Of Darkness and Pain

Harry blinked at the other his head tilted a little. "oh..." he looked a little sad. "well, that's ok...when you do find out will you tell me? i wanna marry you and Draco." he admitted smiling happily at the other. he paused and stroked the mark on Kerrigan's arm. "this is new, when did this happen?" he asked his head tilted as he examined the Dragons mating mark. "i think Draco needs a Tattoo."
Kerrigan blushed,"He has one."He said blushing even more, tugging the brunette into his lap, pressing a kiss to his lips."I dont want to marry you because for the fae, marriages are games to be planned. I never want you to question if I'm serious about you or not.Anyways...this.."He muttered brushing his thumb over the brand over the other's shoulder, feeling the raised edges of the brand, tracing the hellhound shaped in the mark."This is more binding then any marriage here."
he blinked a little, looking startled, horrified. "how can marriage be a GAME!?" he demanded, looking almost hurt by the idea that something he had grown up believing in could be sullied so much before he paused, touching the brand on his shoulder, blinking a little. "oh, so i...i'm already married to you?" he asked smiling a little. "well...no not married...since that's just a game... but, Bonded maybe?" he smiled a little. "does this mean you bonded to Draco?" he asked stroking Kerrigan's Tattoo. "can i make a mark on you too?"
Kerrigan sighed softly as the sensitive skin was stroked, leaning into the touch.his eyes closed, lips parted. For all the world looking like his cock was being stroked instead of just his arm."Hmmm you can."He purred softly, enjoying the idea of wearing a claiming mark for them both.
Harry blinked, looking startled at his reaction before smirking wickedly and running his tongue along the mark, humming softly as he gently nibbled on the dragons head, sighing softly. "mmm you make the loveliest sounds when your aroused." he teased, giggling like a madman. "how do i mark you? what will my Mark look like?"
Kerrigan moaned softly, shivering as he leaned into him. closing his eyes as he leaned back against the headboard."Hmm probably something like a plant....or ice...or a horse...your father's was a horse."He muttered fast coming undone under harry's lips. Knowing he couldnt tell draco about how sensitive this mark was, the man would so abuse it.
Harry snickered a little as he nibbled along the others neck, and then down his other arm, sinking his teeth into the flesh, pushing his powers into the others arm, following his mating instinct, the mark blooming across Kerrigan's arm, wrapping around his upper arm, a long vine trailed around his arm, ending at his wrist in a slow, loose spiral. Harry sighed in satisfaction at seeing the mark, and made sure to prove it was there by tracing it with his tongue. "mine." he murmured happily. "mine and Draco's, forever." it was a good thing harry wasn't too possessive.
Kerrigan whimpered as his tongue trailed over the darkened mark, whimpering in pleasure as he melted."Yours."He muttered shivering as he looked at the twin marks trailing around his forearms. He looked dark, dangerous with the claiming of a sidhe prince and a dragon on his golden tan skin."If you keep it up I wont be any use to you..."He muttered blinking slowly.
Harry giggled a little as he nibbled on the mark before pulling away, smiling at him. "you look so dangerous all marked like that." he admitted softly, looking at Kerrigan with lust, and love in his eyes as the marking on Kerrigan's arm shifted, curling under the skin as if it was alive, reacting to Harry's intense emotions, the feelings from harry flowing through the marking, letting Kerrigan know how harry was feeling. Kerrigan would always know if Harry was frightened that way! Harry didn't even seam to realize what he had done, he just sat there smirking at Kerrigan, trying to look enticing.
"Oh hell."Kerrigan cursed softly as he swallowed hard, the other's emotions hitting him like a lash of a whip. Swallowing hard he tackled the prince, pinning him down as he set about claiming him, kissing him hard. Driven insane with lust by the other's actions."You're looking pretty dangerous yourself."
Harry yelped as he was tackled, giggling eagerly as he squirmed under the other, Lust whipping through the mark again as Harry thrust his hips against Kerrigan's, moaning eagerly as he smirked again. "you should see me when i'm tormenting Draco." Harry teased snickering. since Draco had shown up, harry had teased Draco into a wet mess five times, but each time Kerrigan would walk in just as harry was walking out, leaving the poor deprived Dragon to Kerrigan to finish with. it was as if Harry was teasing Kerrigan with it, hell he probably was. "mmm fuck me Ker, please." harry moaned, licking his lips eagerly before leaning up and kissing Kerrigan hard.
"Tease."The fae lord growled as he kissed him back, seeing firebursts of light behind his eyes as he was consumed with the kiss, shifting his hold on the other, and casting a silent lubing spell, before sinking into his lover to the hilt. Eager to be in him, the man's teasing him with draco had worked well. He was being driven insane with the need to claim harry as his own...to claim them both.
Harry moaned eagerly as he arched into the other, kissing him back just as hard and squealing in pleasure, intense pleasure as Kerrigan filled him so full, so wonderfully full. "ye...eeesssss." he hissed softly, tossing his head back. "fuck, Ker! yes!" he moaned shivering as he squirmed eagerly. "fuck me! fuck me harder! don't stop!"
Kerrigan smirked darkly as he took the man hard and ast like he wanted, burying his face against the other's neck, lips closing in on the mating mark there, biting down as he let flame flair between them extriuciatingly pleasurable as he fucked him as hard as he wanted. Shivering as he cried out for the other man, strugglign to not come until harry did.
Harry moaned and groaned and HOWLED in pleasure as he was taken hard, just the way he liked it, clawing at Kerrigan's back, leaving long red scratches along the others smooth firm back, kissing hard, almost desperately as he arched and came, his ass clamping tight, so tight around the other, making him tremble and shiver in pleasure and delight before he finally fell mostly limp, still thrusting into his lover, wanting Kerrigan to cum as well. "love you."
