Archangel's fall

She nodded,brushing a hand over his arm."I'll be right back."She said before walking upstairs, following harry into his room and gently touching his arm."What's wrong?"She said looking concerned.Though she couldn't heal him, couldn't help, the brief touch with heavenly power had reawakened the part of her that longed to do it. Almost pain with the inability to do so."Harry...please talk to me..."
Harry just pulled away from her, offering her a tearful glare. "for eleven years!" he bitched hatefully. "eleven years i suffered at the hands of a fucking psychotic family who treated me like a slave, and beat me any time i did accidental magic, or tried to say no, or even gave them funny looks! for seven fucking years after that i was beaten, mauled, attacked, hated, feared, and used to MURDER another human being! and you want to know whats wrong!? YOUR whats wrong! WHAT KIND OF GOD ABANDONS SOMEONE LIKE THAT!?" he demanded, tears rolling down his cheeks. "what kin of ...of fucking person even allows that!?" he turned away from her. "i beleive in no god and i don't beleive in you either!" he spat pointing at her. "you don't exist, this is all just some fucked up fantasy, or your some kind of Magical creature that's trying to fuck up the little bit of happiness i've finally reclaimed!"
Michela stared at him, her wings flairing white, the sunlight glinting off the diamond colored feathers, power pounding inside her head. While she was neutral, and at the command of god, people tended to forget that the seraphim, the cherubs, the heavenly host were warriors. Warriors trained by a archangel who'd been at the moment of creation, had long faced the legions of hell. "Humans have long forgotten that we do not interfer with free will. GOD will NOT violate that. Your uncle chose to harm you, and you chose not to run away. We are warriors unparalleled, but we CANNOT interfer with things.There are only so many angels that can, and the archangels that do are usually cast into hell because they destroy a part of themselves to see that kind of suffering."She snarled, the inhuman part

The oldest chld of heaven was looking out those eyes, and she was pissed. Because she'd run into this problem before, and yet she could not help because to do so would destroy the humans sense of free will, and there were only so many problems that they could fix without undoing the fabric of the world. But they did what they could.
Harry flinched when she flared, shielding his face turning away from her. "i didn't choose shit!" Harry spat hatefully before sighing, hanging his head. "everyone made their choices and i was fucked over for it." he whispered softly turning to look at her, crying, honestly crying for the first time since only god knew. "i fucking hate all of this." he hissed , but it wasn't anger that was shining in his eyes, it was fear. fear of being faced with a reality that he had shoved away to the point that he had killed even his very hope. fear, because he didn't understand what was happening, and for the first time, he did not know what was going to happen. for the first time, Harry honestly feared that he was going to die, alone and miserable.
Michela shuddered, the anger melting away as she stepped closer, gently wrapping her arms around him, her wings closing around them both, the soft shining light enclosing them.Hating herself for scaring him. It hadn't been her intent, but she was so frustrated at being stuck in a mortal's body, a mortal who couldn't heal the pain, the fear she saw in this man, or the man she loved. Frustrated and afraid, because she didn't want to get either of them hurt for caring for her.

"We try...we try to help, we try to change things...but time is different for us.Centuries pass in moments in heaven.We try...but humanity is to much for us.We try...and mostly fail. Because while evil and good do battle, and love can win the day, evil cheats.And backstabs...and we cant change it."She whispered, tears in her voice, because she understood him. Understood it because she'd spent many millinea trying to help humans, and always coming up short. Always losing, because somewhere, there was someone being hurt.
Harry leaned into her, seeking the comfort that she offered tears still strolling down his face as he let the light bath him, making him feel as if he was wrapped in his mothers tender embrace. "humanity...should just die." Harry whispered softly. "we're too bad, every single one of's so easy to do evil, and so hard to do good...and even the few of us try to do good, it ends up being Evil anyway....we're a sick species and we should all just be put down." even was because humanity had darkness so rooted into them, that everyone was suffering. "i'm just so tired of life." he admitted. "i'm so tired of being forced to suffer again and again no matter what i do or the choices i make...even ignoring everything and everyone didn't make the suffering stop.
