Archangel's fall

Draco reached up and gently wiped the tears away with his thumb smiling a little as he shivered, moaning softly at the sound of his name, gasping lightly. "..." he opened his mouth, panting softly, he wasn't sure what exactly she wanted, but he did know that he wanted it. 'anything you want.' he wrote, his hand shaking from the effect of her words on him.
Michela leaned into the touch, blushing lightly at his reaction. Watching him,biting her lip.Looking as innocent and naive as the angel she was. Gently resting her hands over his,feeling his shaking, worry flickering over her face as she looked up at him. Worried for him, not understanding he was just reacting to her saying his name. not even realizing she'd done it.Just that she'd wanted to say his name. Biting her lip as she leaned forward, gently pressing her lips to his. Not sure what this kissing thing was about, but she'd seen people in the park doing it. So surely it was a normal thing.
he smiled a little at her, not really thinking anymore as he kissed her back, moving his lips against hers, his tongue flicking against her lips, stroking the flesh, wanting into her mouth, to taste her, to know her, running his hand along her thigh, forgetting that she had no idea what was happening. he wanted her more than he had ever wanted anyone, wanted her more than he thought he ever was even capable of.
Michela whimpered softly opening her mouth to let him in, clumsily meeting the kiss, hands resting on his chest, trembling a little as he ran his hands over her body. Confused as what he was doing, but trusting him not to hurt her. Wings fluttering a little as the angel tried to figure out what she was feeling, her body felt heated, she...she didnt understand.But she trusted him.
he broke free of the kiss, common sense catching up with him as he gasped loudly and shook his head a little, trying to clear it before grabbing a pad of paper again. 'sorry, i shouldn't have done that...that was a kiss, do you know what that is? it usually leads to sex.' he admitted scrubbing his face with his hands as he struggled to contain himself. 'i'm sorry, you just say my name and it's like my whole body lights up and i can't seam to control myself.' he wanted her so bad, so very bad but he was NOT going to take advantage of a helpless and innocent person who didn't know what they where instigating.
She bit her lip reading over his words before looking up at him, looking sorry. She hadn't realized that she'd said his name with power. "It felt... nice..."She said softly resting her hands on his arms, absently running her hands over the muscular arms."I...what do you want to do?"She said softly, looking naive and innocent as she looked at him. smiling softly.
he smiled a little and kissed her cheek laying his head on her shoulder, content to just lay there with her, sighing softly as he pulled over the pad of paper. 'i don't really know what i want to do....well no, i do know what i want to do but i can't do any of them, my moral code gets in the way. maybe when you understand.' he offered her a small smile. 'here, i know a way for you to learn things,' he got up and offered her his hand so he could help her stand up as well, leading her over to a lap top. 'this is a computer, it's a device that we use to stay connected with each other, it connects to the internet, and that gives you access to almost unlimited information.' he smiled at her and logged in, motioning for her to sit on the chair. 'what would you like to learn about first?' he was going to use the system that explained habits of muggles to wizards, and explained wizards to muggles, it was a wonderful learning program for people like Draco who moved from one world to another.hopefully it would help Michela learn human behaviors as well.
She looked up at him, biting her lip as she got comfortable in her seat."...kissing?"She asked, curious. And since she assumed that's what he wanted her to learn, that's what she wanted to learn first. Everything else could be second. Because for the moment, she wanted to forget that anything bad could happen, and that kiss had definately not been bad.Flushing a little at the memory, she frowned at the response as she moved her hand over his, making the mouse move a little. Curious on how this would help her learn anything."How does it work?There are no birds to relay messages."She said pointing to the computer
he smiled a little and typed k-i-s-s-i-n-g into the search box and clicked GO on the search box, immediately a voice pipped up. "Kissing is a form of endearment for both Wizards and Muggles. it is a sign of love, or lust. Kissing often leads to Making out, a form of kissing that often involves Groping, and tongue. Kissing is also often coupled with hand holding." Draco smiled and typed in I-N-T-E-R-N-E-T and hit GO and the voice popped up again, explaining about the satellites and everything else.'you can also say the words, or the things that you want to learn about, and this little microphone here will pick up what you say, and type it in for you, in case you don't know how to spell it.' he explained smiling at her. 'try it.'
She smiled a little, looking amazed as the computer told her about things. Before looking up at him, grinning happily. Amazed that something could be this easy. Smirking a little. Curious as to what the internet would say about her own kind."Archangels."She said shifting, wrapping her arms around him, resting her ehad on his shoulder as she listened. Content for now, to learn about things.In true amazement of the machine.
the machine piped off an explanation that archangels where referenced in the bible, and where considered guardians and where very high up in the type of angels, second on the list apparently. Draco listened in fascination as it explained Angels through history, but gave no reason to beleive that they where real. he glanced over at her from time to time, checking to see how she felt about being classified as a 'magical creature'. of course, Draco was considered a 'mythical' being as well, so maybe that was alright.
When it was done michela laughed softly, leaning up to kiss draco lightly."Hmm for the most part, they got it right."She said, settlign against him again as she thought it over."The only one we answer to his god, and well...michael. He's the leader of the seraphim, the warriors. And the archangel of fire."She said thoughtfully, though she sounded sad. Despite enjoying earth, she missed her hurt, it hurt so much to be here.
he smiled a little and nodded and looking at her, her head tilted looking upset as she got sad again. 'you miss Heaven don't you?' he asked looking sad. 'i miss my home too, the pain won't go away, but it does dim down a little. you can never replace the people you love, but i'm certain that both of us will be able to go home someday.'
She raised her head to look at him, gently resting her hand on his cheek, pulling him into a kiss before blushing leaning away."I don't want to go back...because it'd mean leaving you."She said softly, blushing as she hugged him. And hoped he was right. That with time, it would stop hurting so much
he smiled a little and tangled his fingers into hers bending down. 'i won't be here forever Michela, i'm still human no matter how i look like an angel. at least that's what everyone tells me. i want us both to be happy while we can, in about fifty more years, then maybe we can be reunited in heaven?' he paused, biting his lip. 'what is heaven like?'
"Heave nis..."She bit her lip looking at him, rubbing her fingers through his hair, trying to think."heaven is like earth....but less violent. Less...dirty."She said frowning a little thinking about it. Trying to think of how to explain the pristine world that she missed.Frankly she liked the more 'real' human world.
he smiled a little and nodded. 'it sounds nice, a little....fake though, i think i would rather live on earth, at least things are interesting that way.' he smiled and kissed her forehead standing up as the doorbell rang. 'you learn, i'm going to go and get lunch.' he stated heading over to the door grabbing his wallet along the way and accepting the Chinese food, watching the world carefully, in case the Demon decided to try and come in and attack.
Michela smiled a little,tensing a moment, springing for him as she felt the dark magic slap against his shields, it was like a adult slapping down a child.Though he didn't break the wards, he shook them."Draco?"She said catching him, not having time to brace them as they fell back, hitting the floor with a crash, whimpering a little as she heard the one thing she never wanted to hear from a demon's lips.Her name.

