Of Darkness and Pain

Harry laughed, he didn't notice Kerrigan's discomfort, Draco noticed something was strange, but didn't understand...Lily, Lily's head had shot up, looking immediately to Harry with an almost longing in her eyes, but she said nothing as Draco and Harry pelted Kerrigan with as many snowballs as they could, Draco yelling in outrage when he got hit back, harry simply squealing and giggling, the yard soon full of trampled snow and flowers, and three completely soaked men/boys. Lily laughed and ushered them all inside, four cups of hot cocoa waiting for them. "Kerrigan." Lily murmured once Draco and Harry where immersed in a light doze, having worn themselves out. "can we talk?" she sounded...strained.
Kerrigna nodded, nudging her out into his study, looking decidely comfort in a pair of sweat pants and sweater, shivering every once in awhile as his natural overwarm body struggled to get warm. As a firelord, he didn't like being cold.It just wasn't pleasant.Slouching down onto his couch, he pulled her down next to him, wrapping his arms around her and kissisng her head."What's wrong?"He growled softly, bristling. Worried about what had occurred to the woman, and willing to do anything to make her less strained.
Lily swallowed hard, tears gathering in her eyes. "he looks just like James." she whispered, leaning into him. "today, he just looked so much like James, it was like watching you two roughhousing as kids all over again." she admitted with a small sob. "god i miss him so much." it was rare for Lily to break down like that, Harry's similarities to James must have gotten to her. "my baby isn't coming home Kerrigan." she stated with a small sob. "my little boy is never coming home, and the gods have sent harry to taunt me for failing my family, i know it." she sobbed again, pressing her face into his chest. "i let them kill my baby boy, and no ones found him because he's dead, and i can't help but feel angry at Harry for looking so much like James."
Kerrigan swallowed hard, because he was having the same reaction. Roughhousing with harry had reminded so much of tossing james around, and having draco hover and bitch like lily had was so similiar it hurt. "..I failed your family Lily. Nto you. Never you."His said, his heart aching. Accepting whatever blame he knew she had because it was his fault he hadnt found voldermort fast enough, hadn't gotten the help he needed to defeat the wizard before it was to late. It was all to late...and his fault.
Lilly shook her head. "it's not your fault." she whispered sobbing a little. "i was the one who insisted on living in the mortal world, i was the one who wanted my baby to have a normal life." she pressed her face harder into his chest. "i c..can't even remember his name.," she admitted, crying harder. "he was so little, we called him pet names more than his real name...our little Monkey... our little Wild Child..." she sniffled, clinging to him. "i can't even remember his name..."
Kerrigan swallowed hard, smiling slowly. "Harry James Kerrigan.James said it was to much of a mouthful, so he became the little wild child."Kerrigan said laughing softly as he kissed her head, stroking her hair."I messed up lily. James asked me to set the protections, and I messed up because I forget james was a seelie lord instead of a unseelie sidhe."he sighed softly."He needed both, to hide. And voldermort found you two for my oversight."
"it sounds like you are both blaming the wrong people." Draco stated simply, looking rather shocked. "it's not your faults...it's voldemort's faults." he stated simply, having only caught the tail end of their conversation, suddenly everything made sense to Draco, and he looked very upset and uncertain. "Father is on his way." he admitted softly. "i can feel his magic, he's trying to cross...Harry's felt him too, he's gone and hidden upstairs..under the bed." he informed them, swallowing thickly, wondering if he should tell...no, now now, not yet...because otherwise they would get distracted, Draco would tell them After.
Kerrigan snarled softly, looking at his lady."You stay here. Take care of draco and harry."He shuddered raising his head as he heard the howl of a winter's wind."Me and mab with deal with your father."He said walkign out of the house, tilting his head at the sight of mab waiting for him, the reins of his horse in her hand. Nodding a little he mounted, heading for the edge of his yard...and took that step btween here and there. waiting patiently for the elder malfoy to come for them. Looking like what they were, deadly and feral, the unseelie sidhe.
Lily hesitated, but nodded heading upstairs to try and calm the Fae child, swallowing her own grief at the loss of her only son and husband, determined to put on a happy face for Harry at least, Draco swallowing thickly. "Ker, after you...deal with my father, i have to tell you something." Draco admitted, pulling the other down for a kiss, smiling as the other left.

at first nothing happened, but all of the fae could feel the magic of wizards trying to force their way through, Lucius finally stepping through, alone, his silver eyes scanning the crowd. "i have not come for war." he promised, smiling a little. "i only come to reclaim what has been taken from me. give it willingly back, and i will leave you all in peace." he smirked viciously at Kerrigan. "i am sure you had your fun with my pet, but i need him back now."
Kerrigan's smirk was as vicious, and darker. He'd seen men like lucius before, and had a number of them. He'd think nothing of killing him.... except it was draco's father. Even if the blond didn't care, he looked to much like draco for him to raise a hand against. "My queen does not wish to let the fae child return.He is ours, and subject to our whims."

