Archangel's fall

Harry laughed a little. "i don't think you could handle the strain." he teased smirking a little. "now it's a LOT harder for wizards to get pregnant, i'll have Draco get me a fertility potion and we'll have to fuck at LEAST twice a day until i get pregnant." Harry decided winking at his lover. "hows that sound?" he teased, laughing as he pulled his Demon to the spare bedroom they'd been staying in with a saucy little air.

Draco beamed at her and kissed her hard, gently laying her out on the bed, intending to make love to her until dawn and beyond.
3 years later Belil snarled softly as he paced the length of the room. Not knowing what perverse god had gifted both of them with two pregnancies. At once. With the same due date. Snarling as he walked back to harry's bed, holding his hand as the nurse cleaned off their small boy boy, smiling as he kissed his forehead."Both michela and the babe are fine. Michela's grouchy, but they're fine."He said soothingly smiling at the pained look on harry's face.glad that this was over.Smiling when the nurse handed him their son, smiling down at the boy who had harry's eyes and his messy black hair."Hello sweetheart."

Michela smiled happily looking at draco, cuddling the small girl child in her arms as her husband held her gently, leaning back against his chest."She's so perfect."She said softly in awe, the babe with the hair the same white blond as her parents, and eyes a dark grey, but with a ring of pure white around the center, a testiment to her mother even though she resembled draco.
Harry was tired, exhausted but he was so very happy, pleased even. "oh Bel." he mumbled softly as he took in his new little baby boy. "bell he's perfect." Harry whispered, beginning to bawl again. "i made such a perfect baby." he whispered beaming at Belil. "and you helped!" teasing his lover even though he was tired and sore, showing that all those mean things he'd said about cutting his lovers dick off weren't going to happen. "we'll have to have another ok?" yeah, like THAT was gonna happen.

Draco beamed as he tickled his little girls toes, beaming at Michela. "she is, so beautiful." he whispered, stroking the little girls soft hair. 'she looks just like you." he paused. "i'll be right back." he bounced down the hallway and poked his head into Harry's room. "My baby is better than yours!" "...IT IS NOT! GET BACK HERE AND SAY THAT TO MY FACE YOU FERRET!" Harry roared in a hormonal rage Draco laughing as he ran back to his wife, beaming at her. "Harry's fine."
Belil laughed softly easing the other back onto the bed, making sure he wouldn't scare the small baby, smiling as the child just smiled at him peacefully."Aww cal, daddy's silly."He smiled kissing harry's cheek. Glad to hear he hadn't meant any of it, even though he was sure he wouldn't be having another one anytime soon, if ever."He's perfect, and so are you."He said settling back on the bed with the other, glad that everything was perfect. And life would only get better for them as they raised this small one, in a world that were nothing was just black and white, but grey. In a world of angels, demons and humans, of a world as mixed as his blood. IT would be....heaven.

Michela laughed softly kissing draco as he came back in."Good. Now sit. No more bothering harry.Kayla wants cuddles. And so do I."She smiled as she made him lay down on the bed with her, the baby girl cradled between them, their small family everything she could have ever wanted. It was...heaven on earth.

The End.
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