Of Darkness and Pain

Draco blinked a little, looking a little lost for a second. "you mean i'm stuck here?" he asked. there was only one thing that Draco Malfoy feared, besides spiders, and that was being locked in. being trapped, for his own safety or not, but if it made Kerrigan feel better Draco would suffer through it. the blond swallowed hard and bit his lip. "it would be easier if you just killed the bastard." "NO!" Harry roared diving out from under the bed, Draco jumping. "You can't kill Master! you Can't!" because no matter the pain Harry had been put through, some strange part of him...loved Lucius.
Kerrigan nodded sligtly looking pained. He hated forcing draco to stay, he'd rather let him choose to stay willingly."For the moment yes."He said before swallowing."I'll deal with it when he gets here."He said trying to decide what the best wy to deal with him would be.Go figth him now, or wait till he came here.
Harry was trembling now, looking completely torn, gripping at Kerrigan's arm, practically clinging to him. "you can't kill him, please...you cant!" "harry..." Draco muttered looking startled. "that man beats you..." "s..so!?" harry looked confused, torn as he bit his quivering lip tears filling his eyes. "he...he's the only father i have...he's the only one that loves me... i..i need him..." "Harry, you can find someone else, someone who's better for you, someone who really loves you. my father doesn't love you... he doesn't love anyone, he'd rather kill you than anything else..." Harry didn't know what to do, he was so confused, he had to protect the man that had raised him, had to protect Lucius.... but at the same time, he wanted to see Lucius crushed like a bug, watch Kerrigan do it, wanted to stay with Kerrigan... again though, Lucius was the only one who loved harry, he was the only one who cared for Harry, he was the only one who would touch harry with strong possessive hands. Lucius was the only one, who mattered... he had to save Lucius, he HAD to.
Kerrigan sighed as he held the other fae, pressing a kiss to his head as he did. Closing his eyes as he thought it over."I wont let him die on purpose."He said, the fine lie cut into the word. It wouldn't be his fault if someone else held the blade that killed the blond, or if he injured him and he bled out later. So not his fault, and a finely cut lie that gave the boy comfort. And he hadn't promised not to hurt him, just not let him die with intent.
Harry relaxed at the half promise, pulling away from Kerrigan and crawling back into the bed to help himself to the breakfast, feeling much better now that he had told someone about the dream and had made Kerrigan promise not to kill Lucius, sinking his teeth into an apple happily chewing it as Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "sometimes i think Harry is Bi-Polar."
Kerrigan snickered a little getting up, kissing the blond softly before summoning the dogs, letting them into the bed before he sighed."Harry, are you okay with staying here wit hdraco for a few minutes?I want to go see lily and warn her that we're going to have visitors soon."He said, and warn queen mab that the unseelie sidhe might have new meat to eat on.Not that he was going to tell the other two thats what he was going to do. After all, he was civilized....mostly.
Harry sulked a little as Kerrigan kissed Draco, who smirked a little. "he'll be fine." Draco promised laughing as the dogs bounded into the room and smothered the giggling harry with slobbery kisses, green eyes glancing at Kerrigan, looking startled. as if amazed that someone actually believed him. he beamed at Kerrigan, and turned back to the dogs, rolling around on the bed with them, laughing as he played.
Kerrigan rolled his eyes a little, smirking slightly as he took that step between his home, and the meeting room of the winter court. Tilting his head a little at the sight of mother and daughter, he bowed his head."Ladies. We are about to have mortal company in the land of faerie."

Mab raised a eyebrow, tilting her head."Are we making love or war?"She said studying him. Her usual calm knight seemed to be vibrating with battle rage, and when one was a lord of fire, battle rage could be a dangerous thing, even to queen mab.

"War. Lucius malfoy comes to lay calm to a child of the winter court, and my ward.I wont let him have him."
Lily lifted an eyebrow, looking amazed. "Lucius? he wouldn't DARE come here!" she protested. "he's just a mortal!" Lily complained scowling a little as she ran a hand through her hair. "little Harry? why does he want the poor thing so badly!? this does not add up. Lucius would not come after just any common slave..."
"The fact that he despises me, and that he's been using harry as a..."he trailed off trying to figure out how harry had been abused. Looking hurt and confused, having no idea what to say. Swallowing hard. "I'm going to protect him.I need help. I'm good with fire, but it would be nice to have earth magic, and winter."

Mab snarled a little, standing beautiful in her fury. "You will have it. This mortal must learn what it means to cross into faerie."
Lily sneered in disgust at the small hints of what Lucius had used Harry as. "i will help you as well." she agreed standing up setting a hand on Mab's shoulder. "we have to be careful though, the poor thing is completely terrified." she admitted sighing a little. "whatever Lucius did to him, it's left him pretty terrified of Women and strangers."she admitted smiling at Kerrigan. "i promise to be on my best behavior when i come and stay with you." simply inviting herself like always. "i can work on training him some more while i'm there."
Mab stared at her daughter."I will guard our borders, and send warning.I will shift your home kerrigan."she said raising a hand, knowing he was going to protest before isghing."I know why you keep your home in the mortal realm for a reason, but you will not put a child at risk by staying."she said before walking out. Fury rolling through the land as faerie answered it's queen's call to war.

Kerrigan nodded slightly watching her go. Holding out a hand to lily."Let us go then."He said apparating them to his home, knowing that she had her own rooms at his home, and her own clothes. After all, she was james's wife, and he would give her a safe haven if he had needed it. Even though she probably didn't even know about the room and clothes, they were there for her use.
Lily paused for a moment then nodded, taking his hand and letting him transport him to Kerrigan's home, looking amazed that there was no frightened Faery boy covered in vines. "he must be getting better at control." she muttered blinking as harry stalked down the stairs, looking every so smug, and then looking ever so terrified as he caught sight of Lily, turning and fleeing back up the stairs to hide in the bathroom, small whimpers coming from their bedroom.

