Archangel's fall

Draco swallowed hard and looked away from all of them, closing his eyes as he swallowed softly, biting his lip hard enough to make it bleed as he nodded, Harry swallowing hard as he stood up, kissing Michela's forehead. "i'm sorry it has to be this way." he muttered softly to them both before he headed outside to find Belil, Stroking the ring to inform the other that it was alright to come back, sighing a little as he shook his head. "this is insane.." Harry hissed to himself. "i thought that i was done with this shit!" he hissed, stalking back and forth. "isn't it enough that i had to sacrifice all of my freinds in the War, now i have to put the few people i care about in trouble again!?" he looked up at the sky, fury and pain in his eyes. "why do you do this to me!? if you are so loving, then why do you hate me!?" yelling at God again, like he often did. God never answered him, God didn't have the time to deal with a silly little boy who had saved Earth from Demons on more than one simply wasn't fair.
Belil watched him, tilting his head as he studied the man. "It is not god's doing, just ambitious people."He said sighing sadly. Having hoped that Michela would refuse, that this insanity would just be stopped."She agreed?"he said, running his fingers through his hair.

Michela whimpered softly, hunching as she drew her legs up, huddling into herself as she cried, worried about draco. Worried that she'd damaged the man, and worried that he didn't want her anymore."Draco?"She whispered softly, the tears in her eyes as she sniffled. Rubbing her eyes as she trembled, the great white wings shivering over so softly, the rustling feathers chiming like bells.
Harry sighed a little, closing his eyes. "i can't yell at anyone else." he stated softly. "there's no one else to yell at...can't bitch at Raphel, can't bitch at you...can't bitch at Draco or Michela..." he took a small breath closing his eyes. "she agreed... i knew she would, i'd hoped she wouldn't...but she did..."

Draco blinked at her and kissed her forehead, swallowing thickly as he reached over and grabbed his paper. 'it's ok Michela, no one is upset with you about this.' he promised gently nuzzling her neck and stroking her wings with his fingers, sighing a little. 'i'm worried that's all. i don't want to loose you, i don't want to lose the only person i've ever loved.' he kissed her temple, shaking his head. 'your the only thing in my life worth living for.' he sighed. 'your also the only thing in my life, that i would be willing to do anything for, so if you want to do this, then i will be with you every step of the way.'
Belil sighed, having hoped it to. But then..."She wouldn't be michela if she'd said no. She'll risk all of us, if it'll keep someone else from suffering raphel's torture."HE sighed pressing a kiss to harry's head.If there was any other way, I'd do it.But there isnt."

Michela whimered softly, leaning her cheek against his head, calming slowly as he stroked her wings, the pleasurable feeling calming the woman who was so distraught."I love you. I need to be with you...but I can't let anyone else get hurt."She whispered softly, truly afraid, but still going to do this.
he nodded a little. "you know...she's a lot like me that way." he admitted softly. "i died once you know... i killed myself, in order to kill Voldemort... i even crossed into heaven for a little while... i refused to beleive it though, i was afraid..." he sighed a little and closed his eyes. "i can't even remember what it looked like...but..i thought it was worth it, even if i'd ended up in hell i still would have done it all over again." he sighed a little. "i wished then, that no one else would ever had to go through that...and now here i am, asking Michela to do it...god i'm such a hypocritical bastard..."

Draco gently kissed her forehead. 'i understand' he promised, holding her close. 'i really do understand, i felt the same way when i got these scars. i was certain i was going to die, but i did it happily, knowing that Fenrir and Voldemort where going to die with me. we're going to make sure that you don't get hurt, and as soon as Harry calms down we'll all four of us think of a foolproof plan.'
Belil sighed softly strudying him."I'm a demon, and supposedly without a moral compass, but I still don't like it. Some promises, can't be kept. Raphel did this to her, cast her out of heaven, even if she wasn't in danger, she wouldn't let him live. Because to let him live is to risk heaven becoming the mess that hell is...and she can't let it go."He sighed shaking his head."You didn't ask her to do it, she's doing it because she must."

