Of Darkness and Pain

Draco smiled a little as he purred at Kerrigan. "why, don't you know anything?" he teased smirking at him. "if your mine. then i HAVE to be yours. i only take a mate who's equal with me or better than me, never below me. so if you have a mark, and i don't, well then doesn't that say that your less than me?" he teased smirking a little as he nibbled on Kerrigan's ear. "come on love, Mark me, Harry says it feels amazing."
Kerrigan snickered lowering his head to biite at the dragon's neck lightly, letting fire play over his tongue."I am less to no one."He growled biting down harder.
Draco moaned as he arched into the others, panting softly as he felt the fire running across his skin. "ah...mmm no... never less than me." he groaned smirking a little. "please...fuck Ker don't tease, i hate it when you tease." but that was a lie and they both knew it. his hands ran over Kerrigan's body, blue flames coating his fingers, sending warmth rushing through Kerrigan as he clawed gently at the firm stomach. "please."
Kerrigan whined softly as the fire tickled his stomach,biting down on the other's shoulder harder."Liar."He said breathing softly, letting fire dance over the other's skin, raising his head, looking startled at the other's mark. A serpent and a phoenix, locked in battle. Life,rebirth and death... hmmm perfect for them. Snarling as he pounced on the other, pinning him to the bed."Beg dragon."He growled as he gently rocked against the other, teasing him
Draco mewled loudly as he arched hard against Kerrigan, panting hard as the mark spread across his skin, moaning and trembling as he felt the magic sinking deep into him, making him pant eagerly. "ye..essss." he moaned, squealing as he was pinned to the bed, a small whimper falling from his lips at the teasing, at the order to beg. "ne..never!" he moaned, squirming against his lover. but that was just part of the game. Draco wasn't desperate for more yet...well he was, but he didn't NEED it. and Draco would resist begging until he was too far gone to care, because he loved it that much...yeah, not because of his pride, no never.
"Never?"He said raising his hips enough to not be touching him anywhere but where kerrigan pinned his hands to the floor, lowering his head to trail his lips over the mark, smirking because he kne wjust how very sensitive the skin was. And hoping the dragon wouldn't realize the bond worked both ways.Growling softly he pinned the other's wrists with fire, shifting so that the only thing touching draco was the very head of his cock, barely brushing against his hip."Never ever?"He muttered
Draco panted softly, another whimper falling from his lips as he felt the others hips lifting, his own going following, trying to stay in contact. "nuh...uuuh..." he shuddered, gasping at the lips on his flesh, jerking against Kerrigan's hands, trying to break free, only finding the fact that he was pinned down and at Kerrigan's mercy all the more erotic. "nu.....nuh... nnng." he whined, feeling the flames pin him even more firmly to the ground. "pu...please..." Kerrigan was cheating, that's what Draco figured anyway, he was cheating! "please, Ker...please!"
Kerrigan laughed."Hmmm such a pretty boy when you beg."He teased lowering himself again gripping the blond's legs pulling them up, sighing as he thrust into the blond without warning, shivering a little as he set about making sure draco would remember this fuck for days to come. For the first time since his change, giving draco what they'd had in that drunken night, all the lovemaking and fucking talent laying in his immortal body.
Draco whimpered as he arched against the other, crying out in pleasure when he was pierced, tossing his head back and spreading his large wings, wrapping them tightly around the both of them, encasing them in a dark cocoon as Draco whimpered and mewled and moaned in pleasure, his hips snapping up into the other, wanting more, loving every minute of it as something cool and smooth settled against Kerrigan's ass, rubbing the entrance teasingly. Draco's tail, slicked with a wordless and wandless spell, slipped deep inside of Kerrigan with a single thrust. it wasn't as wide as a cock, but it certainly went deeper, and it was wiggling instead of thrusting, stroking the prostate repeatedly.
Kerrigan yelped at the first thrust, sighing softly in pleasure as the thrusts into his dragon pushed his tail even deeper into him. Hissing softly he growled as he blew dragonfire over the other's skin, cumming with a hard thrust, holding the other tightly against him. IT was just to much to keep control.Damn dragon, was going to be the death of him. Not that a immortal could die...but he was pretty sure sex with his dragon was going to do it.
Draco wailed eagerly, tossing his head back as he arched against him, the dragon fire rolling over him making him arch and jerk as he came all over their bellies, his tail still thrusting into Kerrigan's ass panting eagerly, grinning happily as he pulled the others head down and kissed him eagerly. "mmm fuck i love how TIGHT you are." he teased, smirking a little. "one more round?" he suggested smirking a little at his lover, as if he really WAS trying to kill Kerrigan through sex.
