Of Darkness and Pain

"It's nice to hear you worry about him."Kerrigan smiled slightly, relaxing now that harry seemed fine with her there. Having been worried how he'd react. Smirking al ittle."Between draco, me and the dogs, we handle his nightmares. and we make him eat, whether he wants to or not. Hell the dog licked him the other day until he listened and te."He snickered tilting her head."Harry'd be upset if he knew Lucius was here. But as it is, Lucius is staying wtih Mab, and mab has a....unqiue way of dealing with people she dislikes.And Lucus is so far off her 'good' list he cant even see it."He snickered darkly. Becaues well, the fire lord sooo enjoying the thought of lucius suffering.
Narcissa smiled a little and nodded as she listened to Harry rush around, trying to find a book that wasn't 'boring'. "he likes books with pictures in them." she admitted chuckling a little. "so that he has something to look at, do you mind if i teach him how to read?" she asked her head tilted. "and i'm glad that he's eating, and sleeping." she admitted nodding. "and laughing...i've never heard him laugh before." she admitted, listening to Harry and Draco laughing downstairs at something that Lily had said. "i've never heard Draco laugh before either..." she didn't comment on Lucius, as far as she was concerned he was dead.
"They both do it alot here.Mostly at my expense."He snickered, smirking."He'll find a few down there. I have one of the illustrated copies of the brothers grimm.And no, I don't mind. You'll be a better teacher then me.I burn to hot to be patient enough to teach something that doesn't involve being naked."He laughed.
she chuckled a little and shook her head a little. "he likes the Brothers Grimm." she admitted smiling a little. "he likes how the endings aren't always happy ones." she admitted nodding a little. "he says their more real that way." she smiled a little. "i don't think harry needs to be taught how to do any of that." she admitted chuckling a little sighing a little when harry ran back in with a copy of the brothers grimm, shoving it into Narcissa's hand, Lily walking in behind him looking greatly amused. "Harry said i had to come in and listen tot eh story too." she admitted chuckling a little.
Kerrigan laughed, settling on the bed himself."Well I guess that means I'm staying to."He smiled, tilting his head,"Where's the dragon?he wasn't invited to this reading?"He teased looking at harry, absently running his fingers through the brunette's hair.
Harry giggled a little. "Draco is too drunk." he stated simply, Lilly nodding. "he said he was going to drink himself into oblivion and then fornicate in the back yard for a while, something about his left and right." she snorted a little. "anyway..." she waved for Narcissa to commence and she laughed, telling the story of Hansel and Gretel, Harry grinning as he sat on Kerrigan's lap with his head on Narcissa's shoulder so he could see the pictures as he listened, Lilly sitting right next to Narcissa as she read.
kerrigan smiled listening for awhile, listening out the story before he pressed a kiss to harry's head, before slipping out. Wanting to check on the blond. Stepping out onto the back porch he frowned a little as he looked for his dragon."Draco?"He said wondering what the hell the other was up to.
Harry smiled at Kerrigan and returned to the story as Kerrigan left. Draco was standing in the bathroom, gaping at the mirror with an almost horrified expression as he turned to Kerrigan. "am i really this drunk or are these really there?" he had sprouted a horn, a large silver horn and his eyes had become slitted like a cats, though right then it looked more like a snakes. "i know my mom had said that this was going to happen fast but... but.." he shook his head. "this is a little TOO fast... i wanna be human for a little while yet! and look at this!!!" he yanked down his pants, but there was no cock, instead there was a long patch of silver scales, that lead up into a sheath that looked very much like a dogs or a cats, a tiny bit of red poking out. "i'm missing my dick! how am i supposed to jack off with no dick!?"
Kerrigan swallowed hard."Yes, it would be hard to jerk off without a dick.Makes sex difficult to."He said trying to be understanding."And they're really there."He said slowly, rubbing a hand over his face to keep serious, before reaching out gently stroking a hand over the others hair,gently coaxing the beast back to dormancy. Wanting to give draco more time to accept what he was becoming."There, is that better?"He asked, while he'd been able to give him his dick back, and get rid of the horn, amusing enough he hadn't been able to change his eyes back. Muttering calmly, letting fire absently sooth the fire beast, trying to keep both the mortal and immortal parts of his lover calm.Knowing this had to be very overwealming.
Draco growled, upset as he stared down at his Dragon cock his eyes narrowed furiously before he sighed into the others touch, leaning his face into the others hand, smiling a little as he let himself be calmed down, he was still drunk, very drunk. he sighed softly smiling a little as he saw his cock come back, grabbing it to check and make sure that it was really there, moaning softly. "mmm yes much better." he murmured nuzzling into his lovers chin, nipping gently at the flesh, smiling a little. "mmm thank you. i don't want to be a Dragon yet." of course, Draco didn't realize that once he was a dragon, that he could change back into human form, how was he supposed to know that!?
"You're welcome."Kerrigan smiled,moaning softly as the other nuzzled him, bit him.letting his hands wander of draco's body, knew he he should explain what was happening, but really, he was drunk.Its not like draco'd remember anything of what he said when he woke up.
Draco moaned softly, leaning into the gentle touches. "mmm Ker fuck me." he pleaded. "fuck me real hard, like you did last night." he begged, biting at the others neck. "i want it so bad." he ground his naked cock against Kerrigan's restrained one, panting eagerly. "please, in the backyard, under the stars, fuck me hard..."
Kerrigan snickered picking him up, walking outside and aying the blond down on the soft grass, kissing him slowly, hands hard on his wrists as he pinned the dragon."Hmmm so demanding."He teased kissing him hard.
Draco moaned softly, smirking as he turned those slitted silver eyes on Kerrigan, studying his face before licking his lips, his tongue long and slender, not forked, but definitely a dragons tongue. "yes, very demanding." Draco panted softly, too lost in drunkenness and lust to care that his tongue was strange, that his ears had gone very pointed, that his fingers held deadly talons that dug into Kerrigan's hips and pulled him down to rut their cocks together, moaning eagerly as Draco tipped his head back. "yesss Ker, fuck me, fuck me hard...claim me! mark me like you marked Harry, make me yours, all yours!"
"Mine."Fire filled kerrigan's eyes as he did as he was told. Sinking into the blond with a hard thrust, not bothering to prepare him, knowing a dragon's healing would make sure he wasn't to hurt. Snarling as he felt the talons digging into his hips he thrust wildly into teh blond, bending his head, sinking his teeth into the other's neck, tasting blood and fire moaning at the taste of dragonfire brushing over his tongue. It'd been so long....the only way for a lord of fire to gain dragonfire was to have a dragon lover, and itd been centuries since he'd made love to a dragon.