Michela nodded getting up, rubbing her eyes as she got up, reaching for his hand."Let's go for a walk."She said needing the movement. Rubbing her eyes as she headed outside with him, wrapping a arm around his waist, struggling to stay calm and clear headed.
he shook his head. "you might be a demon, but you have morals...everything does, you have a soul Belil no matter what they try to tell you...your one of the kindest people, one of the gentlest people i have ever met." he admitted smiling at him a little. "i know she's doing this, because she has to...i know this is the only way but i..." he sighed a little. "i can't help but fear, she is going to become me...what i did, killed parts of me, and i can never get them back, i'm terrified to know that the same might happen to her..."

he nodded as well, gently kissing her cheek as they stood, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, nuzzling her, running his fingers carefully through her wings, trying to calm her down. ' everything will be alright. God has reasons for everything, and i am certain he won't let anything bad happen to you.'
Belil's eyes looked sad, because he'd already thought of that."We'll make sure she isn't."He growled softly.Because more then anything, more then saving the world, or heaven, or hell he wanted to make sure Michela got home to draco whole and safe. That was his only hope. Tilting his head as he watched the other couple walk through the garden, wondering if michela really was as calm as she looked.

Michela shivered a soft moan falling from her lips as her wings flexed under his hands. While it was calming her down, it was pushing her into the realm of pleasure that he was going to have to do something about.Maybe anyways. Smiling as she looked over at him."We will. Fine."
Harry nodded a little and rested his head on Belil's shoulder. "would you laugh, if i told you that you make all the dark little places inside me go away?" he asked softly. "it's sort of ironic isn't it? that a creature of darkness, can take away my own darkness.." he looked over at Michela. "Michela, she takes away Draco's darkness... without her, without you... i don't think Draco and i would survive this." he admitted licking his lips. "Draco feels so guilty, because he can't do anything to make Michela better, make her hurt less... and there's nothing i can do to save you either..." he sighed a little and shook his head. "ignore me, i'm going mad i think, not making any sense..."

he smiled as he gently kissed her neck. 'i want to show you something.' he decided, taking her hand and leading her deeper into the garden, coming to a stop in front of a massive fountain, offering her a small grin before he bent down and pushed in one of the blocks, that quickly, and magically turned into a spiraling staircase. 'this was my secrete place, when i was a child. i used to come here when i was upset.' he admitted, leading her down into the underground cavern, the floor was covered with a thick soft moss, a huge pond lay in the middle, a pair of Koi swam around each other in graceful patterns, a small waterfall leaked from the wall, adding the sound of running water. 'my own parent's never even knew about this place, it's my sanctuary...and i wanted to share it with you.'
Belil shook his head, holding the other tighter."No, you're makign sense. And i could never ignore you.And you dont have to save me, I like being a demon, and the parts that were aching by not being a angel anymore...well michela took care of them when she healed me."He said before wincing, having not meant to admit that he'd been the demon she healed.Shaking his head,"Michela is better then I have ever seen her.Except when she was a child, and delighted by everything.Now...she's delighted because she's seeing things through draco's eyes, and everything's new and're making it that way for me."He added softly, blushing.

Michela shivered a little, laughing delightedly as she pulled her wings close to her back as she looked around, looking simply delighted and unworried as she sat down by the pond, leaning close to look at the fish, looking amazed at the beautiful fish."It's perfect!So pretty!"She praised smiling up at him happily.
Harry smiled a little. "you make a very good demon." Harry agreed, nodding a little as he kissed the others cheek. "and i'm sure she would gladly have healed you again, and again and again, because it meant that she got to meet Draco." he admitted softly. "and that i got to meet you." he smiled again. "you make me feel like everything is fresh and new too." he admitted softly. "you make all the dark things in the world go away, and it leaves me with only pretty and good things to look at, and i haven't seen good things in a very long time."

he smiled a little and nodded as he settled next to the pond, dipping his finger in and smiling when the Koi fish nibbled at his flesh, looking peaceful and relaxed. 'this place is filled with ambient and natural magic.' Draco wrote. 'it makes it impossible for darkness to be here. and these Koi Fish are as old as my Father is, he remembered finding this place when he was a child. their immortal, good luck. if you ask them very nicely. they might grant you some good luck.' he smiled at her, it was hard to tell if he was being honest, or if he was simply saying that to help her beleive in good, but it was a nice thought no matter which it was.
Belil smiled, "You make a man who's seen countless milliena, look forward to the morning."He admitted smiling as he kissed harry, sighing softly."Good things, instead of all the bad that could be wrong....we're getting sappy in our old age."He teased.

