Of Darkness and Pain

Harry frowned a little as he caught sight of all the Damage and shook his head, shoving Kerrigan off the bed, again, before starting to strip the sheets off the bed, his OCD 'i'm a slave' kicking in, making him deal with the mess that Kerrigan had caused, bundling up all of the ruined sheets and taking off with them, determined to clean and mend them before night fell, returning with new sheets, shoving Kerrigan off the bed again should he have sat there again, making the bed as Draco came back out, looking much less grumpy. "morning Harry." Draco stated, looking amused as he watched Harry flit this way and that to make the bed as perfect as he could, shaking his head as he wrapped his arms around Kerrigan's neck and gave him a toothy kiss. "you've been holding back on me." he growled playfully. "that was the best damn sex i've ever had."
Kerrigan laughed a little kissing him back, growling as playfully as his hand fisted in the other's hair, holding him close."Of course I was holding back.You're mortal...well SUPPOSED To be mortal."He growled looking around, hands wandering the blond's body as he pulled him into a hug."But you're not.You're not."He said, now that he'd accepted the other wasn't hurt, there was wonder and happiness in the words. knowing the other wasn't mortal, meant that he could be himself, be as fiercely lving as he wanted.....and could claim the other immortal as his own.
Draco moaned softly at the hand fisted in his hair as he kissed the other back, Harry grunting in annoyance as they got in his way of making the bed. Harry could have a one track mind sometimes. "what do you mean i'm not mortal? of course i'm mortal." he complained scowling at the other. "my mother is mortal, my father is mortal, my entire family is mortal. that means i'm mortal." Draco's tone was stern, he didn't want to hope that Kerrigan was right, that Draco wouldn't die old and wrinkled and ugly. but Draco was smarter than that, he knew better. "you didn't hurt me last night Ker, you might have been a little rough but really you weren't THAT ba..." he paused as he caught sight of the blood on the floor that harry was now scrubbing out of the carpet his eyes widening. "...is that my blood?"
Kerrigan growled at him, nodding as he turned the other's head so he could see the total mess they'd made."Well you didn't damn well hurt me."He sighed staring at the mess, as he rested his head against draco's chest."Any mortal would have died.THAT'S why I've been holding out, beause you were mortal...but you're not.I could have killed you."he said softly tears gathering in his eyes.
Draco swallowed hard as he examined the mess Kerrigan had made of the bed looking almost afraid now. "but you didn't kill me." he stated simply. "some part of you must have realized that i'm not..." he bit his lip hard. "but i..i'm certain i'm not...i can't be! Lucius is mortal! i'm a carbon copy of him! and i KNOW my mother isn't an immortal in any way, and i have a magical video of her giving birth to me!." which had scarred Draco for LIFE of course. "so how the hell could i be!?... i need to talk to my other." he decided biting his lip hard enough to draw a drop of blood that slipped down his chin, the wound healing right before Kerrigan's eyes. "i need to see my mother Ker...how do i get out of the Fae realms?"
Kerrigan looked at him startled, wiping the blood away."You just healed that, even though you bled."He said softly looking worried, before getting up."I'll go with you.But..."He watched harry for a moment before sighing."I'll ask lily to come over."He said summoning one of the dogs, sending it after the summer lady, glad that that was one message that couldn't be misunderstood. Needing her to stay with harry, while he took care of draco.Though harry seemed singularly distracted with cleaning up the room, he wondered amusingly eough, if the other would notice they were gone.
Harry continued to scrub the blood off the carpet with a scowl of intense concentration, Draco chuckling a little as he shook his head. "Harry won't even notice we're gone until Lily gets here, he's completely obsessed when it comes to cleaning." he admitted shaking his head a little. "and he and Lily need to talk." he decided grabbing Kerrigan's hand, swallowing thickly as Lily walked into the room. the woman gaping as she watched harry scrubbing up the blood. "what happened!?" "...we're not sure yet." Draco stated before Kerrigan could answer. "we're going to go and find out right now, you and Harry need to talk anyhow, though he's a little...er... obsessed right now he'll finish soon and then you can tell him what happened." Lilly's lips pursed together, indicating that she didn't quite beleive him, but nodded anyway and settled onto a chair to watch Harry. "come on Ker." Draco muttered, gripping his hand tightly.
Kerrigan nodded slightly."We'll be back soon."He said tilting his head towards Lily, before taking the step between mortal and fae, sighing as the air seemed to grow thicker in the mortal world. While it still looked the same, they were at the malfoy manor now, the air itself tasted different from fae, dirtier compared to faire's ocean clean air."Lets find your mother."He said heading into the house, keeping ahold of draco. Worried.