Snarling softly as he laid the brand over the blond's neck he felt dragonfire burn through him, letting it find the ground around them, the world going whitish blue as it burned, the brand taking the form of a dragon in flight, where his brand curled around his forearm, draco's burned against his neck. Matching brands, for not only was draco his creature of fire, he was his bonded mate. He hadn't expected that, hadn't expeted to be a dragon's lifemate. But...he wasnt' adverse to the idea. He loved it.

Moaning as he came, he held him close, kissing him hard as fire burned through them.
Draco moaned eagerly, clawing at Kerrigan's back as he felt Dragon fire burning through him, making him arch and moan and wriggle and writhe, howling in pleasure as he snapped his hips up, forcing Kerrigan to fuck him faster, uncaring that three pairs of eyes where watching them from the bedroom. he moaned eagerly as he felt the fire spilling out of him, burning the ground in blue white flames, leaving ash and dust behind, arching against the other, feeling as if he never wanted another person more than Kerrigan, save maybe harry, but harry was still only second. Draco wanted to spend eternity with Kerrigan, kissing the other hard as their bonding sent waves of pure bliss through Draco, making him arch, and scream as he came, spilling thick globs of seed all over them both, making him hum in delight, a loud, heavy purring sound filling the air. it took a lot to make a dragon purr, nothing short of pure pleasure, or pure happiness would do it. "love you." Draco purred smiling as he curled up and went to sleep, whining pathetically anytime someone tried to move him.
Kerrigan snickered a little, prring himself. content and happy. It felt amazing to feel the dragons pur moving against him.Yawning he settled down to sleep himself.

The next morning kerrigan blushed as he pulled on his burnt pants, blushing more as he stepped into the kitchen holding his dragon as he looked at the three people looking at them."Hello."He said as if there wasn't anything odd about walking in in burnt clothes and a naked dragon, nothing odd about the dragon burns twisting along their skin.Absolutely nothing...."Is that food?"He perked up a little ignoring draco's whining as he moved to look over lily's shoulder as she cooed
Draco had grown a long tail overnight, and it looped around Kerrigan's waist and down his leg as the blond, now white haired boy snuggled more deeply into Kerrigan, too tired to do anything but sleep as Lily giggled. "he'll probably only eat and sleep constantly until the transformation is complete now." she admitted Narcissa nodding, blushing hard as she refused to look at the two together. she would never be able to burn the images of last night from her mind.

