Archangel's fall

Harry blinked a little. "yes why? i thought it would help her calm down. she's not allergic to it is she!?" he demanded, suddenly worried and frightened. "oh my god Draco is going to kill me!" "why would that be?" a sleep Draco asked from behind Harry who squealed in fright, glaring at Draco. "you know what!? your getting a bell too!" he complained sighing a little. "i gave Michela some hot chocolate and now she's acting funny." Harry explained to the blond who scowled and went over to Michela, looking concerned. "Michela? love are you alright?"
"Oh no, not allergic."Belil snickered as he leaned against the doorframe wathing the couple, wrapping his arms around Harry."Chocolate makes heaven's elite drunk, it's why I dont eat it."He smirked.

Michela smiled stupidly up at Draco, "Dray!How are you!"She giggled setting the cup on the table and bouncing up to wrap her arms around him. Yes, yes she was one of the giddy drunks.
Harry gaped at Belil his eyes wide. "what really!?" he demanded looking almost sad about that. "damn, i'd had this idea of you licking chocolate off me since i first met you." he whined pouting a little. "oh well, we could always use whipped cream." he decided a smirk on his lip. "what happens when you drink alcohol then?" he asked curiously looking up at Belil with his pretty emerald eyes.

Draco yelped, nearly stumbling when she wrapped her arms around him, making him wince and then roll his eyes. he hoped that she would let him go so he could cast the sobriety charm on her. he hoped it worked on Angels. he quickly freed himself and waved his wand at her. for most they would feel as if they'd been plunged into cold water, and then their Drunk would go away, but Draco had no idea how it would affect Michela as he quickly wrote another message. "how are you feeling?"
"Oh I can eat it, no problem. I just usually don't.And nothing, I can drink it all day long and have nothing happen"He said before smirking looking at harry before wincing "Draco do-"He stopped when he realized the former angel was shivering. It'd sobered her up, and it had acted like a cold dunk in water. But being who she was, the former angel of healing reacted badly to being dunked fully in water.

Michela shivered, cold, but not deathly cold. Smiling a little as she looked at her worried boyfriend she smiled sweetly, shifting, sober and content, shifting and cuddling against her warm bodied wizard."I feel cold.But you're warm."She muttered getting sleepy. Being cold made her sleepy.
Draco blinked a little, looking worried now as he pulled her into his arms, gently casting a warming spell Harry smiling a little. "well then. i'll melt some chocolate." he teased handing Belil a cup of perfectly perfect hot chocolate. "and now i know not to give Michela chocolate." he chirped chuckling a little as he shook his head.

'i'm sorry love, i didn't realize that it would affect you that badly. you where just acting so strange. remind me never to let you have chocolate again.' he wrote smiling as he kissed her forehead, offering her another warming charm to bring her body temp back up to normal. 'feeling better now love?'
"later. We have things to do this morning."He muttered kissing harry, smiling slightly."And no, no more chocolate for the tipsy angel. She's not old enough to hold her chocolate."Heh, hold her chocolate instead of liquor....belil cracked himself up sometimes.

Michela smiled cuddling against him, feeling warm and sleepy again."Ii'm okay. All better."She smiled nuzzling his neck."I forgot chocolate did that....oooohhhh!Harry wants to get us bells.Draco, can I have a bell?"
Harry snorted and rolled his eyes at his lovers bad joke, kissing his temple as he smirked a little. "anyway." he grumbled softly. "Draco certainly needs some hot chocolate, or a strong shot of whiskey." he stated simply shaking his head a little. "the guys practically vibrating out of his skin."

