Archangel's fall

Michela jumped a little when she felt his hardening cock against her leg, looking down, tilting her head curiously as she saw the towel tenting out slightly. A confused smile on her face as she reached out, and like so many others things, she touched him gently. Curiousity winning over caution.
he gasped loudly and bucked into her hand, blushing harder as he brushed her hand away as gently as he could manage, shaking his head hard as he tried to will his now raging hard on back down. he was NOT going to take advantage of this beautifully innocent woman just because he was a little horny.
Michela looked startled as he hit her hand away, wings folding down tightly against her back, tears filling her eyes, thugh it was hard to tell because of the shower. Realizing she'd done something wrong she bit her lip"S-sorry."She said sniffling a little, avoiding his eyes as she got out of the shower, so upset that she didn't even get dressed, walking through his house naked, hiding in the library, sitting in the corner, curled up and afraid. Thinking he was angry at her, so she was hiding...well as much hiding as well as her wings would allow.
was almost ten minutes before Draco came back out, fully dressed and still beat red as he gathered his notepad and settled down next to Michela. 'i'm sorry Michela i didn't mean to frighten you. it's just that the thing you touched is a very...intimate thing, humans only use, or touch that when they want to have sex. do you know what sex is? i didn't want you to do something, without realizing what was happening.' he had to protect her from the evils of this world, even the evil that was himself.
Michela looked over at him, tears still in her eyes as she bit her lip, reading the words before shaking her head,"I...what is sex?"She said her wing lifting up, laying across his back as he sat next to her. A intimate thing fo a angel, but she wanted to and she reasoned she'd touched him, so even if he didn't know how very intiate it was, that it was okay to let him touch her.
he smiled a little and took the pad back. 'sex is a way for people to procreate, make babies. it is the act of carnal desires and a great many people view it as a sin, especially if your not married before you do it. i didn't want you to expose yourself to a sinful thing, without knowing what you where doing, i don't want to take advantage of you.' he admitted shaking his head running a hand through his hair as he shook his head. 'your so pure, i didn't want you to loose your innocence just because i couldn't restrain myself.'
Michela bit her lip as she looked at him, pain in her look as she looked down, "I'm not pure anymore.I'm not anyting."She said whimpering softly. Starting to cry. Because everything was so different from what she'd ever seen before, that for angels the human world was deemed sinful in just being in it, so she felt she was already damned for being present in it.
he smiled a little and kissed her forehead. 'you are hope, you are love, you are beautiful, you bring me peace, and joy. i can smile when your around, i don't have so many nightmares and i don't dwell on painful pasts... you are my happiness, you are giving me a life i never thought i would have.' honesty was always the best comfort in Draco's opinion, as he pulled her into her arms handing her the paper he had written on, simply holding her, trying to comfort her.
Michela cuddled into him, her wings settling around them both a strangely intimate moment, where nothing else in the world existed except for the two of them. Shivering a little as she raised her head, hope and fear in that look.Because she'd once been treated as a goddess, a archangel who'd been revered above others because she could heal all. To have the world jerked out from under her had been devastating. Looking at him, "...really?You think I am all that?"
he smiled at her and nodded. 'you saved me, even though i didn't realize i was drowning i was a moments notice away from giving up on myself. you gave me a chance to see the goodness in myself again. you gave me a reason to love again.' there, he'd admitted it. not just to her, but to himself as well, he loved her, was in love with her, he wanted her to stay with him forever, even if he knew that earth was no place for her he wanted her to stay.
Michela noddedslightly, folding her wngs tightly against their backs, biting her lip.Nodding slightly."Oh.I..."She stopped, turning her head to look at him."...what is love?"She asked, wanting to mmake sure she understood what he was talking about. Her heart hruting in a way that it had never had before, wanting to be with him even if she had no business being with a human. or in the human world
he smiled a little and leaning gently into the wing, enjoying the warmth and softness of it. he paused at the question, confused on how to explain it. 'well it' is an emotion. it's an intense emotional attraction to someone it's hard to's almost a need, an intense desire to be with someone, to make them happy and take care of them, it's...oh i dunno... it's really hard to explain...'
"Oh."She bit her lip tilting her head as she turned her head to look at him."Then...then I think I love you. I have a desire to be with you.And am sad at the thought of having to leave you."She stated, nodding her head.Now that she knew what he was talking about, she was sure about it.
he blinked at her, looking started before he smiled and gently pressed her lips to her cheek before gently nuzzling her neck before writing on his pad. 'is it alright for you to stay here? i don't want you to leave, i'll always protect you, i promise. i'll show you everything there is to see, we can travel the world, and see everything there is to see, muggle and wizard alike.' he smiled at her. 'i'll teach you everything there is to learn...'
