Of Darkness and Pain

Kerrigan made a face at the man in his lap, raising a eyebrow."You covered me in flour."He pointed out, kissing harry's head, absently brushing flour off his clothes. Using flame to get it off. Not happy about being a mess now."And...and..."he blushed looking at the other, blushing as he rested his cheek on harry's shoulder, not looking at any of them.
Harry smirked a little. "you look good in flour." he admitted snuggling into the other sighing softly looking amused as Lily and Draco laughed again, Lily shaking her head a little. "you two are so CUTE!" she squealed, teasing Kerrigan again as Draco sniggered but decided not to comment on that one.
Kerrign looked at lily, staring. Just staring before frowning."Don't you have something to do?Like teach him magic or something."He asked setting harry on his feet, rubbing his arms.Because...even no matter how small the risk, he had something to do before he risked his life protecting this house and those he cared for.
Lily snickered as Harry scowled and stalked back into the kitchen, pride wounded at being denied what he wanted yet again Draco snickering a little as he shook his head. "better be careful Kerrigan." he warned. "Harry almost always gets what he wants." he admitted. "i remember once my father decided to punish harry, and not have sex with him for three weeks. Harry got so worked up, that he actually strapped my father down and...well i would say raped but my father enjoyed it too much." he admitted shrugging his shoulder a little. "if your not careful Harry might strap YOU down too." he smirked. "harry wants you big time, and if you keep denying him he might take drastic measures."
"I never said I wouldn't. Just not right now."He sulked giving the blond a look before standing, holding out a hand."Me and draco are going downstairs for awhile. Take care of harry.And if you need anything, come get me."He said pulling the blond to his feet. Sulking and...well there was just something he had to do before he could allow himself to admit he was in love with the younger fae.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded. "i was only teasing you lover." he promised smiling as he wrapped his arm around Kerrigan's waist, hugging him as they walked. "Ker...whats wrong? i've seen you be stubborn about things before but never like this...what are you afraid of?" he asked gently touching the others chin, looking worried. "i hate seeing you fret..."
Kerrigan sighed, leaning into the other's touch, kissing his fingers, "You know I married morgana. I find it...hard to not talk to her when things happen.Even though she's gone...I still talk to her as if she can hear me."He winced a little, as he shouldered open the door to his sanctuary, "I feel...I feel like its a betrayal to care that much."He said softly, studying the statues in the room. And feeling the gut aching response to it.

Teh back of the fountain was a curved wall of wet stone, water tumbling down the face and into a pool of stone. The woman that rose halfway out of the pool, her face lifted towards the sky as she laid over the edge of the pool. Her eyes were closed, with a half smile on her lips. The male statue that was crouched in front of her was a younger, but nonetheless fierce, kerrigan. Teeth bared in a snarl of rage, his hand braced on the ground near the head of the woman. His hand raised, a permnant ball of hellfire clasped in hsi hand. Someone who didn't understand kerrigan, didn't understand the fae, would assume that he was about to crush the sleeping woman, and that the only way to control him was to crush him. Someone like that would miss the signs, the small details. Like the sleeping woman's hand reaching out, fingertips brushing against his hand. Like how his whole body sheltered her. Like the way the snarling face and fire eyes danced with a rage that came from the desire and need to protect.

Before he looked at the man standing next to him, his heart ahcing at the sight of the woman he'd loved a sight he'd rarely indulged anymore, because it flayed him alive to see her."I'm resisting because the last time I failed...I can't fail to protect him.I wont survive if something happens."
Draco blinked a little looking startled as he talked about Morgana, Kerrigan rarely talked about her, he looked over at the statue and gasped softly, stunned as he examined the close protectiveness as the statue of Kerrigan protected the sleeping woman from unseen terrors. "wow." he murmured softly, gently touching Morgana's sleeping face. "she was beautiful." he murmured softly pulling Kerrigan down to sit next to him, laying his head on Kerrigan's shoulder. "i know what Morgana would say right now." he admitted suddenly. "she'd say, that your being very foolish, that love is love, and that you should never repress your feelings, especially not the good ones."