Kerrigan moaned softly as he came, biting his lip as he did kissing him. "Love you to."He muttered stealing a kiss before he pulled out of him, laying down on the smaller man,cuddling close as he yawned. So exhausted with taking care of draco, and worrying about him and then beating himself up for neglecting harry, the fire lord was tired.
he smiled and snuggled into the other, sighing softly. "i'm glad." he admitted as he closed his eyes and snuggled down for some much deserved sleep, only to wake two hours later screaming from a nightmare, jerking and writhing around on the bed as he tried to escape unknown enemy's. unknown spells, unknown dangers. "DRACO!" He roared, clawing at air, tears streaming down his face as he jerked himself awake, sobbing in fury and pain, scrambling off the bed and into the bathroom, slamming the door shut and locking it before proceeding to upchuck his breakfast. leaving Kerrigan with little to no time to even react to what was happening.
Kerrigan snarled as he woke up, a temper always honed riding that killing edge, where time moved in heartbeats instead of seconds. Snarling as he looked around the fae lord tried to figure out what was wrong."Harry!?Whats wrong?"He growled leaning his head against the door, yelping as it disinegrated under the heat of his rage. NBeeding to know what was wrong, and now.
Harry panted softly as he leaned over the toilette, trembling violently, tears falling from his face. "the dream...oh god Kerrigan it was awful." he sobbed, staggering to his feet to rinse his mouth out with water from the sink, turning to Kerrigan with a heart broken look on his face. "Draco Fell! his wings... his wings! and blood, so much blood! and fire, and s..stink and..and..men flying on brooms!" he shuddered violently. "a man...there was a man.. oh god he is always so ugly...red eyes and bald head." he shuddered again. "and he laughed, oh god Kerrigan that LAUGH. and screaming, so much screaming and i...and i! Lucius he... and then...." Harry was panicked, terrified, and not making much sense, but his dream had definitely not been a dream. he'd never seen men on broomsticks, but he had met the red eyed man. he sobbed again and shook his head hard, locked in place, unable to move, he was too scared by the image of the red eyed man.
kerrigan snarled ssoftly as he walked into the room, pulling the other's face up to look at him, fisting his hands in his hair, letting fire give voice to his fera."I will not let anything happen.This realm is my plaything, and Voldermort is a enemy. Nothing will happen."He growled trying to ground the other, "Harry James Kerrigan Potter, stop."He snarled, letting fear give voice to the power, using his name to command the other to be still, so that he'd be calm enough so they could go check on Draco. Worried that the boy had dreamed in the present, and that draco had fallen now and not the future.
Harry was hiccuping in his terror, staring at Kerrigan as he swallowed hard. "but! but! he had, and there where..." he froze at the sound of his full name, tensing as his head tilted, looking almost as if he had been slapped, then, amazingly, he began to relax and calm down. "s...sorry." he muttered softly, leaning into Kerrigan, curling into him as if he wanted to crawl into Kerrigan's very skin. "it was just all so real." he whispered softly. "it was all so frightening." he whispered, trembling now. "i want to go find Draco now..." he whispered softly, terror lacing his voice. "we have to go get Draco...i don't want him alone anymore, not even with mother and grandmother." he was already calling Lily mother! she must have loved that. it was also nice to know that Harry was as worried about Draco as Kerrigan was.
Kerrigan nodded kissing his head."We're going to."He said focusing on the dragon's prescence, letting the bond between them filter his prescence and took that half step between here and there. Looking ready for a fight as he held harry against him. Frowning as he tried to figure out where he'd brought them to.Before saying absently."Don't call Mab grandmother, she likes to think she's young."He muttered holding him as if he really could crawl under his skin, summoning his sword as he looked for his dragon.
Harry nodded, relaxing against his lover as he snuggled into him as they stepped through into Lily's house Harry giggling a little. "i'll call her Aunty then." he decided looking around and tensing when he heard a Dragons roar, so loud that it made the house shake, and then laughter and clapping as Lily showed her appreciation. Harry darted after the noise and burst through the backyard, startled to see that Draco was completely human and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "harry?" Draco asked startled, yelping when Harry slammed into him, holding him tightly. "wh..whats going on!?"
Kerrigan nearly hit the floor with relief, finding that his legs weren't quiet up for holding him. Wincing when he felt his queen's hand guiding him to a chair he looked at draco, closing his eyes as he vanished his sword, resting his head against the back of the chair."Potter, a man my age doesn't need the shit scared out of him.Never again."He muttered."Dray, you okay?"He muttered opening his eyes to look at him.
Harry just clung tighter to Draco who looked completely baffled, Lily looking just as confused as she looked from Draco to Kerrigan, to harry who was clinging to Draco as if death itself was trying to steal him. "i'm fine, i was just practicing my Roar." Draco admitted. "apparently at a loud enough frequency it can stun mortals." he grinned a little as he stroked Harry's hair. "so what's happened?" "nightmare...thought you where...." he shuddered and Draco blinked a little. "i'm alright, honest Harry see?" Draco still clearly had his doubts about Harry's 'dreams'. "it wasn't now... it was Later." Harry admitted softly. "there was a huge battle... Voldemort was here... he came through a portal, several of them...people came out, flying on brooms... you where in the sky, fighting... and then you where falling, and you hit the ground, and there was so much blood..." "Harry Voldemort can't get in here... not with enough wizards to start a war.." Draco complained, glancing at Kerrigan for conformation.
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