Archangel's fall

Micheal blushed looking at him, biting her lip. Looking nervous and not sure how to exactly ask for what she wanted, but she'd been using his computer to see what people....did when they were dating each other. And the odd feelings that came to her when she read about sex...she wanted to investigate, but she had no idea how to ask."What do you want to do?"

Belil raised a hand, holding the pendant in his hand for a mmoment, concentrating forcing the once sword back into existance, before holding the hilt towards harry."Give this to Michela.It's the most I can do, to destroy a hellhound without incurring more anger from lucifer for interfering."He looked pained.As much as he wished he could just outright destroy the creatures of hell, lucifer tended to get pissy when he did that."And someone who can a more permanant fashion... would be gabriel. He is the current leader, he'll force this game into the open."he looked thoughtful swallowing hard."If...if you give me a general direction where they're staying, I'll parole and see if I can weed out the lesser demons."
Harry jumped when it turned into a sword, blinking a little as he accepted the sword, offering Belil a smile. "thank you." he muttered softly biting him lip as he examined the sword in his hands. "how can i contact Gabriel? do you know?" he asked looking over at Belil before smiling wryly. "i don't actually know where it is." he admitted shaking his head. "i went in through the fireplace, it could be another country away fro all i know, i find it's easier not to give the enemy information...when i don't have the information." he admitted sighing a little. "besides, we don't need you getting in trouble for breaking the rules, we'll deal with the demons ourselves, i can handle the smaller ones, i took on a few during the War, Voldemort made a contract with Satan if i recall..." he shuddered violently, that man, was the only thing harry would ever fear again save maybe Satan himself...and god of course. even Dementor where no match for the madman known as Voldemort.
"He did."Belil said looking up at the night sky trying to decide how best to contact gabriel. After all, it'd been eons since he'd seen the man. Before remembering...they had something better then a summoning pendant, they had his daughter."Blood calls to blood. Its dark magic, and michela probably doesnt know she can do it. But...summon him using her blood."He ran his fingers through his hair, "He wont like it, is the only thing left to summon him with, unless you want to pray from here to eternity."He said sneering a little, walking closer, brushing a hand through harry's hair before he could think better of it. "Voldermort's suffering now because he lost...and the demons with him...well are condemned into serving as my servents.'He said shrugging a little, knwing the dark lord was in constant torment.
Harry shuddered again a small grin spreading across his lips. "there's a lot of things in life that i don't like, but it happens anyway." he admitted. "if it saves Michela's life then i guess Gabriel is just going to have to be pissed off." he decided looking startled by the contact, almost flinching away, as if expecting pain instead of just a gentle touch. he blushed as he realized Belil really had meant it to be intimate and shook his head at his own idiocy. "sorry, reflex...i'm not used to physical contact." he admitted. "not out of bed anyway." he smirked though, at the thought of Voldemort suffering. "that bastard deserves it, i can only think of one person that i would condemn to hell and he's it." he admitted sighing a little. "i should go back...i don't know how long the Wards will last."
Belil noddded, before looking torn, looking at the sword in harry's hand before deciding to give away the one thing that might help more. Slipping off his ring, the soft pulse of dark magic wrapped around the ring, he held it out to harry."This isn't for michela...its for you or the man she's with. It's..."He frowned thinking of how to explain it. "If the wards collapse and you need a way out, this will take you straight to my mansion here. The wards there will hold out against anything from hell."He winced a little."Summon gabriel as soon as you can. He'll be able to hold the wards."He said smirking a little.After all if he was wrapped around michela's finger, gabriel was his daughter's lapdog...though because the way she had been raised, she didn't know he was her father.Which...was probably something he should tell this wizard."Don't tell her why you're using her blood. Just tell her its because she's a angel, and like will call to like. It's similiar enough."
Harry blinked at the ring, feeling the dark magic around it a small smile on his lips as he felt the darkness curling around him. it was comforting, just like the dark spells harry had become addicted to back in the war. yes, Harry Potter, 'lord of the light' had used so many dark spells that he had gotten addicted to them. they had given him such a rush of pleasure, that he didn't dare use anything like dark magic again... the ring made him happy too. "i doubt Michela or her human would be able to stand touching it." he admitted slipping the ring onto his finger, smiling as it settled perfectly into place, licking his lips a little. "thank you, Belil. for helping us." he stated softly, grabbing the others shirt and pulling him down, pressing their lips together, kissing him hard, rough was the only way he knew how to be, pulling away and licking his lips. "i'll get Gabriel...and i won't tell Michela anything."
Belil growled, kissing him again, snarling as he took control of the kiss. After all, it was the demons who'd created hte sensual pleasures, and he was a prince. He was good at sex. Deadly good. Raising his hand he smirked."Go."He said not saying anything to the thanks, stepping back, and taking that step between here and there, leaving just the sword and ring behind to show that he'd really been there.
Harry gasped at the sudden loss of control and moaned into the kiss, easily submitting to the other, leaning into him to deepen the kiss his eyes closing as he gripped the others hair, just to feel it in his fingers, panting softly when they broke the kiss, looking immensely pleased. he stepped through the fireplace again, sword in hand, ring on his finger, grinning like he'd just gotten the last candy bar. "Harry!?" Draco asked, looking flushed and blushing hard. he'd been teaching Michela all about kissing when harry had stepped back through the wards. "what happened?" Draco demanded looking at Harry's smug little grin with worry.