he reached up and stroked Kerrigan's cheek again. "how can you expect to live, if you can't open yourself up tot eh people that need you to love them? you can protect Harry, you are protecting Harry and he loves you just because you are here for him, because your kind and gentle and sweet and tender, and all the things that Harry, nor i have ever had before we met you." he smiled at Kerrigan. "you are so worried about failing, to see that you've already succeeded." he murmured softly. "harry is the happiest he's ever been, he feels safe here, and no one can hurt him here. no one would dare...how can you fail yo protect Harry, when he's in YOU'RE realm!? when he's WITH you ALL the time...instead of mourning the past, learn from it, and remember happier times. the only way Harry is going to be hurt, is if someone manages to get through Lily AND you, and whoever else Harry manages to wrap around his little fingers during his stay here. and that, simply isn't possible. even you couldn't get through all that and then have to face yourself."
Kerrigan snickered a little, amused that draco was berating him for worrying.Then realized the man was exactly right. Morgana would have beat him outside the head days ago for doing this to himself. Gently stroking the statue's cheek he smiled a little."Oh, it gets better."He smirked slowly."You have me, lily, you AND Mab.He's already wrapped the queen of faerie around his greedy little fingers. And she hasn't evne met him yet."He rolled his eyes."Though I think its more the fact that he is a fae child, abused and broken, and she hadn't been able to protect him."He said thoughtfully, knowing the queen of faerie shouldered more then a little blame for the loss of her son in law and her grandson."and he's got the dog's and hell my house even likes him."He said amused, relaxing even more. Realizing that he was right. More then right. Now to just accept it.
Draco looked pleased with himself when he noticed Kerrigan accepting everything. "who's Mab?" he finally asked his head tilted a little. "and how can a house like someone?" poor poor delusional Draco. "and even so if the house likes him, it's probably because Harry is so good with living things, not humans...we're more like parasites, things of destruction and hate..but animals and plants.. Harry's always been good with the garden and with the horses... honestly i'm shocked that i was surprised to realize that he was a Fae."
Kerrigan snickered looking over at him."You are amazingly slow on the takeup."He teased tilting his head, realizing his boyfriend was really delusional."Queen mab. The winter queen of faerie, and the scariest person I've ever had the pleasure of faerie...and I'm including myself on that list. She makes hellfire feel pleasant with some of what she can do."He smiled a little."And houses in faerie tend to have personalities, espcially among use who command a gift."
Draco shrugged a little and shook his head a little. "i was dropped on my head as a child." he admitted looking amused as he stood up humming a little. "Queen Mab sounds like someone Harry would be terrified of, better be careful when you bring her over." he stated calmly, smiling as he gently touched Kerrigan's statue before smacking it on the ass. "come on Ker, i want Pastries. and then i want to try shoving things in your ass again."
Kerrigan laughed getting up, heading upstairs with him.Snickering,"The only chance of ever shoving anything up my ass would be doing that statue blondie."He teased stealing a kiss.
Draco smirked a little looking amused as he followed Kerrigan into the kitchen where Harry and Lily where nibbling on cream pastries, Lily commenting on how good of a cook harry was, Harry smugly replying that he was the best in the Malfoy Manor, looking over at Kerrigan and beaming brightly. "Lily says that i have DreamSight!" he stated looking ever so pleased with himself. "that means, that my dreams DO come true!" "SOME, of your dreams come true." Lily corrected smiling a little. "i can help you learn which dreams are dream, and which dreams are Dreamsight." she promised Harry smirking a little. "still, my DO come true so take THAT Draco!" he stated sticking his tongue out at the snickering blond.
"Yea take that draco."Kerrigan teased wrapping his arms arund the other, pressing himself against the blond's back, "Though I have something else you can take."He smirked dropping a kiss on draco's head before moving over to harry, picking him up before sitting down, settling him in his lap before he stole a pastery."this is good."he said smirkng a little.
Harry smiled a little as Draco laughed and blushed a little. "gladly." he chirped licking his lips Harry scowling a little but saying nothing. "Kerrigan." Harry said suddenly, looking up at the other. "how come the house moves?" Harry had noticed Mab moving the house into the Faery realms? that was rather amazing. "Harry houses don't move..." Draco pointed out, Harry scowling. "your just an idiot."
Kerrigan looked startled. ONly those who commanded a gift, or were related to her should have picked up the winter queen's moving the house. "No he's not. My house is half in the mortal realm, and half in faerie. Mab,because of what harry saw, decided it was safer to have it fully in faerie, so she shifted it."
Harry smirked at Draco and stuck his tongue out at the blond who rolled his eyes a little, Lily looking almost Stern. "you don't think he has The Gift do you Ker?" Lily asked, looking puzzled Harry paused. "the what?" Harry asked blinking Draco looking puzzled as well. "Yeah, the what?"
