Of Darkness and Pain

Kerrigan moaned a little as he came, resting his forehead against draco's shoulder as he panted."Better be. I've had centuries of practice."He snickered pulling out of him-thoough he'd never admit most of those centuries he'd been celibate and faithful to a memory. picking the blond up, heading inside, wanting to ttend to the other's wrists."How's your wrists?"he growled, angry at himself for being careless. And not caring he was walking around naked. It was his house dammit. At the whine he looked down at the dog trying to climb up his leg to get to his master.

Nudging the dog away from him he opened the door, heading for the bathroom, so intent on his task he didn't notice the other fae's prescence."Your dog's worried about you."
Draco moaned as he pulled out, limp in the others arms but grinning in satisfaction even as he was picked up, resting his head against the others shoulder. "mmm their fine, they don't even hurt, i feel too good to hurt." he admitted chuckling a little. "it was even more hot with Harry watching us." he admitted, giving light to the fact that the brunette was up and about. he chuckled at Romeo's whining, carefully reaching down to pat the puppy on the head, gently massaging the ear before glancing up to where Harry had been sitting, the green eyes where gone and Harry was hiding once more. "Kerrigan calm down, i'm fine, honest, it's just a small burn, i can heal it myself." he promised smiling as he kissed the other gently. "i'm more annoyed by the fact that you left me on your front porch for an hour."
"B-oh shit."Kerrigan twisted as draco announced they'd had a audidence, hitting the steps with the blond sitting on his chest with a audible humph, feeling his teeth clink together. "You might have to heal the ribs you just broke."he growled rubbing his chest, wincing as romeo licked his face."I was hungry."He whined looking over at him.
Draco grimaced a little as the other tripped and hit the steps, pulling out his wand to heal Kerrigan shaking his head. "it's your fault for freaking out." he stated simply. "and you where NOT hungry you ass you just wanted to torment me." he teased grinning a little as he finished the healing process and shook his head. "in any case." Draco stated simply as he turned his attention to his wrist's healing the burns with a small smirk. "it's not fair if you eat when i can't." he teased smirking at him.
kerrigan smiled a little pushing the other two his feet."I have food."He said summoning some things from the kitchen, sending teh tray to his bedroom."Come. I'll feed you, and tuck you in to get some sleep."He said getting to his feet, trying not to blush at the fall. Heading up the stairs he looked at draco,before sighng."Where is he?Harry!?Come here please."He said worried something was wrong.
Draco smirked a little as he followed the other, pausing a little as the other called for Harry, blinking a little. "should i leave?" he asked blinking when emerald green eyes poked out from behind the door, looking nervous, certain that Kerrigan was going to punish him for watching. "i'm sorry... i just, heard noises...and i thought...and then, you where.." Harry had never sounded so timid in front of Kerrigan before, he almost sounded one stern tone away from bursting into tears.
Kerrigan smiled easily, resting a arm around draco's shoulders as he studied the fae, struggling not to be hurt at the timidness. ""No. I just wanted to know if you needed anything. I'm going to bed, if you wanted to come lay down with me...well us, but there's other rooms if you wnt one."He said stuttering a little. Looking at draco, hoping he wouldn't mind him inviting harry, because he really didn't want him to be alone.
Harry hesitated at the offer Draco chuckling a little. "i'm not your master anymore Harry." he stated simply. "i won't hurt you, i couldn't even if i wanted to, Kerrigan would chop my hands off if i tried." that made harry relax, as he realized that Draco indeed would not be punishing him ever again and he came out of hiding, grabbing Kerrigan's hand and shooting draco a possessive glare, as if to say that Kerrigan was HIS, Draco just chuckling a little. "i think you've been claimed Ker." he stated simply. "you should really bed him before he tries to molest you." "i tried but he said no." Harry admitted sounding a little sad. "i am displeasing."
