Archangel's fall

Belil snickered getting up, callign in their clothes as he pulled on his pants."I think I will."He smiled bemused. It'd been awhile since he'd found a mortal this willing to spend time with him.

Michela whined softly, waking up, nuzzling draco's neck, wings shifting, settling over the other as she snuggled."you smell good."She muttered, smiling as she informed him of this. He smelled home.He smelled of safety and home.
Harry grinned, looking pleased as he yanked on his own clothes as well, stretching a little. "mmm damn i feel good." Harry purred happily smiling. "stay for breakfast?" he offered to Belil. "i'm making Waffles, Belgium style." he admitted grinning a little as he walked inot he kitchen, his hips swaying from side to side, teasing the demon behind him.

Draco sighed softly when she nuzzled into him, smiling a little as he kissed her cheek. taking a small inhale of her neck, sighing happily.she smelled like all of his favorite things, flowers and damp earth and a sunny day, she smelled like Love and Family to him, she smelled his. 'harry and Belil are probably going to smell like sex, i was shocked you slept through all of that.'
Belil growled softly watching him go, following him into the room, and sitting down at the table."I'll stay."He sighed resting his chin in his hand."I can't say I've ever had waffles though."He said sounding curious.

Michela tilting her head, looking curious, "Sex smells like something?"She asked curious, kissing him again. "And I was tired!"She pouted whining a little as she snuggled against him.
Harry chuckled a little as he heard the growl, pleased with himself for making the other react, humming softly as he started mixing up the batter and heating up the large waffle iron. "their the greatest food ever." she admitted grinning a little. "it's an orgasm in food form, specially when you put all the toppings on it." he admitted grinning a little.

"yeah, sex has a smell." Draco admitted chuckling a little as he kissed her. "and a look too, you watch, Harry's going to be very chipper and incredibly happy, might even have a weird sort of glowing look to him." he snickered a little. "it's going to be very amusing to watch." he admitted grinning a little. "i was tired too." he admitted. "i only caught the tail end up it, i was half afraid harry was being murdered down there." he admitted with a laugh. "smells like Harry's making breakfast, shall we go down?"
Belil whined dlooking at the other, snickering as he ran his fingers through his sex mussed hair."You thinl you can make food as good as a orgasm I can give you?"

Michela smiled a little, getting up, shakign out her wings before nodding, pulling him up,wrapping her arms around him as they walked downstairs."I want food.You didn't feed me before you put me in bed."She pouted laughing a little.teasing as she held his hand
Harry smirked. "nothing is comparable to the orgasms you gave me." he admitted smirking a little. "but this food is certainly as good as an orgasm any human can give me." he admitted flipping a Waffle onto a plate, smothering it in syrup and butter, topping it with a sprinkle of powdered sugar and a heavy serving of whipped topping, sliding it over to him. "Enjoy."

Draco nodded and kissed her forehead again, getting up and stretching, grinning a little. 'you where sleeping when i put you to bed' he pointed out, looking amused as he held her hand heading downstairs, indicating Harry who was indeed, looking much more happy than he had since Michela had ever seen him, as he teased Belil with his body, tormenting him ever so happily.
Michela giggled a little as she watched the two, sitting at the table and smiling at harry."Can I have one?"She asked looking at the demon who looked like he was in heaven as he ate. smiling happy. Glad that he seemed to be happier then she'd ever seen him.
Harry grinned as he flipped one onto a plate, fixed it up and slid it over to her, humming as he cooked, Draco wrinkling his nose a little. 'i was wrong, it's not amusing it's creepy.' Draco wrote shaking his head as harry handed him a waffle as well, digging in and sighing in pleasure. it was delicious, even Draco had to admit that.
Belil snickered at the blond's writting raising a eyebrow, looking at the former angel.deciding that he was going to make her life his business again. And tease her a little."Ah youre just jealous you're not in bliss in bed."

Michela's fork fell to the plate, clanking as she blushed, not looking at any of them as her wings pressed close to her back, so close that they were hunching over her shoulders, hiding her face for the most part. Not answering belil's teasing....because she was curious but hadn't been brave enough to ask the blond, and since draco hadnt seemed more then passing interested she hadn't brought it up.
Draco's fist slammed onto the table, hard and he glared furiously at Belil, looking almost insulted, Harry grinning as he translated, sitting at the table with his own waffle. "Draco wouldn't risk Michela's chance back into heaven like that." Harry stated simply, cutting into his food. "of course he wants to screw Michela, hell i want to screw Michela and i'm 110% gay." he admitted shrugging. "but Draco loves Michela more than he lusts for her, and he wants to see her go back home at the end of all of this. and she won't be able to if he taints her innocence with his dick." Draco was blushing furiously, but he was holding his head high, showing that for once, Harry had interpreted...for the most part, correctly.
Belil studied the two, before shaking his head as he looked at the former angel."We're going for a walk."he said standing, gripping the back of the blond's shirt, and pulling him to his feet, heading for the door. not about to say what needed to be said within michela's hearing. That would just be cruel when she still had the hope that she could go home.
Draco hissed through his teeth as Belil yanked Draco away, Harry chuckling a little as he offered Michela a cup of chocolate milk, looking perfectly alright with a demon dragging off his only friend. Draco however looked a little freaked out, looking half worried that he was about to get stabbed or raped or yelled at.
michela smiled sipping her hot chocolate, looking worriedly after the other, even though she knew better then to go after them.

