembering her lost baby, and her dead husband. very few Sidhe married for love, but Lily Evens and James Potter had truly been made for each other. she hadn't even tried dating after he'd died.as far as anyone knew, she was also very celibate. "oh? pleasure hmm? what did you teach him this time Kerrigan?" she demanded a mocking smirk on her lips. "poor little mortal is never going to be satisfied again if you where to abandon him." because most sidhe did, they got bored rather quickly, and boring was no fun, so they usually found something, or someone else.
Kerrigan gave her a look. As if he'd ever find someone else. It'd been centuries since he'd taken someone to his bed, having only given in to draco out of loneliness. And james...james had stood beside him when he'd discovered the inquistion had destroyed his family...actually had built his current mansion on the remains of the once cottage. Many knew he'd been celibate, but few knew the reason. Though James had been the one who'd known, so Kerrigan had always assumed lily knew, but never asked. Because to ask about julianna was almost like cutting his heart out. And despite lily's scheming- yes he knew she did it and he was willing to let it go- he remained firmly celibate except for draco.

"Oh, we took a horseback ride."A smirk played over his lips, shivering a little. Trying not to think about it, Because if he thought to much on the loss of his friend, he'd be burning things down around him. And thinking of james, always made him think of julianna. The only woman who'd ever managed to touch the fire lord's heart....the only mortal he'd deemed worthy until he'd met draco. Granted, among the sidhe he was a oddity, a rare lord who took none of his own race as lovers, celibate and loyal to a memory of a woman gone for centuries.
she smiled a little and reached over and patted his hand. "don't worry." she chirped softly. "Draco will never get bored with you." she promised smiling at him. "he might deny it but Mortals are always overly attached to out kind, i daresay Draco Malfoy even considers himself in love with you in some form or another." she admitted kissing his forehead. "and it is so nice to see you smile again." she admitted offering him a small smile. "i'll even be nice and make sure the swarm of Sidhe leave you alone this time." she promised chuckling a little. "invite your mortal friend." she offered. "i bet he would enjoy a party of a Sidhe." of course then he would be stuck there, because Draco had no self control, and even if told why, and not to do it Draco would end up eating the food and drinking the drink and then he would be trapped in the Faery realm forever, and that would really piss him off...but lily didn't really know that. "see you later Kerrigan." she chirped playfully as she skipped out of the house, leaving him alone with the feisty little Fae sleeping upstairs.
Kerrigan smiled slightly, rolling his eyes. He knew he should invite draoc, but he wouldn't. Because he liked having the other man be as free as he wanted to be, in the mortal realm.And maybe...he'd take the fae child to the party.Surely that would please lily to no end.

That evenng kerrigan sighed looking at his bed, and the man sleeping in it. Wanting to sleep himself. And dammit if the man wasn't taking up most of the huge bed. "Wake up."He growled, slapping enough power into the command for obience. He wasn't one to be kicked out of his own bed.
Harry was just like a cat, he took up way more space then should have been possible, and even worse, the boy seamed to ignore Kerrigan's command completely, only reacting to the sound of the growl and the order blinking slowly, looking confused his head tilted as he looked around, baffled as he tried to remember what had happened and where he was. "KIDNAPPER!" Harry snarled once he remembered, narrowing his eyes violently at Kerrigan. "Druggist! Rapist! freak of Nature! bitch!" Harry was running out of insults as he scrambled out pf bed and examined himself to see if he had been molested in any way, nope, AND he still had his clothes on. he glared violently at Kerrigan. "Master is going to be SO pissed at you! you wait and see, he's going to come and get me!" Harry was certain of it, Lucius loved him, Harry knew it! he had to beleive that or his life wouldn't be worth living. sure Lucius's punishments where harsh, but the man was gentle when harry was a good boy. "Take me home RIGHT NOW!" Harry demanded stomping his foot. Harry didn't want to be there, he wanted to go home. "what do you want with me anyway you pervert!?"
"No, you're not going back.And if lucius wants to try to get you back, I'll just give him blisters on his favorite body parts."He said with a smirk. Now there was a idea. Giving lucius blisters on his cock...ignoring the man as he smirked, following the mental thought before he looked at harry again."As for what I want. I want you to move over so I can go to sleep. AND I'm going to take you to a party.After I teach you some control on your magic, and how to dress appropriately."
