Archangel's fall

Michela laughed happily as she made it go faster then slower then faster again. Running and happily finding that she could enjoy this. Though she had to stop after a few minutes because it made her chest ache to run. Pressing 'stop' she stepped off, beaming at him as she looked over at him, "That was fun!"She giggled happily, nearly bouncing in place."What else do you do for fun?"
he grinned as he watched her, his head tilted as he examined the joy on her face, looking rather amazed that she could be so amazed about something so simple, though he had been overjoyed the first time he'd seen one too. he decided to show her the TV. he led her into the living room, motioned for her to wait and picked up the remote, pointed it at the Tv, and turned it on. it was still on the Animal Planet Channel that he loved watching.
Michela stared, looking startled as it came on.Moving close to examine it, almost her nose touching the screen as she studied it.Trying to figure out what the hell it was.Amazement showing on her face as she turned to face him,"What is it?"
he grinned as he took his pad of paper, writing out an explanation about the TV before leaving to answer the door and accept the Pizza paying for it, heading back inside, grinning at her a little as he set the pizza on the table, clapping gently to catch Michela's attention, grinning at her a little as he motioned to the Pizza with an amused look before grabbing one of the Sausage and stuffed half of the slice into his mouth, chewing eagerly. out of all of the muggle things Draco was now familiar with, Pizza was his favorite.
Michela walked over sitting down next to him, watching him for a minute before poking one of the pieces.Studying it.Before picking it up and nibbling on it, looking surprised."It's good!"She giggled eating. And she hadn't lied, it was good. She looked at him, tilting her head a little. "Why are you helping me?"She asked curious.
He paused into his second piece of pizza at her question shadows crossing his face as he remembered the agony he'd had to face alone, and then, even worse, figuring out the muggle world alone. he dragged the piece of paper over to himself and wrote. 'because no one was there to help me, i know what it's like to end up in a strange place, and not have a clue what's going on...i know what it's like to be abandoned. no one was there to help me...but i can be here to help you.'
She nodded slightly as she read the words, tilting her head as she studied him, biting her lip."Thank you."She smiled a little, eating."Youll help me learn about things?The last time I was here...I didn't stay. Angels dont usually leave heaven...and we dont stay long. Mostly just look around and leave...until we're kicked out.Then we're left to fend for ourselves."She said shaking her head.Because it didnt make sense that someone would attack her, because heaven had declared her anathema, outlaw. So she was out of bounds for anything in heaven anymore, and she didnt know who'd want to try and kill her.
he smiled a little and nodded stuffing his pizza into his mouth again, dragging the pen and paper back over. 'of course i will. i'll try the best i can to explain everything. i'm new to this world myself so i don't know a few things yet, but i know a great many things...if i might ask though, are there other fallen angels? do you know how they blend in with society? you don't exactly 'blend in' if you get my drift.' he motioned to her wings. if there where other fallen angels, there had to be a way that they where staying hidden.
Michela looked sad as she turned her head to look at her wings nodding slightly."There are...a few.They are usually stripped of their wings before they are cast out so they would blend in."Her eyes were pained, looking down at the table."But of the archangels...he's...was a friend. He couldn't stand the thought of taking my he let me keep them.As respect from one archangel to another."She shrugged a little."There's probably a way to hide them...but it will take some searching..."
he grimaced at the thought of her getting her wings ripped out and shook his head, looking sad. 'i'll do some research' he promised on the paper biting his lip a little. 'i'm sure there is someone who has to know what happens, if anything, i'll learn how to cast an invisibility spell, that should hide your wings until we can find a more permanent solution.' he paused, hesitating now, curious but hesitant to pry curiosity winning over. 'why where you kicked out of heaven?'
michela's wings shuddered as she thought it over. Swallowing hard as she looked down at the table fingers restlessly twisting together as she tried to think of what happened without getting lost in the pain."I was the angel of healing...when raphel was asked stepped down as a archangel because he' matter... I took his place.It was...I enjoyed my job. But mostly, I enjoyed helping people. No matter who they were."Pain twisted her features."When Raphel said he had a friend that needed my help, and since I was better at major body damage healing them raphel was, he asked me to help."She swallowed hard, avoiding his eyes."I didn't realize he'd set me up to get his position back. He let me heal hell's prince...and since I touched one of hell's own, I was tainted. No longer welcome.Cast aside."She swallowed hard.She'd just wanted to help!And her caring nature had destroyed everything.
