Archangel's fall

he pouted a little. "so i don't get sex?" he complained watching the other. "damn." he grumbled shaking his head a little. "god i need sex." he muttered heading back for the door. honestly there was one problem with living completely separated from everyone else and that was the lack off physical affection, it was the only thing that Harry missed. missed enough to even hit n a Demon, the guy was really losing it.

Draco smirked a little and wrapped his arms around her hips smiling a little, simply glad to hold her. he hated to admit it, but he felt as if he might be falling in love with her.
Belial paused, turning to look at him again." are serious about it?Sex for the girl?"He asked curious. Beause it had been a long time since there'd been a mortal foolish enough to engage in sex as a baragain."I could always just kill you and wait for them to come back."
Harry smirked. "no, Sex for the sex." he stated simply shrugging a little. "i don't know where the girl is." he admitted. "and in any case, they won't be back, Malfoy took her somewhere else, somewhere more protected. i don't give a shit about the angel, i just want the blond." he admitted smirking a little. "besides, you couldn't kill me even if you tried don't you know who the hell i am!? i've already died three times and i'm still here!" he laughed a little. "Death for me would be sweet relief!" he admitted flipping his hand a little. "i bet your dying for some sex too aint cha? bet you haven't had tasty mortal ass in a few centuries eh?"
Belial walked closer, "You're oddly interesting, mortal."he said shaking his head, amused. "Find the girl, and we'll talk."He said, unwilling to bend a bit. Because well, he had to make it look good for raphel, otherwise things were going to get so much nastier, so quickly.Raphel should have been one o the demons, really. the former now returned archangel was some piece of work.
Harry laughed a little. "of COURSE i'm interesting, i'm completely insane!!!" he admitted with a small chuckle. "and anyway why are you letting some stupid archangel order you around anyway?" he demanded his head tilted. "specially when, with the ways he's acting he's going to end up in hell anyway?" he asked blinking at the other. "i find this whole thing incredibly too risky." he admitted shaking his head. "even a mortal wouldn't start taking orders from someone like Raphel. he's all bark, and he looks promising, but come on, he's up against someone who is ALL SEEING....if you listen to the rumors anyway, how long can he last?"
Belial smirked,"No long. He's going to be mine.Soon.But victory is so much sweeter when he actually thinks he can win."He smirked before looking at the man."Whereever she is...tell michela I'm not the only one raphel's sending after her. And by far, not the scariest."He said before leaving in a puff of smoke and sulfar. And he was right, at least belial was thinking for himself, the mindless demons that raphel had convinced to go after her was going to be hell to deal with.
Harry snickered a little and flicked his pointer out at the Demon. "well, if you change your mind about the sex, look me up." he chirped simply watching the Demon vanish, a smirk on his lips. "and thank you for the information too." he chuckled a little and turned and went back inside, Flooing first to the Leaky Cauldron for a drink, and then flooing to a random place in France, just in case he was being tailed, before finally flooing back to Malfoy manor, stepping through the flames and brushing himself free of soot. you could smell the Bar on him, but he didn't seam to care....of course, he might have been too drunk.
Michela wrinkled her nose as she looked up fom the cup of hot coco she was sipping getting up to catch him."Come on love.Time to go to bed."He said stumbling a little, helping him towards the door."Draco!Help!"She called, harry was to big for the slight woman to help walk totally unaided.
Harry scowled when she caught him, looking a little disgruntled. "hey lady! i can walk! i just wanted to sleep there that's all!" he complained Draco rolling his eyes as he walked in, wrinkling his nose when he smelled the smoke and Alcohol on harry. "besides! i learned a lot today! like, the demon that's after Michela is working with Raphel, but really, the demon is going to use Raphel instead, and then drag the man to hell, it's very complicated...oh and there are others coming, only their a LOT more brainless! and i'm NOT drunk so STOP looking at me like that!" harry bitched at Draco who looked more amused then anything else as he helped tip harry into bed shaking his head a little as the brunette groaned a little. "only the Demon didn't wanna have sex with me so that's a bummer." Harry mumbled, already falling asleep as Draco choked and scowled at harry, shaking his head again. 'good god, i haven't seen him drunk before, he's a little bit annoying like that.'
