Of Darkness and Pain

Draco leaned into Kerrigan as he was held, letting out a small sob as he pressed his face into the others chest, struggling to control himself. "i don't ever want you to let me go." Draco admitted, wrapping his arms tightly around the other, holding him close. "your the only person i've ever been able to love, i couldn't bare it if Harry took you away from me." he admitted, sobbing a little. "i couldn't bare it if you left me." he leaned up, pressing his lips hard to Kerrigan's, tears rolling down his cheeks. "i love you Ker... i love you so much."
Kerrigan kissed him back, shifting his attention, kissing the tears away, licking them softly, letting a small bite of flame touch draco's skin as his tongue licked him. Trying to distract hm from cryng. His heart breaking because he'd made the other cry."....does this mean we're going to burn my house down?Emotional moment and all that."He said sounding slightly puzzled, wondering if he relly was out of control enough to burn everything
Draco sniffled a little, shivering as he was licked, moaning lightly before he laughed at the others comment. "no, lets try to avoid burning down the house." he ordered pausing for a moment, gently nuzzling Kerrigan, simply feeling him. "are you sure you still want me? i'm just some week little mortal." he muttered softly, frowning a little. "i'm going to get old and ugly...and that's only if i don't get hurt or get attacked." he admitted laying his head on Kerrigan's shoulder. "i don't understand how you could like something like me." he admitted with a small sigh. "i'm so frail and useless..."
"I like fragile."He muttered nuzzling the other's neck,holding him tightly. "And yes, I'm sure. I'll fight you into the ground if you try to leave."He sighed softly."You aren't weak."He thought about it for a minute."You don't get it do you?I love you for being mortal. Because every breath you take brings you closer to the end, each hurt each pleasure is that much sharper because you have a limited amount of time.Immortality is good....only as long as your not alone. I want you, because you understand me better then any fae could ever dream of. Because you are mortal."He said rambling a little.
Draco looked at the other for a long moment, astonished before he smiled, gently stroking Kerrigan's cheek. "your right." he admitted softly, looking sad. "but i wish i wasn't going to grow old." he admitted softly. "i wish i wasn't going to die." he laid his head on Kerrigan's shoulder. "i'm afraid of my own mortality...i'm afraid of death..." he sighed a little. "i love you, so much." he admitted curling up in the others lap. "i love you, because you understand me, and my fears and my narcissism...and you still love me anyway" he smiled a little. "will you promise to love me, even when i'm old and wrinkled and ugly?"
Kerrigan smiled a little."Even when you're old and ugly, you will still be you. I will want you."He said cuddling the other, rubbing his back. "I will love you."He said softly, wondering if there was a way to change this. He loved him for being mortal, but he couldnt stand the thought of losing him. Biting his lip he made a note to talk to mab, because the woman wasn't just the queen of winter and darkness-she was the queen of death, that freezing eternity. IF anyone would know anything, she would. Even though she was bound by rules, her knight would ask for help.
Draco sighed softly, his hurt pride soothed and his broken heart mended as he rested on Kerrigan, his breath evening out as he fell asleep, having worn himself out with sobbing wildly and taking a few swings at Lily, who was damn faster than she looked! so he snuggled into Kerrigan, and went to sleep, feeling safe and content that he wasn't being replaced, though he was still very jealous that Harry got a mark, got to be possessed and possessive...and Draco didn't.
Kerrigan sighed a little. Leaning back in his chair, still worried because he'd marked harry instead of draco. Wondering what was ging on, and hs heart hurting because he wasnt able to share that part of himself with draco.