"You're not-I didn't-Dammit. I'm going to bed."And with that the flushed and embarassed lord of fire stomped up the stairs, disappearing into his bedroom as he stripped, collapsing back on the bed before looking at the two as they walked in."I'm not-you're not displeasing."He said flushing even more, wincing as fire flamed up in the fireplace. Having not meant to do that-it'd been years since he'd lost his cool enough to lose control like that.
Harry blinked a little and Draco snickered a little looking incredibly amused as he followed Kerrigan, Harry crawling into the bed without removing his clothes, he was still to tired to really be able to do, or feel anything that wasn't necessary. he blinked as the flames roared into the fireplace Draco chuckling as he stripped down to his boxers and joined them in the bed. "yeah Harry, you are definitely not displeasing." he teased Harry glaring at Draco. "your ugly." he stated Draco laughing a little as he settled under the covers, sighing softly, unconcerned with Harry's negative attitude towards him.
Kerrigan smiled a little as they both curled up around him, raising his eyebrow as he looked at draco."What are you finding so amusing?"He growled when the younger fae drifted to sleep. Trying not to glance at the fire, seeing as he had a idea that was what it was.He was so not reacting like this.Nope.He was in control.Definately in control.
Draco's smirk just grew at Kerrigan's question but he remained silent as Harry snuggled into Kerrigan, holding him close, like Kerrigan was his own personal teddy bear. "oh, nothing really." Draco finally admitted. "i just find it cute that your already falling for harry. it took me months to get under your mask." he admitted yawning a little his eyes flickering up to Kerrigan's looking...pleased? "i'm glad you won't be alone anymore." he admitted gently tracing the others cheek. "but you won't abandon me right? even with Harry...you won't leave me? i know i'm only a mortal but your all the good that i have in my life...."
Kerrigan looked offended as he looked at the other."I love you because your mortal, moron. Of course I'm not leaving."He growled possessively, as if daring draco to try and get far away from him."And I am NOT falling for him."He said raising his head to look at the other. "And I'm not alone."He said closing his eyes, starting to fall asleep as he wrapped a arm around harry, cuddling both of them.
Draco blinked a little before he snorted. "how could you love a mortal?" he asked softly. "mortals are disgusting." even Draco knew it and he was one! he sighed a little, but looked relieved anyway as he smiled a little. "no, you have Harry now to keep you company." he teased snickering a little. "and you are too falling for him." he chirped simply snuggling into him. "but that's ok, if it means that your happy, i can share." how very selfless of Draco. it was a good thing harry was a deep sleeper though, or he would have heard all of that, as it was, he had snored through the entire thing.
Kerrigan rolled his eyes, ignoring the other man as he went to sleep.

In the morning Kerrigan smiled as he made breakfast, carrying it back upstairs for the door, sitting cross legged at the end of the bed as he waited for the other two to wake up. Smiling slightly as he studied them.They were just so beautiful...and he just wanted to keep them both safe. And he was touched at draco's words...amazed that the usual selfish draco was being utterly unselfish
while Kerrigan was gone the two had snuggled closer together, and now dark hair was mingling with white, pale skin touched lightly tanned as they snuggled into each other, Draco looking as pristine as a Snow Fae, Harry looking like the Earth Fae that he was, Harry was the first to shift, groaning softly as his eyes fluttered open, blinking at Draco for a moment, a slow smile curling around his lips as he lay back down, sighing softly as he snuggled tighter into Draco, forgetting that he was no longer in Malfoy Manor. then he remembered and he jerked, yelping loudly as he rolled right off the bed with a Thud, Draco jerking awake and blinking as he looked around, looking adorably confused and drowsy. "uuh?"
Kerrigan laughed softly, leaning over to steal a kiss from the adorable man."Harry fell out of bed."He said helping him get up, wrapping his arms around the brunette, pressing a kiss to his head."Sleep well?"He asked, leaning back to look at the young fae, as he leaned back against draco,his head resting on his shoulder. Breakfast forgotten for a moment.
