Of Darkness and Pain

Harry nodded and yawned as he settled into the bed, falling asleep just as quickly as always, waking in the morning to feed Draco, who swallowed down as much as he could hold, again far too much for that puny little human form to have possibly been able to handle. for three days all Draco did was eat, sleep, and transform until he had to be moved from the bedroom because he was too big to fit on the bed. in the end he was massive, it was amazing that Kerrigan's house could fit him, but everyone agreed he was a gorgeous dragon, shimmering silver whit/blue scales glittered in the light of the house, his head angular and smooth with long ears and a horn that could easily have ripped holes in the house. a long neck that attached to a long body, four long legs tipped with deadly talon filled paws, a long smooth tail. everything about him screamed a deadly grace, a poisonous beauty as he rumbled out another happy purr as Harry stroked the Dragons side, Lily setting a tray of raw steaks onto the floor to try and entice Draco awake, those massive nostrils flaring. Draco was large enough, he could have towered over a three story building, and yet, Kerrigan's house could hold him...frightening.
Kerrigan smiled gently stroking the other's head, trying to coax him awake. Starting to worry now that he almost ate asleep...it was like his lve wasnt present. Worry showing on his face as he looked at the dragon, knowing his house had changed so that it could fit the dragn. It was bilt on his will and needs, and since he needed it to be big enough for draco, it was."Draco,come on love..."he muttered worry and fear, despite the happy purr coming from the dragon eating him up.
Draco purred again as he shifted and yawned, his eyes fluttering open as he caught the scent of the meat, his long tongue reaching out and grabbing several of the chunks of meat, though he wasn't really all that hungry anymore as he swallowed them whole and yawned again, showing off his massive fangs, one of them as large as Kerrigan's entire arm as he sat up and blinked slowly, looking from Harry to Kerrigan, blinking as if he couldn't quite realize why they where so LITTLE! he blinked again and turned his head, spreading his large, massive wings, the house spreading wide to accommodate them. he looked confused as he wiggled one, and then the other, looking down at his front paws and wiggled his back feet. going from four limps to seven was a little too much, and he couldn't quite figure out how to make his tail or his front paws work, snorting in disgust, tendrils of blue flame, and large billows of smoke falling from his nose as he shifted his back feet and scooted forward along the ground, as if that would make his front paws work, it was incredibly amusing to see, but no one laughed to save Draco's dignity. it was a very bad idea to piss off a dragon.
Kerrigan-despite what everyone said about him-did have his moments of reckless humor, and a small chuckle escaped as he looked at the dragon. Patting his lover on the nose he sighed, leaning against his leg, letting his control on fire calm the other, not wanting him to freak out because so much had changed."Shhh your okay sweetheart. Perfectly fine."
Draco let out a small whimper and lowered his head, almost as big as Kerrigan was and nudged him, large silver tears gathering at the Dragon's eyes as Harry picked up the front paw, and moved it around so Draco could find the muscles that moved them, Draco turning to the Brunette who smiled at him. "it's ok Draco, we got you, you'll be alright, just take it slow." Draco whimpered again, but nodded, carefully wiggling his toes, turning to look at his mother who smiled. "your so beautiful Draco, you should see yourself." that made Draco feel better, almost immediately made him feel better, and he started looking for a mirror, such a vain creature Dragons where, even when they didn't know they where Dragons.
Kerrigan smiled closing his eyes, focusing making a floor to cieling mirror appear."You're so vain."He teased looking at the dragon, letting the others help him find his muslces.It was taking everything in him to keep the beast calm. feeling both the dragon and draco's thoughts, it'd be awhile before dragon and human could be as one, so for the moment, he was trying to coax them both into being calm
Draco examined himself in the mirror critically before he used his long tongue to wipe some dust off of his shining scales, huffing again and preening happily as Narcissa and Lilly both crooned about how pretty he was, how majestic and amazing as they helped him find his front feet, clapping when Draco finally found himself on his own four feet, moving his front paws, shaky, but moving them, he hadn't discovered his tail yet. he looked so pleased with himself as he took a couple of halting steps, as wobbly as a baby, Harry giggling a little as he watched, unable to help himself, yelping when Draco blew a face full of smoke in Harry's direction, making the young Lord cough hard as the soot left his face dirty. "Draco!" Harry whined pathetically. "now i have to take a bath again!"