Harry was right of course, Draco was highly nervous, anxious, he was practically freaking out as he looked Michela over for injuries and simply touching her, making sure she was still there. he was startled out of out of his nervous antics at the mention of bells. he stared at Harry who snickered, understanding the baffled look on Draco's face. "because she walked so quietly. it's a muggle thing, we put bells on our cats so we can hear where they are." well if Michela wanted a bell who was he to deny her? Harry rolled his eyes as he grabbed a ribbon and a spoon and transfigured them into a ribbon with a bell attached, much like a muggle would gently tie around the neck of a treasured pet. it would look perfect on Michela as Draco smiled and showed it to Michela for inspection and approval.
"Perfect!"She giggled happily taking the bell from his fingers, tying it around her neck deftly, before kissing draco happily. And harry had been right, it looked perfect...and it claimed her as draco's. "Now....are you guys ready?"She said looking nervous, shifting to lean into draco's arms, anxious to stay calm and not worry the others.
Draco smiled happily at her and kissed her cheek nuzzling her neck and gently flicking the bell so that the tinkling sounds filled the air as Harry turned to Belil. "how do you feel about earrings?" he asked a wicked look in his eyes. "i was thinking we might get matching ones. so that everyone knows who i belong to." he teased smirking a little. Harry wasn't ready to admit he was in love with Belil yet, but he was ready to admit he enjoyed being with the other, and wanted to have a relationship with the demon. which was pretty much what he had just admitted to. he flinched though, with Draco, when she mentioned being ready. no, they weren't ready, but they nodded anyway.
Belil wrinkled his nose, smirking a little."I'll see about earrings."He tilted his head before hiding a wince, looking at michela."Go outside miki, me and harry will get things ready. Go for a walk with draco, be calm... hell just take a few minutes to stop being drunk. Now."He growled pointing towards the door.

Michela pouted a little at being ordered out, before grabbing draco's hand."Come get us're ready."She muttered feeling scared and sorry that she was making them go through this.
Harry grinned a little before he watched Michela leave with Draco, letting out a small little sigh. "i'm worried about Draco." harry admitted softly. "i don't know if he's going to be able to handle this. he's already lost everyone he cared about in the war." so had harry actually. but Draco was a lot more sensitive to loss than Harry was.

Draco smiled a little at her and kissed her forehead motioning her to follow him, trailing down to his secrete hiding place, settling next tot he fish, offering her a smile before he settled onto his knees, clasped his fingers together, bowed his head, and began to pray. he had to have hope, and he knew that Michela would feel better about all of this if she saw that Draco still had faith in God and in her. and praying was the best way to do that. when he finished, he pulled out some pastry from his pocket and offered her half, giving his half to the Koi fish, crumbling it so they could eat it easily, finding peace in the pretty black and white fish.
Belil nodded, looking out the window for a moment before starting to work on the ring, so that it'd pull all of them back to michela.Putting enough power in it that no matter what raphel did, he couldn't break the connection."We'll make sure he doesn't lose her. I'll tear heaven apart before I let that mangy angel kill her."

Michela smiled watching him, praying herself. Looking peaceful, and more relaxed. Seeing his faith in her, and god, made her believe that she could make this happen.That she would survive this.Reaching out she brushed a hand against his."I love know that right?"She said looking at him anxiously. Needing him to know just how much before she faced rphel.
Harry nodded and settled onto the table, tuggign a sheet of paper over to himself and begane to sketch something. it looked almost like an alchemy circle. "i'm going to finish the Wards." Harry stated. "it will flicker and die, but as soon as Raphel is here they will snap back up, nothing will be able to get in or out save you, me, Draco, and Michela." he explained, smirking a little as he showed the other the draft of the wards he had drawn. "look good?" Harry had an amazing talent for Wards and warding, and he was pleased that they where coming in handy now.

Draco smiled as he leaned down, and gently kissed the black Koi fish on the forehead when it poked it's head out of the water. he smiled at Michela and gently took her hand, kissing her knuckles and then her neck, gently spelling 'i luv u 2' on her palm as he gently nuzzled her ear. he gave her cheek a kiss before he stood up, smiling at her, love shining through his silver orbs as he held his hand out to her, helping her up.
Belil nodded looking them over before looking at the ring in his hand, smiling a bit. Glad that they'd managed these complicated bits of magic perfectly. Now to make sure everything went fine."All I need is draco's blood, to tie him to the then we'll be ready to get raphel."