"i got a kiss." Harry purred happily. "he's a GOOD kisser." he hissed licking his lips. "Belil said this is for Michela." he stated, holding the sword out to the angel. "and i know how to summon Gabriel." he admitted taking her hand. "Belil said, that like could summon Like, that one angel, could summon another, if we use Michela's blood, we can summon the Angel Gabriel. Belil said that Gabriel could help, and Belil is on our side as well... my gamble worked." he admitted smiling, looking relieved.
Michela was flushed, burying her face against Dracos chest, before pulling away taking the swrod, the holy sword ringing slightly as the former angel took it. The blade glittering oddly with holy power as she shifted. At once looking innocent and warrior, power and innocence. "I' with the hound first."She said swallowing nervously, not sure what to think about killng the hound."Then we'll sumon gabriel."She said looking nervous at the idea of summoning the angel/
Draco smiled, looking amazed at it as he gently touched the sword before looking at the ring, cringing away from it. 'Harry how can you stand to touch that!? what is that!? the blond demanded Harry smiling a little. "it's a fail safe." he admitted. "if the wards manage to fail, it will transport us to Belil's manor." he explained stroking the ring softly. "it's pretty, i like it." 'it's coated in black magic!' "yeah, it feels nice after all these years." he admitted Draco looking freaked out before harry shook his head. "we're going to summon Gabriel first, i don't know if the three of us can take down a Hellhound. it was pure luck that i got out of my run in with the beasties myself. i want to have someone who can heal you if things go bad."
Michela bit her lip, thinking it over before nodding, sitting down on the ground she let her wings fall out around her as she pricked her finger with a fingernail, letting the blood well, felt the magic sing. Let blood sing to blood...and blood will be memories river. Summoning every good memory she had of the angel she focused. Brushing her hair...teaching her how to fly...teaching her to heal...letting her keep her wings because he couldn't stand to see the torn away. Whispering the summoning,Gabriel the archangel, defend us in battle, be my protection and shield as I go forth to cleanse the night and guard me prince of the heavenly host, be my shield a-

"OWWWW!Goddamn wards.I'm going to kill you michela. I am!"Gabriel snarled from outside the wards before he realized what was keeping him company. Raising a hand he sent a godbolt at the creature, snickering as it ran off with a whine."Now will someone fucking let me in!"The angel was bare ass naked, still sopay and wet...apparently in the middle of a shower, and not happy about having it interrupted.
Harry burst into laughter at the OW and peeked outside, letting out a small whistle. Gabriel was CUTE! Belil was cuter, but Gabriel was pretty damn hot too. since Harry had the Key to the wards he let them drop, only long enough for Gabriel to walk through before slamming them up again, making Draco and Michela wait, just to make sure nothing else had come in the wards before motioning the ok, following Draco out to greet the Angel. Draco falling stunned, unable to talk in the angel's presence...Harry had no such problems. "want a towel man?" Harry asked, amusement in every word as he held up a towel, looking rather disappointed that the other was going to cover up, but Angels wheren't known for their sex drives unfortunately...besides Harry had an unusual fondness for Belil, it was weird.
Gabriel blushed a little wrapping a towel around his waist, glaring at them all."Will someone explain what I'm doing here instead of in my shower?"

"Raphel's trying to kill me."Michela said as she stepped up by draco, her hand in his, for once not looking strong or in charge, acting more like a child with her father then anything else. Which she was, not that she knew it. "He's using belil to do it, but belil is...belil."She shrugged a little.

Gabriel choked on his rage, laughing a little."Belil has always had his own agenda."He said before his voice came out in a low growl, looking at his daughter. "Who is this stunned beast?Tell me he can form words or something."He said, with every word dripping with the disdain that every father ever living had ever had for their daughter's boyfriends.
Harry smirked a little as he looked the other over. "Belil is helping us." he informed the angel simply. "i think he's trying to Drag raphel to hell, revenge for what he did to Michela." he admitted sighing a little as Draco swallowedd thickly, looking almost ashamed as he looked down and away from Gabriel, looking upset that he was 'broken'. Harry took notice of this very quickly and snarled as he stepped in front of the mute man, shoving his finger in Gabriel's face, Harry truly had no fear, or he was just insane.