She nodded, resting her head on his shoulder, snuggling against him.I would like that."She said smiling softly. She didn't know if she would be able to stay, didn't know if a angel could live like this, but she wanted to try as long as she had the chance to do so."I would like to see the world.Is it big?And different?"
he smiled as he lay his head on her shoulder, looking happier than he had since he was three, he was glad that she was willing to try, he wanted her to be happy, he was certain he could make her happy. 'the world is huge actually, we could travel to a new place every week and still not have seen everything there is to see by the time my lifetime is up.' he admitted smiling a little. 'the world is teaming with life and beauty. and ever place is different, different people, different animals, different cultures' different ways to hurt, kill, maim...NO! he had to stop that, he was HAPPY now!
Michela smiled happily, nuzzling his neck."Oh good.We'll travel."She shivered a little, blushing as she realized she was still naked. Shifting a little, she got up, covering herself with her hands."Uh...I need to dress."She said smiling a little, blushing and stuttering as she headed back upstairs to get dressed. Dressing in a pair of his shorts and a wifebeater.
he looked amused as she finally realized that she was naked, rolling his eyes a little as he headed into the kitchen to text the Chinese place for dinner, licking his lips nervously as he glanced out the window, uncertain about how much danger they where still in. when she came back down he slid the pad of paper over to her. 'that thing that attacked us, called me by name...should i be worried?'
Michela paled a little, sitting down next to him. Having been out of it enough to not have noticed. She tilted her head, wondering how to explain it best. Before deciding to show him."Yes.If he knows who you know someone's name, is ot be able to control them. To be able to influence them, because their name is the essence of themselves how they think of themselves."She said before biting her lip."I'm sorry."She muttered, knowing this was going to hurt. But it was the easiest way to explain how much trouble they could be in if it really was a demon after them."Draco Lucius Malfoy."She whispered, a barely breath of a word, because that's all it took with the breath of power ringing it them. To say someone's name was like ringing a bell, reaching through their soul... it was like pressing a tuning fork against someone's teeth and flicking it... it was a extremely intimate, extremely close thing to do, to add power to someone's name.
Draco's breath hitched, and his face flushed bright red as he closed his eyes and moaned, long, low, aroused as she whispered his name, his arousal pressing against his pants from feeling her..'self' brushing against his after she spoke his name, shuddering a little. "c..christ.," he hissed softly, panting hard. "uhng... that...not good.." he muttered trying to shake off the lingering effects. "somehow i doubt i would have the same reaction if someone else was to do that, am i right?"
Michela looked over the other, tilting her head. Not sure she understood this reaction but nodding."No you wouldn't. I have no intention of harming you...I care for you."She swallowed hard."Now imagine that, if someone shouted, if someone had the intent of harm.It'd be like..."She frowned trying to think of a good analogy."Like this was warm water...but if it turns to hot, it burns. Power burns when you use wouldn't be good for someone to know your name, exactly how you say it."
he nodded and licked his lips. 'i don't know if the demon knew all of my name, most people don't.' he admitted wondering how SHE had known. 'how did you know my full name?' he wrote, giving her a funny look, not angry, just puzzled. 'and why would the thing that attacked us...a demon? talk as if he was specifically targeting me?'
She looked at the table, biting her lip."Archangels...are guardians mostly."She blushed a little."We know everyone within moments of meeting them, because we are who they pray to, when they're in trouble, or even if they don't, we are who answers the summons of the needed"She sighed softly,"...It might not want you. It might want me...and since you helped me..."She bit her lip, fiddling with his piece of paper."I'm sorry.I'm getting you in trouble..."
he set his hand on hers and shook his head. 'your not getting me into trouble. i got myself into trouble, i usually do. besides i live for trouble, i didn't go through a seven year war just to cow out just because there's a few unknowns in it.' he wrote simply shaking his head. 'i might not be able to talk, but i sure as hell know how to kick ass, and nothing is going to keep me from protecting you.' and Draco meant it. he had almost died so many times during the many years that he had struggled under his father, and then even more under the reign of Voldemort. hell if it hadn't been for Harry he never would have survived, besides, when the dangerous people came around, innocent people tended to get hurt, and Draco wasn't about to let THAT happen again, not if he could help it.
She nodded slightly, her wings folding down closer to her back, tears filling her eyes as she rubbed at them, looking at him, fingers gently touching his face, curiousity and longing in that long."Draco..."She whispered, letting power sound in the words, not saying his whole name, not wnting to injure him, but wanting him to respond to her, even if she had no idea how. She just knew that she wanted him to. Gently trailing her fingers over his face."What...what now?"She asked.
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