Of Darkness and Pain

Kerrigan grimaced, baring his teeth in a snarl, but not denying it. For once willing to lie to them both. Because of the way his house was made, where it was...the two worlds were placed at a cross roads, and if he timed it just right, it was possible.But he'd fix that. He would.

"Yes, that's right. We'd have easy pickings if he tried to get enough wizards here."Mab said, lying as easily to her grandson as she did to the rest of the world."Now. While it can stun mortals, your ror does something interesting to fire lords."she smirked looking at kerrigan."Now. Try it on him and see what happens."
Harry relaxed a little and Draco smiled as he carefully sat harry up so he could get to his feet brushing the dirt off his pants chuckling a little as he blinked at Mab, his head tilted. "a funny effect on Firelords?" he asked curiously looking Kerrigan over with an interesting look in his eyes before he took a deep breath and unleashed his Roar once more, making sure Kerrigan took the brunt of the force, the ground shaking again, Lily laughing. Draco was a quick study.
"Oh ohh hey hey hey!Stop it!"Kerrigan yelped as dragonfire filled his hands crawling over his skin. It didn't hurt, but it tickled.Squirming he glared at mab as she laughed at him."That's not fair!I was hoping for some time before it realized it'd do that!"He whined still giggling as fire crawled over his skin.

"Oh but my lord fire, you do not laugh enough."Mab said trying to look serious, but really who could be serious watching a six foot six man, a powerful lord and the winter knight losing control and giggling like a child?
Draco couldn't help it, the roar was cut short as he burst into laughter, Harry blinking in astonishment as he watched Kerrigan giggling and squirming around, Draco smirking darkly at Kerrigan. "oh, i have the upper hand now." he teased licking his lips. "i wonder what you will give me to make sure i don't do it again?" he teased smirking, yelping when Harry suddenly tackled him, smirking. "i wonder what YOU will give ME not to torment you for hours while Kerrigan is away and then leave you to his mercy AGAIN?" "...dammit..."
Kerrigan smirked slowly sitting up slowly, the laughter subsiding."Hmm poor draco.But alas, I do have some control."He said before getting up, walking over. Concentrating letting the dragonfire dwindle to his fingertips, letting flame hot fingers trail over draco's body."I think I can take care of myself."
Draco snickered a little, pale fingers now tickling Harry, making the boy squeal in delight as he writhed around, gasping as he felt the fire wrapping around him, letting off a small moan as he arched against the feeling, Harry snickering a little. "now now you two, we should wait and do these sorts of things at home." Harry teased looking amused as he snuggled into Draco, glad that the blond was ok for now as Draco pouted at Kerrigan and blew out a lick of flame, trying to set the mans pants on fire.
Kerrigan yelped as he jumped away, barely avoiding getting his pants caught on fire, as he snickered stealing a kiss before pausing. Stopping mid motion as he turned his head, looking confused and for once, younger then what he was. Staring at the fae lady walking across lily's lawn he looked curious, and a little afraid."Mother..."He breathed softly, pain flickering over his face.

"Kerri!Oh you naughty boy, you haven't been to see me today!"Lenan scolded smiling up at her son as she neared him.

Pain filled his face as kerrigan ducked his head to kiss her cheek.It had been years since he'd gone to see her...because of this. Because sometimes he knew she saw him as the man he'd become, sometimes the child he'd been, and sometimes...of the man he'd be. Lenansan had long ago broken herself in the effort to balance her life, and after her mate had died.....part of her had died as well."I'm sorry mother. Prince Harry and lord malfoy demanded my immediate attention..."He muttered raising his head to look at lily."Can we get some drinks?"
Draco snickered as he watched the other leap away, a wicked little grin on his lips as Harry giggled and paused, frozen when he caught sight of the new woman, hiding shyly behind Draco. Harry was alright with Lily, but most women scared him, the only reason why he could handle being friendly with Mab most of the time was because Lily was always with him, and she promised him repeatedly that no one would hurt him. this new woman frightened Harry. Lily swallowed softly at the pain in Kerrigan's eyes and she nodded to him, fetching the drinks herself instead of getting a servant to do it. Draco looked startled and he stood up, Harry still hiding behind him as he gently took Kerrigan's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "good evening Ma'am. it's a pleasure to meet you." he stated, offering her a short bow. Malfoy's where ALWAYS polite.
Lenan smiled indulgently, tilting her head at draco."And you lord dragon."She smiled before tilting her head, sighing softly as she felt the fae prince. He felt so....alive."Ohhh kerrigan, you find the most beautiful things."She muttered looking up at her son.

