Archangel's fall

Draco was smiling a little, panting softly looking very amused as all the dog owners took their dogs home for the night, Draco felt so very happy, he couldn't remember the last time he'd had fun. he leaned down and picked up his pad of paper. 'want to stop at a restaurant for dinner, or go home and get Take Out again?' Draco was hungry, and sweaty. 'remind me to show you how to work the shower when we get home, your probably just as sweaty as i am.'
She bit her lip looking confused for a minute, before nodding."Let's go out to eat."She said getting up, reaching for his hand. Walking a little ways with him, before looking over at the blond."Draco...what is a shoer?"She asked tilting her head, sweating lightly.
Draco smiled a little and nodded tangling his fingers with hers, deciding to explain that Gesture a little later as he headed towards the nearest restaurant. 'a shower is basically a large area where water falls through some pipes, ' Draco had already explained plumbing to her, when she'd asked about the running sink water. 'and falls down so that we can wash ourselves, make ourselves clean' he explained smiling as he pointed to a burger place, dragging her in and ordering them both a bacon cheeseburger with first, and a strawberry shake for him and a chocolate for her, so they could take sips of each others drinks. he had a bad feeling she wasn't ready for carbonated soda yet.
Michela frowned looking at the burger, slowly poking at it, and eating slowly.Not sure what to think about the different tastes. Looking at her shake, studying it before stealing his and looking at it to.Taking a sip of both she wrinkled her nose giving it back to him."I dont like that one as much as this one."She said starting to drink her own shake greedily.
he smiled as he watched her, his head tilted as he watched her eat the burgers and fries looking amused as she stole his shake, taking it back and acting like he was protecting it as he sank his teeth into the hamburger, a grin on his lips as he chewed watching her in case he needed to order something else for her.
Michela smiled eating laughing as he 'protected' his shake before leaning back with a contented sigh.Full and happy."Hmmm that was good."She smiled looking around sleepily. Food made the former angel sleepy, because her body was still not used to having to process it. Shivering a little as something slipped through her awareness, frowning a little as she looekd around, trying to see what had bothered her. Before it went away, and she let it go."Thanks."She smiled at the mute man, leaning over to kiss his cheek
he smiled and nodded pausing when she shivered and looked around. 'is everything alright?' he wrote on the napkin blinking as she seamed to forget whatever it was that had bothered her, biting his lip a little shaking his head paying the bill and standing up, taking her hand. he had a bad feeling, about all of this, he wanted to get back to his home, where it was safe.
"Fine...I just thought...I don't know.I got a chill from something."She said following him out, resting her hand on his arm, walking quickly towards his house, wanting out of the open. Pausing as they walked looking around,even invisble her wings flaired around them, looking around for what had tripped her senses."Something' attacked me before..."She said, her voice trembling with fear. She was a skilled heaven, and as a immortal. Her newly aquired mortal body was to new to her to fight well.And she wanted him out of the line of danger.
he bared his teeth as he felt her wings spread against his back and he pulled out his wand, pushing her forward faster, he just had to get them home and then the wards would trigger and they would be safe. as it was he cast several protection and defensive charms around them as he urged her unto a run, a sudden dangerous look in his eyes, a killers look. the look he had worn in the war, the look he had worn up until the end. it was the look of a person willing to do anything to protect himself, even slaughter helpless innocents, which Draco had done just so that Voldemort wouldn't kill him. Draco was anything but innocent, and whoever was trying to hurt Michela was about to find out just how skilled Draco was.
Michela ran, looking frightened, whispering the words that came to her. "Our father who art in heaven,hallowed be thy name.."She muttered running, feeling darkness wrapping around her just as she hit the wards, stumbling in as she twisted to make sure draco got through.Not sure if they'd be attacked or not.

"Another day then mr. malfoy."The man said, his voice floating on the air as he smiled slightly as he watched the two run staying in the shaodows before melting away.