"I know."She whispered, holding him tightly." I know you are tired."She said, feeling his feelings like a ache in her bones, a shivery feel that demanded that she fix this."I don't want to get you killed for helping me..."She said holding him tighter trembling a little. Truly afraid that she was going to get him and draco killed for doing this."We will do what we must...and help those we an."She said softly, trembling a little. "But I dont want to lose either of you for my carelessness."She said feeling the ache already in her bones at the idea of being the one at fault for killing them.
he sniffled a little and leaned into her, accepting her comfort. "it was our decision to help you. we know the consequences, and we're prepared to take them." Harry admitted slowly pulled away. "sorry about that.... i just..." he'd been holding all of that in since he was six, it was remarkable that it hadn't lasted longer, but then again, Harry had never really been able to let himself be weak, and an outburst like that was definitely a weakness in his book. "your anything but careless, if we get killed it's our own damn faults now isn't it?" he smiled a little and shook his head. "come on, Draco's probably freaking out." determined to forget his own outburst, his own fear, his own pain, and focus on someone else, just like always.
Michela looked at him, rubbing her eyes sniffling as she nodded."Probably.L'lets go make sure he's not tearing his hair out. Its such pretty hair."She said almost dreamily. Only a angel could look beautiful with tears drying on her face. Walking downstairs with him again she smiled, rubbing her eyes, feeling worn out and tired after the emotional moment.
Harry chuckled a little. "ah if only he was gay." Harry muttered remorsefully shaking his head. "what do you think my chances with Belil are?" he asked with a playful smirk biting his lip a little. "hey...uh, don't tell Draco about that would you?" he asked hesitantly. " one...really knows." he admitted. "not even my freinds...well, who used to be my freinds." they had all died, part of why Harry had turned into a Hermit. he grinned though when he caught sight of Draco who was flicking a pencil around the table, trying to keep himself calm.
Michela smiled peacefully, nodding a little in agreement to keep it secret. Tilting her head as she watched her love flick his pencil around before looking at harry, laughing softly."I don't think you have a chance in hell--pun intended- until he's taken care of whatever monkey wrench he's tossing in raphel's plans.After that?He can't resist bravery. There is a reason he's the former leader of the seraphim, he appericiates reckless bravery."She walked over, brushing a hand over draco's hair."worried love?"
harry smirked a little. "well, if i live that long, then i can't wait to bed a demon." he admitted pausing. "or an angel...maybe a mixed breed?" he shrugged. "whichever it is he's one hell of a looker." he admitted grinning a little Draco lifting his eyebrow at Harry. 'your insane you know that potter?' "of course i knew it" harry stated simply as Draco smiled at Michela. 'i was only a little worried, i heard yelling, i thought maybe you where beating harry up or something.' he was teasing them both Harry laughing a little at it. "she probably could beat me up if she decided to." he admitted shaking his head a little as he looked outside and sighed a little. "i'll be right back." he stated simply. "me and God...have something to talk about." he admitted shaking his head a little Draco looking shocked his eyes wide. 'you got him to accept that god is real!? damn Michela your good!'
Michela blushed a little, looking at draco as she kissed his forehead. Watching harry walk outside before she answered."No.I yelled at him...I... I don't want to get either of you killed."She said softly shuddering."I scared him. I didn't mean to...but after years of being not able to save have him accuse me-us-of not caring...I lost it."She shuddered."I'm afraid."She said tears filling her eyes. Truly afraid that either the demons would get them, or she'd lose control sometime and hurt them.
Draco blinked a little looking confused before shaking his head, he was pretty sure that he didn't want to know. he blinked when she admitted that she was scared and he pulled her into his arms, kissing her cheek. 'don't be afraid, fear is what undoes people, fear is what makes us weak. have Faith in the Almighty, have Faith in yourself, and have Faith in Harry and I. we haven't died yet, and we're not going to without a hell of a fight. ok?'
Michela nodded cuddling into him, laughing softly. Giggling really."Hell of a will be least hell demons."She said the stress and fear giving away to giggles. She had faith, she could believe.And well...she might be losing it, but she could handle it if he was with her.
Draco smiled and leaned forward, giving her a small chaste kiss. 'i would go through the pits of hell for you.' he wrote smiling at her. 'you healed me, you helped me, now i will do everything that i can to save you....i love you.' he smiled at her as Harry walked in, looking rather....unusual, almost stoned, or stunned as he settled into a chair. "i'm never Praying outside again." he complained softly. "i think i got struck by lightning..."