Michela shivered a little as he spelled it in her hand, standing as he helped her up, before moving closer, wrapping her arms around him.Burying her face in his neck,holding him."You'll be careful yes?"she said, holding him tighter.
Harry grinned as he added the magic to the wards, muttering to himself as he wove the magic in and out of itself. the ward would flicker and fail ten minutes and thirteen seconds after everyone left. after that it was all up to Raphel. he headed back inside and offered Belil a smile. "Wards are up." he stated simply, wrapping his arms around his lovers hips and resting his head on his back. "soon it will all be over." he murmured softly. "and then we can have peaceful lives."

Draco smiled at her and nodded against her neck, holding her close, simply holding her before motioning for her to go on ahead of him, 'i want a moment, if that's alright?' he managed to write through shaking fingers. 'i want to pray one more time before we start this.' he offered her a smile and a gentle nudge. 'Harry probably has everything all set up by now, might even have lunch ready. you know how he cooks when he gets nervous.' he kissed her on the cheek, watched her leave and turned to the fish, closing his eyes. god help us. he prayed fervently in his mind as several tears fell from him and into the cool waters, crying out his frustration as he had once done as a child. he didn't stay long, just enough for a few tears before he gathered his composure, wiped his face and headed out after Michela.
Belil smiled slightly at the sight of michela oming into the kitchen, shoving a bowl of fruit into her hands."Eat something quickly. Even mortal, the fight's going to burn up food faster then normal human.s"He smiled slightly looking at draco as he stepped inside."I just need a few drops of blood, and then everything's set."HE smiled slightly looking at the nagel as she absently ate food. Looking more like she was focusing on a inner peace monologue."Be safe.And call us right back when he shows."He said kissing her forehead.

Michela nodded, looking nervouus before setting the food away from her, looking at harry and belil."Everything's ready then?"
Harry nodded. "the wards will flicker off and on after about five minutes from the point Belil Draco and i vanish to go 'shopping." he explained. "after ten minutes they will drop completely. to anyone watching or looking it will appear as if they have truly failed." he admitted simply. "but, as soon as Raphel shows up the wards will snap back up and he won't be able to get back out, this will trap him." he admitted nodding a little. "if you can, try to pin him to the Wards, it will be like him trying to fight against an electric fence." Draco nodded and grabbed one of the large steaks that Harry had cooked up, Meat was good, and so where the twice baked potatoes harry had made. stuffed with things that really weren't good for you, Harry shoved one of those into Michela's hands as well, melted butter, cheese, sour cream, bits of onion, it would giver her more energy than fruit would. he hoped. "as soon as we've finished eating we'll begin."
Michela nodded looking thoughtul as she devoured her food. Before swallowing looking at belil as he straightened his clothes."GO."She muttered waving them away, moving to go outside, settling down on the ground as if she was going to pray, just waiting for the batttle to begin

Belil sighed looking at the other two, watching her before frowning."Sometimes, I wish she wasn't as damned protective and brave as she is."He scowled.
Draco swallowed hard as she watched her biting his lip hard, looking about ready to cry at her brave show of Faith, standing up and silently heading for the door, having left a small note on the table for Michela to read. 'i love you, and everything will go just fine. pray with God and let him guide you, and know that i will never let anything happen to you.' he hoped that it would comfort her.

"she's like me." Harry stated simply. "if it was me in this situation, i'd be doing the same damn thing." he didn't mention, that he already had. he would always remember the dark hill, Voldemort standing in front of Harry, the sword of gryffindor in hand, a dead Hellhound at his feet. red eyes laughing, MOCKING him as he cast the rotting bodies of ron and hermione at him. he shuddered violently. "this WILL go according to plan." Harry stated firmly. "there will be no death but Raphel's."
Belil nodded,"no one's but his."He swallowed, wrapping a arm around harry's waist, and touching draco's arm, side stepping them into his mansion, to wait. This was, going to be bad. He just knew it.

Michela shuddered a little as she felt the wards faltering, her hand closed around the hilt of the sword, glad that her wings hide the sword. Needing to relax she sighed softly, as she felt them fall. Felt the angel arrive curling her lip at the taste of darkness clinging to the former archangel of healing....well almost former angel.Staying still until he was in the one wards, she slid to her feet, holding the blade across her body as the wards snapped up around him."Welcome raphel."She smiled a little, activating the ring, hoping the others would come.Needing them desperately.Knowing looking at this angel, that even with the sword, she was in danger.