Kerrigan moaned as he came, shivering as he looked down at his dragon,growling sotly as he bit his shoulder."You're trying to kill me."He growled pulling away, collapsing next to him,cuddling close. The stress of seeing his mother fading under pleasure. Sighing as he rested his head on the other's shoulder."Maybe in a little while.I'm a old man, need breaks."He said with a snicker, nuzzling the other's neck.
Draco snickered a little as he nodded snuggling into him. "is death by sex such a bad thing?" he asked with a small smirk kissing the others forehead before falling asleep, snuggled tightly into the other and drifted off to sleep.

in the morning the smell of food was what would wake Draco and Kerrigan, food and a hyper brunette bouncing on them. "wake up!" he ordered sternly, grinning with pride at having woken his lovers. "i see you had sex without me." he teased smirking with eyes that glittered like emeralds. "i made breakfast and i don't want to eat it alone." "nng...you had nightmares again didn't you?" Draco asked sluggishly as Harry nodded. "yes, yes i did, now wake up, eat your breakfast and cuddle me."
Kerrigan groaned rolling over.....and right off the bed. Hitting the floor with a whine he laid there spacy for a moment, trying to figure out what the hell he'd done. Frowning as he raised his head to look at his dragon and prince."You crowded me!Look, you cant take up the whole bed dragon."He whined sitting up and crawling back under the blanket, pulling harry down and cudling him.
Draco smirked a little as he looked at Kerrigan. "apparently i can love." he teased. "as i just did." he stated simply before scooting over so Harry could sit in-between the two, reaching out and nabbing a chunk of steak and swallowing it down eagerly. he was hungry from his mixed transformations last night, and there was plenty of food so Draco could afford to stuff himself. "what where your nightmares about this time?" "they where normal nightmares. giant rabid rabbits came and ate everyone and then chased me across the carrot patch until i fell into a hole, then the worms tried to eat me." "..." Draco had nothing to say to that one.
"...."Kerrigan choked on a laugh before looking at the brunette."I wouldn't find that nearly as amusing if faerie really didn't have giant rabbits."He said the laughter hasing away the last of the pain of his mother's visit. Dammit he was going to be happy, despite the woman. And dammit, he wasn't going to let her hurt these two, not for anything."Now. I think I will go speak to lucius today."He announced.
Harry grinned a little and shook his head a little before paling at the announcement of going to go see Lucius. "b..but i..." he shivered and leaned against Kerrigan. "can i stay here?" he asked hopefully, voice timid, afraid as he snuggled into the others side Draco hesitating. "i want to go with you." he decided. "i want to lord it over him that i'm better than him." he admitted with a smirk as he ran his fingers through his hair. "we could call Lily to come over and give Harry a lesson while we're gone."
Kerrigan nodded kissing the brunette's head,"We'll let lily come stay with you while we're gone."He said not wanting to leave the boy alone. Smiling glad that draco was coming with him."Well, I was just going to tell him, but having you there will make his torture that much worse....and we're taking your pup with us, romeo will enjoy visiting. And lucius might be fool enough to think that just because he's small, that a hellhound is no threat.They're deadly, no matter the size."
Harry hesitated then nodded, he was sure that Lily would protect him, and if she couldn't the big dogs, which where more like horses, would protect him. he could never remember their names but it wasn't important, as long as he still got to snuggle with them. he smiled happily and continued eating Draco looking amused as he nodded to Kerrigan before letting off a sharp whistle, calling Romeo, who was very well trained even though Draco had no idea what he was doing. "Romeo! come on boy! we're going to go torment mortals!" if the whistle didn't get the pup's attention that certainly would.
Kerri sniggered as the small horse of a dog came tearing out of their bathroom, hopping on his master.Smiling as he dressed he stole a kiss from harry as he pulled on his boots."We'll be back in awhile.And we're just going to mab's okay?If you need anything,send one of the dogs."He said hugging the other tightly.
Draco laughed as he kissed the little one's nose. "alright Romeo." he teased smirking a little. "make sure you piss on Lucius's foot." he ordered, the dog barking eagerly as Harry giggled, Lily already opening the door, yelling that she was there, Harry chirping happily as he raced down the stairs, demanding that Lily teach him how to make a mousse cake. Draco just chuckled a little. "i'm glad that Harry loves Lily so much." he admitted smiling as he wrapped his arm around the others waist. "well then 'my lord' shall we?"
Kerrigan snickered wrapping his arms around him,taking that step between here and there, tilting his head at the lady of the fae as they stepped into her home. Mab tilted her head studying the two, smirking as she stepped back out of the doorway."I had a feeling you two would be here today.He's waiting for you in the study."She said amused as she led them into the room. Kerrigan smirked,"Hello Lucius."He purred laughing softly as the dog bounded over to lucius, and did, raise his leg and pee like his master had instructed.
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