Kerrigan laughed, walking around gently making draco's tail lower as it was made to help him balance as he walked."Oh dont worry love,I'll let the dogs lick you clean."he teased harry before patting draco's leg."use your tail.It'll help you balance."He instructed moving it again so the dragon could see how it worked, cooing every now and again about how pretty he was.
Draco jumped when his tail was Nudged, nearly falling over, but with the help of the women he managed to stay on his feet, he hesitantly started working his tail, looking amazed as he realized how dexterous it was! he could curl the tip around a chair leg and squeeze it hard until it splintered and shattered. which he did, looking ever so gleeful as he then moved his tail into Harry's pants, the brunette gasping as he arched, his hips jerking into the touch of the dragon, who was snickering gleefully as Harry pouted. "that's cheating Draco!"
Kerrigan snickered shaking a finger at draco."Dont even think about it dragon.I am so off limits for your tail."He said with a smirk, mostly teasing, wondering just how much control he had over the creature.
Draco blinked at Kerrigan, his tail withdrawing from Harry's pants only to plunge down Kerrigan's, wrapping tightly around his cock and giving it a playful squeeze as the tip traced patterns on his balls as it slid between them and pressed against his entrance, the smooth, warm tail stroking the entrance as Draco gave a large toothy grin. Dragons, so obstinate.
Kerrigan sgihed softly, closing his eyes as the oter stroked him,batting hm gently on the tail."Malfoy, stop."He growled the order, squirming away, though he looked more amused at the dragon's antics then angry. Glad draco was calm and happy
Draco let off a small purr but he removed his tail and started to try and walk again, looking like an adorable little Drake, first out of it's shell. Harry giggling again as he helped the women calmly steady Draco who hiccuped and then sneezed, and just like every other time blow out large streams of blue flame all over the floor, startling himself so bad that he back pedaled and ended up tripping over his own tail, slamming into one of the walls with a small groan and then a whimper as he eyed up the fire that he had caused, Harry hesitating. "maybe
Draco should practice blowing fire outside..." and walking too, less things to slam into.
Kerrigan nodded, letting the house shift to his will."Yes, less things to destroy to."He said with a goodnatured smile as he helped the baby dragon outside, grinning as he wrapped his arms around a leg."Come on drakey poo, you can walk."He teased, knowing he was going to piss of his lover, but he was to adorable not to baby talk at!!
Draco huffed a little as he staggered back to his feet, snarling at Kerrigan's statement, taking a deep breath and blowing blue fire all over him, huffing when that didn't work he instead lifted his foot and forced Kerrigan onto his back onto the floor, almost effortlessly, pinning him there for a full minute to remind Kerrigan that Draco was bigger than he was, before he staggered outside, huffing and snorting, if he'd been human he'd have been bitching.
Kerrigan laughed softly as he followed everyone outside, sitting on the deck as he watched draco trying to walk. Knowing he'd have to help him transform back... then get bitched at for teasing him."Your not so big."He said bravely, snickering a little. He really couldnt help but tease the other.
Draco didn't even respond that time, not verbally anyway, he just let his nice big massive tail slam into the side of Kerrigan's head. had Kerrigan been human he would have walked away from that without a head. Draco turned and set fire to the bench he was on, at least the silver beast already had control of his flames, save for when he sneezed, but that was more of a need for practice than anything else. Harry laughed a little as the wooden deck burned right out from under Kerrigan, causing him to fall on his ass as they helped keep Draco steady. his back legs where fine, firm and steady, but his front legs had never been used before, being that his arms had turned into wings. every time he staggered his wings would snap out to catch himself, the only reason why he hadn't actually fallen yet.