"Listen you! don't you DARE insult Draco like that! he might not be able to speak but he's the greatest man i have EVER known! he lost his voice to save my life, and he's the best person Michela could have ever found! Draco is Selfless, Giving, caring and gentle and he would give his life to save any person in this room so watch what you say!" Draco looked startled, and rather thankful for harry stepping up to his defense, reaching out and grabbing Harry's shoulder, pulling him away from the Angel, offering Gabriel an apologetic smile, making motions to explain that Harry was a little crazy and to pay him no mind.
GAbriel winced, starting to apologize, before finding himself staring down the blade of a holy sword, wincing at the press of the tip into her throat "Hela, I'm sorry.You interrupted my shower."He growled, the apology grating on his nerves."And you dump a mess into my lap. I get grouchy."He sighed when the sword didnt wavier, tilting his head to look at draco."I'm sorry."

Michela frowned, lowering the sword, turning to look at draco, stepping back to cuddle him, nuzzling his neck."Take care of him harry.I-we're going inside."she said nudging draco towards the house.
Harry blinked looking startled at Michela, a twitch of his lips as he watched Gabriel apologize to a still stunned Draco who blushed hard and quickly ushered Michela inside, shaking his head. "Sorry..." Harry said once they where gone. "i'm protective by nature and Michela cares very deeply for Draco...and...Draco is still...upset, about the war and what happened to him, he hasn't come to terms with what happened, he just ignores it." he admitted glancing at Gabriel. "come on inside, i'll make you some tea and explain whats happening."
Gabriel nodded a little rubbing his neck,very glad his daughter wasn't the kind to drive the blade home without thinking. Moving to sit at the table he watched the brunette."Start at the beginning.After I left michela here."He said frowning as he watched michela and draco disappear upstairs. Afraid of how much she cared for the human.

Michela smiled a little, gently touching draco's face as they walked into his bedroom, closing the door behind them as she gently kissed him."I love you.I don't care what anyone else thinks. I don't care if you can't talk.You are mine."She whispered, gentle fingers running over the scars, anger over what hppened to him, and her inablility to make it better, hurt."I'm sorry. Gabriel is protective, and arrogant. I'm sorry he hurt you."she said gently stroking his hair.
Harry sighed a little and shook his head. "i don't know everything." he admitted simply as he sat down and explained everything that he could, starting with the letter he had gotten, to talking to Belil and getting the information and the sword. he left out the ring, he didn't know how much the angel would appreciate that, though he was certain the force of total good, could feel the dark magic seeping out of the room. "she loves him." Harry admitted suddenly looking up the stairs. "and Draco needs her more than either of them realizes...i've NEVER seen him smile, until now...not even in school."

Draco swallowed thickly and shook his head. 'i'm not upset about what he said, not really..ok i am but it's not just the fact that i can't talk... it's how it happened...' he admitted sighing as he sat down onto the bed, closing his eyes. 'i...i want to show you something.' he admitted, taking her hand. 'and then...i'll tell you what happened... i think, if anyone should know, it's you.'
Gabriel frwned as he thought it all over. Fitting the puzzle pieces together before looking at harry. Smiling a little looking towards the stairs again."Good.I was...worried about her being by herself. She's young, she doesn't understand how people work."A indulgent smile on his lips as he sighed."I'm glad she has someone."

Michela looked at him worriedly, shifting closer to him the great expanse of a wing falling against his back, a comforting weight as she leaned against him."I'll want to see whatever you want to show me."She said wrapping her arms around him, offering what small comfort she could.
Harry smiled as well, shaking his head a little. "you know, this is the house that Draco grew up in." harry admitted softly. "this is where the final battle took place....and, where..." he touched his own throat, trying to imagine Draco's pain. "life is hard." Harry admitted sighing softly. "but Draco understands people, and even more...he's good and kind, no matter the horrid evils that have been done to him...i'm jealous that he can be happy after all the pain he's been through." harry honestly wished he could be more like Draco.

Draco smiled as he got up and led her through the ruined halls of his house, stepping into a large bedroom, a bed in the middle, everything completely untouched by time or dust as he stepped through the room and slowly pulled the curtains away from the bed, revealing the dead Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, dead, but looking peaceful and sleeping, untouched by decomposition. 'these are my parent's.' Draco wrote to her. 'they gave their lives trying to save mine. this was the only thing i could do for them.' the shear amount of magic that it must have taken to do something like that, the complexity of the spell. 'harry helped.' that explained a bit. Draco had wrote the spell and Harry had cast it.
Gabriel nodded watching him, before frowning, tilting his head as he felt the magic pour over his skin. No fallen should be able to do what she was doing...but michela was blessing someone. smiling pleasantly he sighed,"We'll take care of them."He decided before frowning."Though you'll probably be better off getting belil to help. He'll cross every line, and break every rule to help her."He frowned."She is my daughter, but he loves her like one."