Draco listened with a growing horror and he trembled with rage as he gently pulled Michela into a hug, holding her close and kissing her forehead, trying to comfort her as he gently ran his fingers through her hair, shaking his head at the stupidity of the other angels. hateful of this, Raphel person for what he had done to the beautiful Michela. he dragged over the pen and paper, still trying to comfort her. 'you still are a wonderful healer, even if you don't have your powers. you're healing my heart and my mind, even as we speak. your a beautiful, wonderful person who deserves nothing but the best, and Raphel will get his comeuppance. i'm sure that someday, you'll be able to rejoin the ranks of Heavens Army.'
Michela smiled slightly as she read his words, resting her cheek on his shoulder as she hugged him back.Starting a little when her wings wrapped around him to. To startled to move, having not done it on purpose. Sighing asoftly at the feel of the downy feathers brushing against him."I hope.But until then...I will do my best for this world.
he smiled, jumping when her wings wrapped around him, sighing softly at the silken feathers brushing his skin. her wings felt so good, and he felt so...happy when he was in her arms. he slowly pulled away and picked up his pad and paper. 'you can do your share of work for the world AFTER you rest and get better. now eat up, don't want you passing out from starvation now.'
She laughed softly pulling away from him to start eating again, smiling at him."You are sure bossy.Are you sure you're not a archangel?"she teased, her face happy and content. The words chasing away the darkness for the moment.
he smiled a little shaking his head a little as he wrote. 'i am far too selfish to be an Angel.' he smiled at her and took another piece of Pizza, chomping on it as he stood up and got his accounting book from the bookshelf, Taxes where coming up and he wasn't even close to being ready. oh how he hated math.
She smiled eating as she leaned over to see what he was doing, before bating his hands away and doing it for herself. As a archangel she was good at things, she picked up things...even if she didn't understand what she'd done.Frowning a little as she looked over at him, beaming. The whole book of math was a matter of minutes."What did I just do for you?I helped didn't I?"
Draco stared as she did the math books his mouth hanging open his head tilted as she watched him balance her book before he got up left the room and came back in with a checkbook and showed her how to do that too before sliding it over to her, grinning a little. more than willing to let her do the math before he dragged over his pen and paper. 'your balancing my funds, basically you just told me how much money i made the last month, what your doing now is balancing my checkbook, basically making sure that i am not spending money that i don't have.makes sense?'
She smiled happily at him, tucking her hair behind her ears."Oh good.I helped then?"She laughed happily."I did something good right?"She said glad that she'd been able to repay him for helping her. He'd looked miserable doing it. At least this she could do to help him.
he smiled at her and nodded. 'you definitely helped, i hate doing math.' he admitted. 'this would have taken me days, if not weeks.' he admitted shaking his head a little as he smiled at her. 'thank you for helping, if you like, we can go outside today and i'll show you around the city for a while.'
She grinned happily, nodding, bounding to her feet, pulling her up."Let's go!"She grinned heading for the door, pulling on her shoes as she went, stepping out onto te porch, for the moment forgetting other's could see her wings, just excited to be going outside.
he smiled a little and tossed an invisibility spell on her wings glad that she was excited as he followed her out of the house closing and locking the door before tangling their fingers together and leading the way down the street, pointing out different things and explaining them through the pad of paper he had with him, he seamed to genuinely enjoy explaining everything to her, or maybe it was just being with her that he was enjoying so much.
Michela smiled as she followed after him, yelping surprised as a dog walking in front of them shoved it's nose into her crotch, sniffing and moving to hump her leg as it's owner tried to pull him off. Whimpering as she tried to hide behind draco, burying her face against his shirt as she tried to get away from the dog.

The owner smiled sheepishly, finally pulling the great dane away."I'm sorry."She said before dragging the dog away.

Michela trembled, holding draco close, not sure what the thing was that had attacked her.She just didn't want it close to her again
Draco swatted at the dog, pushing it away and gently comforting Michela. 'it's alright, it was just a Dog, their pets, companions so that we don't feel lonely when we can't get human companionship. it wasn't trying to hurt you, it was just being friendly, honest.' he offered her a small smile and tugged her over to a dog park so she could see all of the dogs playing with their humans from a distance away, showing her that they where friendly and playful and funny.
michela stayed close to him, before bending down to pet the puppy as one ran over to her. Smiling happily as she realized it just wanted to be friendly. Grinning, enjoying the day.

Towards that evenign Michela smiled sleepily as she sat down on the park bench next to him, having spent the whole day running after dogs and playing. The former archangel was tired."That was fun."She said yawning.
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