"that sounds like Draco." she admitted heading up the stairs and peering into the bedroom, clapping a hand to her mouth to keep from giggling. "oh my." Harry had tied Draco down using some long green vines, several rubber bands adorned the blonds cock, keeping him from cumming, or even leaking as he struggled against the bonds, a large Vine crammed up Draco's ass was still wiggling, tormenting the blond as silver eyes opened to stare at Kerrigan, pleasure in those orbs, and a plea for someone to take the rubber bands off so he could cum. Harry could be viscous when he wanted to be it seemed.
Kerrigan growled a little."Harry lily's here to help protect you."He said. "I'm not going anywhere."He said as he stalked towards the blond, "Except down on draco."He snickered summoning hellfire, letting it take the vines at the same moment he lowered his mouth to the blond's cock. If this was how he was going to be greeeted home when he left, he was going away more often.
Harry swallowed hard, offering Lily a fearful look before looking at his feet, looking meek and obedient, horrifying Lily beyond all belief as she gently took Harry's hand and kissed his knuckles. "i am not going to hurt you." she promised smiling a little. "i am here to protect you, and i will never do anything to try and take you away from anyone." she promised patting his hand, Harry looking completely baffled, looking from his hand to lily as if she had infected him with some strange disease.

Draco moaned hard as he felt the hellfire along his skin, tossing his head back as he felt the mouth on his cock, arching hard moaning furiously as he gripped the others hair tightly, bucking into the others mouth, panting hard. "fu...fuck...a..aaah Kerrigan! yessss..." he moaned, bucking into the others mouth, wanting more, needing more. "so close, been so close for so long, gotta cum." he whined arching harder as he pulsed in the others mouth, and came. Harry must have been tormenting Draco from the moment Kerrigan left for Draco's libido to be so out of control.
Kerrigan swallowed the cum down, raising his head, licking his lips as he rested his chin on his hand smirking a little. "Poor draco.Poor poor tormented draco."She teased resting his head on the other's thigh, biting down before moving up and wrapping his arms around the other."Come on love. Time to get up, lily's here. And you don't want her up here."he teased.
Draco panted hard, limp on the bed as he grinned a little. "mmmm it was worth it." he admitted chuckling a little. "i think Harry likes me a little more for it." he admitted. "AND i got you to suck me off int he end." he admitted grinning as he grabbed his pants. "besides, Lily won't touch me, she knows to whom i belong." he teased winking at Kerrigan, blinking as he spotted Lily making tea in Kerrigan's kitchen, Harry watching her, scowling a little.
Kerrigan raised a eyebrow as he watched the scene, sitting down at the table next to harry, kissing his cheek as he pulled the blond into his lap."And why are you scowling?"He said studying the brunette next to him, resting his cheek against draco's shoulder. For once, looking totally at ease and content. Even in draco's company, he'd always been wound up...now it was like everything was gone. Every stress and worry gone from the fire lord.He was happy.
Harry scowled even more darkly. "she's touching my kitchen." he growled Draco bursting into laughter. "harry is VERY possessive of the things he cooks with." he admitted looking amused as he sat down at the other end of the table, Lily smirking a little. "well Kerrigan, your in a good mood all of a sudden." "shhh." Draco hissed, wicked laughter in his eyes. "he's in denial!" "oooh, right, right." Lily whispered back with a small snicker at Kerrigan's expense, Harry scowling even more. "she's still touching MY kitchen..." he complained darkly, making lily and Draco both laugh that time.
Kerrigan laughe pulling harry into his lap, snuggling him against his chest before pouting."II'll make you a whole new kitchen. With guard dogs and everything."He said before frowning, looking at the other two."What are you talking about?I'm not in denial about anything."
Harry smiled happily at the thought of getting his own kitchen with guard dogs to protect it, looking very pleased as Lily and Draco dissolved into snickers, Draco burying his face into his arms, using the table for support as Lily simply stifled her laughter with a hand to her mouth shaking her head as she held onto the counter, Harry looking baffled. "i think they went insane." he decided leaning back into Kerrigan, enjoying the affection that he had never gotten before.
Kerrigan nodded, not looking as positive. He so knew they were laughing at him, even if he didn't understand it. "Dray!Explain!"He whined rubbing his cheek against harry's shoulder, looking curious.
Draco smirked a little and shook his head. "Harry, would you mind making some of those pastry's your so good at? i'm starving." Harry looked delighted at the prospect of cooking and leaped into the fridge to pull everything over, Lily giggling as she abandoned the kitchen to let Harry work. "your in love with him."Lily explained smiling "and your so in Denial that it's funny." Draco admitted snickering a little. "even i've never seen you that relaxed." Draco admitted. "it would be better for the both of you, if you just admitted it." Lily stated wisley. "three of us." Draco stated simply. "because no matter how possessive Harry is, i was here first, he's going to have to learn how to share." he stated simply looking about as royal as Lily did when she was in court.
Kerrigan snickered looking at draco."Hmmm you have a look that would shame even mab."He smiled a little, rubbing selene's ears as she rested her head in his lap,demanding attention now that her newest playmate was busy cooking."I'm taking care of him."He said wrinkling his nose."And I'm never relaxed because you keep threatening to shove things up my ass."He pointed out.
Draco snickered a little. "as if, you would never let me shove something up your ass." "i'll let you shove something up MY ass." harry offered moving back into the room, covered in flour Draco laughing a little. "harry, your such a Nympho." "a what?" "sex addict." "oh." he set down in Kerrigan's lap again and snuggled into him, covering him in Flour as well. "their in the oven, they'll be done in ten minutes."
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