Of Darkness and Pain

the backyard was calm and silent, as if nothing wrong had happened, as if lily and Harry where getting along fine, save for Luc and Selene and their pups huddled in the corner of the back yard, and the fact that all of the windows of the house where broken, and there was a shit load of yelling and sounds of smashing inside. "well...this sounds fun." Draco stated calmly as Lily shrieked in fear and darted out of the house and slammed the door shut, locking it. she didn't look hurt, but she was certainly very disheveled. "thank GOD your home!" she said panting at Kerrigan. "i don't know what set him off...it might have been my flirting but i'm not sure, it was just a touch to the knee!" "Harry's afraid of women." Draco stated calmly, looking around. "when he'd been really bad, my father used to tie him down and let sadistic women do what they pleased to him." "well dammit why didn't you tell me that!?" Lily demanded scowling at Kerrigan, Draco blinking. "because he didn't know..." "oh! you must be Draco! it's wonderful to finally meet you!" Lily interrupted beaming at the blond. "my you ARE handsome."
"You-you...you keep your hands to yourself."Kerrigan growled as he looked at the descurction of his house, "And you two stay out here."He growled walking into the house, summoning hellfire and whistling."Luc!Selene, come."He growled "Harry, stop this.You're wrecking my house!" Kerrigan howled, holding the fire in his hand, planning on using it as a distraction if harry attacked him
Harry had stopped throwing things as soon as Lily had left the house, and he was nowhere to be seen, through there was vines and moss and grass everywhere, thorns grew along the walls and where slowly still growing as they reacted to Harry's terror. as soon as he heard Kerrigan though the boy rushed out from the cupboard under the sink where he had been hiding, babbling with tears in his eyes that he would be a good boy, he promised, to please not let the lady have him, he'd be a good boy! he was clinging to Kerrigan's feet and sobbing that he would do anything he was told, he would even let the icky Dark Lord have him without a struggle! the young Fae was terrified that Lily was going to pin him down and do unspeakable things to him. he just couldn't handle it.
Kerrigan swallowed the pain that threatened to bring tears to his eyes. This literally hurt to watch....and it made him miss Morgana with a keen ache. She would have understood what this boy needed. Would have understood without saying anything that kerrigan was out of his element.

Bending he picked the other up, tucking him close to his chest, letting the other cling to him like a monkey as he stroked his back."Shhh its okay. I'm not going to let her have you.She didn't want you like that love. I promise she didn't want to hurt you."he said trying to sooth the other before he let the hellfire burn the plants out. Dammit he guessed hed was going to be remodeling things
Harry clung to him as tightly as he was able trembling against him, unaware that Lily was feeling guilty about offering him few tips on how to seduce Kerrigan, he had clearly misunderstood her offers, but that was more her fault than his. he clung to Kerrigan, his face buried in the others neck, hiding from the world. "you promise?" he asked softly, looking at him, licking biting his lip hard. "she isn't going to punish me?" he trembled again and buried his face again. "i'm so sorry...i ruined your house again..." what a thing to be worried about. "is it safe to come in yet?" Draco asked poking his head in, harry looking up at Draco, and letting out an ear splitting shriek diving away from Kerrigan and vanishing up the stairs Draco pausing, blinking a little. "oops...sorry.."
Kerrigna gave him a look."If he destorys my bedroom I'm sending you on vacation without pounding you into the nearest surface."He growled before disappearing upstairs after harry, catching him before he got to the bedroom, picking him up and holding him like he was. "I promise she wont hurt you. Or punish you.Draco's here to visit me harry. He came to see me because I gave him a gift and he's going on vacation and wanted to say goodbye."He said soothingly, running his hand through the other's hair."Nothing is going to hurt you in this house, because to hurt you,they'd have to go through me." Arrogant words but Kerrigan was one of the few sidhe lords that could back up anything that came out of his mouth, and he was nasty and fought dirty. Not to mention he knew what it meant to lose someone he was protecting...and he'd be damned if he felt that keen ache again. He'd barely recovered the last time, it'd taken centuries, for draco to come, to break his shields. If it happened again, he didn't know what he'd do.
