Of Darkness and Pain

Kerrigan clung to harry, burying his face against the other's neck in the effort it took not to go for lucius. Willing to tear him apart for this pain, but for the moment he was muzzled by his queen's will, and there was no way around that. At least for now. Snickering a little as the hounds crowded closer to lucius even as he turned away. Rolling his eyes up he smirked, adding hellfire for affect, letting the dogs literally glow with hellfire as the pressed against the blond.

Mab swallowed her laughter standing as she looked at lucius."then we shall go now that you understand your place in our world."She said, knowledge for a moment showing in those eyes.She knew, or at least guessed at the nture of the spell.But considering the man involved, and the fae lord who's sanity was held by a thin thread she kept it to herself, in a effort to protect them all. Because it would destroy a part of kerrigan to kill a man who looked so much like draco. So...for now she'd let it go.
Harry sniffled a little, but was relaxed in Kerrigan's hold, Draco gently kissing Harry's forehead as Lucius shuddered at the hell hounds, swallowing thickly, frightened, getting to his feet as soon as Mab suggested that the leave, practically rushing to her side to get away from the hell hounds and the Fire Lord who everyone knew had a desire to rip Lucius apart. "Father." Draco stated suddenly, looking up at the man, who did not turn. "i have no son." was the only thing Lucius said, his tone as cold as ice, Draco smirking a little. "and i have no father." Draco had no desire to be connected to a man like that. Lilly glared at Lucius who took a small look back at his son and hissed through his teeth, but said nothing else as he turned and left, head held high in the air.following Mab as Lily scowled glancing over at harry, hesitating, pain in her eyes, but she too turned and left, knowing that harry needed time to recover. "Lets get Harry into a bath." Draco suggested. "he always calms down when he's in a nice hot bubble bath."
Mab smirked a little, following Lucius out. Well, at least that made matters of kerrigan killing him easier if push came to shove. Pretty sure the only thing that had kept him in place was harry in his lap draco attached to him, and a order from his qyeen to stay put. Smirking she left. Oh gods, torturing mortals was so much fun.

Kerrigan nodded gettig up, heading to his bathroom and filling the huge tub up before banishing all three of their clothes, not letting go of harry as he climbed into the tub. While the water was warm, as soon as he got in, it became steaming. Hmmm there were benefits of being a fire lord. Yawning he settled back with harry in his lap, draco in with them before smiling closing his eyes. Yelping when splashing water startled him. Opening his eyes to look at the hell hound pup splashing around in the tub. Looking at drao he smirked,"Dray, you're dog wants attention."He said.
Harry sniffled, clinging to Kerrigan the entire time, slowly relaxing when he got into the hot water, gently nuzzling Kerrigan. "Ker... your mine right?" he asked softly, looking up at the other with wounded and heartbroken eyes. "you love me don't you?" Harry was still feeling really very bad about the things that Lucius had said. "you would never use me right?" Draco stayed silent, picking up Romeo and rubbing the pups belly with a strained smile. "Harry, my father is an ass, he doesn't love anyone, not even his own son." he stated softly, glancing over at Harry. "but Kerrigan and I.... we love you, and we will always love you, alright?" "promise?" Harry asked softly Draco nodding and holding his pinky finger out to harry. "we promise."
Kerrigan smiled as he nuzzled the other's neck wrapping his arms around harry, shifting resting his head on draco's chest. Needing to touch them both."Even if I have to remake heaven into hell to get to you, to be able to have the right to love you, I will.I will not leave you. even if you want me to leave."
Harry sighed softly and smiled as he snuggled into Kerrigan, feeling comforted, though he still sniffled a little, looking a bit heartbroken. "i won't ever want you to leave." he promised, sounding tired again, Draco sighing a little, gently stroking Harry's hair away from his face. "poor thing." he muttered softly. "the first man he ever loved used him, and just admitted to hating him." he murmured softly once Harry was asleep. "nothing ever seams to go right for him..."
Kerrigan growled softly."It wont now. We'll take care of him."He said turning his head to kiss the blond softly, smirking as teh dog kept splashing in the water."Malfoy, I think you're going to have a constant companion while you're staying here."He said smirking as the dog paddled over to the blond licking his face.Truly enjoying his master's attention
Draco chuckled as he picked up the puppy, laying the thing in his lap, smiling a little. "i'm not so sure i want to leave." Draco admitted softly. "not for a while anyway...i want to see the world but...i'm not ready to leave you alone yet." he admitted laying his head on Kerrigan's chest. "i'd rather wait, until all three of us... four of us can all travel the world together." he admitted smiling a bit. "hows that sound?" Harry snuggled deeper into Kerrigan, a small whimper falling from his lips as he trembled a little, dreaming things that where most unpleasant.