Draco grimaced a little as he took the first whiff of mortal air. 'stinks..." he muttered softly, sounding startled. "i never realized how much i could SMELL before..." he admitted licking his lips a little. "i'm kind of scared..." he admitted softly. "everything's changing all of a sudden..." "that's because you immortal blood has awakened." Lily's voice stated calmly as she strode down a flight of stairs, offering him a small, Draco looking shocked. "i knew it would, the moment you stepped into the Fey world..." "what do you mean immortal!? Lucius is..." "not, your real father, though i have to admit you do look very much like him, you look like Thealon more." she admitted chuckling as Draco made a strange noise. "come, let's go into the Tea room and i will explain." she stated, leading them into the parlor where a house elf was already setting up Tea.

"i met him many years ago, when Lucius and i went on vacation in the mountains of Alaska." she admitted smiling a little. "he was like ice, Fire and ice." she admitted sighing softly. "i knew the moment i set eyes on him that he wasn't human, his hair was white as the snow, his eyes a blazing silver, he had a face that was almost feminine, yet so masculine it took my breath." she smiled a little. "he was a Dragon, a Dragon of Ice and Snow." she watched Draco closely. "while you where still in the womb, i performed a spell that would lock away your immortal bloodline, for fear that Lucius would kill you should he learn the truth." she admitted. "you, are a Dragon, my son...ironic, don't you think? considering that Lucius named you." "i..i...i need to sit down." he was already sitting. "when you entered the Fae Realms, the magic hiding your immortal bloodline broke, and your immortal genes began to over take your mortal...you will no longer be a mortal in any way, you will be a full blooded Dragon." there was no such thing as a half bread Dragon, the genes where too strong, they took over everything. there would be no trace of the mortal Draco left once the transformation was complete.
Kerrigan looked thoughtful as he looked out the window, trying to give the two some privacy to talk before he turned, looking startled."You knew. You knew when I came here who I was....and why I liked him."He said softly studying the female malfoy, tilting his head."He's a creature of fire.And as such, he answers to me like any of the hounds would."He wrinkled his nose."Though I feel more attatched to him then the hounds."He smirked a little, sighing.

"You could have warned me."He whined, disliking that he'd spent years obsessing about the fact he'd have to watch him die, and all along the other had been a creature of fire, one of his own. Perking up even more....because while his binding mark may tie him to harry as not only a protector and knight, he could tie draco to him, because the dragon was his creature, and as such deserved the spot as his animal to call, a special person close to his heart. He could...have them both....for eternity.
Draco was fanning himself with a paper fan that a house elf had brought him and Narcissa chuckled a little. "i wanted to make sure it was my SON you loved, not the beast inside of him. a Dragon is not a simple animal Kerrigan." she stated simply. "they are far more intelligent and brave than any human, or Fey could ever hope to be, they are loyal beyond any simple dog or immortal. and yet they are incredibly determined and thick headed, all traits that Draco owned as a mortal... i wanted you to fall in love with him for WHO he is, not what he is." she explained simply, Draco looking stunned before he smiled at his mother. "you always where almost over protective of me, is that why?" "no, you where my only baby, Lucius only ever wanted the one, i was terrified he would realize that you weren't his, and even more terrified when he realized that i can't have more children, because he made me get my tubes tied." she admitted shaking her head. "he would have killed us both." she admitted simply, sighing a little. "so...how long will the transformation take?" "i don't know." Narcissa admitted smiling a little. "i had hoped your real father could be here to guide you, but he died several years ago in a war." she admitted sighing a little. "you will have to trust that the Fae can help you." "...i'm doomed." Draco joked, accepting that he was an immortal rather easily.
"Heeeyyy we're not that bad."Kerrigan whined collapsing in the chair next to him, smiling a little. because he could understand that sort of devotion, wanting to protect her son and make sure kerrigan loved him and not just the fire. shivering a little as he thought about the sex. Oh gods, dragonfire...swallowing hard to keep the thought off his face he looked at draco, smirking slowly."We're not the only dragon living in Faire at the moment."He said thoughtful, wondering how in the world he was going to convince Lucas Cortez to ever help him.Techincally kerrigan could compel the fire dragon to help him, but really, the man changed into a animal bigger then him.He wasnt about to force it...wrinkling his nose. Then again, he might not trust his dragon's virtue around the other dragon fae. Looking slightly insulted but amused, knowing dragons were more then the beasts they changed into,but it'd been a long time since he'd known one long enough to see it.
