Archangel's fall

Belil studied the sky, biting his lip before sighing. Knowing he was about to throw years worth of planning out the window. But he had never wanted to hurt the girl he'd loved with a daughter, had alwys avoided anything that could.And if his planning and the sacerfice of that plan would keep her safe, and happy he'd do it."Kill him.He wont stop as long as he's alive. And...I'll think of something. Between me and michela we should be able to create something to summon you back."

Michela moaned shivering, pain mixed with pleasure, though pleasure soon overwealmed anything else as she shifted against him, everything felt so amazing. So razor sharp. Trembling as she came again tears spiked her eyelashes because the pleasure was so much.
Harry paused, hesitating. "will you still be able to drag him down to hell? what about your plans?" harry assumed there where plans. "you want to use Raphel to replace yourself as the seventh Lord of hell right?" harry paused. "i think that's what Michela said." he shrugged. "i never was good at remembering things." he glanced down at his ring. "could you use this Ring like a Portkey? just drag me back into the house when you need me?"

Draco kissed her tears away as he carefully began to thrust, stroking her wings and kissing her face, then kissing her hard, lovingly, thrusting his tongue carefully into her mouth, sighing softly in pleasure, shivering a little as he ran his fingers through her hair, nuzzling her neck.
"I could."Belil looked thoughtfully at the ring."We'll let michela add some power to it, so if she needs to, she can summon you to."he sighed, ignoring the questions about plans. Because they were useless, and he was going to give it away just to protect michela. Not that he'd let her or the others ever know of it.At least willingly."No.But michela's been daydreaming if she thinks I'd want to replace myself with raphel."He said. Liar liar pants on fire.

Michela moaned softly, hips rising to meet every thrust as she tangled her fingers through his hair, squirming a litle as she pressed her face against his neck."I love you.So much."She muttered nuzzling him
harry nodded and smirked at the other, leaning over to him. "i can tell your lying." he teased smirking a little. "you don't want to become the boss of all the Demons?" he asked smirking a little. "come on Belil, i might not know you very well but i know enough to know that you want something better in your life." he admitted stroking his hand down the others back before pausing. "hey i was wondering, Muggles say that Demons are red skinned and horned and have cloven hooves and shit...where did THAT come from?"

he panted softly as he moved along her, trying to keep pleasuring her even as he started to become over pleasured himself, nodding against her neck, wishing he could tell her that he loved her too, gently tracing the letters on her skin. 'i. luv, u, too.' the closest he could come to communicating as he shuddered hard and pulled out, spilling himself against her legs, not willing to risk getting her pregnant yet.
Belil gave him a look, tilting his head. Smirking a little."I like being a prince. No responsiblities, no's so nice."Seh smiled a little laughing. "There are demons like that. Just none of them were among the orginal archangels and seraphim. The lower level angels became the cloven hoofed, red skinned demons."She sighed a little.

Michela moaned shivering as she fgured out what he was spelling, shifting them, laying him back on the bed, cuddling against him as her great white wings folded over them, a gentle blanket to keep them warm. Panting softly as she cuddled. "Love you..."She muttered yawning a little.
Harry snorted a little. "liar." he grumbled smiling a little. "that sounds pretty bad." he admitted. "i'm glad you still look like you, you wouldn't be nearly as handsome with a demon tongue and a pitchfork." he admitted chuckling as he yanked the other down and snuggled him, inhaling the others smell as deeply as he could. "i'm frightened Belil..."

he panted softly as he laid down with her, snuggling into her, smiling a little as he gently brushed her wings with the back of his hand, enjoying their silky softness, closing his eyes and dozing, not yet ready to face the troubles of their life just yet. besides sex was hard work! he deserved a nap.
"Me to."Belil said, kissing his head. Holding him tightly. Because he didnt want to complate what would happen if they failed. If michela was no longer in the world....that was just saddening.Sighing softly he held the other closer, hoping they'd be able to stop this. Closing his eyes as he went to sleep.