A few hours later kerrigan raised a eyebrow at lily as she looked in the room at them, shifting draco in his lap as he kissed draco's head."We have to talk."He muttered looking up at lily. "And you have to promise not to freak out."
Draco groaned as he was shifted but refused to wake up, Lily lifting an eyebrow. "Harry was worried." she admitted. "he's got quite an attachment to you and Draco." he admitted shaking her head a little. "and he's very pleased that you claimed him." she admitted settling into a chair, tilting her head at him. "and i never freak out." she stated crossing her arms. "whats wrong?"
Kerrigan studied him, stroking dracos back."Harry is Harry James Kerrigan Potter, prince of the sidhe."He said tiltng his head. "When me and mab confronted lucius yesterday, he called him harry james, and he serves a master named voldermort."He said softly.
Lily stared at him for a long moment, the glass in her hand shattering, freezing so fast that the glass simply shattered, leaving her undamaged. outside a storm began to brew, snow mixing with lightning, thunder cracking through the air as snow gathered onto everything, Harry crying out in fear upstairs as Draco jerked awake, gasping softly as he looked outside, Lily licking her lips. "i'm calm...i'm calm...be calm...be calm." she muttered softly to herself, well aware that if she kept that up Mab was going to come and see what the hell was going on, Harry rushed downstairs, leaping into Kerrigan's lap, hiding himself in the Fae Lords lap, using Draco as a Shield, the blond looking confused. "whats going on?" he asked looking sleepy still, rubbing his eyes as he looked down at harry gently rubbing the boys back. "shh harry, it's just thunder, it can't hurt you."
"OW!"Kerrigan whined as he got a foot in the balls, shifting both boys so that harry cuddled against his chest, with draco curled up against his back. "Now, its just a storm. one that lily is going to end because I DONT want mab coming over to see whats going on. We've had enough excitement today. I dont want mab here."He said staring at the fae woman, demanding that she regain her control.
Harry trembled against the two as Lily chanted under her breath, the storm fading away until it was bright and sunny again, Lily panting softly as she opened her eyes, staring at Kerrigan before getting to her feet. "i need to speak with Lucius." she growled, turning on her heal and stalking out of the room, Harry slowly calming down from the fright of the storm, carefully poking his head up. "Lily was Angry?" harry asked softly, swallowing hard. "did something bad happen?" he asked his head tilted at Kerrigan, Draco coughing a little, hesitating. "should we tell him Ker?"
Kerrigan nodded leaning back to look at him."Harry, I told lily some news that she hadn't known. You see, she thought her son was dead for years. And when we talked to lucius, it was revealed that her son harry was still alive."He bit his lip."You. Your real name is harry James Kerrigan Potter. You are a sidhe prince.And she was upset about that."He said kissing the others head.
Harry blinked looking confused. "i knew i was Harry James Potter." he stated softly. "my mother sold me to Lucius, he told me. she owed him money and she didn't have any so she gave me to him." he bit his lip hard, Draco grimacing. "i thought Lily liked me...why would she give me up?" "Harry... my father lied." Draco said softly. "a man named Voldemort, you know him...he took you from your mother when you where very little..." "b..but Master...Lucius.. i don't..." he shook his head and pulled away from the both of them. "i don't beleive you." he growled, turning on his heal and fleeing back up the stairs, Draco wincing when harry slammed the bedroom door shut. "we need Lily or my father to explain... i don't think he'll beleive us, no matter what we say..."
errigan winced before nodding."He wont."He sighed softly getting up."Which means we have to go visit mab, and bring your father and lily here. Between them both they should explain...."He paused tilting his head."Though lily might be currently killing your father."he said sounding thoughtful
Draco shook his head. "no, Father doesn't know who harry is, that might gain him some small favor in Lily's book." he admitted sighing a little. "i'm worried though, Harry is certain that Lucius is the only person who loves him, despite you marking him." he bit his lip. "i'm frightened that Harry will try to go back with my father." he sighed a little. "at the very least he's going to start pawing at him...will you be able to handle that?"
Kerrigan shuddered a little, gritting his teeth at the idea."I can."He said slowly, though he wasn't so sure. Wondering if he'd be able to stand the sight of someone he loved pawing someone else. He'd never had to deal with it before. Possessive by nature, he didn't know what to do.Sighing he looked at the blond."We'll just have to wait and see."
Draco nodded a little grabbing the others hand. "don't worry, my father knows better." he promised. "he won't let harry touch him, hell he's probably all too ready to abandon harry if it wasn't for the spells." he sighed a little. "i can't beleive i didn't realize it sooner, why my father kept harry around, he usually likes his slaves much younger." he grimaced and shook his head. "are you going to call them over?"
Kerrigan wrinkled his nose. "Unfortunately yes."Whistling softly he summoned one of the dogs, before sending it out with a message for mab. Wincing a little when she returned with lucius and lily."M'lady, may I introduce you to draco malfoy?Draco, this is mab."he said bowing his head to the fae queen.

Mab smiled indulgentyl. While it wasn't the most formal introduction ever, she put up with things from kerrigan that she wouldnt from anyone else."Welcome to faerie lord malfoy."she said, her voice holding ice and winter storms. Mab-in a good mood.
Draco smiled as he bowed to her. "the pleasure is all mine Lady Mab." he stated gently kissing her knuckles. "the Feary realms are indeed a marvelous place if it holds one such as yourself." he smiled glancing at Kerrigan and winking. Draco ALWAYS flirted with the girls, it was like a game to him, of course he only flirted when he was certain they knew he was gay, which made it all the ore amusing.