Mab tilted her head, holding out a hand, letting ice form around lucius, holding him in place, giving it enough power to let the ice be bitingly cold."You are disrespectful,wizard. You are a guest among the Sidhe, and you will not make demands of your betters."
Lucius bared his teeth, angry at their refusal to cooperate, but there was something else in those silver orbs, even before Mab encased his feet in ice...Fear, Lucius Malfoy was afraid. "you have no idea what your doing!" he protested, growing more frantic. "i will die without that boy!" he stated firmly. "that child is the only thing that has kept me living for all of these years! you think i would risk coming here, simply for some child who i claimed as my own!?" he had a point, Lucius wouldn't have forced his way through the realms just for a common boy, he would have simply found another.

"our fates are bound! i MUST have the boy back! or will you also condem him to death as well!? you think you know, what is going on!? yes, i mistreated the boy, i'm an ass thats what i do! but it was not simply his pretty face that kept me from abandoning him! our fates are connected if i die he dies, if he dies i die!" dark spells, Voldemort must have put dark spells in place, ensuring that Lucius did not lose the child he had been given, and now Lucius was frantic to get harry back, before the Dark lord found out. "Harry James Potter MUST be returned!" did Lucius even know what that name meant? understand what he had just done? probably not, Voldemort wasn't one to share the privileged of information, he just told someone to do something and expected them to do it.
Both mab and kerrigan looked startled at the name. Could it really?could it be that simple?Snarling kerrigan forced his horse closer."if you're lying, by the time I'm done, you'll wish I'd killed you."He smirked, the smile hard and vicious, and promising death as he jerked his horse around."Bring him. As long as he's in faerie, in your home, whatever ties them together will be satisfied."He growled before heading home, needing to see the other two before mab arrived at her home and he had to deal with lucius.

Mab smirked a little reaching down, undoing the ice."Walk."She ordered letting her horse force the other to take a stumbling step. Glad that all space within faeire was relative, that while Kerrigan's home straddled the line between mortal and faerie and was far away, she'd moved the home close to hers, actually butted right up against her backyard, so really it was like the two were just minutes apart then what they had been. Hoping that the truth they thought, was true.
Lucius bared his teeth at Kerrigan. "i have better things to do with my time than make shit like this up." he hissed his eyes narrowing a little. "you can't just kidnap me!" he protested violently flinching when Mab forced him forward, hissing with rage as he walked, looking as indignation and rage full as any Sidhe Lord, nose in the air, stiff legged with fury. "you will all regret this." he snarled, indignant and furious as he was led to wherever Mab ordered him to.

Harry and Lily where sitting in the backyard, both of them sitting with their eyes closed, meditating, helping Harry to focus his inner self so he could access his powers at will, instead of when he was excited or afraid. the house was still dotted with Winter flowers. Draco was watching from a doorway, looking awestruck and almost jealous. he moved forward as soon as he saw Kerrigan, looking anxious. "how did it go?" his voice a whisper, wanting to know if Lucius was dead, and also wondering how to tell Kerrigan what he had realized.
Mab smirked a little s she ordered her into his palace,"If you can make me regret something mortal, I will welcome it. I have regretted nothing in a millinea."She said smiling a little.

Kerrigan growled a little sliding out of the saddle, shoving draco towards the door."We have to talk."He growled anxious as he turned to face him, shutting the door and giving the wood in the fireplace his anxiety, the fire roaring as he relaxed at the release."Where did your father get harry?"
Lucius hissed softly, offering her a furious glare. "it won't be me making you pay." he stated simply. "i fully intend to be dead long before it comes to that." he paused. "if it comes to that." he admitted following simply. "will i be tied up during this kidnapping or will i at least have the ability to feed myself?"

Draco swallowed thickly. "that's what i have to talk to you about." h whispered softly. "i think Harry is Lily's son... Harry..Harry was a 'gift' to my father from Voldemort." he admitted swallowing thickly. "i never understood why Father never got rid of harry like he usually did, Father doesn't normally like them so old... but everything makes sense now..." he swallowed thickly. "i beat on a Sidhe Prince...Jesus Christ."
"You can feed yourself.You're only staying here because kerrigan doesn't want you anywhere in his house, considering the hellhounds would probably tear you apart on principle."She sighed, letting him inside."Just stay in the house."

Kerrigan tensed, "I..."He stopped when he realized he was sitting on the floor, and having no idea how he'd gotten there."I think he is to."He swallowed."And your father raped a sidhe prince...which is something I'm NEVER informing mab of.The torture would last years."he sighed looking at the floor confused on how he got there."We need to tell lily."
Lucius snorted a little. "he's probably try and take my head off if i stepped foot in his house." he admitted simply, shaking his head a little. "i will try and stay in the house." try, he would try, if someone came bursting down the door Lucius was definitely going to run away, Lucius was in fact, hoping that someone would attack him.