Kerrigan swallowed, looking like he'd been kicked, though it only showed on his face, his body language relaxed."He is one of a kind mother.Harry come here please."He muttered holding a arm out for his timid lover,"I promise you, she wont hurt you.She just wants to see you."He muttered struggling to remember that his mother was sane in her madness. A insanity so deep, so uknowing that it was sanity itself.
Harry hesitated, looking from Draco to Kerrigan, hesitantly stepping out just enough that the Lady Lenon could see his emerald eyes and soft skin and messy black hair. "...nice to eat you...er, meet you.." Draco had to laugh at that. "Harry are you hungry again?" "no...yes." Harry uttered shyly, his eyes trained suspiciously on Lenen. "she feels like..." he paused then. "she feels like darkness, like everything is being sucked up..." he wasn't sure if he liked that or not, he wasn't sure what it meant. "i'm...Harry..." he finally muttered to the woman, but clung to Kerrigan's side instead of offering her a hand or a bow as would have been polite. Harry as well out of his comfort zone. "please forgive the little prince Lady." Draco stated, trying to take her attention away from the nervous Harry. "he's new here and is very skittish due to some past troubles. he's still learning about this world and the manners that go with it."
"Ah, well he will be forgiven."Lenan smiled slightly reaching out, wincing as kerrigan caught her hand in his, squeezing till he felt the bones of her wrist grinding together. Knowing the only thing in the madness she respected, was pain and death.

Kerrigan growled softly."You will not touch them mother. Do not make the mistake of thinking I forgot what you did to morgana."He growled before tilting his head, relaxing."Oh, lily.Thanks."He said before moving towards the table, sitting down.Putting himself and lily between his mother and the boys as they settled at the table. Tilting his head."Harry she tastes of darkness because she was once the lady of life, and her mate was a death dealer."He smiled slowly, looking at the table. There was so many pains, so many childhood tales in those words, that he wouldn't,couldn't voice. Had never said to anyone, not even morgana.
Harry flinched away from Lenan, cringing away from the pale hand as if it was death itself, Draco spreading large white wings, blocking Harry completely from view, pulling the trembling Harry into his arms and murmuring softly in the terrified Princes ear to help him calm down. "what did she do to Morgana?" he asked Kerrigan softly once Harry was calmed back down and not paying attention as Lily smiled and set the table up with small sandwiches and various drinks. "whats a death dealer?" Harry asked softly, his eyes wide as Draco swallowed thickly and made sure that Harry was sitting in-between him and Kerrigan. "we can talk about all of that later." Lily stated calmly, sitting next to Lenan so that the woman wasn't near Draco either. "how have you been Lenan dear? there's been a bug going around, i was going to take you some soup tonight." Lily admitted smiling at her. Lily was one of the few people willing to visit the once lady of Life, why that was no one knew.
"Oh. I have been good. The court has been quiet lately, and I was bored...but even the seelie courts have heard about what kerrign's up to. So I thought I'd come see what the fuss was about. But my son will not let me-"

"I do not share my toys mother. Or my lovers."Kerrigan said laying a arm across the back of harry's chair, turning his head to kiss his head."But you didn't come for that.You came because even in life, there are shadows. You taught me that....you know what he saw."

"You see to much my son....be careful. I came to see if you were really foolish enough to bring war here."