Kerrigan whined as he forced the flames down, "Fine.See if I help you."He whined though he did get up walking over, helping the others get draco sorted out, before making him sit down, gently handing him a log."Now squeeze.You need to buil up the muscles before you start walking to much.You'll hurt yourself that way."
Draco blinked and gripped the log and squeezed, the log cracking and splintering under his grip, hissing softly as he released the log. his forelegs where already tired, he wanted to stop and sleep. he huffed and laid down, resting his arms as he laid his head on Kerrigan's lap, wanting the comfort of a familiar Body as he closed his large eyes, a regretful whine falling from his lips. he wanted to be human again, he wanted to curl up next to Kerrigan, and molest him while the other tried to sleep, he wanted to lay on a soft bed instead of the hard ground, mostly he just wanted to be able to walk without staggering. it annoyed him how much easier it was to use his tail, than it was to use his forearms.
kerrigan smiled softly at the whine, before raising a hnad, petting his head as he stroked him, letting him calm, sighing as scales melted into skin, smiling a little as he found his lap full with a sleepy blond."better?"he said holding him close. Pain in his face, beause he ouldnt make this easier for him.
Draco gasped, snorting with astonishment when he felt himself shrinking, smiling when he was human again, laying his head on Kerrigan's chest, nodding. "much better." he admitted softly, snuggling into him as he closed his eyes. "thank you." he paused. "will i go back to being a dragon again in the morning?" he asked curiously. "or will i have to go through the transformation again? i don't like sleeping all the time." he complained, pinching Kerrigan's side harshly. "and you shouldn't make fun of me...i'm bigger...was bigger than you...i'll eat you." he decided, smirking. "and not in the good way." that made Harry laugh as he brought out lunch for everyone, uncertain how much Draco would eat he go ready to go make more, but Draco still wasn't hungry, he'd eaten plenty while in the transformation stages to hold him over for a few days while he got used to his new form.
Kerrigan laughed softly squirming away from the pinch though he kept ahold of his fiesty blond."I make of you all the time."He pointed out."And you'll have to change over the next few days till you get control of it but I can help with that."He said stroking his hair worried about him\
he nodded and yawned a little, closing his eyes as he snuggled in, his entire chest aching, and so did his shoulders, those muscles having been shifted to make the front forelegs. he dozed off to sleep as Harry watched, nibbling on some toast. "he's handling this much better than i expected." Narcissa admitted, smiling a little. "he'll be very tired for a few days yet, learning how to move new parts of your body is tiring." Lily promised patting Kerrigan's knee. "i was thinking we could show him off to Lucius tomorrow." she admitted snickering darkly. "since the man is clearly not Draco's father." "mmm that would be a good idea. in wizard standing, this would make draco the Dragon Prince. Wizarding Dragons cannot turn into human form. only one dragon can and that is the Dragon Prince, a human who has standing over even that of the World Wizarding Council. of course most Wizards don't know about the Fae, so it's all very wrong, but Draco is still the highest authority in the Wizarding world now, it will make Lucius red with rage to find out that not only is Draco not his son, but is also higher up on the social ladders."
Kerrigan smirked slowly, looking at the woman,gently stroking the blond's hair, even with a dark smirk on his face, love shone in his eyes."Now that, would be something worth seeing lucius over. Of course, informing him might kill him....I can live with that."eh said smugly, looking at harry."Help me up. He makes it awkward to get up."He said, not wanting to let go of the blond even long enough to get them off the ground.
Harry snickered a little as Lilly giggled, Narcissa snorting as all three of them helped him to his feet, Harry pouting at Kerrigan. "while Draco is sleeping can we have sex?" he asked hopefully, refusing to admit that he was incredibly jealous of Draco and all the attention that Kerrigan was giving him. Lily looked amused at this as she leaned in to whisper in Kerrigan's ear. "Harry's jealous." she informed him. "it would be in your best interest to give Harry attention while Draco is sleeping."
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