"I-is he gone?"michela said, shivering, her wings pressed close to her back, trying to make her less of a target.
Draco bared his teeth at the strange shadow his wand still out as he watched the...whatever it was vanish shaking his head a little as he pulled her into the house, still jumpy and uncertain as he brought up another ward inside the first so that he was certain they where safe. afterwords he locked every door and window in the house, and only then did he relax panting softly as he looked over at her, a fierce determination, and protective possessiveness shining in those eyes, as if promising her that she was going to be alright.
Michela trembled as she looked at him,wrapping her arms around herself as she stepped closer, the archangel cuddling against him,as if she was a frightened child. She was one of the most powerful angels in heaven...or had been,and yet she was frightened. "It...I knew that...presence.I can't...I can't find it again, but I know it!"She whispered, fear and worry in her voice. Because she'd recognized it, recognized it on a basic level that responded to primal instincts, and toldd her to fear it but she didn't know what it was. And it frightened her badly.
he wrapped his arms tightly around her, kissing her forehead shaking his head a little as he scowled about the house and simply held her, his wand still in his hand, waiting for the whatever it was to try and attack them again. he was so used to the war that protecting her had happened in an instant, his sudden attachment and protectiveness over the Angel frightened him a little, but he didn't fight it. if he was falling in love then he was going to enjoy it. 'don't worry Michela, i won't let anything happen to you. can you tell me what it was?'
Michela trembles slowed, leaning fully into him, resting her head on his chest, wings fluttering ever so softly, the only sign that she was still unsettled. "It was..."She bit her lip, nuzzling his neck,letting his calm and steady presence calm her."It felt demonic but...not. I don't know."She said softly, trying to sort out what she felt. Growling frustrated."my senses might be screwed up because of the...fall."She said softly.
Draco bared his teeth at the mention of demonic and ran his fingers through her hair. 'trust what you feel, you might be on earth but your instincts are still the same. some on, we need a lice relaxing cup of hot cocoa.' he wrote offering her a small smile as he got out a large pot and dumped in a great deal of milk to melt chocolate into. it was one of the only things that Draco could make on his own.
Michela smiled softly as she sat down at the table, curling up in the seat as best she could resting her chin on her knees as she watched him, taking the cup of cocoa from im when he finished making it. Sipping it slowly."Thank you."She said softly, smiling at him slowly.
he smiled back and settled down onto the table as well sipping at his own hot chocolate, sighing softly a pleased smile on his lips looking up at her, watching her gently his head tilted a little. pondering the strange emotions that she gave him when he watched her, and was with her, he always felt warm and fuzzy and safe, despite the danger that he had just faced. 'do you like it?' he finally wrote, deciding to make his mind focus on something else.
She nodded smiling, sipping it and finishing, licking the chocolate off her lips before she looked at him again."IT was good."She said barely stifling a yawn, tired and worn out. It'd been a good day up until that danger. And the quiet woman was exhausted. Blinking sleepily, struggling to stay awake so that she could keep him company.
he smiled and yawned a little himself rubbing his eyes as he stood up and put the mugs in the sink before taking her hand and gently tugging her towards the bedroom, laying down on the bed and inviting her in with a small smile, certain that she wouldn't want to sleep alone anymore than she had last night.

when she woke up Draco was out of bed, and there was the sound of running water in the door right in front of the bedroom, Draco was taking a shower, running a soapy cloth all over himself, looking utterly sexy when he was completely naked and covered in soap and steam a small smile on his lips as he enjoyed the hot water. (wouldn't it be funny is she walked in on him?XDD)
(oh yes. Poor curious angel who's never seen a shower)

Michela opened the door, walking in as she studied the water falling. Having gotten curious about the sound of water, and she wanted to see what he was doing. Pulling open the shower curtain to look at it, before realizing belatedly that draco was naked in the water."Is-is this a shower?"She stuttered, standing there because she didn't know what to do.
he jumped violently when the curtain pulled away clapping his hands over his privates blushing hard as she watched him closely his eyes wide. when she asked if it was a shower nodding jerkily reaching around her to grab for a towel, feeling very self conscious about the hundreds of scars scattered around his body.
Michela blushed looking away from him as he blushed, sticking her hand in the water, smiling happily as the water hit her hand."It feels weird."She said with a giggle, distracted from the beautiful man in front of her, who was more beautiful because of the scars. distracted from him by the water.
he blinked and then smiled a little wrapping the towel around himself and tying it in place before motioning for her to step into the water, making motions for her to remove her clothes so she could get clean, he was still blushing furiously as he got ready to leave so she could have her privacy, no matter how much he wanted to see her naked.
Michela smiled as she stripped off her clothes, stepping into the water as she pressed her wings close to her back, though the wings made her crowd him, her naked and steadily growing wetter body pressed against his,"It feels weird!It's like rain!"She said gigglging, looking up at him.
he blushed hard as she pressed him back into the water, she was naked this time too... he blushed harder as he found himself unable to help examining her all over licking his lips nervously. he blushed harder when she looked up at him and quickly averted his gaze, but could not help the hardening of his cock, tenting the towel just a little. it was so embarrassing!
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