"Michela Angelica, come out come out wherever you are."The demon taunted smiling as he watched them from outside the wards. Frustrated he couldn't get in, but he'd settle for scaring the crap out of them.Smirking a little as the ex-angel went limp.Not enough to kill her, but enough to knock her unconscious. He didnt want to kill her....not yet anyways. he wanted her to hurt first.
Draco yelped as he collapsed, the shields trembling as he dropped to the ground, clutching his nose, the force if the hit had broken it, blood spilling out from his fingers, the delivery man walking through the wards on the way to his car, oblivious to everything as he got into his car and drove off, Draco grabbing the Angel and cradling her glaring out at the wards, trying to find the beast that was sitting on his wards, sending a firm thought, sending lightning racing through it to Zap and shock the creature pressed against them, baring his teeth in a silent snarl, Draco was never going to give up Michela! and he was never going to stop protecting her! if only he could figure out what the hell it wanted with her!
The demon prince winced a little as the lighting broke his concentration. "Well, the pup has some bite to him.For now....I will leave you in peace. There's always later to collect those beautiful wings."He said before leaving.

Michela stirred, her head resting against drao's shoulder, whimpering softly as she shivered. Her wings if....twisting her head to look her eyes filled with tears at the sight of blood covering the golden white feathers.Lifting it a little she whimpered, collapsing again. The demon had manged to unmake some of her power, unmake the power that held her wings together, and to break them. Break them in such a way she'd be useless in protecting draco until they healed.Because she didn't see it so much as him protecting her, she was protecting him.
Draco held her closley, grinning viciously when the demon pulled away, panting hard as he gently ran his hands over her tattered wings, looking incredibly worried biting his lip hard. he helped her to her feet and carrying her into the living room so that she could sit on the couch. then he rushed to grab a healing potion and rushing back down handing to her and motioning for her to drink it as he gently plucked loose feathers out of the wounds, swallowing thickly. he was going to need help, but who the hell could he call!?
Michela whimpered as he touched her, sipping the potion before looking at him, then her wings."I used to be able to heal this...."She said horror crossing her face."They made me mortal."She said, for the first time really understanding what that would mean.Looking at him, she frowned, touching his face."What are you thinking about"She said, he looked so worried. It hurt and felt good all at once. Like shewas afraid she'd leave him...and that hurt. But she wanted to be wth him
he gently touched her cheek as she commented that she was mortal, gently kissing her forehead trying to comfort her. 'that Demon said that he wanted your wings...i'm scared he's going to break through my wards, i'm thinking of who i might be able to contact to come help me...but i don't know anyone...' he admitted biting his lip a little looking for the first time, upset about having abandoned his lifestyle. but even before he'd 'turned traitor and joined the light, he hadn't had any freinds.
She looked at him concerned, gently leaning into him.taking comfort in the touch, before raising her head."What..."She swallowed."You said you helped someone during the war..."She said softly remembering him telling about hrry. Wondering if they could find the help they needed.Because she didn't know any way to protect him without leaving him, and she refused to do that.
Draco winced a little and shook his head. 'Harry hasn't been seen anyone since the war ended. i wouldn't know how to find him even if i did have the guts to ask him to forgive me. we hated each other in school, i made his life hell...i was another person...i will write him a letter, but i doubt he will come.' he admitted swallowing thickly. 'in the meantime...we should try to find another way to strengthen the wards, or, think about moving to another location, i have several homes all around the world...but there's no guarantee that this demon won't follow...he said something, about collecting your wings...'
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