Kerrrigan growled. Trying to stay calm, but even in her mdness, his mother drove him to distraction. More so then when she'd been sane, she played games because she could."Stay, talk to lily. Me and the boys re going home. I have a dragon to teach."
Harry swallowed hard and leaned into Kerrigan, staring at her. "you saw it too didn't you?" he asked softly, staring at her. "the bald man with the red eyes, the black things that swooped out of the sky and sucked out all the good things, the men on brooms... Draco falling..." he was staring at Kerrigan's mother with wide, terrified, yet still innocent eyes, Draco's breath catching in his throat. "you saw them coming through, saw them fighting, saw them slaughtering." Harry shuddered hard and buried his face in Kerrigan's chest. "i want to go home now.." "Harry..." Draco whispered in horrified silence before he wrapped his arms around the other. "it will all be alright." he promised kissing Harry's forehead, glancing up at Kerrigan. "your right, we should go home before Harry has a relapse."
Kerrigan nodded,getting up, holding the prince close, tilting his head at his mother."As always mother, it has been a pleasure."He said shifting to wrap a arm around draco's waist, taking the step between here and there, sighing as he collasped back on his bed, wincing in pain when harry landed on top of him."Omph...you're heavy brat."He muttered kissing the other's head.
Harry blinked at the woman and Draco offered her a polite boy, flashing Lily and Mab a wink before they stepped through, Harry relaxing once they where in the safety of their own home, giggling a little as he snuggled into the other wrapping his arms tightly around Kerrigan's hips, nuzzling his chest. "mmm am not." he muttered. "Draco says i'm too skinny and that i need to eat more." "you ARE too skinny and you DO need to eat more. half a piece of toast and a slice of bacon is not an acceptable breakfast Harry. neither is a sandwich that is only bread and cheese." "but..." "uh uh, no arguments! i'm shocked Kerrigan hasn't yelled at you for this." Kerrigan didn't know of course, harry managed to never actually eat in front of the other. "but if i eat too much i'll get fat, and then you and Keri won't want me anymore."
Kerrigan stopped, frowning as he sat up on his elbows, "....you've never eaten in front of me. Which is why I nevre yelled.We're getting dinner. And you are going to eat as much as dragon boy over there, otherwise I'll bend you over my knee."He said with a snickered setting harry on the ground as he got up, heading for the kitchen.
Harry pouted a little and scowled at Kerrigan. "i don't want to." he grumbled Draco snickering a little as he nibbled on Kerrigan's ear. "but Harry, your so skinny... were afraid we might hurt you if we fuck you too hard." Draco stated, adopting a worried tone to his voice. "we can see your bones even! you'd be so much more handsome with a little more meat on your bones, and we wouldn't have to worry about holding back on you. might even finally have that threesome you suggested..." Harry's eyes gleamed at that and he nodded. "alright...i guess i could put on a few pounds..." Draco was smug, Harry was so easy to manipulate. it was a good thing Kerrigan and Draco where only trying to help, or Harry could have been in some pretty deep shit.
Kerrigan snikered as he cooked, rolling his eyes. Draco was such a manipulator. But since he was doing a good thing, he'd leave him alone for the moment. sighing as he thought about his mother he wondered what the hell everything was going on."You know, a threesome sounds good."He said absently, making enough steaks, eggs and some fries, along with cut up fruit for them.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head as he watched Harry move into the bathroom to take a shower before a dark scowl settled onto his face. "i can't beleive he thinks he'll get fat... probably all that rat bastard Lucius's fault. i can't beleive i didn't realize what we where doing to him!" he complained shaking his head. "i could be whipped from now until noon tomorrow and still not have suffered enough to make up for the torment i've caused him." Draco sighed a little. "and yet... he isn't even angry at me..." he shook his head. "it's like i never beat him at all... how can someone so small and broken be so brave and kind?"
Kerrigan snickered a little still cooking."He's james's son, I wouldn't expect anything but foolishy bravery from a seelie sidhe."He laughed before sighing, shaking the thought away. Not wanting to think it. His mother was a seelie sidhe, and he'd never met anyone more liable to put a knife in your back then the former lady of life.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded. "i don't think it has anything to do with what he is." he stated simply. "it's more... who he is, no one is that kind and caring just because he's a Sidhe Seelie." he admitted shaking his head. "i think that James might be guiding his Son." Draco admitted, his tongue, long and forked flickering in the air without warning. "sometimes i see a flicker of something hanging over harry, but instead of being afraid... i'm filled with peace."
Kerrigan nodded slightly,"James did have that affect on people."HE smiled slightly, relaxing. Liking the idea that his friend still existed somewhere. Growling softly as he turned, letting the food simmer as he pulled the dragon into his arms, kissing him hard, raising his head, smirking as he blew a trail of dragonfire into his face, playful and amused.
Draco chuckled a little and then yelped as he was grabbed and kissed, moaning lightly at the dragon fire blowing across his skin, it felt so nice. "mmm, hey, i was wondering..." Draco admitted, looking a little hesitant. "you've marked Harry, he;s marked you, and i've marked you...have you marked me?" he asked, a little uncertain. "and would it be ok, do you think, for me and Harry to mark each other?"
Kerrigan smiled a little."It would be fine. IF he wants to."He shrugged before blushing a little,biting his lip. Having not brought it up before, cause well, despite being claimed by the dragon, he was still cautious by nature, and had been worried his new immortal wouldnt want to stay with him."I...I can.I haven't yet but..."He stuttered a little smiling shyly.
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