A few hours later Belil looked up at the blond as he stepped outside, raising a eyebrow."michela still sleeping?"He asked smirking a little as he shifted his hold on a dozing harry, amused. Wondering if draco had finally given into touching the former angel like he wanted.That and he was making fun a little because he didnt want to ruin his day just yet by telling him what they had to do.
Draco nodded to Belils question, yawning a little as he rubbed his eyes, smirking when he saw Harry sleeping in Belil's arms, grabbing his notepad and writing quickly. 'this is the first time i've seen him sleeping without having nightmares. your good for him.' determined to not comment on what he and Michela had been doing, Draco smirking a little. 'you might want to get Harry to pipe down while your fucking him though, it's very embarrassing listening to you two you know.' he handed that note over before digging into the fridge for food as Harry groaned in his sleep and shifted against Belil before drifting off again, catching up on years of lost sleep, enjoying his first nightmare free rest since he was in second year.
Belil snickered kissing his head, rubbing his back as the other settled down agian. Tilting his head as he looked at him."I'd yell at you for making her be loud, but it just isn't true. You must have wore her out."He teased before sighing. Teasing him because he really, really didn t want to be the one to tell draco what they had planned.
Draco blushed bright red and coughed a little, embarrassed. 'your just jealous because my sexual prowess is better than yours, i made her Cum three times last night, how many times did you make Harry cum?' only once, but that's because it was so intense harry couldn't have another. still, it didn't really matter, Draco's pride was just a little bruised.
Belil smiled a little, willing to let it go"yes, that's it.Though her having wings kinda makes that easier."He teased smiling,tilting his head, shaking harrys shoulder a little. Kissing his head."Love, we have to talk before michela gets up."He muttered, wanting him awake so he could convince draco, because if they convinced him before michela got up, tehy'd all have a easier day.
he paused, looking puzzled before nodding, remembering how sensitive they had seamed. he scowled though when Belil commented on talking before Michela got up, 'i'm not going to like you after this 'talk' am i?' Draco demanded glaring at Belil Harry glancing at the note and chuckling a little. "yes, your going to hate both of us, because unfortunately i agree with Belil..." Draco's eyes narrowed a little but he sat down at the table to listen.
belil sighed softly wtching the other."MIchela's the only person Raphel will leave heaven for. Will commit a sin to get ahold of. I'm helpless to get him unless he's on earth."He studied the other."We need to let the wards down and leave michela alone so raphel will come for her. Now, we'll only be a summons away, and we will save her. But we need to let raphel almost kill her. He has to commit a sin so that I can kill him."He sighed again."Draco, michela's a archangel. Well, was. But still, she can defend herself, at least long enough for us to get to her."
Draco stared at them for a long silent moment, simply staring at them before he stood up and slapped Belil hard across the face, Fury written across his face, baring his teeth at the other as Harry jerked to his feet, hissing in rage as he immediately tried to protect Belil from Draco who was shaking with fury, too pissed to even try to talk, Harry hissing softly, gently setting his hands on Draco's shoulders. "alright, alright calm down." Harry murmured softly. "you have to calm down." harry muttered softly. "attacking Demons from Hell aren't going to make it any easier for you to protect Michela..."
Belil winced, rubbing his finger along his jaw, feeling the broken bones shift. Swallowing hard before he let some of his control slip, a choke hold that had been slipping since he'd shown just how inhuman he was while fucking harry. Swallwing hard as the bones knitted back together, he looked at draco, hellfire showing in those eyes though he was keeping a tight hold on the need to return the hit."Draco, you're not going to be able to help if you're angry. We need you to be calm so we can help Michela. and this the only way we can."
Draco snarled silently, pacing back and forth with a wild look in his eyes, Harry still standing in front fo Belil, protecting his lover from the pissed off Malfoy who was simply stalking off his rage, the wild look in his eyes fading slowly, accepting the bottle of Firewhiskey from harry, taking a long swallow, helping him to relax even more, blowing out hard as he growled again, flopping back into the chair. 'sorry Belil...anger issues.' Draco admitted Harry sighing a little. "Draco we have to do this, it's the only way to...' Daco slammed his fist hard onto the table, interrupting harry. 'i am not going to say yes or no...this is Michela's decision, if she agrees, then i won't get in your way...but if she refuses, then i want you out of my house!' he glared hard at Belil when he wrote that, showing who he was talking to.
Belil nodded slightly, pain flitting over his face at the idea of being kicked out of somewhere again.But if thats what michela needed to find peace with draco he'd let her have it and find another way to get rid of raphel. "If Michela refuses, I'll leave."He said, though he was very afraid she wouldn't. she wanted this to end, she wanted a life with draco without having to live in fear.
Draco nodded and turned away from them both, heading up the stairs to gently shake Michela awake, kissing her cheek and nuzzling her chin with his nose, siling at her as she woke up, offering her a sheet of paper. 'Harry and Belil need to talk to you, are you ok to get up? are you in pain anywhere?' he wanted to make sure she was even up to getting out of bed before he let her decide if she wanted to risk her life or not.
Michela smiled a little sititng up slowly, wincing a little. "Im sore, but not in pain."She said getting up slowly starting to get dressed. And it was true, her body ached like she'd over used her wings, but it was uncomfrtable not painful. So, she'd see what the others wanted.
Draco nodded, swallowing hard as he followed her out, biting his lip hard as he watched her carefully, sitting down at the table, now filled with breakfast things that harry had whipped up, grabbing a shot of fire-whiskey and shooting it back, Harry scowling a little. "hey, that was mine!" Draco just offered Harry the finger, still feeling bitter, and stared at Belil angrily, waiting for them to explain to michela. "you tell her Bel." Harry muttered softly. "you understand the plan the best."
Belil swallowed hard, before raising his eyes to meet her frightened blue eyes."Michela, we need to let down the wards, to let raphel come for you.To destroy his plans, we need you to act as bait. I'll-we'll be a step away to help you, we need you alone to start with. Raphel wont come otherwise. But I promise, we will stop him."

Michela looked frightened, huddling against draco's chest before frowning."Destroy him?Not just cast him from heaven?"

"No. We're going to end this."He said slowly, hoping she'd skip the part of what he had had planned. Please michela just go for it Biting his lip as he watched her.
Harry took a deep breath as he watched Draco wrap his arms around Michela, gently nuzzling her neck, offering her comfort. "you don't have to agree." Harry admitted softly. "we need to get rid of him before he can hurt you, we all agree on that. but this has to be your decision, your the only person he will willingly come down from heaven for, but it has to be YOUR decision...not mine, not Belil's, not Draco's...yours. take all the time you need to think about it."
Belil studied the girl, his stomach twisting in knots."I'm going for a walk."He announced before leaving the rom unable to sit there and see her in such tormoil and know it was his fault. Running his fingers through his hair as he tried to think of anything better. anything would be better then subjecting her to this pain.

Michela cuddled against draco, resting her head on his shoulder sighing softly."'ll be here?Somewhere?"She asked softly, afraid.
Draco nodded, kissing her cheek as Harry sighed a little. "we would be a summoning spell away." he admitted simply. "as soon as he's there, you yourself would pull us to you." he explained. "as soon as Raphel tries to kill you he will have committed a sin, and he will be cast out of heaven." he bit his lip a little. "all it would take is a simple spell and we would be here to save you."
she bit her lip nodding slowly."I' it."She said softly, avoiding looking t draco. Knowing he wanted her to refuse...but she couldn't. Not when other people might get hurt in their fight. " go talk to belil?"She said looking at harry.
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