Michela nodded slightly as she thought over the words. The least shocking of them all was that harry'd tried to barter sex with a demon. now that was sorta scary. Biting her lip as she laid him down in the bed before heading back to draco's room looking thoughtul. Glancing up when draco came back in."Don't....let me think things over.Just...come here and hold me."She said with a smile, needing the comfort as she thought over things.
Draco smiled a little at her and headed over and wrapped his arms around her, holding her from behind gently smiling a little. he didn't try to write anything, but he wanted to tell her not to worry. that harry, as drunk as he was, as stupid and risky as he was, that the boy would take care of everything, that Draco would always take care of her. instead, he just laid a gentle loving kiss to the back of her neck. he hoped that was enough to reassure her that he was there for her.
Michela smiled cuddling back into him, falling asleep like that, glad for the man being there. That they would be fine.Yawning she drifted to sleep.

In the morning michela smiled twisting to face him,one wing causally drapped over his skin as she kissed him gently, wanting hm to wake up but willing to wait for him to wake up on his own. Kissing him softly she cuddled against him.For once, not worrying about what could come.
Draco shifted when she kissed him, a small scowl on his face as his eyes fluttered open, if he could talk he would have been groaning and grumbling as he sat up and rubbed his eyes and scrubbed his face trying to wake up a little, yawning as he scratched the back of his head turning to smile sleepily at Michela, freezing when he smelled something...something that smelled...good, like made food. confusion crossed his face as he slid out of bed and headed for the door, sniffing at the air glancing at Michela. 'did you make breakfast?' nope, somehow, Draco had forgotten that harry was there, or simply assumed that Harry was still incapacitated from the alcohol.
"No.I just woke up myself."She said frowning a little as she followed him out the door. Looking confused.Like draco, she didn't think the other man would be up and moving yet."Harry must be up."She said frowning a little walking into the kitchen, her stmach growling."It smells good in here."She said sniffing, trying to figure out what it was.
Harry was standing in front of the stove flipping pancakes, a large stack of them already made. "hey." he stated glancing at Draco and Michela, Draco gaping at Harry, clearly not realizing that Harry could cook. "oh don't give me that look, Cooking and potions are completely different." Harry complained glaring at Draco who smirked a little and shook hsi head. "besides, we ALL know that Snape was sabotaging me." Harry complained Draco silently snickering. 'hows your hangover?' "don't have one." Harry stated simply. "i'm too used to getting drunk." he admitted with a small snicker of his own. "i forget though, did i tell you what i found out?" Draco just nodded and swiped a pancake.
Michela smirked a little as she sat down at the table, stealing the panckae as soon as draco sat it down on the table. Starting to eat it."I can't believe you propositioned belial.Of all the sucidial things..."She smiled a little shaking her head."Raphel's the one setting things up.So he'll think like a angel...not a wizard, or a demon.So I think...belial's going to try something...I dont know..."She sighed frowning as she ate.
rry smirked a little. "how is that suicidal? the mans a teddy bear, honest." he admitted with a small chuckle. "and Belil's definitely up to something, i do beleive that he's going to drag Raphel down to hell at the very least, the man certainly deserves it... the question here is really, what does Raphel want. the archangel seams to have everything he wants at this point, so why continue going after Michela?" 'revenge?' Draco wrote Harry shrugging. "i don't know, revenge is a good motivator but i am pretty certain that he got his revenge when he forced michela onto earth and made her a mortal...." harry flipped a new pancake onto the stack and set it at the already set table, sitting down himself. "something just isn't adding up..."