Draco shook his head. "technically it was all consensual, though admittedly harry doesn't really know any better." he admitted sighing a little. "more it was just taking advantage than actually raping, but it's still pretty bad." he licked his lips. "i'm not so sure we should." he admitted. "not yet, we need to tell harry first, Harry's never had a mother, he was told all of his life that mothers where terrible monsters that ate babies." he admitted grimacing a little. "my fathers clever idea of keeping harry from asking about his parents...it certainly worked..we need to let Harry realize that Lily isn't going to hurt him before we tell either of them."
"Good."Mab said before walking further into her home, leaving him to his own devices.

"Okay."He sighed rubbing hsi eyes. This was going to be a interesting day, and a headache in the meeting. Heading outside he whistled, looking for the sidhe prince. His stomach tightening, because it was going to be a bad,bad day. He just knew it.
Lucius half wondered if he could break his promise, he was no Fae, bound to his word...but this realm had a habit of playing tricks on mortals, he decided it was best not to try to leave until he had to. he would simply bide his time, and wait for his lord to arrive.

Harry looked over at the whistle and smiled happily at Kerrigan, Lily scowling as Harry got up, abandoning their Lesson to rush over to Kerrigan and look him over, closely examining him for any wounds. "Master is here isn't he?" he asked, his voice strained. "i can feel him...is he nearby?" he asked looking around the yard, looking torn again. he wanted to see Lucius, even as he wanted to go hide under the bed again.
"He's staying with Mab, queen of faerie for the time being."He said gently running his fingers through the other's hair, bending down to drop a kiss on his head."Go inside to my study, I have to talk to you.Right after I talk to lily. Draco's waiting for you."He said nudging the other towards the door, before walking over, crouching down in front of lily, pain and love flickering over his face as he kissed her forehead."Sorry to interrupt the lesson. Mab needs to know a few things, and you know its enver a good thing to keep your mother waiting"
Harry blinked a little looking confused. "okay." he agreed heading into the Study, pondering molesting Draco to calm himself down. Lily sighed a little stroking Kerrigan's cheek. "whats wrong?" she demanded softly, noticing the look on his face before shaking her head. "never mind..i'll go talk to my mother." she decided standing up, smiling a little. "Harry is a sweet boy Ker, you should really bed him. the poor thing is getting so frustrated." so frustrated that he had tied Draco down and was now making the blond writhe and whimper...again. when Kerrigan walked in, Harry was just about to take Draco's cock into his mouth, the blond blushing hard as vines pinned him to Kerrigan's desk. "help." Draco groaned, his head hitting the desk with a thud as Harry ignored Kerrigan and licked up the others cock. "f..fuck Harry.." this was just not Kerrigan's day.
Kerrigan moaned softly, wincing as his body hardened at the sight before him.It was something different seeing the blond dominated by someone else...espicially seeing harry. Growling possessively he walked over, his rational side losing to the fire lord that needed to have his prince pinned under him."Mine."He growled holding harry against him, looking at draco. Needing the reassurance draco wouldn't take him from him.Though he'd probably apologize later, ni this moment he was waaay possessive. Pinning harry to the desk next to draco, he bent him forward, rubbing against the other's ass, biting down on his neck hard.
Draco was panting hard, looking embarrassed as he moaned again, harry nipping the blonds cock almost playfully, harry wincing at the growl, cringing when he found himself held before suddenly realizing that it wasn't Draco Kerrigan was getting possessive over, but harry. that baffled the Sidhe prince making Draco chuckle a little. "yours." Draco agreed, looking relieved to not be at Harry's mercy anymore, that little brat was WAY too talented. "a..ah." Harry whimpered as he was pinned to the desk, arching into the other, panting softly, looking eager. "yes...please." harry moaned, rubbing back, arching into the bite, his nostrils flaring wide as vines curled around Kerrigan's feet, preventing him from pulling away from Harry, the poor boy was just that sexually frustrated. going from sex four or five times a day to not at all, that was just not possible.
The fire lord reacted like any dominate fae would react to being attacked by another's power, his control snapping, hellfire climbing their legs, burning out the vines on both himself and draco, snarling as he burned the other's clothes off, flame licking at his skin but not burning the sensitive flesh."Mine."He growled lowering his lips to harry's back, tracing a celtic forever knot onto his skin, letting flame follow his tongue, burning it into the other's skin, not that it'd hurt. But flame ade to be excruiating pleasurable. Snarling as he slid into the prince with a sharp thrust of his hips, being ungentle and rough out of instincts that were pushing at him.
Harry mewled loudly as he felt the hellfire crawling along his body, his hips bucking as he enjoyed the sensation, Draco moaning as he was freed, standing up and rubbing his wrists, wisley leaving the two alone. harry moaning and groaning as he became Naked underneath the other, gripping the desk tightly as he bucked and writhed, panting hard as he clawed at the desk, moss growing up all over the floor around them, and across the desk, harry too out of control of his powers to be able to control himself, panting hard, letting out a cry of pure delight as he jerked and came, the knot sending him over the edge, flowers of unknown variety's sprouting wherever his seed touched, making harry moan with pleasure as Kerrigan finally slid in. "yours!" Harry wailed finally. "all yours! so good! Kerrigan!!!"
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