Michela looked at him, trying to decide just that before laughing delighted still. Taking the words at face vaule, even if it wasn't true. Leaning forward the angel stroked her fingers over the silver orange scales, "Grant me luck to iwn this, and courage to face the things I need to."She said softly, smiling as she looked down. For once, looking like the archangel she'd been born as, instead of a heavenly sent angel. the soft radiance of her belief, of her need to belief shown brightly on her skin.
Harry smiled a little as he kissed Belil's neck, giving it a small nip. "i'm not that old." harry teased smiling a little. "and i've always been sappy." he smirked. "your the one who's become old and sappy." he teased running his tongue along the others neck before slowly standing up. "come on, let's go and make some lunch. wait for Draco and Michela to come back."

he smiled as he watched the fish flit around, their silver scales almost looking as if they where glowing, shimmering in the lighted water, Draco smiling as he laid his head on her shoulder. "i think they like you." he admitted softly as the fish circled each other, forming a small circle in the sandy bottom. "i'm certain they will give us the luck we need." he promised kissing her cheek as he stood up, puling out a pastry from his pocket, carefully tearing it apart and feeding it to the fish. "Come on Michela, we should go figure out how we're going to do this."
Belil nodded following him inside, starting to cook some ham and bagels. Patiently wasting time to delay the inventable.

Michela nodded, taking his hand and waving goodbye to teh fish before heading back to the house, looking at the two in the ktichen, almost cowering at draco's side. She really wished there was something else they could do, but there wasn't, and she really was afraid. Not of them,but what was to come."We need to plan."
Harry got to work on some cake, whisking together several items, using no less than three different bowls, sighing a little as he flicked on the oven, glancing up as Michela and Draco walked in, Draco looking a little upset still, but he wrapped his arms tightly around Michela, Harry sighing a little. "alright." Harry agreed, swallowing thickly and shoving his feeling back, feelings would get in the way, and they needed to make a plan that would not let Michela get hurt, even though she was in danger. Harry's feelings wouldn't allow that. "i was thinking of employing a Blood Summoning." he admitted. "all it would take is a drop of Draco and i's blood and you would be able to pull us back to your side with just a few words... unless your not comfortable using blood magic..."
Michela frowned looking thoughtful. "I..don't mind.I..belil?Thats what makes your ring work doesn't it?Its you.Its tied to you,body and soul."She said thoughtfully looking at the demon as he nodded."IF... we use belil's ring to bind the blood, I'd be abel to summon all three of you."

Belil nodded, biting his lip."Rapel's not going to be easy on you michela. You're going to have to least long enough to let us get to you."He said, "You should have this."He decided nodding to himself as he raised a hand forcing his will into being, smirking at the shocked look on her face."You needn't look so surpirsed, you knew I had it."

"I..I did't think you'd kept it."She said raising a hand, wrapping her hand around the black sword hilt. The weapon feeling light and heavy all at once. "This will undo..."

"Yes. It will. And for that he wont want to get close enough for a mortal blow. It'll give you time to summon us."H esaid slowly, looking at the former angel of healing and creating, holding the sword of uncreation, the sword of undoing he felt fear grip his stomach. Wondering if this is what she'd been born for. Not to heal, but to undo the destruction raphel's cause. Wondered if she'd be the halbringer of a new world.Or if they'd fail....glancing at harry he ewas glad the other two couldn't see his face, because in that moment, his fear showed.
Harry looked a little hesitant as he stroked the ring, biting his lip a little as he pondered having to give up the ring, but he gently tugged it off his finger anyway and handed it over to Belil. "i don't know how the Ring works, so your going to have to add the magic to it to let it summon Draco and i." he swallowed hard, feeling nervous without the ring, if it was lost, how would he stay in contact with Belil? Draco and Harry stared in amazement at the sword as Michela held it, their eyes wide, looking almost...frightened, as if some part of them understood that the sword could so easily destroy their magic...and themselves. harry swallowed hard and looked back at Belil, terror shining in his eyes and face, seeking reassurance.
Belil smiled reassuringly, "Don't worry.You know she wont use it on you."he muttered pulling the other into his lap, taking the ring,"And if you like the ring so much, if she messes it up, I'll make another."He said loking at Michela, watching her study the sword instead of draco. For once, it looked like something besides the blond held her total attention. Smirking a little,"She wont be swinging it...hopefully much anyways.Raphel wont want to get close with her holding it."