Beilil turned to face draco, raising a hand, power flashing through the room as he tossed up a shield so they couldn't be overheard. Looing at the other sadly. "She can't go back.Even if raphel's taken care of, she can't."He looked sad, stricken."Because she loves you. Truly.God is a jealous lord, he wont let anyone who can't devote themselves to him in his heaven.Michela loves you, and she wont stop if she went back. Its not only you, she loves this world, but are the one thing she would mourn for eternity if she didn't have you."
Draco looked horrified as he stared at Belil, guilt in his eyes. he didn't have to be able to speak to show that he was feeling very ashamed that he was the reason that Michela could never go back home. then he steeled himself and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. well, if Michela couldn't go back to heaven, then he would make her life on earth as pleasant as he could, sex, indulgences, everything he could get her to make her happy. he opened his eyes again, staring at Belil before pulling out his notepad. 'i will do everything i can to make her happy.' he wrote. 'and if you hut harry, i will kill you, demon or not." he warned, offering Belil a cheeky smirk before heading back to the house.
Belil snickered a little, watching him go for a few minutes."Don't forget, that street goes both ways."He muttered, amused. Hoping that michela would never realize that she'd broken her chance at going home by loving to well.Smiling a little he headed back inside.

Michela raised her head a little as she looked at the blond, biting her lip, still hunched over, as if not sure that he wanted her. tears in her eyes because she didn't know why draco didn't want her, but she couldn't understand why not.And she couldn't ask him because if it was something she oculdn't fix, it'd hurt.
Draco smiled at Belil, a strange sort of look on his face, it was suddenly obvious, that he loved Michela, just as much as she loved him. he moved into the room and smiled and Michela, kissing her cheek gently, pulling her into her arms, harry grinning. "see, i told you so, Draco loves you, he wants you." he admitted, having been trying to comfort the upset Angel. 'you are the piece of my soul that i've been missing.' Draco wrote, kissing her forehead. 'i will do anything to make you happy.'
Michela smiled shifting, cuddling into him, wrapping her arms around him. So suddenly relaxed and happy that she fell into him. Nuzzling his neck she blushed, not wanting to say what she wanted. At least not with belil and harry in the room
Draco smiled as he kissed her temple again, gently nuzzled her neck Harry smiling a little, looking amused as he glanced at Belil, lifting an eyebrow as if to ask 'and that was about?' but he wisley said nothing and took a sip of his tea. "so. are we going to get down to work now that our inner demons, no Belil that wasn't an offer, have been taken care of?"
Belil pouted looking at him."But I wanna work on my inner demon."'He said pouting before laughing."Yes we're going to get to work now."He said smirking a little. Looking at the couple that was nicely wrapped up in themselves he stood, elbowing harry."We'll go work. Let these two have a day they don't have to worry about anything."
Harry laughed a little. "you mean you wanna put your 'little Demon' in me.' he stated with a small snicker as Draco choked and glared at Harry who laughed again and stood up, following Belil. "that's ok Draco would be pretty useless in planning anyway, he was always better at information gathering."
Belil snickered as he headed outside with the other, wanting to feel the sun on his skin. Being a demon he didn't get to spend alot of time in teh sun."Hmm mthat to. "He said looking amued,"So, did you really summon gabriel out of his shower?"

Michela bit her lip looking up at draco,nuzzling his neck."You're good with planning. Don't listen to him."she said cuddling against him.
Harry smiled a little as he settled onto the grass, sighing softly. "oh yeah." he purred smirking a little. "he's pretty handsome himself, not as big as you though." he admitted his eyes closed. "and his muscles aren't as defined but he had a fairly feminine charm to his face. i wouldn't mind pinning him down and showing him the ways of sin." he was teasing Belil! foolish boy.

Draco smiled and shrugged. 'not really, i am better at spying and slinking, it's what made me so good during the war. i was a double agent, like my godfather Severus was. we collected information from both sides, and swapped the information, it kept us alive for a lot longer than we should have been able to survive.'
Belil growled at him, gripping his arm, shovign him against the building pinning him there with a snarl."You would would you?"He snarled lowering his head to bit his neck.

Michela nodded a little, nuzzlnig his neck, biting down softly before leaning back to see how he'd responded. It felt good to be with him."I'm glad you lived.Otherwise I'd be lost here."
Harry yelped as he was pinned against the building, laughing a little. "never" he purred smirking. "but it DID make you jealous." he teased smirking as he slammed his lips into the others, kissing him hard. "one more time." he pleaded softly. "one more time before all this shit starts blowing up in our faces." he whispered softly, biting at Belil's lips. "please, just one more fuck, and then we can focus on saving the world again."

he gasped at the nuzzle, and blew out hard through his nose at the bit, blushing hard, swallowing thickly, looking a great deal aroused. Draco's neck was sensitive, and now his cock was thick, full and hard...again. he tried to hide it, pressing down on it with his hand as he cleared his throat awkwardly. ' you know what your getting into? do you understand sex?' he wasn't sure if she understood yet or not.
Belil growled, kissing him hard."It's odd being the one trying to save the world."He said stripping the other, hands roaming the other's body. And it was true, he'd only tried once, and it was more to keep heaven and hell from destroying each other instead of saving the earth. And it'd been centuries since he;d done something truly good, but michela...michela didnt deserve this.

Michela looked at him curiously, biting her lip, blushing as she looked down."I...I read about it on the internet.."she said tilting her head."But..I want to know. If...if you dont want to I'll understand..."She said biting her lip more, not realizign his refusal, his blind refusal of her up to now wasn't about her, it'd been about him trying to let her go home again. Not because he didn't want her.
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