Michela stared at the table thinking about it. Biting her lip. Because she wondered if she was like the demons, that there was a chance of being healed...of being returned. Wondering if another archangel, like gabriel who had similar talents, though not as much healing, or michael... or any of the older archangel's knew...they'd never stand for it. They'd make raphel step down....but she couldn't tell the man she loved there was a chance she was leaving."...because I'm the only one who'd be believe by a archangel if I told them what he did.I could get him killed even before belial has a chance to drag him out. Though I'm sure raphel's arrogant enough to think he outsmarted a demon prince."
Harry nibbled on his pancakes, looking thoughtful. "i wonder..." muttered softly biting his lip a little. "if we could contact your freinds..." he shook his head. "no that wouldn't work...maybe...." 'could we pray?' "pray? whats that?" Harry asked looking baffled. 'yes Pray, pray for help against Belil and Raphel, maybe, if we're lucky God will get involved?' "you lost me." Harry admitted scratching the back of his head Draco snorting a little. 'that's because you are a faithless heathen.'
Michela laughed softly,"He is a faithless heathen isn't he?Though he seems to be handling demons, angels and other things well."She teased before getting up,"I'm going to go pray...see if maybe one of the other's will answer...or if..maybe just to have faith that things will work."She said kissing draco before walking outside, settling on the ground, wings laying across the grass as she prayed softly and eagerly. As the eldest born angel, in heaven everyone loved her. Which...might be why raphel was trying to make sure no one could talk to her...but she had to have faith that someone would be able to stop this. And if it was her, draco, and harry, well she had faith it'd be by god's grace.
Harry snorted a little and sulked a little. "i can be a faithless heathen if i so please!" he grumbled scowling a little as Draco snickered a little and folded his hands and closed his eyes, also beginning to pray while harry rolled his eyes and headed up to take a shower. he find the whole things very annoying, after all if there really was such a thing as a god, then Harry wouldn't have suffered the way he had. harry had once had faith too, but it had died as soon as he realized that not only did no one care, but that no one was going to help him. Faith was for losers who couldn't help themselves.
An hour later Michela smiled as she stepped into the house. Though nothing had changed about her, the soft glow show n her face, that soft almost invisble presence. Faith wasn't a problem for a former archangel, she believed. That was all to it. She was a messanger of the elder god, and it showed that she had refound herself. Because she hadn't prayed since she'd been cast out...and the touch of the almighty showed. "I...I don't know if anyone...heard...but I tried.we might be on our own'She said as she looked at draco..She didn't know that the touch of faith showed on her face. In her wings as the softly glowing wings settled around her frame. The always beautiful woman was out of the realm of mortal beauty standards now, as she was touched by the one who loved her.
Draco stared at her, wide eyed and then a grin spread across her lips. "we're never alone." he stated. "you amazing." he whispered running his fingers down her cheek, as if hoping some of that otherworldly glow might stick to him as well. "Gods touched you love, you should see yourself, your glowing." he admitted looking amazed, turning to face Harry, who had walked down the stairs in a borrowed pair of Draco's pants, freezing when he spotted Michela, a spark of faith showing in his eyes for a moment, as if for just a second, he remembered the love he had once held for God. then it was gone and he scowled a little. "whats with the glowing?" he sounded grouchy.
Michela smiled peacefully, she was feeling to good to react badly to harry's grouchiness. "I prayed."She smiled happily, glad that the prayers seemed to have worked. Thoguh time would tell where it went. Looking at draco she smiled slowly, watching a soft glow cling to draco's fingers. Though not as bright or white as the former angels, it still went to him. As if his doubts, fears, had clung to the glow that surrounded him.
Harry scowled even more. "figures." he bitched softly turning and storming his way back up the stairs Draco looking after him, looking worried as he rubbed his glowing fingers a small smile on his lips before he shook his head. 'somethings wrong with Harry...i've never seen him do THAT before.' he bit his lip a little and glanced at her. 'maybe you should go talk to him?' Draco was too scared to.
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