Lily was still seething, and glared at Draco when he turned to her to offer her praise as well, the blond obediently shutting his trap as he headed up to fetch Harry, the boy rushing downstairs, flinging himself at Lucius's feet, nuzzling the others knees. "Master! Master i missed you!" "get off you little wretch!" Lucius hissed, making harry wince and back away, pouting.
Mab growled a little, resting her hand on kerrigan's arm as he moved to go towards the elder blond, demanding obediance and that he keep calm."Now. Lucius you will be kind to one of the princes of sidhe."She scolded, looking pleasant even though there was razor ice under the words. Not looking like the powerful fae who was currently forcing kerrigan to keep his control, or her daughter from attacking."Now. We will all sit down, and let lucius explain what goes on. And you will not kill him should your bonded approach him."She said, nails drawing blood on kerrigan's arm as she tightened her grip.

Kerrigan nodded slightly moving away from them, and sitting down in one of the living room chairs to wait to hear what was going to happen.
Lucius growled a little but obediently sat down, Harry glaring at Mab for ordering Lucius about, and hissing with rage when he noticed that Kerrigan was bleeding, looking torn on who he should go to. he ended up just sitting in-between the two, glancing from one tot he other as Lily sighed a little, Lucius hesitating as he considered where to start.

"i don't know everything." the blond finally admitted, Lily nodding, they had already figured that much out, it was the only thing that had kept her from slaughtering him. "when Draco was about a year old, Harry as well My Lord and Master, Voldemort brought me a small child." he admitted. "he told me his name was harry James potter, and was the son of one of his enemies, James potter." Lily hissed at the name, angry that Lucius would dare say it. "he told me that i was to make the boy suffer as much as possible, without killing him...said that if i killed him, or if he died, then i would perish with him." he ran a hand through his hair, nervous.

"i had no idea he was a Fae Child." he admitted simply, scowling darkly. "i had no idea he was the son of a Fae Lord and Lady, how was i supposed to know? My Lord never told me, i didn't even know that the boys parent even lived!" "Harry...Voldemort took you from me." she explained softly, sounding sad. "he killed your father, i thought he'd killed you too... i never knew you where really alive..." she reached for him and Harry cringed back, looking confused..hurt. "but Master Loves me.." harry whispered softly, looking at Lucius with heartbroken eyes. "doesn't he?"

"no, harry." Lucius stated, sounding pissed. "i was using you, i was following orders. the only reason why i kept you around was because i couldn't trust anyone else to keep you alive." "b..but..." harry looked completely horrified, close to tears...but honestly, Lucius was doing them al a favor, he was ripping apart any emotions that the poor Fae Prince might have had for the sick perverted man, sure it would hurt at first, but later, Harry would be better for it.
Kerrigan's snarl filled the room at the words. Despite glad to hear them because it would make a clean break so harry could move on, harry was hurting and kerrigan was reacting to his pain. Sitting next to draco he pulled the blond closer, holding onto him desperately tight in the effort it took not to go for lucius's throat.

Mab smiled slightly when the hellhounds padded into the room, the bitich and male looking around before parking their asses in front of lucius doing what kerrigan could not. Be damned intimating and invading his personal space. "Now the only reason you are still among the living is for following those orders. You will stay here, a personal guest in my house-"see prisoner-"And live here until we find a way to undo the bindings betwene you to."
Harry whimpered as he watched Lucius, the blonds eyes narrowing. "i have no use for you boy." he hissed softly, harry sobbing and turning, rushing over to Kerrigan, grabbing him and snuggling into him, seeking his lover for comfort as Lily sighed a little, setting her hand to her eyes, ashamed, afraid that Harry would never trust her again. Lucius grimaced at the Hellhound'ts, turning away from them all, biting his lip a little. "like i have a choice." he grumbled darkly. "Voldemort will come after me, after Harry, i doubt he will be so easy to detain as i am." but, he was relieved, he wouldn't go back without Harry, couldn't go back. because the spell only worked one way, if Harry died Lucius did too..but if Lucius died, harry would be fine. Lucius could only hope that no one realized this, watching with cold eyes as Harry clung to Kerrigan, Draco gently rubbing the boys back as he kissed Kerrigan's neck, trying to keep them both calm.
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