Draco grimaced a little and vanished out the door again to hang out with Lily while Kerrigan tried to Calm the shrieking Faery boy, who was squirming and struggling wildly against Kerrigan before relaxing once he realized it wasn't Draco, whimpering as he pressed himself tightly into Kerrigan. "Draco is gonna punish me! Master sent him to punish me i know he did! ?Master is gonna get me i don't wanna go back! please don't make me go back!" he pleaded trembling against the other clinging tightly to him, whimpering and crying, terrified that Draco was going to come in and make him go back to the Manor, with the bad dogs and the violent Lucius. he looked up at the other at the promise sniffing a little. "you won't let anyone get me...?" he asked hopefully before tucking his face into the others neck, wrapping his arms around the other, simply holding him as tightly as he could, trying to calm himself down.
"No. I'll burn thte world before I let someone hurt you."he said kissing the other's head, struggling with the memory. Because he'd said the words before, and he'd failed spectaculary. This time...he was not going to fail. He would protect the sidhe child in his arms."Draco's here to visit me before he leaves on vacation. I promise. He wont do anything to you."He said stroking his back, cuddling him
Harry shivered but relaxed a little more and snuggled into him, looking a great deal less terrified and a lot more tired as he laid in the others arms. "can i hide in the bedroom until they leave?" he asked hopefully, timidly. "please? i...i don't want to be near them... the Lady said she was going to take me away...and Master Draco WILL take me away." he shuddered against Kerrigan. "i don't want to go away." he admitted. "i like it here...it's better here...it's..." he paused and then smiled. "it's home." for harry to admit that, really meant something.
Kerrigan swallowed hard, his heart aching at the words before setting the other down in his bed, kissing his forehead."Stay here, I'll go send them away and be right back."He said before leaving the room, his eyes cold and feral as he stepped out onto the back porch. The coldness even more deadly because he was a man who burned, a man who was naturally hot tempered, so when he turned cold....things could go badly. Quickly."You said you were taking him away?"he asked looking at the summer lady, for the moment ignoring draco. Not on purpose, but his whole attention was focused on the woman who was the biggest threat to his peace.
Harry nodded and crawled under the blankets and settled down for sleep, his head by the foot of the bed his feet on the pillow, snoring softly before he'd even made it out of the room. Lilly looked afraid when she caught sight of him, her eyes widening in terror. "no! i just hinted that it would be nice if he came and visited! i didn't realize he'd think i was going to try and take him away i swear! i just wanted to show him that no one was going to hurt him i swear!" she lifted a hand, well aware that if Kerrigan wanted to, he could, and would kill her. "i thought of taking him on a walk around the city, show him the pretty places that's all!"
The words tossed the lord of fire so off balance he literally nearly fell. Really, that was to much of a shock...and kindness.He hadnt expected that to be what she'd said. Though knowing lily, he should have guessed it. "Oh."Was what he simply said, looking so adorably confused and off kilter that it just made you want to kiss him."WEll...uh...We'll come visit. When...we can."He stuttered, for once the lord of fire looking decidely uncomfortable. Realizing how close he'd come to killing a friend over a misunderstanding. Even if she didn't know how close it'd been.
she sighed, relaxing a little as she watched him, looking rather nervous as Draco smirked a little, watching the adorable expression crossing Kerrigan's face stepping forward and smashing their lips together, kissing him hard Lily offering them a wolf whistle, Lily automatically forgiving Kerrigan for the near attack. "Yes, you make sure to come visit, when he's not so scared of everything." she stated patting him on the arm. "i think it would be better if he had only brief visits to strangers until he gets used tot he fact that no ones going to try and hurt him." "do you mind if i talk to him, before i leave?" Draco asked, looking hesitant. "i want to apologize to him."
Kerrigan shook his head looking down at the man who'd kissed him. Still looking adorably uncomfortable."We'll come visit."He said watching as lily left before looking at draco, kissing him slowly again."You'll have to stay until morning.He's exhausted and wont wake up."He said.Well more to the point- he wouldn't allow draco to disturb his sleep.He smirked slowly, shaking his leg as romeo bounded over, pressing against their legs wanting attention, quickly followed by his parents. Scary hunters they were....hell they looked more like attention starved kittens than anything else."And I want to hold you before you go wandering in strange lands.'He said, the unsaid insecurity there. He wanted to hold the man before he wandered off and found someone else.
Draco chuckled at the others still adorable expression but wisely said nothing as he watched Romeo attach himself to Kerrigan's leg again, chuckling a little as he shook his head. "i will gladly stay the night." he admitted grinning a little. "but i'll be very hungry in the morning. are you sure i won't be able to eat anything?" he asked pouting a little at Kerrigan giving the others ass a firm pinch. "i do beleive you promised me a pounding anyway." he teased smirking a little as he licked his lips before kissing Kerrigan again, growling lightly, trying to entice Kerrigan in for another fuck session.
