Of Darkness and Pain

Kerrigan gave the summer lady a look squirming away, tgging harry upstairs with him,calling after them."I do NOT need his MOTHER telling me to do that!"He whined turning his head to kiss harry as he settled draco onto the bed,wrapping his arms around the brunette.
Lily and Narcissa both laughed at Kerrigan's complaining, Harry looking confused as he followed Kerrigan up the stairs, blinking at Draco who looked different somehow...the hair! it wasn't blond anymore, it was actually white, snow white, and the boy was paler now, and even in human form those silver eyes where slightly slitted. he looked even more beautiful than before, it was intense really. "how come i didn't change colors when i found out i wasn't human?" Harry asked, looking baffled. "how come Draco is so pretty?" it seamed a little unfair to harry that Draco was so much prettier than him.
"Because you were always fae."He muttered kissing the other slowly."Though I think there might be a spell keeping you from being as beautiful and otherworldly as the rest of us.I'll ask lily."He muttered holding him close, knowing liily had always been better at picking up the subtle spells."And draco's pretty because he was born that way. The spell that made him appear human finally stopped protecting him. Most dragons look this beautiful...."He muttered again."...do you really want to talk about draco?'
Harry smiled a little as he kissed the other, biting his lip a little. "really?" he asked hopefully. he found it very unfair that EVERYONE was prettier than him. he hesitated a little then. "well...no." he admitted sounding guilty. "i shouldn't be so selfish, Draco needs the most attention because he's turning into a massive pretty dragon but.." he laid his head on Kerrigan's shoulder. "so you still want me? even if i'm not special anymore?"
Kerrigan smiled slightly kissing his ead."You're pretty.And not everyone's prettier then you. I'm not.'He said holding him close as he pulled him onto the bed, cuddling against him."Thats not selfish.wanting some attention I'm just sorry I didn't notice eariler I was neglecting you."He muttered
Harry smiled as he was snuggled into, curling into the other with a soft happy sigh. "i love you Ker." he murmured softly, nibbling at the other man's flesh. "i shouldn't want attention...not when Draco's going through such a hard time..." but he did want attention, for so long the only attention harry had been given was sex, beatings, and a good stern tongue lashing....now that he had positive attention Harry craved it like an addict. Harry almost felt like he needed it, and that made him feel bad, because he knew he was taking attention away from others.
Kerrigan smiled a little, kissing his head,yawning a little. Despite sleeping mostly when draco did, he was still exhausted from taking care of him."I love you to.We'll do something,just us, tomorrow.I should have noticed.I'm sorry..."He muttered, feeling bad for not noticing the neglect.
Harry blinked and then smiled as he snuggled tightly into Kerrigan, yawning himself. "i'd like that." he murmured softly, kissing the others neck. "i'd like that a lot." he drifted off to sleep in Kerrigan's arms, feeling content knowing that he wasn't going to be forgotten. in the morning Draco was gone, sitting outside while Lily coached him on how to transform by himself, Draco spitting flames every time he nearly succeeded and then failed. it was pretty, watching Draco stomp his foot and then burst into Blue flames as he sulked, like a flaming angel, or a demon.
Kerrigan smiled tiredly as he watched from the doorway, having slipped out of bed. letting harry sleep because he knew the brunette had been sleeping as badly as he'd been. Smiing as he looked draco, he snickered."you're going to catch my house on fire if you keep it up."
Draco sulked at Kerrigan, still completely on fire, his clothes had already burnt away, leaving him naked in the yard. "hush you!" Draco ordered. "i'm trying to transform without help!" he admitted closing his eyes and forcing himself calm, the flames slowly vanishing as the horns, the wings, and the tails grew, and then stopped, sucking back into Draco who growled a little and stomped his foot again, rage causing him to burst into flames again, Lily watching silently as she sipped her tea.
Kerrigan sighed as he moved over, sitting down next to lily as he looked at the dragon, raising a hand, brushing a hand over the other's bare him."You're doing amazing for just finding you your a dragon."He said biting his lip. Worried draco'd keep trying and end up hurting himself.
Draco sulked a little before pausing. "really?" he asked, looked rather pleased to find out he was doing well. "i just want to get a handle on this...i hate not being ion control of myself..." Kerrigan was probably the only one who understood that comment. Draco having once confided to Kerrigan that his father ran almost every aspect of his life, from when he ate his food, to what he ate, molding him into the perfect person by giving Draco no choices. Draco would have gone mad if not for Narcissa and Kerrigan. he sighed a little and flopped onto the ground. "well.. i guess it's time for a break then." he grumbled, pouting a little as a yawning Narcissa came out, wearing one of Lily's shirts and a pair of Kerrigan's pants and absolutely smelling completely of Lily... which could only mean one thing. "where's harry?" Draco finally asked, determined not to think of his mother in bed with another woman.