Draco smirked a little. "yes you are." he teased laughing a little. "if you'd known i was a dragon you wouldn't have looked twice at me!" he was only teasing, but there was a ring of truth to it. "as i recall, the first time you saw me, you told me i was the prettiest human you'd ever seen, so small and fragile and pure, told me how you wanted to taint me." he smirked a little. "you where so cruel to me back then, making me cry just to see my pretty tears." Narcissa looked utterly horrified. "god i loved it." Narcissa smacked her forehead and shook her head. "your both terrible." Draco laughed a little and nodded. "i'm sure Ker and i will be fine, figuring out my Dragon ourselves. and Harry and Lily can help as well." he agreed nodding a little as he pondered, sipping at one of the tea's that a house elf offered to him, one of the little things offering Kerrigan one as well. "anything else i should know while i'm here? i'm a long lot prince? i have a twin brother? any horrifying shocks that i need to know?" "well... your... Lucius has disappeared." Narcissa finally admitted, looking worried. "i hold no real love for the man but... i think he took that poor child Harry with him... i'm terribly worried, Voldemort was here the other day looking for them..." "he what!?" Draco asked, looking completely terrified. "he didn't pay me any mind of course, but he wanted me to fetch you... i told him that you had left on a world trip... he wanted me to tell him the minute you came back..."
Kerrigan snarled softly as he thought about it, shifting to wrap a arm around draco, pressing a kiss to his head."Harry's living with me."His smirk turned dark and feral,"And currently, you're husband is a guest of Lady Mab's, Queen of Air and Darkness. I dont think he's going anywhere soon."He frowned before shook his head."If...Do you want to stay in faerie to?Mab would allow it,espicially if it brings voldermort to her. She wants nothing more then to kill the man who hurt her grandson."
Draco looked amused as Narcissa looked stunned. "well this is news." she stated blinking a little his head tilted a little. "would i have to see that dreadful man?" she asked scowling a little. "he'll beat me if he see's me." she stated matter of factly, Draco's face going red with rage. "i'll slaughter him myself before he ever lays a finger on you." he promised Narcissa looking startled before she chuckled. "yes, alright. i would love to see the Fae Realms." she paused. "but won't i be trapped there? i'll have to eat sometime..." she blinked at Kerrigan. "how do you mean grandson? i wasn't aware Voldemort had attacked anyone of a Fey..." "Mum, Harry is a Sidhe Lord..." ".... really!?" she demanded, looking amazed as Draco nodded. "well i'll be."
"You'll stay with me.My house is big enough it can keep the boy in it in dragon form and still have room."He snickered before swallowing hard."Food.Well my house is half in the mortal realm,but totally unseeable to it.Food will not be a problem."He said to ease her mind, though if he had to go out each day for food for her, it would be a small price to pay to protect her. Before smirking."He forgot the most important part. Harry's not just any fae lord. He's the prince of both seelie and unseelie courts, lord of air and sunlight, and currently, his mother, grandmother and I are feeling extremely overprotective of our prince. Nothing's going to happen."
she smiled a little and nodded as Draco sneezed, blowing out two thin streams of smoke from his nose that curled around his face and made his eyes water. "well that's annoying." he complained Narcissa laughing a little as she patted his shoulder. "you'll get used to it soon i'm sure, now that your Dragon DNA has broken free the transformation shouldn't take very long at all, you being in the mortal realms is actually speeding up the transformation." she admitted chuckling a little as she struggled not to feel impressed by Harry's title. "how can Harry be the lord of air and sunlight, if he keeps bringing up Daisy's every time you two fuck?" "....your cheating on my son!?" "no, mom.... it's a three way relationship....we complete each other..." "...oh, well that's alright then..."
Kerrigan twitched a little."I think that's more because Lily's the summer lady and gave him powers over plants then anything else. The title's just the one that goes to the princes...it has nothing to do with their powers.Hell James was prince of ice and moon, and he controlled sunight and water."He said with a sad snicker, rolling his eyes."Oh its perfect. Cause well, now I can claim draco as my own."He smirked, the feral look in his eye as he considered how he was going to mark the other.
Draco snorted a little. "he's more than just plants." he stated simply shaking his head a little. "we had a horse in the stables that got sick with an infection, my fa... Lucius said that he was going to shoot the horse if it didn't get better by morning then he was going to put it down. Harry slept in the same stall with it and in the morning it was completely all better, it didn't even have the wound." Draco scowled. "Harry was beat for using magic for it, but there wasn't even a bit of magic in the stall, just a lot of moss and grass that harry had to dig out." "i remember that, it was Harry's favorite horse." Narcissa admitted, nodding a little. "anyway, let us be out of this depressing place shall we? and if your going to claim my son, please do so in a very SILENT manner. i would rather not hear such things." she stated simply, Draco sputtering and red with embarrassment.