Michela gently stroked her fingers over the blade, feeling the magic hum against her skin. She was a thing of creation, of life. The haunting song of death and destruction called to her...summoned her to be the instrument of justice....for that was what the sword did, it could unmake the world, should the weilder want to do it, but for her... it would be the sword of unmaking wrongs instead of things. The world changed for the weilder, became the sword they needed it to be. For belil, it'd been the sword of unmaaking the world, for michela who's heart was preu and demanded justice, it'd be its rarest form, the sword of justice. Startled back into the present she looked at draco,gently touching his arm."It's okay.I'll give it back when I'm done with it..."
Harry nodded. "i know, i just feel...unsafe with the sword even here." Harry admitted, Draco nodding in agreement. "i've never come across anything that could take away another persons magic before... i mean I can do it, if i really feel the need..." "you can bind a person's magic?" Draco asked startled at Harry who shook his head. "no, Draco. i can TAKE it." he admitted. "i took Dumbledore's, right before he died...he told me to... and then i took Tom's, er Voldemort's. that's how i survived, his magic used the final Horcrux inside of me, to bring me back to life." he shook his head. "i took Pittigrew's too, he's stuck in Rat form somewhere." he admitted smirking a little. "and Bellatrix's...she's stuck in a muggle jail for trying to kill a cop." Draco was gaping at harry, stunned. "but, no one has ever..." "been able to take another persons magic?" harry asked with a small little grin. "that's what happens when you cross two overly powerful bloodlines..."

Draco shook his head, unable to fathom such a thing and turned his attention back to Michela, firmly ignoring the blade. "i would be ok if you kept it." he admitted softly. "but i'f rather you didn't if you don't need to, i don't know how it works but i'm fairly certain that if i touch it, it will unmake me." he admitted softly, licking his lips as he wrote again. "i am glad though, that you have a nice proper weapon. it makes me feel safer knowing that you will be able to properly defend yourself.'
Michela looked thoughtful before she nodded. Concentrating a little as she forced the sword into its dormant form, the black blade wrapping around her wrist as a bracelet.Smiling slightly."there. Now it's safe for you to touch."She sighed a little, shifting to wrap her arms aorund him, nuzzling his neck."I love you.I wish I could give you something to make you safer."

Belil smiled a little, watching them before looking at the boys, beause michela seemed distraced enough, and she hadn't lived in this world long enough to understand what needed to be planned."We'll let the wards down in the morning, then step out to the store. Pretend we're shopping, while we're waiting michela's summons. That should put us far enough away for raphel to feel safe in attacking her."
Draco and Harry both sighed in relief as the sword vanished, relaxing as Draco snuggled into Michela, smiling a little. 'i have Harry to make me safe, he's literally the most powerful wizard in history! he's killed demons and voldemort. i'm sure that he can keep me safe from a single little angel.' he teased smiling as he handed her the note, kissing her forehead. 'and i have you to protect me, that's all i need.'

Harry shook his head. "Raphel will never beleive it if we just drop the wards... Draco and i will 'go shopping' and the wards will falter. that should be convincing enough don't you think?"
"He's not so little."She said still looking concerned, though she snuggled against him."But for now, until I can find something better, it will have to do."she said, pouting ever so slightly.

Belil nodded,"It should.And if michela's out walking in the gardens... that should be enough of a enticement for him to come."
Draco smiled a little as he kissed the others neck, gently nuzzling her. 'well, i do have a muggle Gun i could tuck into my pants, i don't know if it would work on an Archangel but it would certainly hurt him a bit.' it would at least be enough for Draco to run away... he hoped...

Harry nodded. "and then when we come back, Draco will snap the wards up, so that Raphel can't get out." he decided biting his lip a little nodding. "yes, i like that idea." he smirked a little. "i'll have to reset the wards, with any luck Raphel will simply think i'm trying to strengthen them."
Michela relaxed nodding.Even if she had no idea what it was, he sounded sure it would help,so she'd believe him."Good."She said smiling as she cuddled against him,her wings closing around them both,a intimate gesture, as the scared angel sought comfort in his touch.

Belil nodded."He will.He's not smart enough to think we're planning something."He said smirking a little at the sight in front of him,tilting his head."You two,to bed.Go on.You have a busy day tomorrow,and its getting late."
Draco smiled and kissed her cheek, running his fingers gently through her wings, sighing softly as he mouthed the words 'i love you' against her neck as he held her, suddenly picking her up Bridal style with a smug little grin and headed for the bedroom, gently laying her out along the sheets before joining her in bed, flicking his wand at the lights and dimming them down, so they could see, but also sleep.

Harry grimaced a little. "you should never underestimate your opponent Belil." Harry stated hoarsely. "that's how i died." he admitted swallowing hard, sighing a little. "do you think her and Draco are actually sleeping up there?" he asked, deciding to change the subject with a rather twisted smirk.
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