Michela bit her lip to keep from laughing, even as she got up to make sure that he was fine."That's what you get for questioning god. Did you not read the bible?There's wrath and brimstone in there."She teased gently hands running over him, a healer's touch as she made sure he was fine.
he nodded a little. "yeah but this wasn't an angry feeling." he admitted blinking sluggishly. "it was like i was run over by an elephant of love and then rolled over by a steam roller of affection." he admitted rubbing his head a little. "i've never felt loved before." he admitted still looking a little baffled, Draco offering him an odd look. 'i think whatever hit him struck him dumb, we better take him to bed.' he decided gently picking Harry up under one armpit, helping the dazed Golden Boy up the stairs to a guestroom.
Michela smiled helping draco tuck him into bed, kissing his forehead, as light as a gossemer's kiss."He'll feel better in a while. Its hard to suddenly realize someone loves you unconditionally."She smiled straightening, gently brushing her fingers over draco's face, kissing him softly.
Draco snorted a little and scowled a bit. 'i don';t know why it would be a shock, he's always had people fawning all over him, hell he even had an entire red headed clan for an adoptive family that loved him to death, literally i think. even out headmaster loved him, everyone loved him.' he wrote scowling at harry, still a little jealous of the Golden Boy before shrugging a little as he pulled the blankets over the now asleep boy. 'ah well, i suppose he needed all the affection he could get, considering what happened to him during the war.' he decided before smiling at Michela kissing her cheek in thanks. 'come on, lets head back downstairs and let him sleep.'
She nodded bending down, kissing harry's head, a gentle prayer escaping. Smiling a little as she watched the soft glow settle on the brunette's features befre following draco downstairs, biting her lip."It's a different kind of love."She bit her lip."I was loved by all,because I was the first girl-child born to heaven, the first angelkind child to run through the mansions."Her gaze grew distant, "But it was belial who I went to when I skinned my knees, when some childish hurt made me hurt. Losing him was...the hardest loss, and the first of many. Realizing he still a shock."She smiled slightly, wondering if she was right. Wondering if some of the archangel she had loved was left within the demon prince.
Draco paused for a moment. 'wait you mean like...they only loved him because of what he was? The Boy Who Lived?' he asked looking a little puzzled before he shook his head. 'whatever, i'm sure he won't say anything about it anyway, he's always holding his pain in. he's done that ever since i can remember, that's why it was so shocking that he was yelling, for me anyway.' he paused for a moment then. 'was he really trying to hit on Belil? we need to get him a not so dangerous person to ask for sex...' he paused. '...ok i don't know anyone, maybe we could buy him a hooker?'
Michela nodded a little."They loved the idea of who he was, not who he was really. God...loves him for being himself."She sighed a little, before laughing, "Oh yea. He was hitting on belil. He actually does want to sleep with him...though if he's being this kind, I don't know what to think about belil's sex life."She wrinkled hre nose, looking at him."What's a hooker?"She asked curious.
Draco smiled a little and shook his head. 'the boy has a death wish, i swear! how handsome can a Demon be anyway?' Draco wondered sighing a little as he ran a hand through his hair., ' a hooker is someone you pay to have sex with you, there's no emotional connection, just sex, and it's usually bad. only desperate people, or very lonely people hire hookers.' that was Draco's opinion anyway. 'hiring a hooker wouldn't work for Harry, i'll have to think of something else.'
Michela looked amused at the idea of a hooker, eying draco slowly. Smirking a little."Is that opinion based on personal experience?"She teased, poking him before holding out a hand, wincing a little as the power gave her a headache, summoning a vision of belil. The gleaming black hair, the eyes so dark that you couldn't tell where the pupil and iris was, skin like the palest snow, wings a shocking brilliant twilight blue. Beautiful and deadly, belil was amazing."He's a cold beauty and deadly. There are reasons he's the first prince. And I wouldn't put it past him to not have sights on...."Realization dawned on her. She knew why he was playing with raphel. Because there HAD to be 7 demon princes, and their lord...but if belil wanted..."He wants to be lord."She said softly, horror and amazement in that look.
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