"Perfect.If we wait long enough I'll get antsy at being stuck here."He said gently stroking the other's hair, purring softly. The sound a deep rumbling in his chest as he pressed a kiss to the smaller man's forehead."Come on. Lets get him in bed."He muttered shifting to get up, then realizing he wasn't going anywhere while he was holding harry. He was so going to keep help....not that he'd ever ask for it thoug.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded, kissing the others cheek as he got out of the tub and then helped Kerrigan out without making the other ask for it for once, draco was being nice, only because of the state that harry was in, who had curled up tight, trying to defend himself, whimpering lightly. "no...master please." harry moaned, flinching hard, trying to hide himself into Kerrigan. "please, i'll be a good boy, please...not the whip...i'll be a good boy!" Draco flinched and gently set a hand to Harry's forehead, muttering a soft dreamless sleep spell, shaking his head. "i never realized how much of a fucking ass hole my father is." he admitted with a small grimace before snorting. "i never thought i'd fall for harry either though." he smirked at Kerrigan. "he's good for you too."
Kerrigan smiled peacefully as he settled the other into bed, before pulling the blond down with him, both snuggling around harry, kerrigan holding them both."You're good for me to."He said leaning over to kiss him, pulling him close, his hands wandering the blond's body. Really it was amazing he'd resisted this long.Then again he'd been fretting about harry...now that that was done, he could focus on the other man he loved.
Draco smiled as he snuggled into the other. "yes, but i can't be what you need." he admitted softly, his face falling again. "you have to hold back when your with me, and i'm so fragile." he sighed a little. "i'm going to be old so soon." he kissed the others neck, nuzzling him. "and i think my Father is going to try and kill me and Harry." he admitted softly. "if only to make you suffer." he closed his eyes. "and i'm Afraid that Voldemort might come after me too.." he shuddered violently. "he want's me to be his wife." he made a face. "Claims that because i'm so pretty i aught to be a woman." Harry whimpered in his sleep again and Draco gently kissed the brunettes forehead, easing his nightmares again.
Kerrigan growled at that, looking at the blond, wrapping his arms around him tighter."You're going to be no one's wife but mine."He growled before summoning a bottle of firewhiskey that had been made by the fae. while the wizard's was good at making whiskey, the fae's whiskey tasted like you'd just swallowed a bottle of hellfire and tasted as sweet as rain...perfect for forgetting bad things. taking a sip himself he passed it to draco, urging him to drink some."Don't worry about what will come, we'll worry about today and see where it goes."
Draco smiled a little as he nodded, resting his head on the others shoulder sighing a little. "alright." he murmured, smiling a little as he accepted the firewhiskey chugging it back, swallowing it down eagerly. that was one thing that Draco WAS impressive about, he could hold his liqueur. he chuckled a little as he handed the bottle back to Kerrigan as he carefully slid over Harry, straddling Kerrigan, a small smirk on his lips as he rocked into the others crotch. "take me." he purred softly, licking his lips. "fuck me." he ordered softly, a few sips of alcohol was often enough to make Draco very, very horny, and the drunker he got, the more he wanted it. even better, Harry was a heavy enough sleeper, that Draco could be screaming for more at the top of his lungs, and Harry wouldn't wake up even a little bit.
Kerrigan growled at him as he pulled the other down against him firmly, taking another swallow of liqiour as he kissed him."such a romantic."He slurred slightly. Unlike draco, he couldn't hold his liquir. Which is why he'd not given in and drank with draco before. Which would come to anyone who knew him, the all powerful lord of fire-yes his ego was that big- was a lightweight. Smirking slowly as he rolled them over, pinning the blond to the bed kissing him hard, hands strokng the ther's body. Like draco, liquior made him horny.
Draco giggled a little. "your Drunk!" he teased, kissing Kerrigan hard. "fuck me, Ker please, fuck me like you mean it, Fuck me like you fuck Harry." he pleaded biting and sucking at the others ear, shuddering eagerly as he rocked himself tightly into the others hips. "fuck me like your punishing me, owning me!" he moaned, grinning as he was pinned, snatching the bottle of Liqueur and taking another large swallow, before handing it back to Kerrigan. "mmm yess." he moaned kissing back, his tongue thrusting into Kerrigan's mouth, as if he was trying to be the dominant one there, panting hard. "fuck me, please, a..aah yess fuck me like the fire lord you are!"