Harry snarled darkly baring his teeth at Kerrigan as he slid over on the bed and then slipped off completely, fixing him with a furious glare. "don't you DARE hurt my master! i'll cut your dick off!" he spat hatefully. damn he was a loyal little shit, but not unusual for someone with his background. "and i'm not allowed to go to parties!" he spat before tossing his nose in the air and stalking out of the room, completely ignoring Kerrigan. he wouldn't try to escape, there was no point since he had no idea where the hell he was. in any case harry AS dressed appropriately and Kerrigan was going to have a hell of a time convincing him otherwise. Harry decided to do something he was comfortable with, cleaning. that in mind he searched the others house, got all the necessary equipment and got to work, scrubbing the floors, dusting, wiping, polishing, washing. just trying to keep himself busy, waiting for Lucius to save him, Lucius would never come. Lucius didn't even know how to get to the realm of the Fae.
Kerrigan sighed, letting him clean for about a hour before walking downstairs, looking at the other."What do you think you're doing?I have cleaning faeries for things like that."He said, snickering a little. Though the small fae were nothing to laugh at. A close cousin of the ruling sidhe, the small wild fae were vicious and could be a mean little bitch."Do you want to learn magic?You were doing some earlier."He said confused. Trying to figure out who the child was. He gave life to dead things...it was a fae, unseelie fae trick, but no child had been born with it in years, and none that were missing, besides the prince. But that couldn't be the child he was supposed to be looking for. Everyone knew the prince was dead, they just werent brave enough to tell their princess."How did you learn to do the magic?"he asked curious, because he'd shown control where most sidhe his age didn't
Harry scowled darkly at Kerrigan. "then you should bring them over more often this place is a mess!" he spat as he continued to scrub the floor, on all fours a brush in hand, scrubbing the floor manually. he froze instantly his face jerking back up to Kerrigan's hesitating, but hope blooming in those emerald green eyes. "i'm not supposed to do magic." he stated softly, but abandoned the brush and soapy water and stood up, staring at the other, hesitant...he couldn't help but wonder if this was a trick of some sort. "it./..it told me how..." Harry muttered softly, shifting from foot to food. "the..the garden needed help...i didn't know what was killing it and i was scared that Master would be mad so...so i just...did it..." and then he hadn't stopped. "the plants just...tell me what to do...i guess, it's hard to explain..." he looked incredibly nervous and timid now, as if waiting to be beaten for admitting to doing magic.
"Huh."Kerrigan frowned a little, curious. Making a mental note to question lily next tiem he saw her. After all, if anyone knew why the plants were talking to him, it;d be the summer lady."Yes. I can help you.Though my power is more fire, more death then tending plants and such...I should be able to help you to get better at it."He said looking thoughtful
Harry bit his lip hard, drawing a bead of blood that trailed down his chin. "i'm...i'm not supposed to do magic..." he protested, looking torn. oh how BADLY he wanted to learn! but if Lucius caught him at it, he was going to have to be ready for more than just a handful of broken fingers. "you...won't tell master?" harry demanded looking Kerrigan over with suspicious eyes. "you have to PROMISE not to tell master that i'm doing magic..."
Kerrigan nodded looking at him."I promise as a lord of the sidhe, that I will not tell lucius, or otherwise tell him anything that could cause you harm."he said, knowing that the other didn't know it, but to lie as one of the sidhe lords would to unmake themselves.They couldn't lie. They'd make arguments, they'd twist words till you believed that white was black, but no fae, would lie or break a word of honor. Because as a whole, the sidhe were born in times that honor had meant something. So if you could get one of them to give their word, they wouldn't break it."Wipe your chin. You're bleeding."
Harry blinked at him, looking completely baffled. "whats a Sidhe?" he asked his head tilted to the side as he stared at the other, blinking. he honestly had no clue what a Fae was, hell he didn't even really know what a wizard was, it just...was. he continued to stare at the other and gently wiped his chin, looking at the blood his head tilted before looking up at the other blinking a little, that almost innocent look in his eyes again. now that he wasn't entirely pissed at Kerrigan, Harry found himself attracted to the other again, puzzling him once more.
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