"yup, i made lots, Mother..." he paused, a strange look passing in his eyes when he said the word, then continued as if nothing had happened. "said that Draco was going to need a LOT of food." he admitted, motioning tot he piles of pancakes, and the huge amounts of meat, sausage and Bacon mostly, but there was also a plate of half bloody steaks that had Draco's nose twitching as he opened silver eyes, his stomach growling hungrily as he slipped free of Kerrigan's hand and grabbed a steak, sinking his teeth into it hungrily, ignoring his usual table manners as he devoured the whole thing, bone and all, his teeth sharp, dragon teeth. Harry giggling a little as he offered Kerrigan a plate, motioning for him to help himself.
Kerrigan avoided looking at narcissa as he started eating his own food, smiling slightly."Good..And he will.I'll probably have to ask mab to get me more food. He'll be eating me out of house and home."He said thoughtfully, settlign the dragon in his lap as he ate, absently petting the tail that was still wrapped around his leg.
Draco was already on his third steak, scarfing it down with a wild fury that made both Narcissa and Lilly giggle, both of them well aware that some part of Draco was utterly appalled with his own behavior. his tail lifted into the others hand, enjoying the touch as he reached for another steak, Harry shoving a plate of pancakes over to the blond instead so that Kerrigan could have at least one of the meats, as Draco started stuffing himself with pancakes. once he had polished off two plates of pancakes, a rasher of bacon, four steaks and three large hash browns Draco finally seamed full as he yawned and settled into Kerrigan's arms, purring again as he slept, Lily and Narcissa snickering lightly. "he's going to be a big boy." Narcissa said with a happy sigh. "his father was so beautiful when he was a dragon." she admitted smiling. "Draco is going to be so much more beautiful."
"Well of course he is, you're his mother."Kerrigan said as he scarfed down his steak, knowing draco was appaled with his eating. And well, heh...he could be charming if he wanted!As much as it'd probably shock anyone.Smiling as he pressed a kiss to draco's head he smirked as roemo climbed in his lap to settling on his masters stomach, dog and dragon both purring up a storm as they used kerrigan as a mattress.
Narcissa offered Kerrigan a playful giggle and a false blush, waving her hand in front of her face as she pretended to fan herself. "oh my, such a compliment." Lilly laughed and shook her head as she watched Harry slink towards Draco, looking almost nervous as he stroked the tail scowling a little. "will he be able to be human again when he turns into a dragon? cus i don't fuck things that aren't human shaped." that had both Lilly and Narcissa howling with laughter as they simultaneously assured harry that Draco would be able to return to human form, though he would look a bit different. Harry was just satisfied that he was going to get to tie Draco up again, Draco did so love to be teased mercilessly, in the ways that only a sadistic Harry could accomplish.
Kerrigan snickered,"He will.Perfect draco wont be stuck as a dragon forever."He smiled before shifting to get up, picking up the blond as he looked at harry."I'm going to go put him in bed. He's going to be heavy once he shifts the rest of the way. I dont want him in my lap."He whined smiling as he bent to kiss harry."You coming with me?"
Harry grinned at the mention of perfect Draco. "he is perfect." Harry agreed. "like the Ice Sculptures that Ma... Lucius used to have at the dinner parties, all shimmering and fragile, but oh so pretty." Narcissa chuckled a little as Harry followed Kerrigan into the bedroom, the brunette looking up at Kerrigan. "your perfect too, in a more masculine way, your not pretty at all, your all handsome and strong and firm." Harry smirked. "i like that you two are complete opposites of each other." he blinked when Draco growled in his sleep and then huffed, a thick stream of smoke falling from his nose to curl around his face again. "he's going to set the house on fire..."Harry warned, sounding entirely too amused.
Kerrigan snickered as he laid down with the two, wrapping his arms around harry before he shook his head."Claiming him gave me control over dragonfire. I can keep him from burning anything."He said, sounding confident though he wasn't so sure. Smirking a little he kissed harry."Sleep. We're going to need it when he wakes up and realizes he's stuck in dragonform for a few minutes."He said smirkng, knowing it was going to freak dragon out to be a full dragon when he finally come out of the transformation
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