Kerrigan growled at him, pinning him with a hand over his neck, pinning the blond hard to the bed as he held him there fucking him hard fast and like the man under him wasn't mortal, wouldn't break. Snarling as fire climbed over them, burning and caressing, an exquiste pain that was a overwealming pleasure. The fire lord totally losing his control as the alcohol hit his system, holding him down, pinning him. Dominating him,assuring the blond that he was the dominate one in this relationship. The fae lord losing his control, and his mind as he forgot that his lover was oh so very mortal.
Draco shrieked and wailed underneath the other, enjoying every minute of it, arching into him, wriggling and writhing and bucking into the other, even when Kerrigan gripped him hard enough to break bones, and thrust into him hard enough to tear him apart from the inside, his voice slowly failing at the hand to his neck, the grip tight enough to crush his windpipe, fire crawling all over his flesh, burning and hurting ever so pleasantly. he came, hard, all over their stomachs, and collapsed, unconscious...or dead.
Kerrigan moaned as he came gathering the man close to his chest as he collasped unconcious to.It'd been so long since he'd lost total control, well so close together to the last time he did, his body and the alcohol made him pass out.

In the morning Kerrigan startled awake, blinking stupidly as he tried to figure out what happened.Looking at the burnt bedsheets he gasped shaking the blond under him, looking for bruises, looking for proof that the man was alive. Panicking as he looked at the welts covering his own skin, he wondered how the other had made it out without getting hurt. Well...if he'd died he wouldn't be hurt."Dray!Draco!Wake up sweetheart, love wake up!"HE yelled starting to panick more with each passing moment.
at first Draco was as still as death, pale as ever, unmoving, then his eyes fluttered open and he groaned, shoving Kerrigan off the bed. "stop yelling you peasant." he ordered sourly, yanking the bedsheets over his head in a display of his usual hangover temper tantrum. he had managed to drink over two thirds of the firewhisky last night, so he probably had one hell of a hangover. "Harry giggled softly from the other side of the bed, finding the fact that Draco of all people had shoved the much heavier than him Kerrigan off the bed. "i'll get the hangover potion." harry stated, slipping out of bed and wincing when he stepped in something sticky. "h..hey this is blood!" Harry hissed, startled as he followed the trail to the side of the bed that Draco and Kerrigan had 'claimed' last night. there was a lot of it, and it was very clearly Draco's...any mortal would have died from that much blood loss, or at the very least been catatonic...but Draco was well enough to shove Kerrigan out of bed! what the hell was going on!?
Kerrigan growled as he bounded to his feet. Glaring at draco for shoving him, giving harry a look."Grab the blood replinishing potion while your at it."He said before pouncing on the blond, pinning him to the bed as he glared down at his lover."Are you alright?he growled hands running over his body, looking for pain or cuts. Worried that he'd killed the other."Love are you okay"
Draco groaned as he was pounced on. "don't." he whined pouting like a child. "my head hurts and your making me dizzy." he complained shoving Kerrigan off of him again. "i'm fine, stop asking me that, god you didn't fuck me THAT hard." he complained pouting a little. "just let me sleep." he ordered pulling the blankets over his head again. "and turn off the damn sun!" Draco was always overly grouchy when he had a hangover. but he wasn't in pain, that much was obvious when he flipped over onto his belly and let out a small grunt. "while your up there gimme a back rub." always so demanding. "i have the potions." Harry chirped, looking almost afraid. "is Draco ok? why's he bleeding?" but Draco didn't have a single mark on him, no signs of the heavy lacerations from Kerrigan's teeth and nails. there wasn't even a bruise, hell even the poor blonds ass looked completely normal...and he didn't even realize that he shouldn't even have been alive.
"H-he's fine.And..I accidently hurt him."Kerrigan stuttered still looking confused and worried, coaxing the blond on his side enough so he could drink the potions.smiling as he swallowed them down,gently stroking his back."Better?"He muttered, pain showing on his face.It hurt, to know he should have woken up to a dead body instead of a grouchy draco.
Harry blinked a little. "he doesn't look hurt to me." he pointed out handing Draco something that looked utterly revolting. raw eggs in a mix of what looked like tomato juice and alcohol. "hangover cure, Draco hates them but he says that they work so he makes me make them anyway." harry admitted smirking as Draco tossed that back, gagging and sputtering at the taste as he finally managed to force his silver orbs open. "ugh..." he groaned shaking his head. "gotta pee." he complained slipping free of the two and stumbling for the bathroom in his usual hungover manner. "are you sure you hurt him? he looks perfectly normal to me..."
Kerrigan frowned as he looked at the bloody seets, the charred sheets from where flame had touced them."Yes, I'm pretty sure he SHOULD be hurt, why he isn't I dont know."He said sitting back, crossing his legs as he waited for the blond to reappear. Needing to know what the hell was going on.
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