(can you play raphel?)
Raphel smirked as he stepped through the plains, sliding into view in front of Michela with a twisted little grin on his lips before it faltered as he felt the wards snap back up, scowling as he glanced around. no matter, it didn't matter, no silly mortal could keep him contained. "good morning Michela." he purred, smirking at her as he gripped his own flaming sword. there was no warning as Draco and Harry appeared in the wards, right next to Michela, Harry holding a gun and a sword, Draco holding his wand and a gun, though he wasn't holding it very well. "... Belil?" Harry asked, confused as his eyes scanned the area, unaware that for some reason the wards he had set up had rejected the demon, and he had simply bounced off them, trapped on the wrong side. Raphel could only laugh. "two mortals and a Once-Angel!? this is what i must fight!? this is utterly ridiculous! Pathetic!" he hissed, amusement in his face and voice as he gave his sword a swing, flinging flames at the two mortals, who didn't even flinch. "come now Michela, you must understand that your already dead? i just haven't gotten around to killing you yet. of course, if you give up right now, i won't have to hurt your pretty little pets."
Micihela snarled as her wings gave a beat, raising up to meet the other angel, holding the sword across her body, wincing as the meeting of blades made her arms ring. It was, so very long that she'd fought someone."They're not pets.But I do have someone who wants to talk to you."She snarled raising her sword a little,"Do you recognize it?Seems not even a demon wants you around."She said twisting, trying to get closer, whimpering a little. This was going to be bad, she just hoped when she went down, belil would be able to save the others.
Raphel snarled as his sword hit hers with a sharp clang, snarling at her as he narrowed his eyes. "yes, i recognize that foul sword." he spat, smirking a little. "it's just a shame he's not here to use it, you could never hope to beet me, you couldn't even when you had all of your Angelic properties! what makes you think a pathetic little half mortal like you can do against me now!?" he demanded, yelping loudly when a loud CRACK filled the air, a hole appearing in one of his wings, Harry had shot him! "fucking mortal!" Raphel screeched, diving at Harry who gasped and swung his sword, he missed, by a lot. there wasn't much a human could do against an Archangel. there was a shriek of pain, and then Harry was sprawled on the steps, bleeding and still. Draco was shaking too hard to do anything, eyes wide and mouth open in a silent scream of terror. he hadn't even seen the angel move! he had just suddenly been there, and now harry was dead! he thought he was dead, it was hard to tell.
Michela cursed, raising a hand, praying quietly before diving, grabbing draco and shoving him back, before facing the other angel again. Raising a hand, shifting her grip."Goodbye.And...I'm sorry."She muttered feeling her control waver as she saw belil snarling on the other side of the wards. Knowing they'd fall as soon as her and raphel were gone. Shifting her grip on the sword she turned away from draco, grabbing the blade of the sword, and grabbing raphel with her other hand, whimpering softly as she felt the world unmaking the sword was unmaking her. And since she had gotten close to raphel, and holding him close, refusing to be moved as she felt his blade biting into her flesh, she was unmaking him to.Whimpering as the world started fading.Hoping it was enough... and that draco would forgive her for this.
Draco swallowed hard, staring at Harry with wide eyes as if he couldn't understand what was happening. he looked up at her whimper however and gasped hard, realizing what was happening he reacted without thinking. he reached out and grabbed her, ripping her away from Raphel and leaping forward, Raphel shrieking in pain as Draco thrust his gun into the Angel's chest and pulling the trigger, it wouldn't kill the angel but it would sure as fuck hurt! Draco uttered a single, short cry of pain, the first sound he had made since Fenrir had ripped out his throat. the noise was short lived however as Raphel's sword was driven into the Blond's belly and out through his back, Draco's eyes wide as he choked, blood spilling out of his mouth as he stumbled away, gripping the sword as Raphel smirked. "that's two of your pets you've gotten killed now Michela. how many more do you have?" he demanded, smirking at her watching as Draco collapsed onto the ground, choking on his own blood.
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