"Sleeping.He's been taking care of you, I thought he deserved to sleep in."He smiled softly, looking at the other, wrinkling his nose a little as he looked at the two women."Remind me to burn that room later."He said wrinkling his nose. He so didn't need the vision of his both his lover's mothers in bed together....even that thought was wrong."...you're wearing my pants."He said focusing on the snakeskin pants the blond woman was wearing.Hently petting draco's hair, glad the other was relaxing, glad to give hi mthe reassurance that he was in charge
Narcissa nodded. "i didn't pack any of my things and Lily's pants where too small." she admitted simply. "and so where Draco's and Harry's, though i am glad to see that harry is filling out a little." she admitted, grinning as she settled next to the small group, sitting close to Lily making Draco wrinkle his nose, but continue to lay with his head on Kerrigan's lap. "Harry really has been taking care of me." Draco admitted, sounding guilty. "i feel bad, it's like back at the Manor all over again. Harry did everything and no one ever even thanked him...i should do something nice for hi, make him a cake...no he told me i wasn't allowed in the kitchen..." "you could throw him a birthday party." Lilly suggested, Narcissa gasping. "he's never had one! i never even knew when his birthday was so i just picked a day and gave him a little gift when i could manage it." "his birthday is in three days, i think it would be a lovely surprise!"
"Well will."Kerrigan snickered a little, already liking the idea of throwing a party. Before poking draco's side, gently stroking the other's hair.'Love, if he let you make a cake he'd been liable to break a tooth on it from overcooking."He teased, bending to kiss him slowly.
Lilly and Narcissa both seamed excited at the prospect, both of them trying to decide if they should invite anyone, before deciding that it was too soon for Harry to be thrust into society just yet, Draco scowling up at Kerrigan. "hush you! i happen to be excellent at potions!" "potions are nothing like cooking Draco." Lily explained grinning a little. "i bet you ten Galleons that Harry is crap at potions if you where to try and teach him." "i'll start teaching him tonight!" Draco decided firmly. "that will teach you all!"
Kerrigan swallowed snickering. Knowing lily had a unfair advantage. Because the fae lived so closely to nature, so closely tied to closelly to be any good at potions and things that required patience and a skilled potions maker. Smirking as he looked at draco."Huh, so what are you trying to teach me?I didn't say anything!"
Draco glared at Kerrigan. "i'm going to teach you..." he paused, and pondered then. "i'll teach you yoga." he decided, smirking a little as Harry stumbled out, yawning, looking sleepy but too needy for company to have crawled back into bed after going to the bathroom as he curled up into Draco, snuggling into the white haired boy, sharing Kerrigan's lap. surprising the hell out of Draco who smiled and gently stroked Harry's forehead. "well at least he likes me now."
Kerrigan whined a little as he got a knee in the balls, wincing as he looked down at the two. Smiling a little.My lap's not big enough for you two."He muttered though he stroked both their hair, content to just being with them,even if it was mildly uncomfortable, he wouldn't change anything.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded, Harry ignoring Kerrigan's complaints completely, just enjoying the attention, even if he was asleep, snuggling more firmly into the both of them, Draco chuckling. "it's amazing isn't it? how innocent harry is, even after all of this?" he asked softly, Lilly and Narcissa nodding as they stood up. "Draco, i want you to come with me." Lilly stated. "i have some books at my place about Dragons that might be able to help, and Narcissa needs to go home and pack, i'll be dropping her off at home and then we'll pick her up when she comes back. i have your house wards set to the Fae Lands now so even if Voldemort wanted to attack, he'd have to exert a great amount of energy to do so."
"And alert myself,lily, and mab that he's doing so."kerrigan added gently stroking harry's hair.Looking amused, because it'd been years since he'd seen fae wards in the mortal realm, but they were like the ones lily and james had had. His heart hurting, because he'd been to late to get there,even with the wards tied to him.Me and harry are going to have a harry day.Go have fun."He smiled kissing the blond before helping him up."Go. Have fun."
Draco hesitated, looking uncertain before relaxing at Kerrigan's reassurance that he and harry where going to have fun. "oh sure, you have fun while i go study." he complained rolling his eyes as he was helped up, Lilly snickering a little as Narcissa giggled, Harry whining at being shifted around, sulking in his half slumber as he snuggled deeper into Kerrigan, completely, and stubbornly refusing to get up as the two women and a Draco vanished back into the Mortal realms, Harry blinking slowly. " 's it breakfast time?" he asked sleepily. "i gotta make breakfast, Draco will be hungry..." he murmured yawning a little.
Kerrigan smiled stealing a kiss."Draco's already been up and eaten.Alot. And then him and lily went to her house to get her books on dragons so he could study. We on the other hand, need breakfast."He said getting up to, wrapping his arms around the fae prince heading inside.
Harry blinked a little his head tilted a little. "oh.." he muttered looking annoyed. "someone used my kitchen!?" what a thing to get all peeved about, if Lilly had been there she'd have been laughing. "it wasn't Draco was it!? he burns the pots!" he complained, sulking as he crossed his arms and squirmed free of Kerrigan to examine the kitchen, pleased to find everything in proper order. "hey Ker... how do Faeries get married?"
Kerrigan blushed ducking his head. Not about to tell him they were already married.. Well, as marriage as he wanted to be. because marriage among the immortals was a game and he didnt want to be a game with these two. He just wanted to be bonded. And...well the marks he was bearing from both harry and draco were binding more then any marriage among the immortals who treated their vows like things to be broken a game to play and work around."Uh you know, I dont know..."He avoided for the moment trying to decide how to tell him.
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