Archangel's fall

he smiled and waved his wand at her, giving her back her original form shaking his head a little as he ushered her to sit down. 'you shouldn't be up and about too much, your still hurt pretty badly. i'll make some tea and then get lunch started, and then i'll get you some medicine to help with the pain.' he hoped that it would work, and that she wouldn't have an adverse reaction to it. that written he got a kettle from the stove and filled it with water, turning on the stove to get the water boiling before he started on making one of the only things he knew how...soup.
Michela smiled softly as she walked over, looking att he kitchen table and sitting down, watching him cook.Curious about what he doing. In heaven food just sort of arrived, they didnt cook.So this was something new."I'll sit here and relax."She bit her lip looking over at him."Are you sure this medicine thing is good?"She said,feeling out of her element.Not used to not knowing things.
he smiled at her and nodded as he got the pot of water boiling and added the bouillon hesitating a little. 'i'm not sure if it will work, i don't think your a human so your natural body chemicals might not interact with the chemicals in the medicine. it won't hurt you, but it might not work.' he was only lying a little. 'you don't have to take it if you don't want to.'
Michela smiled slightly as she looked at him, thinking it over, looking innocent and nervous, but willing to trust him not to hurt her badly."I'll try it to see if it works..."She sighed a little resting her head on her arms, looking tired and worn out as her wings laid limpy at her sides. The angel wasn't used to getting tired,of walking anywhere or getting took alot out of a former immortal.
Draco paused and then smiled as she looked tired, taking her hand and gently helping her to her feet, guiding her to the guest bedroom and motioning for her to lay down and rest, grabbing his always constant pen and paper and wrote. 'go ahead and sleep, i'll have lunch ready when you wake up, and we can try a painkiller when you wake up.'
michela nodded, already falling asleep as she read the words.

When she woke up about a hour later she crawled out of bed, wandering a little as she headed back downstairs, smiling as she walked into the kitchen,"It smells good in here."She said looking at the blond, walking over to look into the pan he was stirring, her wings brushing against him as she looked into it, biting her lip to keep from whimpering at the intimate touch raising her wings away from him.
Draco turned and smiled at her and dipped a spoon into the soup and blew on it until it was cold before offering it up to her, a small smile on his lips as he motioned for her to taste it. it had been a long time since Draco had someone to talk to....communicate with. it had been even longer since the bad memories had left him a moments peace, long enough to experience happiness again. he never noticed her strange reaction to the touch to her wings, not yet anyway. he smiled at her as soon as she tasted the rather amazing soup and turned back to Ladle up some into a bowl. motioning for her to sit and setting it in front of her, along with a glass of water and a small red pill.
Mchela smiled as she tasted the soup, before moving to sit down, eating slowly before lookingdown at the pill.Biting her lip as she picked it up studying it."What do I do with it?"She said studying it like she was expecting it to grow into something or start moving. Really, the poor angel was hopeless, and despite draco's inablity to talk, he was probably the best person for her to be with. Since he wouldn't demand that she explain things she couldn't, or ask her to talk about things in the world she didnt' understand.
he smiled at her and picked up his own little red pill and slipped it into his mouth and swallowed clearly, showing her what to do before getting his own soup and sitting down at the table grabbing his pen and paper. 'you have to swallow the pill, it's easier to take a sip of water before you swallow, so that the pill goes down with the water.' Draco wasn't much for conversation in the first place, people asked too many questions when he started getting chatty, questions he didn't feel like answering.
She nodded taking the pill and takig a sip of her water before swallowing it, gagging a little. It felt so weird going down!But she got it down, and she waited turning her head to look at her wings where still bore marks of being hurt. Looking as if she expected instant healing. Before pouting, realizing it wasn't going to be happening. "That was...weird."She muttered smiling at him, a small pleased smile."Thank you."She said before smiling brightly, starting to eat the soup.
he blinked as she gagged, looking worried as he moved over to her, relaxing when she didn't seam hurt smiling at her as he dragged the paper over. 'yeah, it's a little odd at first but it's all muggles have to deal with pain, later i'll go out and buy some healing potions, they should help you heal a great deal faster. it won't be instantaneous, but it will definitely help.' he slid the note over to her and started eating his own soup, simply enjoying her company.
Michela grinned eating happily. Food was her one major indulgence. She loved it.