Michela's heart ached as she stepped forward, gently stroking her fingers over the still almost alive strands of narcissa's hair, taking a deep breath and letting it out, the blessing falling from her lips before she thought of it."Beloved mother, protect us.Most honored among woman, protect us. You stand among many, who gave their lives to protect their sons.Shall you forever be blessed."She said, her fingers glowing with the soft power, the glittering power enclosing around narcissa and lucius."beloved father, protect us."
Harry shuddered at the feeling of power washing over him and he curled into himself, looking almost like he was going to be sick, shuddering lightly. "we already have Belil's help, but he can't interfere." harry continued like he had not just had a violent reaction to Holy Magic. "Apparently Satan doesn't like it.' he admitted looking amused. "she doesn't know your her father...why is that?"

Draco swallowed thickly when Michela touched his mother, had it been anyone else he might have freaked out. he looked amazed as Michela began to bless his Parents, looking amazed. 'what are you doing?' he asked, looking worried, he couldn't help it. 'it won't hurt them right?' Draco had a deep affection for the Parents who had always been so loving to him, who had given their lives to try and save their son. he swallowed thickly, looking at his parents, looking as if he expected their bodies to vanish, taken to Heaven...but his parents hadn't known about Heaven, his parents hadn't known about God...would they still go to heaven, if they hadn't known? Draco didn't know, and it was one of the many things that haunted him.
Gabriel looked pained."Because I was fighting demons when she was born. And for the first few years she was the time I got back, she'd already adopted belil."he shrugged a little."She was happy. That was more important than telling her who's genetic makeup made her."

Michela shook her head, "No.I...I added to your spells.Now...they'll never break.And...'She bit her lip, looking unsure. Not sure if he'd appericate it."Because they protected have your own personal shields now.Like...wards that live in your skin..."She shuddered, feeling the magic settling into them, knowing she wasn't doing a good job of explaining, not realizing that there was one other person who's protection resembled that. Another's who's' mother had given her life for her son.Harry..."I...I just wanted to make sure that their sacerfice wouldn't be in vain. Tears filling her eyes, because she knew that kind of sacerfice came from somewhere deeper then love. It...belil's reasons for turning were similiar.He'd sacerficed everything to save the girl-child he'd claimed as his own. Not that he'd ever admit it, but alas...She knew that kind of love held on long after the soul was gone.
Harry blinked a little. "hmm, makes sense." he agreed nodding a little as he rubbed his thumb over the demon ring on his finger sighing a little. "what was that just now? that...weird magic that happened a few minutes ago. it felt strange..." harry admitted looking up at the ceiling. "should we check on them?" harry felt rather awkward sitting there with Gabriel.

Draco looked shocked at her and then over joyed, wrapping his arms tightly around her, holding her close, tears springing to his eyes as he held her close, grateful for the added protection of his parents. 'thank you'." he wrote kissing her cheek and gently nuzzling her neck. 'come on, there's more to show you.' he admitted. 'i want to tell you...tell you everything, because...i've never been able to before.' he admitted gently taking her hand and leading her into a large room that was covered in claw marks. 'this is where i lost my voice.' Draco admitted touching long claw marks on the floor. 'i was laying right here while a werewolf pinned me down...and...' he shuddered, unable to even write what that beast had done to him, it was amazing, simply amazing that Draco wasn't a werewolf. it was more amazing that Draco could stand to be touched after what that monster, in full beast form, had done to Draco while Voldemort made his parents watch.
Gabriel stood looking at him, "No.Michela's....reclaimed a part of who she"He frowned a little, trying to figure out how exactly she'd done it. Which meant going home to investigate."I'm going home. Finishing my shower, and seeing what to do about raphel."He said shuddering a little, "And that ring's making me decidely uncomfortable.I'll return in a few days though."

Michela followed, tears in her eyes as she looked over the room, shivering as she looked around. Her legs going a little weak under her as she leaned into him, memories not her own crashing over her. The angel of healing had a bad habit of witnessing the maiming of her patients, because it was the best way to make sure that she healed them best. Things flashing to fast through her head as she trembled. Crying out softly hating this was happening to her draco. Lashing out without thinking of it, that flair of holy power showing as bright as a flashlight in a dark room, gasping as she was once again herself. Turning, burying her head in draco's chest"I'm sorry.I'm sorry this happened to you."She swallowed hard, "I wish I could make it better."
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