Kerrigan snickered looking at the woman, nodding solemnly"I shall do so at your request. Thankfully my room has a permenant silencing charm."He said before resting a hand on her arm and draco's, taking that step between breathing deeply when they were back in faerie."oh its good to be home."he said, though it'd only been a few minutes.Looking at draco and narcissa he winced as he saw the dogs,plus romeo, bounding down the steps."We're about to have company."He said crouching to ward them off before the dogs had a chance to knock them over, grinning as romeo danced around his master's feet, wanting attention
Narcissa chuckled as he agreed, rolling her eyes. "maybe i can find a nice handsome Faery man." she decided smirking a little. "or a woman perhaps, i hear their viscous in bed." "MOTHER!" Draco protested, the tips of his ears going bright red as Narcissa laughed and stepped through with him, humming softly as she stepped into the house, taking a breath and gasping. "the air is...strange somehow." she muttered startled as the dogs bounded over to them, Draco laughing as he picked up Romeo, flipped the pup onto it's back and playfully rubbed the things belly, Narcissa looking amazed that Draco could be so gentle with something as Lily came down, her eyes red from crying, but looking...better somehow. "Harry's in bed, cried himself to sleep." she admitted wiping her eyes. "he called me mom..."
Kerrigan smiled wrapping his arms around lily, kissing her head."Thats good."He muttered hlding her tightly. His heart aching for her, and for harry. And wishing james was here with them. He'd give almost anything to let the man have his life back, to have his best friend back."Lily, this is draco's mother, narcissa."he said smiling slowly, smirking really."Narcissa, this is lily, one of the vicious woman.Though I wouldn't know from personal experience. Then there's mab..."He said thoughtfully, more to make draco uncomfortable then really serious.
Lilly sniffed a little and smiled at Narcissa, shaking her hand. "Draco's told me about you, it's nice to meet you." she admitted Narcissa smirking a little at Kerrigan's comment, Lilly giggling a little. "i would be honored if you would join me for tea later." "oh i would love to." Narcissa agreed smiling a little. "did you two ever figure out what was happening? Harry explained that you guys where panicked this morning, and that the blood was Draco's." "oh, that. yeah turns out i'm a Dragon! surprise! blame my mother... i need a drink." Lily laughed a little and shook her head. "you didn't get drunk enough least night?" "not drunk enough to handle this." he stated simply heading for the cupboard, determined to get drunk again, Narcissa chuckling a little.

"that was the reaction i was waiting for." Narcissa admitted smiling a little. "Draco's response to stress is to get drunk...do you mind if i see Harry?" "oh...well..." Lily hesitated, Draco nodding. "he's upstairs, he'd be glad to see you." Narcissa smiled and headed upstairs, Lily looking nervous. "Mum used to read Harry books whenever Father was gone." Draco explained. "treated him the best she could when father was home, she snuck him chocolates whenever she could." that had Lily relaxed and smiling a little.
"I'll go with her."Kerrigan said leading the woman upstairs, knocking on the bedroom door before walking in, breathing relieved to see it was cleaned up. Having been afraid to show the woman her son's blood. Smiling as he walked to the bed, he stroked the brunette's hair, knowing he was being possessively protective, but he couldnt help it."He's doing better here..."
she nodded. "i see he still has that OCD cleaning habit." she stated gently picking up Harry's hand, that was chapped and still damp from scrubbing the floor, and scraped in a few places with rug burns on a few others tsking silently. "that foul man." she hissed gently kissing Harry's finger, the nail broken from scrubbing to hard when the stains wouldn't come out. "he broke this poor boy...but, i can tell, your putting him back together." she admitted smiling as she looked up at him as Harry stirred, blinking up at Kerrigan. "mmm, i have a mom..." he mumbled softly looking over at Narcissa, looking confused and then brightening eagerly. "Lady Narcissa!" he squealed happily, hugging her tightly. "did you bring a book!? will you read to me!?" he asked hopefully, Narcissa laughing a little. "i didn't bring a book with me, but i'm sure your Kerrigan will have some." "i'm going to go find one!" Harry chirped dashing off, Narcissa smiling a little. "he loves books, but he can't read himself, i didn't dare try to teach him." she admitted biting her lip a little. "has he been eating alright? he has this bad habit of not eating when he get's upset about something...and with Lucius here he's bound to be upset... and he has nightmares too, but he won't tell you he's had them..." she paused. "i'm sorry... i can't help but be a little protective of the boy, i've been trying to protect him for so long now..."
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