That evening as she looked around the bedroom, she looked at him. Biting her lip as they walked upstairs, standing in the hall.She really didn't want to be alone, but she didn't know how to ask if he'd lay with her. Being mortal, and being hurt had made her scared enough that she didn't want to be alone."Uh...well...I....uh...goodnight then?"She said hesitating, not sure how to ask what she wanted. Looking nervous and awkward, her wings rustling nervously.
Draco blinked at her, recognizing the timidness in her voice, he'd had the same thing after he's been...attacked. he gently took her hand and looked at her, trying to ask her what was wrong with just his face, because he had forgotten his pad of paper downstairs. he tilted his head at her, looking incredibly concerned, wondering if maybe she needed something.
"Can...can I stay with you tonight?"She asked not looking at him, timidness looking awkward and out of place on the archangel. It wasn't something she was used to feeling, but yet she couldn't feel brave asking because she didn't know if it would be rude or wrongly taken. Tears filling her eyes, she hated feeling this helpless. Wincing a little when her wings involuntarily flexed, brushing against his shoulder, as if they wanted to feel his fingers through the sot downy underside. Looking startled as she pulled them back, biting her lip.She didn't understand what was going on with her, and why she just wanted to be with him. He was just so...kind and helpful.She trusted him.
he blinked looking startled, gaping at her for a moment before he chuckled and nodded taking her hand, blinking at the wing as it brushed his shoulder, looking hesitant before he reached out and carefully ran his fingers through her wings, feeling the soft feathers, his face lit up with an almost childlike amazement before he reached up and gently brushed her tears away before leading her into his room, it was clearly his room because it was a little messy, papers and books here and there, not messy, just lived in. he smiled and started digging through his closet, handing her a pair of shorts and a loose shirt, motioning for her to change into them as he grabbed his own pajamas.
As he touched her wings she cringed back from the ouch, not used to being touched but she really almost wanted to have him touch them.It was a odd feeling. Smiling a little before she turned her back on him, changing into the clothes he'd given her before getting on the bed, shifting to lay on her stomach, folding her wings down tightly against her back. Careful to leave him enough room to lay down.While it wouldn't be the most comfortable way to sleep, she wasn't sure what to think about her almost need to have him touch the downy feathers. She was so confused. "G-goodnight."She stuttered as she yawned.
he looked startled as she grinned and patted her hand as an apology, thinking that he had hurt her before he stripped naked, giving her a complete view of his body. he looked like he was wearing a skin tight, skin colored camouflage he was that covered in scars, most of them looked like claw or fang marks, several looked like he had been whipped. and one down his chest was from the sectemsempra that harry had cast on him in sixth year. he quickly hid the marks and settled into the bed next to her, smiling as she stammered a good night and rolled onto his belly, snuggling into his pillow and drifting off to sleep, feeling more content than he had in years.

peaceful sleep save for the one nightmare he had in the morning, fighting as he tried to get away from Fenrir, struggling against him, really just the blankets he had gotten tangled in during the night, screaming at the top of his lungs, though no sound escaped as he jerked and twitched in the bed before jerking awake with a horrified gasp sitting up slowly and setting a hand over his eyes, trying to calm his terrified heartbeat.
Michela groaned softly as the movement of him raising his hand caused the soft downy feathers settle again over him. Having lost control of the wings during the night, the girl had covered him in a soft warm living blanket of feathers and bone. Whining softly as him sitting up made her rearrange as not to get disturbed."Draco?"She said sleepily raising her head to look at him.
He had appreciated the covering during his sleep, it was warm and soft, comforting and safe. even that had not been enough to keep the dreams away. he sighed and scrubbed his face, jumping as she said his name and offered her a sheepish smile, grabbing a pad of paper from his bedside drawer. 'i'm sorry i woke you, i had a dream. go back to sleep, i'm going to go exorcise for a while.' he had a treadmill downstairs that he liked to jog on after he had a nightmare, it was calming, and kept him from thinking.
Michela blinked at him sleepily before nodding lifting her wing enough to let him up before she laid back down, falling back asleep.

In a hour the cute, cuddly sleepy angel walked downstairs, frowning at the sight of him running on the treadmill. walking over crouching down to look at the treadmill, watching his feet hit the belt. Her wings spread out behind her as she watched the belt and machine work. raising her head to look up at him, frowning thoughtfully."What is this?"she asked.
he had been running ever since she'd fallen back to sleep, and he was sweating just as hard as he was panting, looking down as she examined watching her examine the machine before slowing it down to a walk, gasping hard as he caught his breath as he motioned for her to grab his paper and pen from the kitchen table. once he had it he smiled at her again and started writing. 'it's a machine, it's designed so you can run, or walk without ever leaving your house or home. it's called a treadmill, i use it a lot, why i'm so skinny.' actually he was skinny because he rarely ate anything. 'are you hungry? i'll order some take out.' one of the things that had Maria worried about him so much, when he finally did eat, it was usually very unhealthy. Draco really needed to take better care of himself.
"Oh."Michela frowned poking the machine before raising her head to look at him, nodding a little as her stomach growled. Getting up,"I am hungry....take out sounds good?"She said, the sentence a question as she tried to figure out what take out was. Surely it was some sort of food. Wrapping her arms around him, giving him a hug. Truly overwelmed because he was helping her, being so kind.
he smiled as she prodded it and he got off, motioning for her to get on so that he could show her how it worked before grinning at the uncertainty in her voice grabbing his pad and explaining the concept of Take Out to her, gasping, tensing visibly as she hugged him, looking panicked for a good three seconds, before he melted into her arms, enjoying being held, but too startled to try and hug back.
Michela smiled brightly her whole face brightening as she stepped away from him,getting on the treadmill s she lifted her wings up,holding them so they wouldn't get caught in the belt."Now what do I do?"She said looking at the buttons excited. Trying to figure it out, for the moment forgetting about food.
he smiled and prodded the start button, motioning for her to press it before showing her the speed indicator, pushing it up so that it sped up, and then pushed the down to make it slow down grinning as he backed up to let her do it on her own, looking rather amused as he watched her before picking up his cell phone and texting the local pizza place, ordering a large cheese pizza and a large sausage.
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