Kerrign twitched a little."oh hell, he might."He said thinking about it."it would explain why I had to summon hellfire to destory what he had created."He said thoughtfully, not realizing that he'd had to do it because harry's bloodline made most of his magic immune to the lesser magics of the fae."If he does, I'm so screwed. My house is going to be a forest."He whined a little, not looking amused, though he had a feeling lily was probably internally laughing at him for THAT being his worry instead of so many other things that could go wrong.
Harry glared furiously and hopped off Kerrigan's lap, stomping his foot hard on the ground like a small child having a temper tantrum. "i ASKED!" he growled, looking very annoyed at being ignored. "what The Gift is!" he hissed scowling at all of them. "that means, your supposed to tell me what it is!" (seriously, please explain because i don't know either XDD) Draco looked amused though. "i thought you liked the forest?" he teased grinning a little as he examined his own nails. "but seriously, harry has a point, you really shouldn't talk about people as if they can't hear you."
Kerrigan sighed before looking at the other two smirking a little."You knwo there are other fire lords in faerie. We all have a touch of it. All the powers that are gifts of the fae have a leader of sorts. One that decides who gets to keep the gift nature gave them, or can help train someone better."He frowned, knowing he wasn't doing the best job explaining. "The commanding of a gift gives a fae power over th others, and a power others don't get. I can summon hellfire, because I command fire. Lily can summon a cool summer's day, in the middle of winter if she wanted.James..."He smirked a little."His gift was water, and he could make a ocean and all tht lived in it answer his summons. Mab..."He shuddered a little."Well mab's so out of the realm of normality there is no yardstick to measure what she controls. The basis is that...each power that's given to the fae has a fae that controls just a tad more then the others. Like a favored child, who just gets more presents."He winced a little."And I do like the forest, I just don't want to see it in my house."He whined amused a little.
Harry blinked a little. "so i have more powers than other people?" he asked his head tilted a little. "interesting." he muttered Draco wrinkling his nose a little.., "so, Lily can control the weather?" "oh my yes." Lily chirped smiling a little, the sky outside suddenly darkening a great deal, Harry gasping with amazement as it began to snow, grinning as he rushed out the door Draco laughing a little. "Harry loves the snow." he admitted smiling a little Lily smiling as well. "James loved snow too." she admitted smiling softly. "he used to start snowball fights, as many as he could." through the open door a wet snowball flew through the dor...and smacked Draco in the back of the head. "HEY! you little SHIT!" Draco snapped, Harry's wicked laughter floating through the air making Lily laugh.
Kerrigan swallowed his laughter, looking stern in his effort not to laugh in draco's face. After all, if he did tht he'd probably be kicked out of his own bed, and that just wouldn't do.So..."I'm coming to get you!"Kerrigan grinned teasing harry as he rushed outside, making his own snowball and surrounding it in a layer of pretty fire that was more decoration then real fire....yes, he was amused, and felt the need to show harry that he could be as intresting as changing the waether. Tossing the snowball he grinned as he missed harry, but the snowball hit the ground, tossing brilliantly colored flame everywhere, like fireworks.
Draco knew though, he knew what Kerrigan was struggling not to do and he growled as he followed him outside, shocked to see that the only house with Snow on it was their own. "wow Lily, i am very impressed." "of course you are." she teased smugly, Harry laughing as he pranced across the snow joyously, snow Flowers sprouting everywhere that harry set his foot or scooped up snow, dotting the white ground with splashes of red and blue as Harry gasped in amazement at the fireworks of Flame, a snowball suddenly hitting Kerrigan in the back of the head, Draco looking utterly innocent as he pointed at Lily, who was busy rolling a base for a snowman, not paying any attention to the boys at all, Harry laughing as he got Kerrigan in the back with a snowball. "Kerrigan verses me and Draco!" harry cheered looking every so excited, and for a brief moment, his eyes twinkling like an imp, Harry looked just like James. Lily didn't notice, Lily wasn't watching...but would Kerrigan see?
Kerrigan groaned, "Dammit j-"He stopped the curse,freezing. Not quite believing he'd almost said it....but after so many years, he'd been tossed into a sensory memory so strong it froze him in place for a minute. Only james had ever dared hit him with a snowball to the head, and between draco and harry.y...and harry had the twinkle in his eyes like james when he was about to dump alot of trouble in his lap."Fine!me against you two."He growled, making snowballs,grinning as he added fireworks to them all.Enjoying his efforts to hit them more then he got hit.
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