"I'll get you food."He growled kissing the other. Not willing to share the one secret of his house. That was unqiuely his, his home straddled the line between faerie and mortal, equally both in each, but it had been where morgana's home had once stood, and his feelings for the witch were to deeply grounded in the mortal realm to coexist in faerie. "I did didn't I?"He smirked backing the other towards the railing, setting draco up on the edge, weding himself between his legs.
Draco grinned a little. "lovely." he purred smirking his fingers tangling in the others hair, kissing him again as he found himself on the railing, pinned in place as he bucked his hips into the others cock, moaning softly. "yeah that's it, fuck me baby, fuck me good." he purred smirking a little, teasing him. "aaahm yeah," he growled smirking as he trailed his hands down the others body gripping the others ass tightly, bucking a little more. "come on baby." he growled smirking at him. "teach me my place." again, honestly Draco forgot his place every time, so Kerrigan always had top put him back in it. it was Draco's favorite thing.
Kerrigan growled a little, jerking him down, shoving him hard and front facing against the railing, jerking his pants down with a quick tug."Do you forget who I am mortal?"He growled, summoning regular fire with a strain of hellfire running through it, letting it create handcuffs around draco's wrists, holding him to the railing. The single soft touch of hellfire would agiate and burn, but not truly injure.
Draco moaned a little as he suddenly found himself slammed against the railing, smirking a little. "mmm fuck, Kerrigan." he growled smirking a little. "i always forget, your just so forgettable." he eased, like he always did. he loved pissing Kerrigan off, he really did. he shrieked a little at the feeling of the Hell Fire wrapping around his wrists, making him tremble a little as he panted softly, he loved being burned, and loved even more how Kerrigan patched him up afterwords, the very few times that Draco actually needed it. "uuhm yeah that's it Baby, punish me good."
Kerrigan smirked stepping back, "I'm going to go get food."He annouced, then really did walk in and get dinner for himself. Ha!That'd teach the blond to be arrogant and bossy with him. After about a hour of watching the man squirm and mutter on his proch he walked back out, eating his sandwich as he stepped up behind him, sighing a little as his naked body settled against the other's back."Ready to be a good boy?"
Draco wailed in protest as the other left, whimpering as he watched the other vanish, whimpering and pleading softly every time he saw Kerrigan, squirming as he felt the others naked body pressing against him. "yes, yes i'll be a good boy." Draco whimpered, panting softly. "please, Kerr, please." he pleaded biting his lip as he squirmed again. "oh please!"
Kerrigan laughed softly resting his hands on the other's hips, sliding into him with a smooth thust of his hips."Have you learned your lesson?"he asked looking over the other, wincing a little as he realized he'd forgotten to command the hellfire not to burn. Wincing at the burns and blisters on his wrists. Letting the handcuffs go, he pressed the other close to him, stroking draco's cock as he pressed a kiss to his shoulder."You okay?"he muttered softly.
Draco wailed in pleasure s he was impaled arching into it, trembling with pleasure and pain panting hard as the flames vanished from his wrists moaning as the hand closed around his cock. "yes, fine...learned my lesson." he promised panting hard. "please, Kerrigan please, need so bad, fuck me please." he pleaded shivering and shaking, panting hard. "oooh please."
Kerrigan laughed softly, nuzzling the other's neck, thrusting into him hard as he made love to the blond, nibbling on his skin.Doing exactly what the man had asked. Never noticing, it'd been so long since he'd made love in faerie, that flame licked at their legs, non burning, if anything pleasing, because it was giving form by kerrigan's passion."Good."he growled
Draco whined a little as he was fucked, finally, arching against the other. "ah. ah feels good, feels so good, Kerr, Kerrigan aah yeesss." he moaned gripping the porch railing tightly, never noticing the bright emerald green eyes watching, hidden behind the stairwell, looking interested, and only a little jealous. he'd never watched other people have sex, it was strange to him. Draco wasn't crying, or screaming in pain, or even look like he was in pain...in fact Draco looked like he was really enjoying it, Harry, he liked pain, he'd had to like it or he'd have not been able to Cum for Lucius, but Draco and Kerrigan looked like they where...having FUN. harry wanted to have fun too, but he didn't move, he just watched as Draco cried out, arching into him as he came hard across the porch. "FUUUCK YEEESSS. oh god Ker your so good." Draco groaned panting hard.
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