Draco smiled, looking a little amused as he lay back down on the bed. "Scared him did i?" he asked looking amused. "i don't doubt, i was always pretty rough with Harry in bed." he admitted yawning a little. "used to take out my stress on him." Harry still looked drowsy as he was kissed on the forehead, shaking his head a little. "i had nightmares." he admitted softly, sighing a little as he curled himself under the blanket's, pulling them up over his head Draco lifting an eyebrow. "your still having those?" Draco asked, an actual touch of worry to his voice, the blankets moving, indicating that Harry was nodding.
Kerrigan sighed softly, worried."Well, you have nothing to be afraid of here. Except maybe the dog's trying to kill you with cuddles. I'm amazed they didn't try to sleep with us."He smirked a little, having never had the dogs react to another fae like they acted towards harry. Smiling as he tugged on the blanket."Come on sweetie, time to eat. You have a busy day."
Harry just shook his head and Draco snickered. "Kerrigan, you do realize that you just called him sweetie don't you?" he teased smirking a little. "besides Harry can't eat after he's had a nightmare." Draco had helped harry through enough of them to know. "he'll just puke it back up, just let him rest for another twenty minutes or so." he ordered simply getting up and stretching. "aaah yeah, that was a good sleep." he admitted grinning a little. "mmm is this food for us?" he asked reaching out and plucking up an apple, sinking his teeth into it, forgetting the 'do not eat in the Faery world' rule.
Kerrigan rolled his eys a little. Not about to admit that he had not realized he'd called him sweetie. Or that he'd gone to the mortal world to retrieve food for draco to eat. Smiling a little as he laid down next to draco, resting his head on his stomach."Yes it is. And you really slept well?Good."He said smiling slightly.
Harry was silent under the covers as Draco chuckled leaning back on the headboard staring at the ceiling, pausing when harry suddenly spoke. "Lucius is coming." "what? what was that?" Draco asked, sounding startled as he lifted the blanket staring at the green eyed one, the boy pale, and shaking. "i said Lucius is coming...he's going to kill Luc...i don't want him to kill Luc, i like luc." he admitted sniffling a little. "he wants me back..." "Harry...what on earth are you talking about?" "i saw it in my dream, there was blood everywhere..." "Harry that was just a dream." Draco tried to console, Harry just glared at him and pulled the blanket over his head again, feeling upset, because the last time he'd had a dream...it had really happened. no one believed him though, no one ever believed him, because there was never any proof.
Kerigan looked thoughtful, making e mental note to ask lily if it was possible if he was seeing real things before sighing. Rubbing the boy's back he growle possessively."It'll take a lot more then lucius malfoy to kill me. Even if he gets to faerie, he'll have issues when ALL of faerie responds."He growled. Because he was the queen's knight, and a much beloved lord among them.Because he was kind, faerie would take offense to anything happening to it's lord of fire.
Harry sighed a little. "you didn't die." Harry whispered softly, closing his eyes. "just the dogs, the puppies too...and..." he paused and swallowed hard. "and Draco.." "...i die?" Draco asked lifting an eyebrow, Harry nodding. "Mas...Lucius got you from behind, a sword...through the chest." harry shuddered and whimpered, pulling the blankets over his head Draco sighing a little. "Harry your dreams have never come true before now, not the War that you saw, not my Mothers Death, not the Prized Stallions broken leg...their just dreams." trying to console the terrified brunette who just shook his head and slipped under the bead, seeking the comfort of darkness, ignoring Draco completely.
Kerrigan snarled as he sat up, looking at draco."You're not going anywhere. I'm calling in the favors I'm owed."he growled getting up, summoning one of the doors, whispering in its ear before sending it off to go get lily and let her know that he needed help. After all, he was the summer lady, and he wasnt about to let his life burn. Wasn't going to lose another person he loved because someone couldn't understand the terms of letting go.
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